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Most powerful pair of clones?

Galaxy Brain

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The GF and I made a duo last night of Demon/ MM's, but it got me thinking... what two characters could be the most powerful if paired up and sharing the same powers?


This would extend to having the exact same powers (two A/B's), and not just one shared powerset.



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I'd say a pair of Time/Sonic or Cold/Sonic Defenders/Corruptors would be pretty high up on that list. Time maybe slightly better given that Farsight affects you and your friend.

  • With 2x PBU+Farsight and Maneuvers, you'll be at the incarnate soft cap all the time.
  • Dual Chrono Shift for +100% Recharge. 
  • Temporal Selection + 2x Assault for ~80% damage boost
  • 2x Time's Juncture for a significant -DMG on any enemies who do manage to hit you, stack with dual Distortion Field so they are either held or never get another chance to attack with all the -Rech
  • Constant heal over time and heals available on demand
  • You can stack -100% Res on every mob with 2x Slowed Response + Howl or if you have to, alternate Slowed Responses between mobs and stack with Howl for -70%
  • Dual Time Stop to insta hold any boss

If I hadn't already played Time/ and /Sonic to 50, I'd go and roll this duo with a friend right now.

Edited by DSorrow
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Sunsinger - Fire/Time Corruptor

Cursebreaker - TW/Elec Brute

Coldheart - Ill/Cold Controller

Mythoclast - Rad/SD Scrapper


Give a man a build export and you feed him for a day, teach him to build and he's fed for a lifetime.

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1 minute ago, DSorrow said:

I'd say a pair of Time/Sonic or Cold/Sonic Defenders/Corruptors would be pretty high up on that list. Time maybe slightly better given that Farsight affects you and your friend.

  • With 2x PBU+Farsight and Maneuvers, you'll be at the incarnate soft cap all the time.
  • Dual Chrono Shift for +100% Recharge. 
  • Temporal Selection + 2x Assault for ~80% damage boost
  • 2x Time's Juncture for a significant -DMG on any enemies who do manage to hit you, stack with dual Distortion Field so they are either held or never get another chance to attack with all the -Rech
  • Constant heals / heal over times available on demand
  • You can stack -100% on every mob with 2x Slowed Response + Howl or if you have to, alternate Slowed Responses between mobs and stack with Howl for -70%
  • Dual Time Stop to insta hold any boss

If I hadn't already played Time/ and /Sonic to 50, I'd go and roll this duo with a friend right now.

This is a great suggestion, and a buddy and I have done both, the Time/ versions more recently. Very powerful, but doing this with Time was more click heavy than we liked. We enjoyed our duo Cold defenders a lot more, but it's been so long that I don't recall how click heavy that duo was.

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Dunno about secondary, but two Thugs/ Masterminds could be interesting.  Four Enforcers, and two MMs, all running Leadership toggles ... and then drop two Gang Wars at once.  😄

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Global Handle: @PaxArcana ... Home servers on Live: Freedom Virtue ... Home Server on HC: Torchbearer

Archetype: Casual Gamer ... Powersets:  Forum Melee / Neckbeard ... Kryptonite:  Altoholism

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6 hours ago, PaxArcana said:

Dunno about secondary, but two Thugs/ Masterminds could be interesting.  Four Enforcers, and two MMs, all running Leadership toggles ... and then drop two Gang Wars at once. 

I've done this with 2 Thugs/Traps MMs (back in Ye Olde Days) and it was multiple Acid Mortars/enemies choking on Poison Traps/Gang Warsplosion/Arsonists STILL running up to use their ranged fire attacks in melee range MADNESS. In a very fun way. 

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Generally speaking, if I am duoing with someone else, I like to stick to 1 of 2 approaches:


1. Go with a shared theme with similar powers/effects and max out those effects.


2. Go for powers and ATs that compensate for each other's weaknesses.


So, for instance, maybe you want an earth theme, so you go with an earth/earth dominator and stone/stone tanker or brute.  Alternatively, maybe you want to compensate for the stone tank's slowness and lack of maneuverability, so you go with a stone/stone tanker and a kin/ice defender to slow enemies and speed up the tanker.  Maybe you want self-sufficient characters who can fight back to back, so you just roll 2 scrappers or something...

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There's the old standby of Fire/Rad controllers, stacking AM, Rad toggles, leadership toggles and the fire monkeys is a fantastic combination. In the old days a team of 8 Fire/Rads could absolutely destroy anything in the game... I believe they held the record on the Statesman's TF in something like 20 minutes or so.  The more you add, the better they get.


Any pair that can stack buffs and debuffs can be a godly combination.  I once ran a team of 7 all Rad characters... some defenders, some controllers and trivialized content.  At level 25 we took down Lusca in less than 5 minutes.  Massive amounts of Rad debuffage and massive amounts of buffs from AM and leadership worked wonders.

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Guardian Survivor, occasional tanker and player of most AT's.

Guides: Invulnerability Tankers, The first 20 levels.  Invulnerability Tankers Soft Cap defense





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Fire/rad as a classic. Fire/time as the new power couple.

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Top 10 Most Fun 50s.

1. Without Mercy: Claws/ea Scrapper. 2. Outsmart: Fort 3. Sneakers: Stj/ea Stalker. 4. Emma Strange: Ill/dark Controller. 5. Project Next: Ice/stone Brute. 6. Waterpark: Water/temp Blaster. 6. Mighty Matt: Rad/bio Brute. 7. Without Hesitation: Claws/sr Scrapper. 8. Within Reach: Axe/stone Brute. 9. Without Pause: Claws/wp Brute.  10. Chasing Fireworks: Fire/time Controller. 


"Downtime is for mortals. Debt is temporary. Fame is forever."

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My wife and I played Fire/Kins with identical builds on live, and it was great. Not the most powerful clone duo (more debuffing would be better than a 2nd Fulcrum Shift), but it's great as a Kin to be able to receive speed boost and ID from someone else. And our monkeys were double speed boosted and double ID'd, making them extra crazy but very sturdy.


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For the sheer simplicity of them, I nominate a pair of tricked out Crab Spiders.  Stacking leadership buffs, 12 total pets, stacking Venom Grenades, alternating Omega Maneuvers for each spawn, WAY over capped defense to everything and with so many pets a Gaussian proc in Tactics will be going off about every 20 seconds.  


It wouldn't be complicated, but there's not a lot in the game that a pair of Crabs couldn't handle.  

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And, of course, the classic, 2 ill/rad controllers aka the great wall of pets.


Phantom Army, Phantasm, Patron Pool pet, Lore pets.


That's 7 pets each if the lore pets are up for 14 pets.


Combined with double AM and double the debuffs, I'm not sure much would stand in your way.

Edited by DR_Mechano
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On 8/23/2019 at 10:00 AM, MunkiLord said:

This is a great suggestion, and a buddy and I have done both, the Time/ versions more recently. Very powerful, but doing this with Time was more click heavy than we liked. We enjoyed our duo Cold defenders a lot more, but it's been so long that I don't recall how click heavy that duo was.

Doesn’t temporal selection also have a bonus recharge effect ? This duo would be hasted the house down. 

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I really love my Bane, so I'd say two of those.  Stealth, melee, buffs, debuffs, aoe, pets.  If you're always together you can possibly skip the fighting pool (or at least weave) and still get soft-capped on defense. picking up TT: Maneuvers both at level 10 would give you both a total of +20% defense really early, throw in L: Maneuvers that's 27%, then by the time you get good defense enhancements that's ~42% which is almost soft-capped, when you get to Cloaking Device you get 3.75% from that even when attacked and before enhancements putting you past soft-capped.  The stacking venom grenades would be great, that'd get you to -80% resist on toxic on enemies.  I doubt there's anything that'd be as fast and fun as a pair of Banes. Of course you don't become Banes until 24, but huntsmen are still really good, and great together.


A pair of Thugs masterminds would be great together, as both enforcers in both sets have leadership toggles that affect all the pets of both of you, if you both have leadership too that's a total of 6 of each affecting all your pets, For secondary storm's my favorite, and would be insanity with two of them, all the usual suspects should work fine too, /dark /cold /time, but the thought of having four tornadoes tossing everything around (or down if you use kb->kd converers) and a couple lightning storms and freezing rains going with all the pets helping in the madness makes me salivate.  Storm's a bit slow to start and can be extremely end heavy - especially if you're using gale/hurricane, but you'd have a couple overlapping auras of steamy mist for stealth and defense too which should make it good early.  It'd obviously be a bit slower than the banes above, dealing with all the pets.


Ill/Rad is good, but could be a bit rough in the early/mid levels, Ill/time would probably eventually be better, but might be even slower starting.  A couple of plant something could be interesting with all the confuse, but you'd need a secondary that can put out some good ST damage (storm again?) which I'm not sure of, or a couple of doms instead of controllers, and you'll have more problems with AVs than an pair of Ill would.


Defender I'm not so keen on, their damage isn't that great, you really need more than a couple to start seeing those force multipliers enough to overcome that, and since you're duoing you lose out on the solo damage bonus.  I'd go two corruptors over defenders.  Ice or Fire /time would probably be excellent as a pair of corruptors.  /kin might be interesting too, as you could make yourselves insanely fast, and you'd be hitting the damage caps quicker - they might have some issues with staying alive, I'd definitely go ice with /kin as it at least has some controls.  If you did want to go Defedner or Corrupter Beam Rifle would also be worth looking at, as you can spread disintegrate and take advantage of it with both characters, though I'm not as familiar with it and don't know how good that'd be.  If you went sentinel or blaster (faceplant city!) BR would also be worth looking at for that reason.


There's always a couple of scrappers, brutes or stalkers, (don't do tanks unless you want safe but slooooow) each has their points, but I doubt any pair of the same ones could handle all the content that any of the above could.  I'd personally go stalker of those so you can sneak around and really double-team bosses and AVs. I'd pick a less resisted primary so you don't end up with both of you sucking against highly resistant mobs.  Some choices there:

#1 Ice/Ice stalkers:  Stacking -recharge and slows between both characters, things will be practically frozen in place as you kill them with rarely resisted cold damage.

#2 Rad/Rad stalkers:  You'd spread containment making self healing easier, and you get to heal each other eventually, with energy and toxic damage both rarely resisted. 

#3 Elec/Shield stalkers:  Stacking auras from shield, stacking -end from elec, and the fun of quad teleport bombing, energy damage again.

#4 Elec/Elec stalkers:  I'm not quite as sure on this one as /elec is a resist set which usually aren't as good on stalkers, but it is a very good set, you get heavily stacking -end which may bottom out end preventing attacks back.

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On 8/24/2019 at 9:21 AM, Without_Pause said:

Fire/rad as a classic. Fire/time as the new power couple.

I would say that Rad is better than time. Rad has -def -tohit -res -dmg that are toggles that are AOE. same with -spd -reg -recharge, while time is single target. Rad also has the PBAoE, Team +DMG, +Recovery, +Recharge, +SPD, +Res(Disorient, Hold, Immobilize, Sleep). Also a toggle PBOE hold that stacks mag+2 so bosses will be held.


As stated before all these stack and the more you have the better you get. 


I would like to pit a team of Frads against fire/time for a TF race anyday.



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13 minutes ago, Jolly Ogre said:

I would say that Rad is better than time. Rad has -def -tohit -res -dmg that are toggles that are AOE. same with -spd -reg -recharge, while time is single target. Rad also has the PBAoE, Team +DMG, +Recovery, +Recharge, +SPD, +Res(Disorient, Hold, Immobilize, Sleep). Also a toggle PBOE hold that stacks mag+2 so bosses will be held.


As stated before all these stack and the more you have the better you get. 


I would like to pit a team of Frads against fire/time for a TF race anyday.



That -def/-acc toggle also has a lengthy animation time and can often be skipped using in a battle. More so if they are simply blowing through content. Of Time's 9 powers, 3 are actual single target, so your listing isn't as truthful as you are implying. The only aspect which isn't covered in some way from an AoE stand point is -regen. Two of the single target powers for Time have -regen and let's be honest, the harder targets are the ones you want -regen on. Minions are cannon fodder. Two Ill/time controllers can use Temporal Selection on each other. Dual Chocking Cloud is useful, but Ill isn't in melee as much and doesn't have much to take advantage of with AoE damage as compared to Fire. Yes, it's useful. My guess is Distortion Field/Time Stop mixed in with Blind/Flash more than covers what's needed to be held.


Note, we are vastly arguing over semantics when it comes to god tier controllers. 😃

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Top 10 Most Fun 50s.

1. Without Mercy: Claws/ea Scrapper. 2. Outsmart: Fort 3. Sneakers: Stj/ea Stalker. 4. Emma Strange: Ill/dark Controller. 5. Project Next: Ice/stone Brute. 6. Waterpark: Water/temp Blaster. 6. Mighty Matt: Rad/bio Brute. 7. Without Hesitation: Claws/sr Scrapper. 8. Within Reach: Axe/stone Brute. 9. Without Pause: Claws/wp Brute.  10. Chasing Fireworks: Fire/time Controller. 


"Downtime is for mortals. Debt is temporary. Fame is forever."

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On 8/24/2019 at 1:49 AM, MunkiLord said:

I'm a big believer that 2 Scrappers solves most problems. 

With a friend TW bio scrapper in +5 build too, we solve many problems 😉

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I'll go with the classic suggestion of 2x Fire/Rad controllers.


2x AM means hardly any end issues + damage and recharge buff

2x Flashfire for mass containment

2x Hotfeet + Chocking Cloud so you can jump in after Flashfire and start inflicting great AoE dmg

2x debuffs to make everything melt quicker

6x fiery imps of doom


Add to that some handy heals, mass AoE hold and bonfire with KB>KD procs and you'll have a fantastic combo and fun times ahead of you.

Edited by Falsey

Warning: This post may contain an opinion.

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On 8/24/2019 at 4:21 PM, Without_Pause said:

Fire/rad as a classic. Fire/time as the new power couple.

Two Fire/Time corruptors gel extremely well together from the start, with 2x Time's Juncture and 2x Rain of Fire+Fireballs absolutely trivializng the majority of content. At the end-game you have constant nukes going on thanks to 2x Chrono Shifts, overcapped defenses with 2x Farsight, and capped resists+cc protection with a high uptime Rune of Protection (thanks to the 2x Chrono Shifts). The only problem I see is endurance before Chrono Shift, but 2x Victory Rush takes care of that nicely while leveling.

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