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Am i wrong to want to leave these groups as soon as possible..?


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The speed and damage characters are capable of is not matched by the content. We can essentially ignore the mechanics for things like Hami, and a group that's half AFK can steamroll an MSR.


Short of hardcapping damage, recharge and -res/regen buffs to about 50% of their current values, this is the meta of the game and likely to stay that way. I realize they can, and have, added harder modes, but there's only so many of those they're going to be able to create.

Edited by Judasace
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11 minutes ago, Judasace said:

The speed and damage characters are capable of is not matched by the content.





don't mean to be sensitive lil' bitch about it, but kinda been making me log off last few,


was interested in others thoughts, but yea i understand what you saying..

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9 minutes ago, Songseven said:





don't mean to be sensitive lil' bitch about it, but kinda been making me log off last few,


was interested in others thoughts, but yea i understand what you saying..

I only team to badge and steamroll content for merits exper.  So if some methed out blaster wants to race ahead and kill everybody on the map....huzzah! Redsiders baby, we keep our eye on the money.

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You're never wrong for not having fun when other people are. That's not something you can directly control.


You can stick around and be miserable,  but obviously in the situation you're describing it won't impact the group whether you stay or go.


I'm the same way, if the team ends up as a vanity project for one player I'll often politely excuse myself after the blue button pops up. Even if that player ends up being me (assuming I'm not deliberately running a level-carry team for that purpose).

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Not wrong at all

I like to play the game.  I never join an advertised speed run, nor will I stick with an unadvertised one.

If I end up on a team with someone who has to be repeatedly told not too run ahead, I make a note so That I never accidentally invite them to a team I’m forming.


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5 hours ago, Songseven said:

+0, full team...blaster macro stacking insp, rushing to alpha every mob with fold space/nuke



Thank you for clarifying.  I wasn't sure if it was blue or gold...


I do have a question: these teams, are they radio/paper, standard mission, or task forces?  On the first two, though I'll cooperate for a short while with a +0 team, I prefer more of a challenge, at least a +2.  Task Forces, though, are a different matter, especially the long ones.  With those, well most of them, I just want to get through them as fast as possible.  So if the lead sets a +0, happy am I.  I'm far more likely to leave if the leader sets those to +3 or up, again, especially the long ones, and especially if its not announced in advance.  I will occasionally join a +3 and up if I know in advance and I have a lot of time on my hands, but only then.

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55 minutes ago, MoonSheep said:

the enemies buffed setting should be available for standard content - encourages teamwork

You are probably unfamiliar with my attempts at humor.  Many times this will be while regaling the message boards with stories about my Task Force woes.  PUGs can hurt.  

Now today I had quite the fortunate run.  I logged in and got the last spot on a pug MoLRSF. These people crushed it.  (Turns out it was Task Force Junkies on Excelsior….known criminal, and quite effective) Then they offered up a MoMLTF.  I stayed.  Sadly Recluse started one shotting people.  Ah well.  Still got a Hami-o. Then we did a Tin Mage and I got Army of Neu and Midnight Dodger badges. Then we did MoSewer and MoEden. A truly grand time. 

I had a cup of…something warm. Then joined another random PUG for a Silver Mantis. They were a good group….  Probably love their families, have well behaved pets.  …they did the SF….adequately…..     okay, now that you mention it they were a tad slow.  But that is okay, I’m on a Tank and can always practice herding. But…that last mission….oof.  I went up top and killed everything on the upper level….gun emplacements, troops, flyers.  One team member came up to help.  Maybe they had no travel powers.  

In the first group i would hope they would not dial it up…we were badging. The Silver Mantis group… I wanted that badge but I would have dropped in a heartbeat.  

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6 minutes ago, Snarky said:

You are probably unfamiliar with my attempts at humor.  Many times this will be while regaling the message boards with stories about my Task Force woes.  PUGs can hurt.  

Now today I had quite the fortunate run.  I logged in and got the last spot on a pug MoLRSF. These people crushed it.  (Turns out it was Task Force Junkies on Excelsior….known criminal, and quite effective) Then they offered up a MoMLTF.  I stayed.  Sadly Recluse started one shotting people.  Ah well.  Still got a Hami-o. Then we did a Tin Mage and I got Army of Neu and Midnight Dodger badges. Then we did MoSewer and MoEden. A truly grand time. 

I had a cup of…something warm. Then joined another random PUG for a Silver Mantis. They were a good group….  Probably love their families, have well behaved pets.  …they did the SF….adequately…..     okay, now that you mention it they were a tad slow.  But that is okay, I’m on a Tank and can always practice herding. But…that last mission….oof.  I went up top and killed everything on the upper level….gun emplacements, troops, flyers.  One team member came up to help.  Maybe they had no travel powers.  

In the first group i would hope they would not dial it up…we were badging. The Silver Mantis group… I wanted that badge but I would have dropped in a heartbeat.  


i’ve been tempted to make a team tank for quite a while - especially for underperforming teams. a good aggro magnet that can hold ground whilst the PuGers use their keyboard upside down looking at the wrong monitor

Edited by MoonSheep
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Honestly, just be up front about your expectations.
It saves time and lets you know better if you want in on a prospective team.
It's a dick move to join a team and then just bail.


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If you want to be godlike, pick anything.

If you want to be GOD, pick a TANK!

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They must have impressive recharge to pull a nuke on every spawn at that ratio, but then I question why anyone would waste a nuke on an even-con spawn when a simple AoE tends to do the job just fine 😛


But as others have mentioned, relativity is a big part of the question here. There's pretty much no TF from 40 or lower I'd expect a team to be doing anything but 0/+1 on; not because they can't, but because most are looking to complete them as efficiently as possible for the merits/badge, not the XP. The for mission based content lower than 25 no greater than +1, up to 32ish +2, and 40 +3, and that mostly comes based off powers, enhancements, and plausibility of completed builds. This isn't some hard rule or anything, just what I expect and have seen for a very long time as a normal behavior.


In fact, for TF's I think I could probably count on one hand the ones I'd expect would be abnormal at +4: ITF, LGTF, MsLTF/LRSF, and occasionally a Market Crash when someone is feeling spicy.

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5 hours ago, Hyperstrike said:

Honestly, just be up front about your expectations.
It saves time and lets you know better if you want in on a prospective team.
It's a dick move to join a team and then just bail.


Agreed.  I do post here when i drop TFs.  Its been a while.  There is a definite theme. I join a TF and it turns out they have a low level TF cranked +2-4.  It was not in the ad and they will not turn it to + 0. I do not stay in abusive relationships 

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@Songseven being rhetorical?


6 hours ago, Hyperstrike said:

It's a dick move to join a team and then just bail.



I agree if it's a TF or something where additional cannon fodder can't readily be added. BUTT if it's a low level PUG with a multi-billion build racing ahead hogging all the glory while leaving teammates to wonder why they even came along.. I'd find a new PUG a.s.a.p. and hope the random wheel of teaming treats me better.


Find a great team, add some folks to your global friend list.

Join a SG of like minded folks or a coalition if you have to have your own base.

It's all there waiting for us. Speed groups, farmers, kill-alls, chatter boxes, adventurers..,


Sometimes I like to go fast an other times I like to go slow. Often I like to solo so as to not burden teammates with my fickle wants. I'm good like that.

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"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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9 hours ago, Hyperstrike said:

Honestly, just be up front about your expectations.


Maybe the community needs a readily understood acronym — TFF, or some such... "Teaming for Fun." There seems to be shorthand for every other (moderately obnoxious) teaming goal.


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4 hours ago, Troo said:

BUTT if it's a low level PUG with a multi-billion build racing ahead hogging all the glory while leaving teammates to wonder why they even came along..

This is why, even if I've got a tricked-out character crammed so full of VR and Superior sets their skin tone is purple, I try to stay with the team on a map, even if objectively it's not as efficient; it's more fun for everyone if everyone's involved.


There are special cases — in a Council base mission, I took my Grav/Traps Controller off to a side room the rest of the team bypassed, and was doing the 'put down mines, Wormhole, finish off survivors, repeat' routine; I knew some of them would come back before I had the room cleared (the build plays extremely safe — I ran a +2 defeat all where two mobs in the entire mission got an attack off — but with 'all deliberate speed') so we would be finishing the room as a group.

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17 hours ago, Songseven said:

don't mean to be sensitive lil' bitch about it, but kinda been making me log off last few,


I play almost entirely in the teens and twenties.  I play in the 30's for Croatoa other interesting content.


But otherwise the game above level 30 is just too easy on a team, even at +4.


But a +2 Frost Fire mission is a lot of fun.

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12 hours ago, Sir Myshkin said:

They must have impressive recharge to pull a nuke on every spawn at that ratio


yeah thinking its not the capability, but more the radius of the ability and frequency that can be achieved, becomes kinda cringe..



and ok, i'm willing to accept 'every mob' may be an exaggeration 😋

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It's definitely not wrong to want to play how you prefer and be with a team where you feel like your presence actually contributes, but that said the whole 'most content being a steamroll' has been a thing ever since IOs got introduced way back on live. The ease at which even moderately built characters on a decently made team can faceroll through most story arcs and task forces isn't exactly new.

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Global is @El D, Everlasting Player, Recovering Altaholic.

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2 hours ago, Songseven said:


yeah thinking its not the capability, but more the radius of the ability and frequency that can be achieved, becomes kinda cringe..



and ok, i'm willing to accept 'every mob' may be an exaggeration 😋

Bah.  Just bring in a bunch of pocket kins and pocket Rads.

Recharge cap?  Say it with me.  HMBOOWAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!

If you want to be godlike, pick anything.

If you want to be GOD, pick a TANK!

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The only TF I've ditched recently was an Admiral Sutter when I discovered the lvl 22 leader didn't intend to pass the star to someone at max level before starting. I was 50 and there several other team members at 40+. I raised the issue and quit when I got crickets.

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On 4/8/2023 at 12:46 PM, Ghost said:

Not wrong at all

I like to play the game.  I never join an advertised speed run, nor will I stick with an unadvertised one.

If I end up on a team with someone who has to be repeatedly told not too run ahead, I make a note so That I never accidentally invite them to a team I’m forming.



Running ahead isn't bad in and of itself. 


I have been on teams where the rule is " do watcha like, just don't get others killed doing it." And that's fine by me. 


As to the OP, well, can you go ahead of the methed out blaster and get them some more mobs to play with? Go in a different direction? 


I usually build to solo, so that I can take a different route if it's clear I'm not needed by the team (or teams) on the map. 


If you're not having fun, yes, find something fun instead. 

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7 hours ago, BazookaTwo said:


Running ahead isn't bad in and of itself. 


I have been on teams where the rule is " do watcha like, just don't get others killed doing it." And that's fine by me. 


As to the OP, well, can you go ahead of the methed out blaster and get them some more mobs to play with? Go in a different direction? 


I usually build to solo, so that I can take a different route if it's clear I'm not needed by the team (or teams) on the map. 


If you're not having fun, yes, find something fun instead. 

Oh yeah, I agree.

If the lead says “run off if you like” I have no problem with anyone doing just that.

What gets me to take note is when the leader has to keep asking the same person to stick with the group - I get it.  The games not that hard, but if you’re on a team in which the leader says “please stick together and go slow”, you should either follow directions or find another team.

Edited by Ghost
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