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Any teaser what is being worked on?


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2 hours ago, Pyriold said:

I am coming here from time to time to check if there is anything new. I know the devs are doing things behind the scenes... just would be nice if we could get some notice in advance what is being worked on.

The devs have a solid policy of avoiding hints and sneak peeks.  It's a sensible policy because the bulk of the userbase are ignorant [words that will get me moderated] and either take such things a solid promises of something that's coming next week, or whine, moan, and complain because it's not what THEY want the devs to be working on, or...  well, there's endless variations.  But the end result is the same - it clogs up the forums and takes up enormous amounts dev and mod bandwidth while accomplishing less than zero.

Subscribe to email notifications and you'll know as soon as everyone else does.

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Unofficial Homecoming Wiki - Paragon Wiki updated for Homecoming!  Your contributions are welcome!
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  • Lead Game Master

We normally keep things close to the vest, but since this already kinda slipped, I'll mention it here:

There's a new Incarnate Cimerorean arc is in the works (Am I even spelling that right?). There's currently a badge for defeating 100 Incarnate Cimerorean traitors that got pushed out last update by accident, but the only enemy in the game that applies to is the version of Romulus that appears in Sister Solaris's part of the Dark Astoria story. So, you either have to run that last mission of her arc 100 times, or wait for the new arc to come out. When that'll be, I have no idea.
On a completely unrelated note, check in this weekend...

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GM Impervium
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Ah yes. The Dark Ones never rest!

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hc_sig copy.jpg


There comes a time in which all stories must come to an end. It's a shame, hero, that you and your people aren't writing the end of yours. We've taken it upon ourselves to be the author of this universe's story, and your chapter will be added to the ever-growing story of how we dictated the path for all life.


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1 hour ago, The Caretaker said:

Ah yes. The Dark Ones never rest!


You keep those Dark Ones in their crystals under Cimerona

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"She who lives by the cybernetic monstrosity powered by living coral, all too often dies by the cybernetic monstrosity powered by living coral."  -Doc Buzzsaw

Pineapple 🍍 Pizza 🍕 is my thumbs up. 

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  • Developer
3 hours ago, starro said:


You keep those Dark Ones in their crystals under Cimerona

Under? Some have moonlight views! 

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hc_sig copy.jpg


There comes a time in which all stories must come to an end. It's a shame, hero, that you and your people aren't writing the end of yours. We've taken it upon ourselves to be the author of this universe's story, and your chapter will be added to the ever-growing story of how we dictated the path for all life.


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  • Developer
20 hours ago, Wavicle said:

It could be that "Even Dark Ones have to rest once in a while" also has potential as a slogan.


The Dark Ones never rest!

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hc_sig copy.jpg


There comes a time in which all stories must come to an end. It's a shame, hero, that you and your people aren't writing the end of yours. We've taken it upon ourselves to be the author of this universe's story, and your chapter will be added to the ever-growing story of how we dictated the path for all life.


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I keep hoping that maybe… MAYBE… I’ll see my long awaited kinetic melee revamp (at this point I rerolled my kin/energy scrapper as energy/energy and left the original to collect dust 😞) but alas no sign yet! Maybe next page 😊 


a new incarnate arc sounds cool, curious if this will mean more incarnate powers and expanding to the next level!

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Liberty and Virtue server refugee. Everlasting resident.


Main/Planned Characters:

  • Astellus - Kinetic/Energy/Mu Scrapper (Magic)
  • Plasmitar - Radiation/Energy/Flame Blaster (Science)
  • Scionic - Psychic/Atomic/Soul Blaster (Mutation)
  • Safehouse - Street Justice/Energy Aura Scrapper (Magic)
  • Starshear - Energy/Atomic/Force Blaster (Science)
  • Neonstar - Luminous/Luminous Peacebringer (Natural)
  • Faerwald - Gravity/Energy/Psionic Dominator (Science)
  • Fomalhaut - Rad/Rad Sentinel (Science)
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Marcus Valerius offers some timed missions to fight against regular Cimerorans. 


Since the new contact's story arc is still in development, can she simply offer some timed missions that pit us against incarnate Cimerorans until the new arc is ready?

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25 alts with all the badges!

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1 minute ago, Voltor said:

Marcus Valerius offers some timed missions to fight against regular Cimerorans. 


Since the new contact's story arc is still in development, can she simply offer some timed missions that pit us against incarnate Cimerorans until the new arc is ready?

There aren’t other Devs with free time to do that. The new arc IS what they’re working on. Adding Incarnate Cimeroran missions isn’t something they can do by just flipping a switch.

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1 hour ago, BurtHutt said:

Did you all forget to mention the 'using AE to have players create missions then add them to game' addition? Isn't that happening? No? 😞 

What do you mean? Aren't player created stories already available to play in AE? There's also the Dev Choice story arcs that have been selected which provide normalized xp/inf.


Edit: Here's a convenient thread a member of the community made that consolidates all of the Dev Choice story arcs:



Edited by Glacier Peak
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21 hours ago, Glacier Peak said:

What do you mean? Aren't player created stories already available to play in AE? There's also the Dev Choice story arcs that have been selected which provide normalized xp/inf.


Edit: Here's a convenient thread a member of the community made that consolidates all of the Dev Choice story arcs:



Yes, I get that. I was making a sneaky comment referring to some AE ideas I posted back when - I was going to link them but can't find that thread...


Essentially, I had suggested making a bunch of new contacts all over the game that were new. These new contacts would be your contact to player created AE missions only. 


What's the diff between this and AE now? Well, glad you asked! 

1) These new missions would be added by Devs only (it could be a monthly contest - players submit fully fleshed out arcs/missions etc)

2) These missions would be at the same level as radio, paper and tip missions

3) They'd be canon and appear as regular game missions with the regular rewards (players would have to supply the full info on new characters etc which could be easily added to HC Wiki)

4) The contact info etc would not have any AE numbers or anything visually connecting it to AE.


AE is a very powerful tool in this game. My suggestion would allow players to create a lot of content, have it approved by Dev team and then drop it into the new contacts. This would save the Devs from having to port over the AE mission to a regular contact etc. A lot less work for the Devs and most of the work vetting and approving missions could be done by Devs who have minimal coding skills etc (or none).


Having missions made official and not in the massive pile of current AE missions would make it far more appealing to play these missions. We know there are a lot of radio teams running around doing the same missions. Or tip missions or paper. Those hit it and quit it type missions - quick and easy.


Many liked this idea back when and it would add a lot of unique content (original ideas should be a priority with new factions etc). There is no way a small, volunteer Dev team could keep up to demand and this way the players get to add what they really want to see as well.


I know this had traction from some Devs back when and It's too bad this hasn't been implemented. Maybe one day 🙂


Finally, I really do appreciate the HC team. I barely play now but I am sure I'll be back on a more regular basis!


EDIT: Found the old threat (2020)! It's where I posted a lot of my ideas back when.



Edited by BurtHutt
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we may not realize how much we need or want a thing until a thing becomes available then we gotta have a thing.

"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

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