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Focused Feedback: Pool Powerset Revamp: Sorcery

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Patch Notes for April 6th, 2021 - Issue 27: Second Chances, Page 2 (Build 4)


Pool Powerset Revamp: Sorcery

  • sorcerypool_spiritward.png.29314783d01256c5f9fcf5831e7e71bc.png Spirit Ward
    • This power is now a toggle which can be maintained on an allied target
      • 0.52/s endurance cost
    • The duration of each Absorb tick has been increased from 3s to 20s
      • This means that the Absorb shield will take 20s to fully build up or replenish
    • Cooldown reduced from 60s to 30s
  • sorcerypool_arcanebolt.png.f5320592c9f15bc9728afab0fe3ffaa1.png Arcane Bolt
    • Cast time reduced from 2.07s to 1.73s
      • PvE damage unchanged, PvP damage updated according to the standard formula
    • If you own Arcane Bolt, any power you use has a small chance to grant you an Arcane Power buff
      • Arcane Power will immediately recharge Arcane Bolt and cause it to deal double damage
      • Landing Arcane Bolt will consume Arcane Power (missing will not consume it)
      • Arcane Power will dissipate after 15 seconds if it hasn't been used
  • SorceryPool_MysticFlight.png.3c6f2d0385535a1e3b309b5542f2c605.png Mystic Flight
    • Now increases your fly speed cap by 50% while toggled on (from 58.6mph to 87.9mph)
      • See the "Travel Power Updates" section above for more information on this speed cap increase
      • This increased cap doesn't apply in PvP
    • SorceryPool_Translocation.png.acd807b4b949c7684267c11fb7cda7bb.png Mystic Flight > Translocation
      • Range increased from 300ft to 350ft
      • Cast time reduced from 2.07s to 1.57s
      • Endurance cost reduced from 13 to 9.75
  • sorcerypool_enflame.png.b13064792d0e5c7d974c2daed1d1bb04.png Enflame
    • This power is now a timed toggle with a max duration of 60s
      • 0.52/s endurance cost
    • Cooldown reduced from 90s to 10s
    • Can now be used on targets in the air
    • VFX increased in size to more accurately reflect the full area of effect
    • Fixed dark and light customization options not spawning any VFX at all
    • Fixed numerous bugs which resulted in this power not benefiting from enhancements and procs
  • sorcerypool_runeofprotection.png.d31667d01d7dbf6687a2cf3a42e73644.png Rune of Protection
    • Cooldown reduced from 600s to 120s
    • Duration reduced from 90s to 40s
    • Now ignores all recharge buffs, enhancements, and debuffs
      • No longer accepts recharge enhancements
    • Buff now applies immediately when the power begins activating, instead of 1s~ into the animation
    • Fixed an issue which prevented the continuing VFX from playing
    • This power now grants damage resistance even if you use it whilst mezzed (previously only the mez resistance component would be granted)
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39 minutes ago, GM Arcanum said:

sorcerypool_spiritward.png.29314783d01256c5f9fcf5831e7e71bc.png Spirit Ward

  • This power is now a toggle which can be maintained on an allied target
    • 0.52/s endurance cost
  • The duration of each Absorb tick has been increased from 3s to 20s
    • This means that the Absorb shield will take 20s to fully build up or replenish
  • Cooldown reduced from 60s to 30s

Does this mean that the absorb will stack with it's previous values up to 20s? Or does this mean a nerf to the amount of initial absorb per tic with it's current max only achieved after 20 seconds?

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Arcane bolt is really cool and it's definitely the best part about this rebalancing. 


Spirit ward seems weaker overall, I get the idea behind the slow build, but it effectively does make the power less useful in scenarios where your buddy actually needs the padding.


Enflame is alright, I guess. It could use a slightly larger radius, as mobs my singularity herds up seem to be slightly out of range, despite being all huddled up. Works better when directly applied to enemies.


Rune of Protection is a glorified break-free now. I guess that's good for the people who needed that, though I would have preferred a longer duration with more emphasis on the resistance than the mez protection.


The set still seems kind of weak, but it's a good start for sure.

Edited by ScarySai
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3 minutes ago, ScarySai said:

Spirit ward seems weaker overall, I get the idea behind the slow build, but it effectively does make the power less useful in scenarios where your buddy actually needs the padding.

That's my worry, the toggle part i like, but would be fine with it's current absorb just re-tic'ing.


3 minutes ago, ScarySai said:

Enflame is alright, I guess. It could use a slightly larger radius, as mobs my singularity herds up seem to be slightly out of range, despite being all huddled up. Works better when directly applied to enemies.

Definitely agree on the larger radius.

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I'm so glad that the recharge time for Rune of Protection got reduced instead of just having its duration nerfed. The T5 Power Pool recharge times all need looking at to be honest. What was the worst part of the patch has now become one of the best, along with the other powers. At least for myself.


Spirit Ward being a toggle to protect a single target with Absorb is actually pretty neat, now I can set'n'forget on the weakest team-mate in need of some indirect tanking. Arcane Bolt getting a cast-time reduction is also a major plus too, it often feels like the enemy dies before I'm able to finish firing the projectile most of the time in teams.

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1 hour ago, GM Arcanum said:

 This is a Focused Feedback Thread

  • Please note that Focused Feedback threads are heavily moderated to ensure they remain on topic.
    • Any off-topic posts in these threads will be removed without warning.
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  • The most up-to-date version of the changes will be listed in the first post.
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Patch Notes for April 6th, 2021 - Issue 27: Second Chances, Page 2 (Build 4)


Pool Powerset Revamp: Sorcery

  • sorcerypool_spiritward.png.29314783d01256c5f9fcf5831e7e71bc.png Spirit Ward
    • This power is now a toggle which can be maintained on an allied target
      • 0.52/s endurance cost
    • The duration of each Absorb tick has been increased from 3s to 20s
      • This means that the Absorb shield will take 20s to fully build up or replenish
    • Cooldown reduced from 60s to 30s
  • sorcerypool_arcanebolt.png.f5320592c9f15bc9728afab0fe3ffaa1.png Arcane Bolt
    • Cast time reduced from 2.07s to 1.73s
      • PvE damage unchanged, PvP damage updated according to the standard formula
    • If you own Arcane Bolt, any power you use has a small chance to grant you an Arcane Power buff
      • Arcane Power will immediately recharge Arcane Bolt and cause it to deal double damage
      • Landing Arcane Bolt will consume Arcane Power (missing will not consume it)
      • Arcane Power will dissipate after 15 seconds if it hasn't been used
  • SorceryPool_MysticFlight.png.3c6f2d0385535a1e3b309b5542f2c605.png Mystic Flight
    • Now increases your fly speed cap by 50% while toggled on (from 58.6mph to 87.9mph)
      • See the "Travel Power Updates" section above for more information on this speed cap increase
      • This increased cap doesn't apply in PvP
    • SorceryPool_Translocation.png.acd807b4b949c7684267c11fb7cda7bb.png Mystic Flight > Translocation
      • Range increased from 300ft to 350ft
      • Cast time reduced from 2.07s to 1.57s
      • Endurance cost reduced from 13 to 9.75
  • sorcerypool_enflame.png.b13064792d0e5c7d974c2daed1d1bb04.png Enflame
    • This power is now a timed toggle with a max duration of 60s
      • 0.52/s endurance cost
    • Cooldown reduced from 90s to 10s
    • Can now be used on targets in the air
    • VFX increased in size to more accurately reflect the full area of effect
    • Fixed dark and light customization options not spawning any VFX at all
    • Fixed numerous bugs which resulted in this power not benefiting from enhancements and procs
  • sorcerypool_runeofprotection.png.d31667d01d7dbf6687a2cf3a42e73644.png Rune of Protection
    • Cooldown reduced from 600s to 120s
    • Duration reduced from 90s to 40s
    • Now ignores all recharge buffs, enhancements, and debuffs
      • No longer accepts recharge enhancements
    • Buff now applies immediately when the power begins activating, instead of 1s~ into the animation
    • Fixed an issue which prevented the continuing VFX from playing
    • This power now grants damage resistance even if you use it whilst mezzed (previously only the mez resistance component would be granted)

This seems like an across the board nerf, overall.   
Enflame and Spirit Ward, especially, will make me respec out of these on several toons.  Enflame's best aspect was its proc ability. Changing it a toggle ruins that. It also adds endurance costs. 
Then you're doing the same thing to spirit ward, giving it a constant end cost as a toggle, and it seems weaker overall. And I've shared my RoP feelings on the other thread. 

Can we please just leave this set as is?  

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2 hours ago, GM Arcanum said:

sorcerypool_runeofprotection.png.d31667d01d7dbf6687a2cf3a42e73644.png Rune of Protection

  • Cooldown reduced from 600s to 120s
  • Duration reduced from 90s to 40s
  • Now ignores all recharge buffs, enhancements, and debuffs
    • No longer accepts recharge enhancements
  • Buff now applies immediately when the power begins activating, instead of 1s~ into the animation
  • Fixed an issue which prevented the continuing VFX from playing
  • This power now grants damage resistance even if you use it whilst mezzed (previously only the mez resistance component would be granted)


Could I ask in anticipation of any crossover logic being applied to the other Origin Pools that this doesn't apply to Force of Will or Experimentation's t5's please.  This being available set at a constant of 1/3 of the time will definitely have me respec out of Sorcery on toons I hardly even play.     


The changes to Arcane Bolt seemed pretty cool though.  If only the duration was only brought down on RoP to 60s but I guess I'll be picking up the old usual pools.  

Edited by Mezmera
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23 minutes ago, Puma said:

This seems like an across the board nerf, overall.   
Enflame and Spirit Ward, especially, will make me respec out of these on several toons.  Enflame's best aspect was its proc ability. Changing it a toggle ruins that. It also adds endurance costs. 
Then you're doing the same thing to spirit ward, giving it a constant end cost as a toggle, and it seems weaker overall. And I've shared my RoP feelings on the other thread. 

Can we please just leave this set as is?  

Seems like? Have you jumped on the beta server and tested out these changes? I recommend trying out the beta power changes.

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1 hour ago, WindDemon21 said:

Does this mean that the absorb will stack with it's previous values up to 20s? Or does this mean a nerf to the amount of initial absorb per tic with it's current max only achieved after 20 seconds?

Yes, it keeps stacking over time, same as the recent blaster treatment.


I just tested it with a Mastermind and found it to cap out at the exact same amount as electric Affinity's insulating circuit (and refreshing up to 10% that amount every 3 seconds under fire).


I have not had a chance to test Enflame but I wonder: could we put the terror on only one version? Like: cast on an ally if you want them to leave that ally alone, cast on a foe if you want him to roast his friends.


47 minutes ago, Puma said:

best aspect was its proc ability

As if it weren't enough that they've already told us to expect ppm abuse to be curbed, note the part where they fixed it not proccing or taking enhancements.

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Just now, Replacement said:

Yes, it keeps stacking over time, same as the recent blaster treatment.


I just tested it with a Mastermind and found it to cap out at the exact same amount as electric Affinity's insulating circuit (and refreshing up to 10% that amount every 3 seconds under fire).


I have not had a chance to test Enflame but I wonder: could we put the terror on only one version? Like: cast on an ally if you want them to leave that ally alone, cast on a foe if you want him to roast his friends.


As if it weren't enough that they've already told us to expect ppm abuse to be curbed, note the part where they fixed it not proccing or taking enhancements.

"abuse" lol.  


Also...I've used it very successfully with -res procs for a long time, including testing it when I first thought of it in RWZ to make sure it would be worth it.  If procs weren't working in it, that was something new.  

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11 minutes ago, Puma said:

"abuse" lol.  


Also...I've used it very successfully with -res procs for a long time, including testing it when I first thought of it in RWZ to make sure it would be worth it.  If procs weren't working in it, that was something new.  


When you say testing in RWZ, do you mean on the target dummies? with a power analyzer?

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Yes on target dummies, and it was about four years ago or so and I was with someone. I believe an analyzer was used, but can't say for sure if it was that or combat logs.  I dont remember searching through combat logs though, but like I said, it was a long time ago. I just remember deciding it was worth taking the power for the -res proc for AVs given its propensity to go off at the time.  

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Hmm. Unexpected. Arcane Bolt changes are pretty interesting and only make it more attractive to the characters I take it on (basically just Controllers because the damage still isn't good without Containment) but maybe that will change with the animation speed increase.


I kinda like the idea behind Spirit Ward, but an absorb shield you have to build over time on a target while toggled can feel bad if you suddenly find yourself warding the "wrong target". A 30 second cooldown pretty much prevents you from effectively shielding an ally if you had the power active on someone else. Maybe that's the point, but just to be clear I'm not suggesting any sort of instant cooldown to let you swap targets with effectively no drawback. Then again, perhaps the idea is that you're just meant to toggle it on whoever is getting focused at the moment then shut it off between mobs?


In that same vein, I'm not sure about Enflame. I always found the thing that holds the power back the most is the Terror effect. Making the thing you cast it on run around all over the place made me stop using the power on the only character I ever picked it up on and I don't see that being addressed.


Now, on to the sticking point: Rune of Protection. While I'm glad the power's base recharge was dropped significantly, enforcing a 1/3 uptime for the power just makes it a glorified Break Free that comes with 2 small Orange Inspirations attached. Is that the intention?

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exChampion and exInfinity player (Champion primarily).


Current resident of the Everlasting shard.

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1 minute ago, ForeverLaxx said:

In that same vein, I'm not sure about Enflame. I always found the thing that holds the power back the most is the Terror effect. Making the thing you cast it on run around all over the place made me stop using the power on the only character I ever picked it up on and I don't see that being addressed.


I think removing the terror and leaving the power as is otherwise would be perfect.  Im with you on the problem being the "run away" aspect. 

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Liking the new Arcane bolt. I was just trying sorcery for the first time this week and felt it was way too slow for its damage and end cost. Cast time feels a bit more reasonable now, and i like the idea of the arcane might. Proc rate seems rather low which I assume is intentional, however I feel the "All powers" isn't working as intended. I can literally just turn sprint on and off over and over to get it to proc. First decided to test this after translocating around and seeing it proc, thought that was kinda funny.


Not saying this is a viable tactic as it can take well over 10 attempts of spamming turning the toggle off and back on, but figured I'd put it out there as one could theoretically do that between mobs to get a free proc or something.

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While I would enjoy an Enflame radius boost, it’s not a hill that I’ll die on. You are forgiven for making us wait for Magento Flight, someone give the Captain twelve raises and patch this change live tonight.

Playing CoX is it’s own reward

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15 minutes ago, Myrmidon said:

While I would enjoy an Enflame radius boost, it’s not a hill that I’ll die on. You are forgiven for making us wait for Magento Flight, someone give the Captain twelve raises and patch this change live tonight.

lol, this wont see live.

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"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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The two characters I actively play who now have the sorcery pool alternate between melee hybrid and RoP for their mez protection solution (poison / fire / soul defender and a necro / storm / mu MM). They go against the "high defense totals" meta and they pay for that with reduced damage (melee hybrid isn't assault hybrid) and by being more labor intensive to keep upright in some key endgame content (no softcap can more easily lead to cascading defense failure and stacked damage / debuffs). But, they're both (currently) a lot of fun to play, despite their limitations. 


They'll both shift to the backburner after this change goes live. If they get played again the first steps to take will be to remove sorcery from their builds and to shift to cookie cutter builds instead. Ironically, mechanically they'll be at least as strong, and quite likely stronger, after having their builds homogenized with those of other characters I have in my "actively played" pool. 

Edited by EnjoyTheJourney
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1 hour ago, arcane said:

slightly overpowered ability getting tweaked


Then why even devote time to doing this is the whole point of contention. 


The whole point of the Travel revamp was to allow for a diversification of selection of pools.  But then the nerf to Sorcery seems to counter the very logic they used to revamp travels.  With Sorcery already only being selected at a 5% rate, which is abysmally low mind you considering every character made has the option of also selecting this pool, what'll be next?


Love it or hate it proc's ARE on deck.  Which will really affect the health of the population pool we all will have to play with much more so than any Sorcery nerf.  


Have at it what you will with Sorcery, I won't miss it.  I'll be withdrawing my battle lines to power boost and whatever logic they drum up for Force of Will.   

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