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The Classic Hero Challenge


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10 hours ago, 0th Power said:

I had fun last night. I’m up to level 17 and I cant afford new DOs 🙂


I remember things being brutal for Influence from the high teens into the high twenties.  This is an issue for the game still.  The Homecoming devs expect players to

  • earn Reward Merits (through arc completion, Zone Exploration Badge Accolades, Task Forces, etc),
  • exchange them for Salvage (best is often Enhancement Converters, though sometimes Enhancement Booster or Enhancement Unslotters are better),
  • and sell those on the Auction House to get the Inf to equip their toons.

This is currently poorly explained within the game itself, so there is work going on to provide better information to players.  But out of the question for a Launch Re-enactor.


If things get really bad, I guess you could take drops like Recipes and Invention Salvage and sell them to vendors.  Not quite Issue 0, but when the Enhancements turn red, it's kind of hard to continue playing unless you're a /Devices Blaster with Targeting Drone or on a team with Defenders running the Leadership toggles, especially Tactics, and providing other buffs.


In other news, I was running another toon today, not my Launcher Re-enactor, but one taking the traditional contacts, so it does apply here.  Level 5 and just finished Azuria's missions, so referred to Laurence Mansfield.  Who's offering 2 missions, talk to the Kings Row Security Chief.  Or a Hellion Hunt mission in Perez Park.


Perez Park, where the mobs are Level 7 and up.  For a Level 5 toon.  Noted the bug and will report it eventually.  Not so silly as to take it.  Kings Row, here I come. 🙂

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6 hours ago, Jacke said:

I remember things being brutal for Influence from the high teens into the high twenties. 

It is, but you can work around it by simply not buying every possible SO. If you stick with DOs, you can pretty easily afford enhancements up to L30-ish. Back in the day, I'd buy only accuracy, recharge, and sometimes defense/resist L22/25/30 SOs. Everything else, buy DOs. Should be affordable, and by the time you're getting L35 SOs (from your special origin contact store, remember) you should have enough for a full slate of SOs. Of course, once you had a toon at 50 making bank, and an SG mate to help you transfer the influence, you could work around all this. But for our purposes, it works.

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2 hours ago, ineffablebob said:

It is, but you can work around it by simply not buying every possible SO. If you stick with DOs, you can pretty easily afford enhancements up to L30-ish. Back in the day, I'd buy only accuracy, recharge, and sometimes defense/resist L22/25/30 SOs. Everything else, buy DOs. Should be affordable, and by the time you're getting L35 SOs (from your special origin contact store, remember) you should have enough for a full slate of SOs. Of course, once you had a toon at 50 making bank, and an SG mate to help you transfer the influence, you could work around all this. But for our purposes, it works.

Yeesh, trying to find the contact in Founders while dodging snipers with no vidiot map or anything ...

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4 hours ago, Doomguide2005 said:

Yeesh, trying to find the contact in Founders while dodging snipers with no vidiot map or anything ...

I'd advise not flying in Founders Falls but go on the ground.  Which origin?  Brickstown has Magic SW, Science ESE, and Founders Falls has Mutant SSW and Tech and Natural in the many twisty passages all different on the East side.


In other news, ran my Launch Re-enactor Jacke Shadowclaw (Claws/Dark Armor) from Level 12 to 15.  Already did missions from Haley Philips to get to 12, including "Rescue the Mystic" for a future Atlas Accolade; also previously did the first mission from Jill Pastor but still had to turn it in.  Tonight, I started out with initial missions from Alphonse Rubel, Willy Starbuck, and Athena Currie.  Athena Currie's first mission was "Test the EMP Glove on Clockwork", which gave my toon an Electric Blast power with 30 charges.  And I knew after defeating 10 Clockwork NOT to talk to Athena Currie until I'd used all 30 charges, because clearing the completed mission takes away the power (still have 14 or so shots left at the end of the night).    Then more missions from Jill Pastor, The Vahzilok Pollutant Plot arc providing the XP to push me to 15 (and 35 Reward Merits for post-40).


So, I've got a Travel Power (Super Jump) and I'm ready for a team to run the Old Positron Task Force.  It's long, 18 missions, some being Fed Ex, but at least starts with cell contact with Positron.  I think it would be the ultimate way to do things Level 15 Issue 0 style. 🙂




The mission that got me to Level 13 was in South-West Atlas Park, so I decided to visit Back Alley Brawler to level up.  He's just so lonely and out-of-the-way down there.  I know if you do the new Atlas Park arcs, you end up down by him likely levelled and wanting training, but it's just another sad fallout of the decision to trash Galaxy City.  Which I've disliked for a long time.





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Working out what I'm doing with Upheaval. Using Experimentation (since it's obviously new) to simulate Fitness picks.


Realizing (a) I've never used Brawl so much in *years,* (b) or Rest, and (c) appreciating having Fitness inherent, just for those power picks. (In my 1-40 build, I just can't seem to fit the ST immob in - which I'd like to use instead of the AOE when I don't have a pack of enemies there.)


(Edit, also, yay, 14 *and* just got the Spelunker mission, I'm fairly sure...)

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1 hour ago, Greycat said:

Realizing (a) I've never used Brawl so much in *years,* (b) or Rest, and (c) appreciating having Fitness inherent, just for those power picks. (In my 1-40 build, I just can't seem to fit the ST immob in - which I'd like to use instead of the AOE when I don't have a pack of enemies there.)

Oh yeah, Level 15 and I'm still using Brawl as a filler and low-health mob finisher (base slot with an Accuracy DO) and Rest after nearly every battle (especially against the Vahzilok).  And the ST Immob is often the best DPS attack and very useful to pin down tough targets including AVs.  And also often the first power dropped when planning a build.


1 hour ago, Greycat said:

(Edit, also, yay, 14 *and* just got the Spelunker mission, I'm fairly sure...)

It's "Rescue the Mystic".  And at 14 you match the highest leveled mobs in Perez Park.  Oft times just getting to the door in PP (hopefully only once) is 90% of the "fun".  As in Dwarf Fortress "fun". 🙂  Being defeated on a PP door mission and realising you've got to run the gauntlet AGAIN is the other 10%. 🙂  I was mindbogglingly lucky on my Spelunker mission at Level 10 and had the door on a copse edge in the south Park instead of buried in a forest of twisty passages all different.  Still think I got dropped at least once getting there.  And definitely got dropped try to exit the Park after finishing it.


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We're up and levellin' folks!


Valkyrie's better side:-)


(btw, ain't NO one getting us confused in a police lineup--check out them colors!):-)

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I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.

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Just hit level 22 on Medic. This is how many SOs I could afford:




I recall when I ran Villains around i6 or i7 is could barely afford all of my SOs but I think I got a whole stack of 'em. It seems like now you can't just play missions and afford your SOs at level 22, you have to do some market stuff or use reward merits to make up the difference. While I have gotten some nice recipes, salvage and ~100 reward merits on this character I ain't using them yet. This is more interesting to me. It really makes you appreciate character progression. Even just a single SO in any one of those powers make them dramatically better.

Edited by Normal Thomas
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Global Handle: @Future Force Warrior

Level 50s: Operative Grantz (Pure Bane/Mace Mastery), Dr. Eisenfield (Gravity/Time/Mu), Air Liquide (Ice/Kin/Soul), Vantablack Stare (Illusion/Traps/Ice), Medic 2004 (Empathy/Energy/Soul)

All on Everlasting

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So, these IP/Talos contacts LOVE to give me temps. Right now I have:





That's right--SANDS OF MUUUUUUUUU! Oh, you long lost friend! (but can we even use these in ''04 mode? And do I care if I'm not supposed to? [no, I do not...]_:-)*


*But really, what's the story on these things?



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I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.

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1 hour ago, cranebump said:

So, these IP/Talos contacts LOVE to give me temps. Right now I have:





That's right--SANDS OF MUUUUUUUUU! Oh, you long lost friend! (but can we even use these in ''04 mode? And do I care if I'm not supposed to? [no, I do not...]_:-)*


*But really, what's the story on these things?



I don't remember ever *not* getting them from part of the arc, and some of them are truly temporary, so I think they'd be legit for an 04 runthrough.

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I've had some come and go, but the Cryonite and RoP seem to be on timers (1 hour and 10 mins, respectively). MU might be Bloechi's arc. That one will go, for sure.


Y'know, woulda been cool to have some of these awarded after capstoning a contact.  How cool would it have been to keep SoM after finishing the Talos contact (or series of them?).  'Course, you can buy your way to excellence these days. No putting that genie back in the bottle.  In any case, it's pretty cool to call on these when I need them.

I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.

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I've been carrying ring awhile. Got it with the scroll power (used).

I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.

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Well, we finally did it folks - got together and fought our way through the Positron Task Force. @Jackeput out the call and we ended up with 4 classics and 2 other friends. Took about 2.5 hours and there certainly was some dying, but in the end we took 'em down.


That's me on the knight, @Jackeon Jacke, @Max Firepoweron C0ld, and @Mysterious Jon Babe Blue - classics all. Having our non-classic friends @Alty(Cirque) and @RagManX1(Speed) along really sped things up. Invis/TP and confuse, and speed boost - saved us a good hour at least. Though we also fought through the first few missions at higher levels due to some level difficulty confusion, so it did even out a bit.

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The Gang, +1


Epic run. Freaks never knew what hit 'em. Council neither. And...all those other guys we mezzed, and capped, and blasted, and face-kicked and such...(if i'd-a known I could mni-tank with support like that, I'd taken taunt or something).:-)

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I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.

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For the record it was a Tony Lama. Snakeskin. And we filled it with champagne. I can see my house from here!


(hate it when work calls...)

I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.

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Messed up on original posts (wrong thread). Fixed. Derrrrrr...


I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.

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23 hours ago, ineffablebob said:

Well, we finally did it folks - got together and fought our way through the Positron Task Force. @Jackeput out the call and we ended up with 4 classics and 2 other friends. Took about 2.5 hours and there certainly was some dying, but in the end we took 'em down.


That's me on the knight, @Jackeon Jacke, @Max Firepoweron C0ld, and @Mysterious Jon Babe Blue - classics all. Having our non-classic friends @Alty(Cirque) and @RagManX1(Speed) along really sped things up. Invis/TP and confuse, and speed boost - saved us a good hour at least. Though we also fought through the first few missions at higher levels due to some level difficulty confusion, so it did even out a bit.




It was wonderful working through that long challenge.  I've got fond memories from 2007 of persevering and finishing it solo after the rest of the team gave up.  And at 66 Merits, it's a nice nest egg for when our Launch Re-enactors hit 40 and discover the rest of the game. 🙂  Here's a bit more detail on the team (didn't get the final level of most of them).


Note that without any particular planning, we ended up with one of every Issue 0 Hero AT except for double Scrappers, which might be damn close to perfection. 🙂

Global		Toon			AT   Powersets		Level

Alty		Cirque de Mirage	Con Illusion-Storm-Psi	VL11
Jacke		Jacke Shadowclaw	Scr Claws-Dark		15-19
Mysterious J	Babe Blue		Tnk Inv-SS		19
ineffablebob	Cerulean Knight 2004	Scr BS-Inv		19
Max Firepower	C0ld Snap 2004		Bls Ice-Dev		12
RagManX1	Speed Turns Me On	Def Kin-Ice-Mace	42-43


And we're at a great time to do the remaining Classic Task Forces and get a number of Weekly Strike Targets to build up even more Merits.  In just over a week, Synapse, then about every 2 weeks, another of the Issue 0 Task Forces.


Issue 0 Task Forces

Monday to Sunday for first WST in 2021

		10-15 Old Positron Task Force (Pillar of Ice and Flame L15-19) "The New Recruits"
		Needs Team Leader to be L16 to access TF

Jan 11 to 17	15-20 Synapse Task Force "The Fall of the Clockwork King"

		20-25 Sister Psyche Task Force (Pillar of Ice and Flame L25-29) "Clamor and Destruction"
		Needs Team Leader to be L26 to access TF
Feb  8 to 14	25-30 Citadel Task Force "Citadel's Children"

Feb 22 to 28	30-35 Manticore Task Force "Following Countess Crey"

Mar  8 to 14	35-40 Numina Task Force "The Soul of the Woodsman"


So looks like it's Synapse next week!

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I was hoping we could do a Synapse soon. Most of everyone in the group is now level 15 (or close to) so it should be feasible. I should be pretty available next week to do it.

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Global Handle: @Future Force Warrior

Level 50s: Operative Grantz (Pure Bane/Mace Mastery), Dr. Eisenfield (Gravity/Time/Mu), Air Liquide (Ice/Kin/Soul), Vantablack Stare (Illusion/Traps/Ice), Medic 2004 (Empathy/Energy/Soul)

All on Everlasting

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1 minute ago, Normal Thomas said:

I was hoping we could do a Synapse soon. Most of everyone in the group is now level 15 (or close to) so it should be feasible. I should be pretty available next week to do it.


You really want to do Synapse when you're 20, not the least for having your Level 20 power in your build available.  Especially when playing Classic City of Heroes, running under the max level of a Signature Task Force like Synapse is challenging.


For the Signature Task Forces, the mobs will always spawn at the max level of the Task Force.  For Synapse, that's 20.  If you're under that and sidekicked by a Team Leader of 20 or higher, you'll be 19 and facing the mobs as if the notoriety were +1.  As we've discovered, Classic City of Heroes is more brutal.  That +1 may not be much for the full game now.  But that means Yellow or worse Minions, Orange or worse Lts, and Red or worse Bosses.


And Synapse is still DO level range.  Unless you've double-slotted DO Accuracy, using a power with an above-average chance to hit, or have a +ToHit power like Targeting Drone or someone running Tactics, you won't even be getting to 95% chance to hit against White-conning targets.  When we started the Old Positron Task Force, I think we were at +2 and it was brutal with many Hero defeats.  +1 throughout a whole Classic Task Force will be challenging.


Considering Synapse will be best run during the WST, there's another week to get to 20.


16 minutes ago, Greycat said:

Hopefully I'll remember. >.<  Therra and Synapse's TF have history... though she already has Tesla Cage. 😄


Oh, I'll be reminding everyone. 🙂

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