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Can we post self-congratulatory milestone screenshots?


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Finally got Cataclysmic, the 100 million dmg done badge to take me to 1515! I ran the first mission in the Incarnate Intro arc in Oro over 60 times to farm the dmg, on average getting 665k per run herding the mobs and using my staff attack PBAOE. Let me just say that I loathe and detest Requiem as he was the one mob most resistant to herding and frequently tried to run back to his starting spot!


For variety, I did some double Hami raids that we do regularly on Everlasting - they netted an average of 240k dmg per pair of runs, plus I tried out a solo +4/x8 Market Crash first mission in the tunnel which earned 442k dmg but took three times as long as the Oro mission!


Now I can relax until May... unless of course Nemesis decides to invade...

friar 1515 badges.jpg

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The Kallistiverse COH site:


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5 hours ago, Mister Mass said:

I'm way behind the true stars of this thread, but I'm on my way.


Mister Mass 1250.png

Eh, I don't think of this as a race against other players. The only badges you really need to drop everything to obtain on all badge hunters are the yearly holiday event badges.  Once your alts have the event badges, resume normal game play and go seek the other badges.

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8 hours ago, kallistiuk said:

Finally got Cataclysmic, the 100 million dmg done badge to take me to 1515! I ran the first mission in the Incarnate Intro arc in Oro over 60 times to farm the dmg, on average getting 665k per run herding the mobs and using my staff attack PBAOE. Let me just say that I loathe and detest Requiem as he was the one mob most resistant to herding and frequently tried to run back to his starting spot!


For variety, I did some double Hami raids that we do regularly on Everlasting - they netted an average of 240k dmg per pair of runs, plus I tried out a solo +4/x8 Market Crash first mission in the tunnel which earned 442k dmg but took three times as long as the Oro mission!


Now I can relax until May... unless of course Nemesis decides to invade...

friar 1515 badges.jpg

The Nemesis....yes. a fellow player and badge hunters that I am pals with stand ready on our main and casual hunters.


I am also getting my secondary and tertiary alts up to level 30, switch to build #2 and slot up a bit so they can do spring event and be ready for nemesis.

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  • 2 weeks later
On 8/30/2019 at 7:19 PM, Myrmidon said:

The reason why I did it was to be able to tell my badgehunter friends about it so that I could get their reaction to my doing so.🤣

You're so EVIL!  Lol!

@Super Whatsit

Superbase passcode (Excelsior) is "passcode-6475"


It's all a Nemesis plot.  But not everything is a Nemesis plot!

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Wow!  An impressive display of Ice Cold Badgas!


It also encourages me to know that I'm *not* crazy!  Or...  At least I'm not the *only* crazy one!


I just hit 600 on my first badging toon, so I'm a little embarressed to post a screen shot! Heh...


I also noticed that badgers have an unusual problem: getting Day Job badges!  Lol!  Since I started focusing on my badging toon, my other toons' Day Job badges have been popping every four days.  But I can barely get a single Day Job badge per week for my badging toon!?

@Super Whatsit

Superbase passcode (Excelsior) is "passcode-6475"


It's all a Nemesis plot.  But not everything is a Nemesis plot!

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3 hours ago, Display Name said:

Wow!  An impressive display of Ice Cold Badgas!


It also encourages me to know that I'm *not* crazy!  Or...  At least I'm not the *only* crazy one!


I just hit 600 on my first badging toon, so I'm a little embarressed to post a screen shot! Heh...


I also noticed that badgers have an unusual problem: getting Day Job badges!  Lol!  Since I started focusing on my badging toon, my other toons' Day Job badges have been popping every four days.  But I can barely get a single Day Job badge per week for my badging toon!?

Always park your main badge hunters at a day job spot before log out to get some progress on dayjobs then after you get all the rest finish the day jobs

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1 hour ago, VileTerror said:

Yeah, I finished my Day Job collections on about a dozen characters before I did on my main badging-character.  I just spent too much time actually logged in to my main to actually get the offline hours stacked.


Just be happy that it is 100 hours now per badge and not 21 days 🙂

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  • 1 month later

Er...  So the past week or so I've been out of work (no worries...yet.)  But the good news is that I broke my first 1000!  I actually broke it yesterday evening (March 27,) but someone just suggested to me that I post it here!?  It didn't occur to me that it was my first 1000 because it seems like I've been badging *forever!*  Lol!  I've included the creation date.


March 27 2020.jpg

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@Super Whatsit

Superbase passcode (Excelsior) is "passcode-6475"


It's all a Nemesis plot.  But not everything is a Nemesis plot!

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13 minutes ago, Display Name said:

Er...  So the past week or so I've been out of work (no worries...yet.)  But the good news is that I broke my first 1000!  I actually broke it yesterday evening (March 27,) but someone just suggested to me that I post it here!?  It didn't occur to me that it was my first 1000 because it seems like I've been badging *forever!*  Lol!  I've included the creation date.


March 27 2020.jpg

Congrats, pal!

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Nice sturdy collections that you have.
As for me, I just collected my one thousand and first badge.

In less than one thousand and one nights !


I believe I had less than that on live CoH, but, then, it took much more time.




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HE CAME!........I SAW HIM!.........



That's every badge in the game!

(At least for now!)



Edited by Voltor
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25 alts with all the badges!

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14 hours ago, EmperorSteele said:

Forgot to post this before:


DONE! (for now...)




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"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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  • 3 weeks later
On 4/1/2020 at 3:18 AM, Voltor said:

HE CAME!........I SAW HIM!.........



That's every badge in the game!

(At least for now!)



@Voltor, how do you have both the hero and villain version of Arriviste/Trusting? The blue and purple Halloween tip mission badges. It was my understanding it showed one if you were a villain and the other if you were a hero.

Edited by Glacier Peak
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