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A Question from The Homecoming Team


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Stellar work so far.

Respecing:  Instead of having to go through the entire process it would be nice to be able to swap out 1-3 powers. At times I avoid it because I just want to swap out one power and once you are 50 it can be arduous just for one power.


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If we're starting to talk about zones, I agree with posters considering overhauls to existing ones.  For example,, take Boomtown.  By this point in game time, Boomtown should definitely be showing signs of overgrowth.   Weeds, wide trees, grasses, vines starting to cover the broken husks of the buildings.  New factions should replace the older ones.  For example, yank the Fifth Column from in there, and replace with Devouring Earth, something along those lines.  


What I'm getting at here is to evolve the zones in a way that tells the ongoing story.  Right now, story is limited to arcs and contacts, maybe the occasional TF.  Zone ambiance, and more importantly, CHANGE, is critical to creating a "living" experience.


On a smaller scale, I'd love to see more "instanced" content.  Example:  the first Matt Habashy mission in Atlas.  Area is full of Hellions, until you complete the first mission, and then they're all rounded up by the cops.  I'd love to see the city react to us more frequently like that, even if it's only for the individual player.  It makes you feel like you contributed in some small way.  


On an even smaller (?) scale, I'd like to see more things like the fire alarms and superadine raids across the city.  More events, is what I'm getting at.  Perhaps larger events in the upper level zones, or at least more "threatening" from a story perspective? 

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19 hours ago, Lochspring said:

If we're starting to talk about zones, I agree with posters considering overhauls to existing ones.  For example,, take Boomtown.  By this point in game time, Boomtown should definitely be showing signs of overgrowth.   Weeds, wide trees, grasses, vines starting to cover the broken husks of the buildings.  New factions should replace the older ones.  For example, yank the Fifth Column from in there, and replace with Devouring Earth, something along those lines.  

If you put DE in Boomtown, what happens to all the lower level missions in that zone?  (Both hunts and doors.)  It's fine to say the "city should be living", but it also has to accommodate low level noobs alongside the Incarnate veterans.

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Could just be frivolous, but I think Ice Control could use some work.  It feels super weak compared to other control sets and the sleep effect on flash freeze feels out of place for the set.  It makes more sense to put glacier's effects as a targeted AoE and turn flash freeze into the pbaoe effect.  Just thoughts.

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I'd like to throw out a suggestion for new costume pieces, being larger tails.  Even if it's just the current animated ones we have, but just scaled up to be much bigger.  I appreciate the ones we have but they're sometimes hard to notice.  I'd also like to see more customization to Beast Heads.  Would it be too much to ask to have the "Ears" subsection be changed to "Features" that also includes fins and horns?  

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new content including arcs stories 

new villains including if possible an arch villain or arch rival mechanic where we design a signature villain to attack us at random or show up in random missions
more costumed and named super baddies in missions

new power sets including wind control and or wind blasting as well as a motorcycle and swinging powerset also a revision of superspeed to allow for vertical movement along walls and  such

an underwater zone Atlantis and new baddies to face down there and a swimming powerset or underwater pool set perhaps

My Dear you deserve the services of a great wizard but youll have to settle for the aid of a second rate pick pocket



So you mean you'll put down your rock, and I'll put down my sword; and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?

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On 11/23/2019 at 10:46 AM, Doc_Scorpion said:

If you put DE in Boomtown, what happens to all the lower level missions in that zone?  (Both hunts and doors.)  It's fine to say the "city should be living", but it also has to accommodate low level noobs alongside the Incarnate veterans.

You're right.  I was mostly thinking of theme, trying to look at nature-based monster sets, not level.  Though, and this is worth considering, why NOT allow zones to change level range?  As long as there is equivalent content moved to another zone, why not shift things around a bit?  That'd be another way to bring a more dynamic, living feel to the game.   


Of course, at this point, to manage a balanace like that, we'd be looking at overhauling multiple zones at once, so that'd be challenging, but one of the hallmarks of MMOs today is an evolving world.  I think there's room to explore the idea.

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18 hours ago, Lochspring said:

You're right.  I was mostly thinking of theme, trying to look at nature-based monster sets, not level.  Though, and this is worth considering, why NOT allow zones to change level range?  As long as there is equivalent content moved to another zone, why not shift things around a bit?  That'd be another way to bring a more dynamic, living feel to the game.   


Of course, at this point, to manage a balanace like that, we'd be looking at overhauling multiple zones at once, so that'd be challenging, but one of the hallmarks of MMOs today is an evolving world.  I think there's room to explore the idea.

I'm sure they could do this, but it probably take months. Especially if it includes moving mission doors and storylines to other zones.

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  • 2 weeks later

HEY!  I have a very specific request that just occurred to me... if anybody can tweak powers.  It ALWAYS bugged me.  Please could you SPEED UP FLURRY!  Has it EVER made sense that the super-speed punch power is one of the slowest attacks in the game?  Can it be sped up to at LEAST Sands of Mu or Shadow Maul speed.

Edited by Ohioknight
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I'd like to see the Mayhem Missions available as flashbacks.


As it stands you really need to plan things carefully out to get the Invader Badge. And If you forgot about it (like I did until it was far too late) you are basically SOL.  (Yes I know you can switch to blue and get TF commander and then swap back. But that is stupid thematically.)


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1 hour ago, Dencrom said:

I'd like to see the Mayhem Missions available as flashbacks.


As it stands you really need to plan things carefully out to get the Invader Badge. And If you forgot about it (like I did until it was far too late) you are basically SOL.  (Yes I know you can switch to blue and get TF commander and then swap back. But that is stupid thematically.)


Actually, there's a thematic way around it without switching to blue. Kill 25 signature heroes and you get the Hero Slayer Badge. That unlocks Lord Schweinzer, who can send you on any Mayhem Mission directly.


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to not start over!  i'm a badger, that's my main focus in the game, and if we had to wipe characters, i probably wouldn't return. its sad, but i'm not getting all the badges for a 3rd time.  just playing to lvl and alt is OK, and if i have a character with all the badges, that is what i would do, but to just play and not badge isn't fun for me, that is just me.

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A legit, licensed server? I mean, I like what we have with Homecoming. I'd like to see continued development of the game, more content, as is possible. Maybe a slight graphics overhaul to bring the game a bit more up from where it is, not that its ugly by any measures even by today's standards but it would be nice to see it get that upgrade. Otherwise, the main core of it all would be the security of not having to worry about losing the game again any time soon.

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On 9/7/2019 at 10:18 AM, Ideon said:

No subscription system if possible but not going crazy on microtransactions, haha.


If a sub model is required then since it's an old game, try not to go overboard on the pricing

I'd be willing to do between $6-$10 Per month for VIP Status.  But there should definatly keep a free play tier. 

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Most of what I could want (costume options, graphical updates, more story and incarnate content, more leveling content, among other things) has already been reiterated a solid number of times, but unless I miss this, one thing I would like that I haven’t seen mentioned yet is:


 - Praetoria content. I heard rumors that the devs had ambitions of adding new zones to bring Prae closer in size to Paragon, and that they wanted story content all the way up to level 50+. I feel like absence of that is no small part of why those zones are so dead and underutilized.


I would have loved to see more of the resistance story come to pass and it would be pretty cool to be able to run all the way up to 50 there with a praetorian character, with visits to Paragon and the Isles as the stories progress.


 - I’d also like to second the request to have more hero content in Rogue Isles, more villain content in Paragon, more vigilante and rogue content. Opening those areas up for different alignments would I think create a whole new set of opportunities and really open up the world. Imagining a burgeoning young hero, born and raised in the Rogue Isles, rising out of the slums of Mercy to try and make things better...


 - Vigilante and Rogue specific stories and content. Possibly even vig/rog specific epic power pools. This ones a bit wild and out there, but i imagine there are folks out there who love the idea of toeing the line between good and evil.

Edited by Safehouse

Liberty and Virtue server refugee. Everlasting resident.


Main/Planned Characters:

  • Astellus - Kinetic/Energy/Mu Scrapper (Magic)
  • Plasmitar - Radiation/Energy/Flame Blaster (Science)
  • Scionic - Psychic/Atomic/Soul Blaster (Mutation)
  • Safehouse - Street Justice/Energy Aura Scrapper (Magic)
  • Starshear - Energy/Atomic/Force Blaster (Science)
  • Neonstar - Luminous/Luminous Peacebringer (Natural)
  • Faerwald - Gravity/Energy/Psionic Dominator (Science)
  • Fomalhaut - Rad/Rad Sentinel (Science)
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