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Recycle, repurpose, convert or buy

COH Radgen

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Plenty of us have multiple alts that we want to slot up to have the best enhancements that we can.  But we also have old alts that we don't play much (or at all) that have some of those 'best' enhancements.  Not all of us are floating in inf as @ukase but I'll admit have have plenty on hand if I need it.


So my question to the audience is; Do you tend to move enhancements from one alt to another, do you leave them on an old alt that you don't use much/any, do you take and convert them to new enhancements, or do you just buy the new enhancements for the new alt.


I understand, most 'normal' IO enhancements are getting cheaper these days.  Even the usual 4 for health to help both green and blue bars are under, well, we won't talk about specifics here.\\


Anyway, do you feel it's worth it to save and convert or just sell and buy or do other?


Mostly on Torch and Ex

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I admit I've never considered doing such before.  I assume that would mean either using enhancement unslotters or kicking off a respec and moving all the enhancements into the tray that saves them in an unused state.  While I suppose I could do that, I'd find either process tediously annoying.  I'd therefore intend to continue crafting or buying what I need.  In counterpoint, though, now that I'm thinking on it, I might one day find it useful.

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So, I've had discussions with others before about "alt bloat", wherein you have made a lot of different alts - usually in a very short span of time, and for any number of reasons, some or all lay dormant. 
Here's an example: 



Somewhere around 167 days ago, I had done something with the uncommon salvage they possessed, probably because I refuse to ever pay more than 2k for uncommon salvage. I've since taken steps to ensure I'll never have to log in to so many characters, but it should be pretty evident, just on this page alone, other than the one character that did a spur of the moment hami almost a week ago, these characters have gotten no play. 

Some of them will likely never get played again. So, what I've been trying to do is do a respec on those - unslot everything, and stash what's useful, and sell what's not. The dilemma is the value of some enhancements are not that great. Hardly worth the burning of converters, to be honest. And there's no way I'm going to just dump them for 100 inf or something ridiculous. So, in many cases, I'll dump the enhancements into a bin, where the next alt will pick and choose in that pile and use what would be best for that alt. And, candidly, I'm running out of room. Sometimes, a dormant alt is as good a place as any to stash enhancements. From the super/winter packs, I have so many unslotters in my character email, that any one of these dormant characters can just unslot what's useful. Eventually, the goal is to delete all but 10 of my preferred characters on each account. That would still leave me with 40 characters, lol. But I think it would free up some names, and when I want to make a new alt, a new name is easy enough, although I might not get my first choice. 

Some of them will get played again. Like if they're at vet level 14 or something, and t-4'd, I'll undoubtedly start playing each one of these until I get them all a certain amount of merits or badges. If they were enjoyable enough to get to t-4, I'll have fun with them again, I suspect.  

It's just kind of annoying to log in, and sift through 10 pages of level 50s to figure out what you're going to play. So, lately, I've been trying to increase the goals before I retire the alts. 
I think 100 hero merits is a good point to stop. But I may just pursue 1k badges. Or just whatever feels right in that moment. 


I just wish I could have another 5 storage bins or 50 more in my base. But until then, there's the 2nd and 3rd sg bases. 

1 hour ago, COH Radgen said:

Not all of us are floating in inf as @yomo

Fixed that for you. And, I strongly suspect there are about 10-20 players with more than yomo or me. I think there's a number of players who look at Yomo and think, "Is that all you have?" 
I can't imagine how much inf I would have if I marketed half the day with an afk farm running for days on end, only stopping for maintenance and to vendor the stuff not worth crafting. Mind you, I'll have a day or so like that, and I used to have quite a few of those days back to back before page 4. But I'm kind of enjoying gathering the prismatics and monstrous aethers while playing. 
And the cheaper the IOs get, the farther my lil stack of inf will go. 

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2 hours ago, Ukase said:

So, what I've been trying to do is do a respec on those - unslot everything, and stash what's useful, and sell what's not.

I really should do that, since (aside from my one "badge toon") I always quit playing an alt once it hits 50. And I have done it a couple of times. But there's this annoying voice in the back of my mind saying, "One of these days, they'll come up with endgame content you actually like. And then you'll be glad you still have all those old toons with their enhancements intact."

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3 hours ago, Ukase said:

Fixed that for you. And, I strongly suspect there are about 10-20 players with more than yomo or me. I think there's a number of players who look at Yomo and think, "Is that all you have?" 


Honestly, I don't have any idea of how much liquid inf I have anymore.  Whoever is managing the PvP factory and/or the purple factory may well be in the mutilple trillions range, but I cannot imagine how much time it might take them per day in order to lock it up -- I generally just get involved there at weak points nowadays.

5 hours ago, COH Radgen said:

So my question to the audience is; Do you tend to move enhancements from one alt to another, do you leave them on an old alt that you don't use much/any, do you take and convert them to new enhancements, or do you just buy the new enhancements for the new alt.


Yes.  Actually at this point, somewhere in my gallery, I have someone with either a factory for making everything or have hundreds or thousands of things in storage.  Generally, all of my alts self finance, and the only things I will consider emailing are lvl 53 HOs (and then only the expensive ones).  Everything else I just buy and sell on the open market but since I am not in this business to give things away I will generally do things like buy ten things, use one and sell the other 9 for a 25% profit.

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Who run Bartertown?


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I usually buy fresh enhancements for everything, but I've had a couple cases where I did bother to strip things from an old build. When my kat/fire brute reached the end of her empyrean generating lifespan I pulled out most of her gear because I planned to just start the build over, but never got around to playing the new one up, and recently I saved the ATOs and other bits from a sonic/rad corr in the 30s I deleted because the character had never really clicked for me while a more recent ice/rad had. The corr ATOs I ended up turning into scrapper sets for my latest project with converters, since I'd already kitted out the ice/rad before I realized I was never going to bother with the other and decided to scrap it, and the brute gear got claimed piece by piece over years by other characters who either needed them or that I wanted some quick cash on without alting around to e-mail funds, so when I've done this I've never actually ended up using the stripped pieces for the reason I bothered to strip them for.


Generally speaking I don't find it to be worth the time and fiddliness of the process of unslotting and transferring enhancements, let alone losing a combo from my roster of options to play with. My normal play and intermittent marketeering keeps my account hovering comfortably around the 3 billion inf while every new full build that holds my interest runs me about 600 million at buy-it-now pricing, and each tends to make most of that back from drops during their incarnate grind.

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Everyone has their own enhancements. I don't pull them out because (a) it's usually fairly easy to afford the enhancements - it's easier to transfer INF, which can help with other enhancements, after all, and (b) even if I don't play the alt a lot, I still *play* them, and want them ready to go when I am.

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7 hours ago, COH Radgen said:

Do you tend to move enhancements from one alt to another, do you leave them on an old alt that you don't use much/any, do you take and convert them to new enhancements, or do you just buy the new enhancements for the new alt.


I have to really dislike an alt to clean them out. But I've done it. Picked 'em clean.

More commonly, and outside the answers you asked for, I have stashes of good crafting loot for new characters. (I've run out of space regularly)

I will then buy or craft/convert anything needed.

"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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8 hours ago, COH Radgen said:

Do you tend to move enhancements from one alt to another




8 hours ago, COH Radgen said:

do you leave them on an old alt that you don't use much/any


I have so many alts, it is random which ones I get to play outside of the gaming times with a small group that I generally play fixed alts with.


8 hours ago, COH Radgen said:

do you take and convert them to new enhancements


no. I don't think I have ever used a converter.


8 hours ago, COH Radgen said:

do you just buy the new enhancements for the new alt


More or less. I tend to have some of the standards stockpiled one place or three or ... who knows how many places? I don't. They are all over the place.





If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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If an alt is slotted reasonably well then I keep it.


If I find I get to 50 and don't like the toon after a few lvl 50 appropriate missions, it most likely gets scrubbed. Others that are niche, unexciting but functional or boring get put on a back page and probably only rarely get to see light of day depending on the context/needs of the team on a given day so they move slowly.


Those I like and/or play consistently will get the best builds and attention. Mostly though I keep them in an SG for my alts so everything of value gets shoved in bins and the good ones get to cherry pick.


I have no hard and fast rules on this. Mostly it's gut feeling. I can't think of a time I've ever robbed a functioning build on an alt to give a better build to a different toon.


Also I fundamentally dislike enhancement unslotters. They seem expensive - and respecs are cheap.



There's a fine line between a numerator and a denominator but only a fraction of people understand that.

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I don't think I have ever moved a (slotted) enchantment from one character to another. Once the sets are slotted I trend to leave them as is, even if better sets are added to the game or the powers are altered.


Each time I get  a new alt to 50 it doesn't really cost me much to fit them out as I keep any good enchantments I find ready in supergroup bins.  It normally only costs less then 75 million to buy the few enchantments I don't already have.

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If I'm upgrading a character and removing a set from a power, I'll drop the removed enhancements in my base rather than selling them if they're something a future character might need. I generally limit this to uniques and pricier enhancements. I'll also do this if I end up with something useful in the course of converting. For the most part though, all my characters self fund and just buy stuff as needed.

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When Homecoming first came to public light, I used to maintain bins and unslot alts that I stopped playing, all in the quest for more powerful heroes or new toon experiences. Now, more than 5 years later, I find myself creating characters that I like because of a look or a back story,  and then play them exclusively, often for a month or more. Doing this allows me to just start off a new alt with 999,999,999 inf, the most that a single email can contain, and a couple of transcendent merits. This is enough to buy the enhancements I want when I want them without waiting for the market, and to T3 my Incarnate abilities as they open. The need for unslotting when I play this way is nil.

Edited by PyroBeetle
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I only strip characters if they are being retired and that generally only happens with chars I don't think I'll play anymore.

I think I had a high of around 200 characters, and now I'm at 88.  Goal of around 50, but now what I tend to do is when I add an alt, I tend to retire 2-3.


Retiring, I completely strip the char and delete.   Enhancements, I used to keep them all, but with fewer chars, less need, so been selling.   And with inf piling up, keeping generic IOs around is less needed as well.  Most of the alts being retired are ones I got to 50, they are minimally equipped with basic stuff, so almost everything just gets sold at this point.


Actual steps:

  • Check that I have costume saved. (I have restarted a couple retired, usually slightly different AT or powers)
  • Convert Emps & Reward merits into Tran & Hero merits.  Left overs, depends.  Sometimes I buy a bunch of converters, sometimes I'll do something to get to an even 50. (moreso with Emp)
  • Convert all incarnate stuff into super insp.   Sell them at whatever.
  • Salvage and Recipes, if useful to other chars, transfer, if not, sold.  (vendor or AH)
  • Transfer it all to an alt.
  • Delete.
  • Realize I forgot to send the inf over, or that they were lead of a SG. 😄  (Only happened once, but ow)
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