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NPC Faction Recruiting


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I don't know about most of you, but not only do I try to work COH lore into my characters backstory, I enjoy creating characters that fit into the NPC groups.  For example, I have Longbow Mender, who is as his name implies a member of Longbow and Ouroboros.  I also made Freedom Corps Rookie, one of those stand around vendors of power enhancements who decided that she was ready to strike out in the field even though she wasn't approved to join Longbow.




So I was just wondering what kind of NPC-themed characters you've all made.

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I think Longbow's been a popular one. I've got one as well for a group (not that active.)

I've got my Thugs/Poison who's associated with the family, though "person in suit with hat" doesn't really scream that.


Other than VEATs (which... you don't really have to go out of your way to do, after all,) I don't think I have many tied to an NPC group.

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Still not particularly fond of certain segments of this community.

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I love how much character this game gives to even minor NPC factions, and as such I've had a lot of this type of character over the years.  A couple of my favourites:


For Longbow, Agent Wray - Beam Rifle/Devices Blaster - "We want you to test this new prototype weapon.  Just don't call it a disintegrator rifle - we get enough bad press as it is about the flamethrowers."

For Hellions/CoT - Tempter - a Girlfriend from Hell possessed by a demon of the Circle of Thorns during a fight in the Hollows.  Since they can't decide which kind of villainy to do - snatch purses or destroy the world - they'll be a hero instead since that way they can fight both Hellions and the Circle.  (Broadsword/Fire Armor Scrapper with a flamberge.)


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Gunbone (DP/Dark) was a former Skull Bone Daddy wannabe who submitted himself to cybernetic experimentation. He turned evidence against them a became a hero type once he found out he had a daughter and needed to set a decent example.

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I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.

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8 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

AAAAARRRGH!  So sorry, anyone know how to delete those extra images?

Edit. Delete the extra attachments found below the message box, then save.

Edited by cranebump
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I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.

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4 hours ago, Psyonico said:

I have several characters with ties to Nemesis and also a rarely played character tied to the Family.

I also made a Nemesis... The Nemesis, in fact.  Sorta.


Kid Nemesis is the temporally displaced young version of Nemesis, and he's not exactly happy with how he's going to grow up so he's currently fighting his older self's minions (and other enemies) to make Paragon City a better place.  He's tiny at about 5 feet tall.



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An unhealthy ammount of my characters are lore or faction-related, I find it easier (and more fun RP-wise) to find ways to make my toons more linked to the world of the game.

A few examples below...


Arbalist (Beam/Devices) : Longbow special ops




Bowslinger (Arch/TA) : Superspy and ex-Wyvern operative




Capebuster (Beam/Traps) : Malta bounty hunter


capebuster.thumb.PNG.eab155a14db6ec132598153bdeb93e47.PNG  573129658_cobaltbullet1.PNG.04339f784a61d72e3c6ee09d86c03ad8.PNG


Neon Dragon (DP/Martial) : Syndicate renegade and interdimensional assassin




And there are a lot more where those came from...

Edited by Virtual Green
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I *knew* I was forgetting one. Especially after seeing this.

11 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

I apologize for reposting this so soon:




... One of my characters would like to have a word with yours.

 (My Hellion Keller's on Everlasting. Thugs/Thermal MM.)



 She was a rarity in the Hellions - not only a woman (a human one, anyway) but a seer. She worked to warn her crew and guide them to mystic items of interest. One time, she looked too far. The result blinded her, physically, and yet opened her eyes to the life she was leading and where it would end. She quietly gathered some other disaffected gang members who wanted a new start and started to work against her old "friends."



Edited by Greycat
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Still not particularly fond of certain segments of this community.

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Gunner Prospero.


Arachnos has a number of Mad Scientists working for them.  It's a cut-throat industry, and sometimes you gotta take a gamble.  Like transplanting the brain of a upper-ten-percent qualification Wolf Spider soldier's brain in to the hollow cavity of a Supa Troll's skull, then regulating the body's biochemistry to keep the body alive and the brain functional.

When it pays off, you get a new type of Super (Supa) Soldier!

But when you use about one hundred Wolf Spiders and it only results in one viable specimen, and they're not even really -that- much of a super soldier . . . well, you get the funding for your project axed.

And probably your face too.


But hey!  At least the soldier is still kicking around, right?  And what's a Mad Scientist without a legacy after their untimely demise?

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6 hours ago, Virtual Green said:

An unhealthy ammount of my characters are lore or faction-related, I find it easier (and more fun RP-wise) to find ways to make my toons more linked to the world of the game.

A few examples below...


Bowslinger (Arch/TA) : Superspy and ex-Wyvern operative






And there are a lot more where those came from...

Pretty sure I've seen Bowslinger before, because I'm remembering thinking this is an awesome character design and concept.

The others are great, too.


And there's no such thing as an "unhealthy" amount of characters, lore-related or otherwise.

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My foray into Trolls territory was a mixed bag... literally.


A boss in the Skulls gang, struggling to makes something of himself and stand out from the rest... he got his hands on some Superadine and it wound up transforming him into... looks like a Troll, but still hits with all the negative energies of a Skull...  but ultimately accepted by neither faction, and so struck out on his own under Arachnos's "Destined One" program in hopes of proving to be that one villain who will go the distance as Deathtroll.



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lets see I have Grahn a former arachnos spy who was caught in one of Positrons experiments and turned into a city wrecking monster before being  mostly depowered and put in the zig in cold storage

Dark Shrike is a former Longbow agent who went freelance hero


Dark Shrike


Black mask is a legacy hero whose grandfather worked with the original Freedom Phalanx


Black Mask X


Panda is an escaped Arachnos assassin who became a hero



Bale Fire comes from a world of magic where the circle of thorns were techno terrorists


Bale Fire

Edited by catsi563
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My Dear you deserve the services of a great wizard but youll have to settle for the aid of a second rate pick pocket



So you mean you'll put down your rock, and I'll put down my sword; and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?

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1 hour ago, Player2 said:

Pretty sure I've seen Bowslinger before, because I'm remembering thinking this is an awesome character design and concept.

The others are great, too.


And there's no such thing as an "unhealthy" amount of characters, lore-related or otherwise.

I've posted him a few times before, so I'm not surprised! I'm a sucker for archers, which explains why he's one of my favorite toons.


IMHO, it's unhealthy because I tend to have a harder time making completely original characters (not linked to the game's lore), but I don't mind it so much.


Anyway, here are some other examples of this terrible disease :


The Automator : Nemesis cyborg and battlefield general




Blitzfist (Electricty/Shield Stalker) : former Crey agent, now an amoral corporate speedster




Crystal Kill : Oranbegan alchemist who found a way to weaponize Oranbegan crystals




Equinox Kid : Outcast mutant fighting for his neighborhood




Gamma Death (Rad/Rad Brute) : a Freakshow thug who gained radioactive powers following a botched attack on Terra Volta




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Hailfire: Praetorian counterpart of Frostfire. Originally believed Emperor Marcus Cole to be a hero, but learned the truth.






Clockwork 666: A Praetorian Clockwork who somehow got corrupted.




Revenant Walker: (Originally was going to be called Revenant but the name was taken on Reunion.) Former Skull, who was convinced by his girlfriend to leave the gang.



Edited by CursedSorcerer
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6 hours ago, Player2 said:

My foray into Trolls territory was a mixed bag... literally.


A boss in the Skulls gang, struggling to makes something of himself and stand out from the rest... he got his hands on some Superadine and it wound up transforming him into... looks like a Troll, but still hits with all the negative energies of a Skull...  but ultimately accepted by neither faction, and so struck out on his own under Arachnos's "Destined One" program in hopes of proving to be that one villain who will go the distance as Deathtroll.



Me too.


Supa Skul.JPG

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TB ~ Amazon Army: AMAZON-963 | TB ~ Crowned Heads: CH-10012 | EX ~ The Holy Office: HOLY-1610 | EV ~ Firemullet Groupies: FM-5401 | IN ~ Sparta: SPARTA-3759 | RE ~ S.P.Q.R. - SPQR-5010

Spread My Legions - #207 | Lawyers of Ghastly Horror - #581 | Jerk Hackers! - #16299 | Ecloga Prima - #25362 | Deth Kick Champions! - #25818 | Heaven and Hell - #26231 | The Legion of Super Skulls - #27660 | Cathedral of Mild Discomfort - #38872 | The Birch Conspiracy! - #39291

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