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Guide for Veterans who have done the typical missions too many times?


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What missions would you recommend for a veteran who has done the typical story arcs over and over and over, and just wants something fresh. Maybe missions that are not done frequently? Maybe missions in sparsely populated zones like the Shadow Shard? Maybe a rarely clicked on or rarely available contact? Something off the beaten path...

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…. You have said a lot and almost nothing 


you have done the arcs a lot….red? Blue? Gold?


i find attempting old content on new ATs and powersets can be quite the change.  Normally play X?  Take not Y, but oddball Z!   With that powerset you always wondered about!

Edited by Snarky
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Not sure what the typical story arcs are. So this answer will reflect that and assume you're primarily talking about blueside.


Go redside, and do Bane Spider Rueben, Peter Themari, and Brother Hammond's arcs if you really want to feel like a bad guy early on. When you get to Sharkhead, Dean MacArthur/Leonard arcs are the redside version of the Talos clone arcs but better written, and with better fights and agency. Diviner Maros is fun if you like to read a lot of text; like a reverse Ouroboros. Vincent Ross after Maros and you'll see why if you're a careful reader. When in Nerva, do Bobby Curtain; it's a great whodunit for a Rogue alignment character. Do all the arcs from Golden Giza contacts in St. Martial. Westin Phipps in Grandville if you can stomach being a horrible POS. Vernon von Grun is a lot more fun but still pretty wicked. Save the "Inside Information" tip for when you're level 50, those missions will hurt at lower levels.


First Ward and Night Ward have really long, sprawling stories that I personally found entertaining if not a bit all over the place. Maybe that's du jour for comic book writing. Some of the writing even adapts if you...


Play goldside. Just be disciplined about EXP gain to make sure you don't miss out on contacts; the progression design for Gold is trash, and you can easily outlevel your contacts in a chain without adjusting difficulty or using exp boosters. The only time other than badge farming where running at -1 is advisable.  One run through a "radio" mission at 0/8 will catch you up if you need to bump up levels quickly. 


Finally, the Cimerora arcs. Not exactly good, but definitely not the usual fare.  I personally liked the redside version better but both sides are about equally 'myeh.' I feel like redside arc has more canonicity when you get to the Cimerora portion of Dark Astoria. 



Edited by twozerofoxtrot
I forgot stuff.
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3 hours ago, BlackSpectre said:

the typical story arcs


Maybe defining terms would be helpful.

What are "the typical story arcs"?

Are you just talking about hero arcs or the game in general?


3 hours ago, BlackSpectre said:

Maybe missions that are not done frequently?


I guess that depends on who you are talking to.


Are you talking about like all of the Hollows, Striga, Faulline, or Croatoa arcs without out-leveling the contacts?


All of the Origin arcs?


All of the First Ward and Night Ward Arcs?


All of the bank missions?


All of the Tip Missions?


Or maybe you are just asking about level 50+ missions?


3 hours ago, BlackSpectre said:

Maybe missions in sparsely populated zones like the Shadow Shard?


There are missions there as well. Don't forget to pick the fruit.

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10 hours ago, DougGraves said:

Go to AE and do the dev choice missions.  Or search for SFMA (story focused mission arcs).


There are a ton of fantastic arcs in AE.  

Excellent suggestion! I just tried this over the weekend and had a surprisingly marvelous time. 

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In addition to the red side missions listed above, Mr. G's arcs are very good. He is introduced by the Inside Information tip mission. Also recommend Agent Watkins (Graveyard Shift) blue side and Doc Buzzsaw (Freakish Lab of Dr. Vahzilok) red side. In general, I find the newer content (Faultline, RWZ, Dark Astoria, etc.) to be better written than the original story arcs.

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23 hours ago, Snarky said:

…. You have said a lot and almost nothing 


23 hours ago, Snarky said:


you have done the arcs a lot….red? Blue? Gold?

Mostly blue side. I just ran my first toons though Praetoria and it was freaking awesome! Was so sad when I turned 20 and they kicked me out!

23 hours ago, Snarky said:


i find attempting old content on new ATs and powersets can be quite the change.  Normally play X?  Take not Y, but oddball Z!   With that powerset you always wondered about!

I've played most ATs and power sets. Sometimes a certain mix of ATs in a team adds something different, but even that is getting old hat.


I am enjoying using the Advanced Difficulty settings on trials and task forces, but they're not regular missions that my SG is willing to do.

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23 hours ago, twozerofoxtrot said:

Not sure what the typical story arcs are. So this answer will reflect that and assume you're primarily talking about blueside.

Pretty much everything in this guide... 

And yes, blueside. Primarily after level 20 because I've discovered Praetoria and have been loving it!


23 hours ago, twozerofoxtrot said:

Go redside, and do Bane Spider Rueben, Peter Themari, and Brother Hammond's arcs if you really want to feel like a bad guy early on. When you get to Sharkhead, Dean MacArthur/Leonard arcs are the redside version of the Talos clone arcs but better written, and with better fights and agency. Diviner Maros is fun if you like to read a lot of text; like a reverse Ouroboros. Vincent Ross after Maros and you'll see why if you're a careful reader. When in Nerva, do Bobby Curtain; it's a great whodunit for a Rogue alignment character. Do all the arcs from Golden Giza contacts in St. Martial. Westin Phipps in Grandville if you can stomach being a horrible POS. Vernon von Grun is a lot more fun but still pretty wicked. Save the "Inside Information" tip for when you're level 50, those missions will hurt at lower levels.

Yeah, I thought of that. I did try redside during live and just couldn't get into it. I guess I'm a hero at heart and playing a villain rubbed me the wrong way. But yeah, I've hardly don't any reside content. It's a good idea...


23 hours ago, twozerofoxtrot said:

First Ward and Night Ward have really long, sprawling stories that I personally found entertaining if not a bit all over the place. Maybe that's du jour for comic book writing. Some of the writing even adapts if you...

First ward was OK, and I guess I can do more of those. Night ward, though... I couldn't stand fighting candle sticks and floating books... I actively avoid Night Ward...

23 hours ago, twozerofoxtrot said:


Play goldside. Just be disciplined about EXP gain to make sure you don't miss out on contacts; the progression design for Gold is trash, and you can easily outlevel your contacts in a chain without adjusting difficulty or using exp boosters. The only time other than badge farming where running at -1 is advisable.  One run through a "radio" mission at 0/8 will catch you up if you need to bump up levels quickly. 


Finally, the Cimerora arcs. Not exactly good, but definitely not the usual fare.  I personally liked the redside version better but both sides are about equally 'myeh.' I feel like redside arc has more canonicity when you get to the Cimerora portion of Dark Astoria. 




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1 hour ago, BlackSpectre said:


Mostly blue side. I just ran my first toons though Praetoria and it was freaking awesome! Was so sad when I turned 20 and they kicked me out!

I've played most ATs and power sets. Sometimes a certain mix of ATs in a team adds something different, but even that is getting old hat.


I am enjoying using the Advanced Difficulty settings on trials and task forces, but they're not regular missions that my SG is willing to do.

Redside.   Make a villain.  Dont just roll a toon.  Get a concept.  Inspired by some Villain or Rogue.  Or your own wildness.  Or if a superhero was dark in a different world. Write a paragraph about what makes them tick.  Break out if the Zig.  Or not.  Play the Arachnos game.  Or get with Burke and learn how to be independent.  Redside is incredible in the nuances if you pay attention.  By the time you hit Cap there are huge plots.  It gets wilder from there.  But only if you care about plot and story.  If you just “run missions” and do not read what it is about… it is slightly better than Blue.  But the stories…wow….it gets deeeeeeep redside

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5 hours ago, BlackSpectre said:

Pretty much everything in this guide... 

It me.

Glad you enjoyed it. 


Roll a second toon and head to the dark side?


I'd say the overall storytelling is better Redside, but there's a grungy bleakness I don't love. I agree with @Snarky, you have to lean into the villainy. The theme is that your character is out for themselves - you have to fight for your place in the Rogue Isles' hierarchy. Plots are less self-contained and things loop back round thematically.  

Edited by Gulbasaur
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Doctor Fortune  Soulwright Mother Blight Brightwarden Storm Lantern King Solar Corona Borealis
Blood Fortunado Dark/Dark Corruptor Rad/Rad Brute Gravity/Time Controller Storm/Water Defender Peacebringer Dark/Dark Tanker
The Good Missions Guide: A Heroic Levelling Journey through Story Arcs Blueside Guide Easy IO Cheat Sheet 
The Mean Missions Guide: A Villainous Levelling Journey through Story Arcs Redside Guide Fortunatas are the Bestunatas
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So, my advice would be to go to Ouro. Start wherever you like - the top or the bottom. And do them all. 

Then, and I know it sounds crazy - change your alignment the old school way. Using Null ...and trust me, I'm super grateful we have the option - but there are a lot of missions in those tips that were new to me. For someone like me who likes to zip through, they don't always make it easy. And you'll likely get tired of seeing Blast Furnace before it's over, but it is different content than what most of us have become used to. 

And after you've gone from Hero to villain (or vice-versa), go back to Ouro and do it again.   

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On 1/18/2023 at 10:04 PM, twozerofoxtrot said:

When you get to Sharkhead, Dean MacArthur/Leonard arcs are the redside version of the Talos clone arcs but better written, and with better fights and agency.


Going to add my usual recommendation here as well.  Do Dean/Leoanard and THEN go to Talos and do Nance/Adair.  The arcs are all related by the villain and you get an extra line of dialogue with Adair if you do this.  Not huge, but still a neat little touch.


You might have to keep an eye on your level to avoid missing anything but this goes for pretty much any attempt to do story arcs these days.    Get familiar with the NoXP toggle if you aren't already.  Check wikis to make sure you know the levels of each contact.  


And, trying not to spoil... a few points about the Leonard arc:

1. You are asked what level of challenge you want on one mission.  Going for the most challenge gets you a nice badge with a very cool title but depending on what character and powerset you are, can be either easy as pie... or well nigh impossible.  I had to get a team to help on my Rad Armor Tanker but my Ninjitsu Stalker skated through no problem, so ... it can be weird. It has more to do with powersets than AT.


2. You will at one point be running for the exit of a mission with a time limit.  Pay attention on your way out.  There is something (or someone?) you don't want to miss clicking on.


3. Assuming you did step 2 right, consider NOT being too big a villain on the follow up little epilogue mission.  Unless that's just really in character for you.


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Until recently I never did red side over 20 or so and never ever did first ward/night ward. It was kinda fun. I never knew there was a gender swapped Jimmy Temblor and Fusionette. Fusion will never top the original. It was nice facing groups you never see. I know before a mission if my toon will be ok with council or freekshow or the likes. When you are facing a group you’ve never seen before it’s more interesting.

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13 hours ago, Jimpy2 said:

Until recently I never did red side over 20 or so and never ever did first ward/night ward. It was kinda fun. I never knew there was a gender swapped Jimmy Temblor and Fusionette. Fusion will never top the original. It was nice facing groups you never see. I know before a mission if my toon will be ok with council or freekshow or the likes. When you are facing a group you’ve never seen before it’s more interesting.

There is a lot of backstory Redside.  It always flummoxes me when people complain about being a Redsider always working for Arachnos.   That is literally fully explained In Kalinda and/or Matthew Burke’s arcs beginning contacts.  Then faithfully developed through the entire rest of the story arcs.  But Redside has Arachnos as a backdrop. That is literally all it is right up until you hand Recluse his own severed head.  There are so many complex and beautifully interwoven plots there. 

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Make a new toon.  Turn of XP in your 20s and do around the full tip/alignment cycle until you've seen them all... then do it again in the 30s. 

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39 minutes ago, Snarky said:

There is a lot of backstory Redside.  It always flummoxes me when people complain about being a Redsider always working for Arachnos.   That is literally fully explained In Kalinda and/or Matthew Burke’s arcs beginning contacts.  Then faithfully developed through the entire rest of the story arcs.  But Redside has Arachnos as a backdrop. That is literally all it is right up until you hand Recluse his own severed head.  There are so many complex and beautifully interwoven plots there. 


Wretch continues to be one of the most finely crafted arcs in the game and everyone should do it at least once.


Devs loved Villains.

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I want to pile on the recommendation to do the red side arcs. Even without using 2XP, there is too much content to experience without turning off XP completely. Arguments about "I have no agency!" are pretty bogus IMO as the progression redside literally builds you into a villain who outplays, and puts down Lord Recluse... and along the way you face off against the best Paragon City has to offer.


Something I finally did (blue side) was to turn off XP (at level 5) and do all the classic level 1-5 missions in Atlas Park, just to remind myself of all the different variations of those initial arcs. Did I "waste" a couple of hours spend just hopping around Atlas Park that could have gotten me to level 22 (solo) instead? Nobody cares but me.

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As mentioned, Tips missions often provide a welcome change of pace.


I'd also suggest you hit the Signature missions, and at least find out Who will die?


And I'm a huge fan of the Respec missions. No need for them now, but a fun ride nonetheless.

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