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Posted (edited)

Psyentist - Psy / SR / Psi sentinel wearing a lab coat. 


Ivy Burns - Poison / fire / soul defender whose battle phrase is "Sometimes poison burns ..."


Walk Softly - staff / EA / body stalker


Nockturnal - dark / TA corruptor


Tank the Stars Above - rad / SS / soul tank


Head Cold - ice / psi / ice dominator


My excuse for all this silliness is that for safety reasons I've had cabin fever for quite some time now. 

Edited by EnjoyTheJourney

I'm not very good with names but I have a few that may count as punny. 


Stray Voltage - Elec/MA Dom   (Rogue Yakuza assassin)

Sine Language - Bots/Time MM   (I... stole this name from a Crystal Method song)

Party Crasher - StJ/SR Stalker 

High Fidelity - Sonic/DP Def




So, puns is it?  I like to think  that I put the P U in pun, tho I'm certain I'm not the only one.


First mish of the ITF;  "If we had to escort the young ladies out, would we be Sybil Shepherds?"


At the end of the last mish of the ITF:  "So Romy drew a great big sword, but in the end he barely nictus."


Most of my pun names are IT related and it's too early to type up explanations for all of them, particularly given that I had 2 typos in the preceding sentence.


One I saw on Live was El Dap (LDAP, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol).  I chatted with him a bit, think I had an IT pun name at the time as well but I don't recall it.

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On 5/30/2019 at 1:28 PM, Dr. Gemini said:


So does he fit in with the lost drunken men who don't know where they are, but do care or the men who know where they are and care, but don't drink.

Nice Fist Full of Yen reference

Posted (edited)

For someone's robot/droid: Batteries Included


If they have a tendency of face planting: Some Assembly Required (may have to check for length)


For the Brawler: Break Time


--I have no idea if these names are taken on your server...

Edited by Rishidian
Posted (edited)

Demon/Nature MM - Pistil Whip


Chuck Norris dressed as Men In Black with a cowboy hat - MIB Walker (also a semi obscure SNMP reference)


Pepto Dysmal Dark/Kin 'troller - Goth/emo chick with the Kin powers all soothing pink.

Edited by Col. Kernel
Additional info

I got 2 punny names out of my alts...


Amber Blaise - Fire/Fire sentinel (because Ember was taken)

Stormy Watters - Water/Storm corrupter (particularly proud of that one 😃)

On 1/6/2021 at 1:14 AM, Greycat said:

Really, if you have a bad breakup with your ex, make sure she doesn't know where your guns are. Or the plans you were making for a big score somewhere. And really don't break up just *before* said job...











You see a mousetrap? I see free cheese and a f$%^ing challenge.

Posted (edited)

All my main accounts toons start with Snark. (Famous or Infamous, branding is everything 🙂 ) Snarky, my main.  Snarkbot, Snarkrot, Snarkinator, you get the idea...


A couple days ago I set up a second account to run off my old comp.  This will be a Farmer/Buffer account as I experiment with badging and in case (like it is in doubt) i want to PL a future alt.  Finally, Name freedom!  Errrr..  No idea what to name this guy.  And all the good names are taken lol.  Hmm, SS/Fire Brute Farmer.  Skull head with horns, Sinister costume in tasteful black, dark red.  Hmmm.  Nope, got nuthin.  Skull?  Skully?  All taken.  Scratching my head.  Skulz....available WTF?


I have Skulz on Excelsior!!!  Not much of a backstory for this new Rogue.  Although I did write a blurb about "Not being paranoid, but I see all this graffiti about Go, Hunt, kill Skulz...."



edit after 5 min, just thought of my battlecry "Oh no!  They killed Skulz!" to be used after every defeat.  Gotta love Fire Armor.  (and i will be running regular content with him for badges/fun)

Edited by Snarky
  • Haha 2
On 6/7/2019 at 8:01 AM, Roughtrade said:

I did not get his picture, wish I had.


Minotaur head, bulky body, beast legs with hooves, brown fur.

His name was “How Now”

Female with a bull's head all dressed in black leather, sonic blast/whatever = Pat Minotaur (already take on Everlasting, I haven't checked elsewhere.)

  • Haha 1
9 hours ago, Marshal_General said:

Make a storm character and if you can throw in psionic tornado from the epic pool and name her....


Tornado Allie.

And whirlwind from the Speed pool

On 1/16/2021 at 10:53 AM, fitzsimmons said:

Apologies for throwing a gripe in here but it is on topic.


I had the name Burnin' Prick since 6/x/2019.  Vet level 620.  He's my fire farmer.  Of course there's the double meaning and innuendo while also describing each side of the powersets.  He got genericed yesterday.


It was funny, juvenile, amusing and apparently offensive.  I want to take this moment to apologize to those I hurt.


It's on the market, fellas since they don't lock the reported/genericed names, it's now open season on it.  Just beware of Karens and Chads.


I think "Enormous Genitals" is still free as well.  A generic on that I deserved.  I'm surprised nobody else has gobbled that up.


If anyone wants to pick 'em up, they're available on Excelscior.



Enormous Genitals isn't nearly as funny unless he's teamed with the Asian characters Hung Well or Long Wang (Fist Full of Yen).

Posted (edited)

Land Mime

Hard Candy


Electrical Transient 




Groucho Marksman

Ballistic Muscle


Atomic Pyle

Escape Goat

Professor Potshot



Macho Cheese

Right Bastard

Sam Andreas 


Edited by WhiteDwarf

Champions, DC Heroes, Underground: the Roleplaying Game. Not just a list of games I’ve played, it’s also a resume.

  • 3 months later
Posted (edited)
On 5/30/2019 at 8:42 PM, HelenCarnate said:

Fire Sentinel.  Ivanna Burnham

Demon/Thermal. Helen Carnate

Rad/Dark brute. Emma Nation.

Fire/Fire/Fire blaster. Anita Rezz

Electric blaster. Tera Hurts


I love these kinds of names...just saying them out loud slightly different really brings out the pun.


Ivanna Burnham? ... I wanna burn 'm.

Helen Carnate? ... Hell incarnate.

Emma Nation? ... Emanation.

Anita Rezz? ... I need a rezz?

Tera Hurts? ... Terahertz.


I usually can't come up with any pun names or overall funny names. Naming my alts is a serious and well thought out process.

Closest I ever came to a funny name is: "Auha" (War Mace/WP tanker looking like a caveman, "auha" is kinda the Dutch equivalent of "ouch").

And maybe: "Jekyllyn Hyde" (Savage Melee/Regen scrapper, female. Not sure about the bio for this one...daughter of Dr. Jekyll perhaps?)


Edited by Retrobytz

@DustyLongshot ~ Everlasting


Hunter K Thompson

Make him look as much as possible like HK-47 from Knights of the Old Republic. His ‘secret’ identity is as a journalist. Writing stories about famous meatbags. 

  • Haha 1
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Hello, I have a brute Ss/Invlun called Anne R. Key, she punches the bad guys where it hurts, and Phaser Queen, because Killer Queen was already taken on Reunion. She is still dynamite with a laser beam, and guaranteed to blow your mind..

On 3/27/2021 at 11:43 AM, Col. Kernel said:

Enormous Genitals isn't nearly as funny unless he's teamed with the Asian characters Hung Well or Long Wang (Fist Full of Yen).

Or Won Hung Lo, or Hno Dong (female)... the possibilities are endless.


Lemme see.... I got


Shore-Thing, water themed Dominator (dark/earth, recolored to be water and beach litter)

Roger Macabre, pirate themed Broadsword/SR Stalker (he pronounces it muh-kob-ur, and if you argue him on this point his reply is placate, build up, assassin strike.)

Ill-Eagle, seagull man (Nul's second cousin, once removed) poisoned by radioactive oil.


Then of course there's the Apes of Wrath, the simian super team I never get around to actually leveling. Guerilla Gorilla, Ape-X, Kong Krete, Monkey Seer. I swap these guys into different classes and never really level them.


Heir of Gold for a child of Sif who inherited the literally gold-hair. (Yes, I know in the myth it's basically a magical wig, but it's described as attached and growing naturally)


Smaugdottir for a dragon-themed lady


A Modern Red for a Red-Riding-Hood themed Beastmaster


Sangwine for my cosplaying vampire lady


Gunsmith Snake for my Pistols/Willpower sentinel who's a gorgon that runs a gunshop, does heroing to pay the bills, and has a nice car that's a jaguar... and her name is Vinnie Lawrence.




i have a character named Covered in Oil he is a Mutant he belives in all the troll science memes from the internet and thinks its the reason for his powers


back to the Zukunft



Posted (edited)

Burn Time - fire blast / temporal manipulation blaster.  Time to burn things.

Cold Cuts - dual blades / ice armor scrapper... uses ice blades.

Cuddlebunny - no pun, just an absurdly unfitting name for a spines / radiation brute.

Flexicutioner - big, muscley axe man...  stands around posing & flexing when not chopping.

Gemma Stone - stone / stone tanker with crystal power customization effects.

Giant Rampage - just a dirty, club-wielding 8' tall mace scrapper dressed in shredded robes and battle kilt.

Hot Spell - a fire / thermal controller of a witch.

Kicks - just a mysterious martial arts scrapper, kicking through life.

Liar Liar - martial arts scrapper with smoking feet & fiery path auras, so it looks like his pants are on fire.

Peggy Hooks - SJ / SR scrapper who has a pair of pirate hooks and pirate peg legs, thanks to the asymmetrical boots & gloves option.

Pretty Painful - illusion / pain controller.  Yes, she's pretty and she causes pain.



Edited by Player2

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