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1 hour ago, Redletter said:

Hey gang, Im trying to make a Magic Stalker, I kinda just love SJ on them, and i thought that MAYBE I'd make them like, a Rularu kinda charater? Like a follower or something? The big magic book in the super base and the theme of eyes just got me thinking of like, a bloodborne hunter meets the Living Spellbook? I have NO idea how to get there, since like, my only encounter with Rularu was in the scrpited Oroboros incarnate mission where you just face roll every strike boss? And I didnt even notice he wasnt just a part of the background.


So yeah, I guess this is more a prompt? How would YOU go about making a rularu themed wizard?



How about this one?:


Tried to mix different stuff. The quasi Design of the Rulu-Shin with the stuff you'd see on most of Rularuus Monsters and the mummy parts kinda look like paper.


living spell.jpg

Living Spell.costume

Edited by Ashington
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On 12/8/2021 at 1:08 AM, Redletter said:

Hey gang, Im trying to make a Magic Stalker, I kinda just love SJ on them, and i thought that MAYBE I'd make them like, a Rularu kinda charater? Like a follower or something? The big magic book in the super base and the theme of eyes just got me thinking of like, a bloodborne hunter meets the Living Spellbook? I have NO idea how to get there, since like, my only encounter with Rularu was in the scrpited Oroboros incarnate mission where you just face roll every strike boss? And I didnt even notice he wasnt just a part of the background.


So yeah, I guess this is more a prompt? How would YOU go about making a rularu themed wizard?



I don't know if this is what you're looking for, but I was actually messing around trying to make a Rularuu-style character tonight. All the shards of him are shirtless, so that's what I did, too.







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On 12/8/2021 at 12:08 AM, Redletter said:

So yeah, I guess this is more a prompt? How would YOU go about making a rularu themed wizard?


I despaired immediately of coming close to the Living Spellbook art with the options in the character creator and so went looking at the Rularuu images for inspiration. I really wanted to do something close to Lanaru the Mad:




Obviously the clothing options are not available to us but I had an idea on how to handle that. But I could not get a satisfactory chest look. So I went with a robe for a more modest, cerebral physicality. Added in an aura and then came back for wings to bring back in the Living Spellbook aspect. Spider wings were tempting but decided against them in the end. Finally headgear. I went with something which is more neutral, power for power's sake, in its presentation. There are other options which would go for a more evil or good like Faathim feel.


Not sure how close to Rularuu themed I got but I think it is pretty cool regardless.






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5 hours ago, Trike said:




I do not like the bare chest option in the game but overlaying the pattern over it was inspired and seriously brings up the underling blah of the chest. (Can we not get a slightly more defined chest option?)


Awesomely done.


Edit: Found a way to get the Lanaru look by cheating and using Tights with a close color to skin color (and oldie and why they changed the skin palettes to be slightly different from costume, as people were making nude characters). I also stole shamelessly from you. 🙂 





Edited by Erratic1
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6 hours ago, Erratic1 said:




I do not like the bare chest option in the game but overlaying the pattern over it was inspired and seriously brings up the underling blah of the chest. (Can we not get a slightly more defined chest option?)


Awesomely done.


Edit: Found a way to get the Lanaru look by cheating and using Tights with a close color to skin color (and oldie and why they changed the skin palettes to be slightly different from costume, as people were making nude characters). I also stole shamelessly from you. 🙂 




RularuuMage2.costume 7.1 kB · 1 download

Thanks! The thorns bottom is really the only viable option to emulate Rularuu, but I also thought the Ascension belt was a good option, too. I flipped a coin on that. I used the smaller Organic boots to try and disguise his feet. I made him purple with darker purple Ascension aura and whatever those wings are called because they matched the default Power Slide sprint option to also hide his feet. That’s the glow at the bottom of the pics. He looks cool in Hover mode.


No worries on copying; I swipe ideas all the time. In fact, last night someone I teamed with said they admired Vaarluuk (“far look”) so much they were going to copy it. I told them to have at it, since I based him on Faathim the Kind. Just more… purple. 😄

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On 12/10/2021 at 1:20 AM, Trike said:


I don't know if this is what you're looking for, but I was actually messing around trying to make a Rularuu-style character tonight.

Im glad Im not the only one who had the idea!

On 12/10/2021 at 1:20 AM, Trike said:

All the shards of him are shirtless, so that's what I did too

🤔Ya know? I barely noticed that as a theme but you're absolutely right... a good question for your seeker! "What does Rularuu have against shirts?"

On 12/10/2021 at 6:11 AM, Erratic1 said:


I despaired immediately of coming close to the Living Spellbook art with the options in the character creator

Soooorry! I was suing it more as an idea for some connection to a manifestation and/or corruption of knowledge than like, something to ACTUALLY try and emulate (that'd be a nightmare, though the bandages options used by Ashington looked GREAT with a lighter color tone, should you ever feel the desire to become a paper man)

On 12/10/2021 at 6:11 AM, Erratic1 said:


and so went looking at the Rularuu images for inspiration. I really wanted to do something close to Lanaru the Mad:



That's what I tried but theyre like, MOSTLY all opaque dudes in very fashionable pajamas! They look more like Stands than men, and until NOW i hadnt thought to capitalize on those design similarites.


On 12/10/2021 at 6:11 AM, Erratic1 said:

Not sure how close to Rularuu themed I got but I think it is pretty cool regardless.




RularuuMage.costume 7.44 kB · 2 downloads




I have no idea how I hadnt thought of that for ANY character I was trying to simulate a full robe for. Rularuu be damned, THAT is a token of inspiration Ill get to keep. He does look cool! Though...

On 12/10/2021 at 6:22 AM, Erratic1 said:

Edit: Found a way to get the Lanaru look by cheating and using Tights with a close color to skin color (and oldie and why they changed the skin palettes to be slightly different from costume, as people were making nude characters). I also stole shamelessly from you. 🙂 




RularuuMage2.costume 7.1 kB · 3 downloads

Your second go is killin' it! Had I gotten back to this sooner I'd have made the same suggestions you noticed yourself, using patterns on tights as a cheat code to add color and detail to the body (I do this a lot with characters I want to look as if theyre made from a non-flesh material, have doll-like anatomy, or just plain have tats not covered by the various tattoos already provided).


On 12/7/2021 at 11:18 PM, Ashington said:


How about this one?:


Tried to mix different stuff. The quasi Design of the Rulu-Shin with the stuff you'd see on most of Rularuus Monsters and the mummy parts kinda look like paper.


living spell.jpg

Living Spell.costume 7.27 kB · 1 download

The bandages were an inspired idea! It took me a hot second to realize that you used the cybertech eye piece to get that eye appearing through the bandages! That was really cool, and I hadnt thought to do that.


What STARTED as an attempt to make paper quickly derailed. The problem with paper is that it is typically very white and blank, and since mummified doesnt support patterns there wasnt a lot I could do with it in terms of color. I THEN tried to give it a more papyrus look? Which... kiiiiinda worked? A little? I thought that maybe i'd do that, and some tattered white bits to make it look like it's a mix of both? That didnt work out, so I expertimented until I got this kinda sickly green? I figured instead of being PRISTINE paper it'd be like, old and moldy?


Can paper be moldy? I dont know. But the rularuu concept quickly kinda fell by the wayside...




Ressurected shortly after when I went to weapons. Even NOW this doesnt feel right at ALL, but I AM quite happy with the Banished Pantheon aura - normially i dont like it since it's ALWAYS on and it colors VERY weirdly? But here, Im satisfied with how it looks. On thing I noticed is that Circle of Thorns gear KEEPS showing up in these builds! The FIRST incarnation of this guy used so many, he MAY as well JUST have been a CoT character with how he was dressed. Experimenting with this costume gave me other ideas for costumes though, so regardless of the results Im glad I tried.


Now, based on the lovely work based on like, ACTUAL aspects of Rularuu (he needs a nickname, imma call him RuRu) this is what i've come up with...



I opted for the flatter "crown" since theyre a bit taller, and the REAL challenge here was mimicking the IMPRESIIVE dome on RuRu's aspects. Like, good god do they have HUGE heads...




Circle of Thorns man-skirt is as inevitable as death and taxes at this point, I chose to use Imperial Dynasty as my belt of choice, since while ascension IS striking and stylish (and kinda similar to the ENORMOUS belts the aspects tend to have) I wanted a bit more cloth and it doesnt clip toooooo bad.




I wanted to give Thunderhead a try, since ive yet to make a character who needs CLOUDS with their lightning, but the RuRus tend to like the sort of "apocolyptic presence produces immense and ominous power" kinda thing? It looks kinda weird HERE because in a still image the lightning effect on the eyes doesnt really show very well... and the RuRU I've made has such an IMMENSE thigh game that he clips right through his skirt - relatable.




Now, normally, I despire Path Auras because they make the overworld hate me, and they have a tendency to add nothing to a character besides obnoxious and distracting FX. BUT! That works here. With Prestige Slide, you'd like, NEVER be able to tell this guy even HAS legs! Clipping problems = S O L V E D! Plus, it comes with yet more lightning!



SO! With that, I THINK I got everything I wanted from this little exploration in the magical world of RuRu stuff. It wasnt what I was looking for, but it was much more informative! Much better ideas, even if they were like, not quite what I had in mind when I put the question out there.

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Hey everyone!


So here's another design of mine that needs a little work.  Meet the Crimson Cyclotron, a Rad^2 Tanker.




Simple premise, guy who used tech lifted from his day job at Terra Volta to build a kinda-sorta-usable power suit to defend his work buddies.  (Side note: if you've never heard it, go listen to Johnny Cash's song, "One Piece At A Time", it gives you a feel for the vibe I'm going for here, and also it's just a great, fun song!)


I kind of need to push this suit in two different directions.  First, I need a "Mk 1" version of the suit.  The kind of version that really, really doesn't look like it's up to code.  Guy walks into the Galaxy City tutorial wearing a suit like that, even the Shivans start eyeing the exits, and Back Alley Brawler is thinking to himself, "Man, if Ray ever wore a suit that shoddy, Steel Canyon could lose power and you'd still have enough light to read by!"  Then in the other direction, show me what you've got for a good, finished product, high-tech looking suit.


The only parameter to keep in mind is keep it tech, and keep the red as the primary color.


Thanks in advance for your time!



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5 hours ago, Generator said:

First, I need a "Mk 1" version of the suit.  The kind of version that really, really doesn't look like it's up to code.  Guy walks into the Galaxy City tutorial wearing a suit like that, even the Shivans start eyeing the exits, and Back Alley Brawler is thinking to himself, "Man, if Ray ever wore a suit that shoddy, Steel Canyon could lose power and you'd still have enough light to read by!"  Then in the other direction, show me what you've got for a good, finished product, high-tech looking suit.


The only parameter to keep in mind is keep it tech, and keep the red as the primary color.

Taking a stab at these during a lull in moving activity. Hopefully you like some of what you see!


For the Mk.1 version my mind goes immediately to mismatched parts. Hey, the guy just jacked whatever he could off the site and did his best to make something out of it (and even the belt clipping kinda works to establish that things didn't fit quite right...):



The Mk.X harmonizes & upgrades the suit considerably (retaining the upper and lower armour style but replacing everything else):


power line mk1.costume power line mkx.costume



So many alts, so little time...

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5 hours ago, Generator said:

I kind of need to push this suit in two different directions.  First, I need a "Mk 1" version of the suit.  The kind of version that really, really doesn't look like it's up to code.  Guy walks into the Galaxy City tutorial wearing a suit like that, even the Shivans start eyeing the exits, and Back Alley Brawler is thinking to himself, "Man, if Ray ever wore a suit that shoddy, Steel Canyon could lose power and you'd still have enough light to read by!"  Then in the other direction, show me what you've got for a good, finished product, high-tech looking suit.

I think a combination of the Steampunk Armor costume bits combined with the Black Knight ones would give it a suitable homemade, Iron Man v1.0 built-in-a-cave look. Color it brown and gray with red highlights while having it be slightly oversized to emphasize that. Oh, maybe also the Mecha gloves, since they’re square. Different shapes that don’t quite gel also lend to that whole “spare parts welded together in a garage” look.


The finished/polished one is easier — just use all the sleek armor parts without seams, straps and rivets, going for nanosuit Iron Man of Endgame.


I’ll make a couple when I get home from work later tonight. Probably around 6 hours from now, depending on how talky the meeting is.

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4 minutes ago, Cutter said:

For the Mk.1 version my mind goes immediately to mismatched parts. Hey, the guy just jacked whatever he could off the site and did his best to make something out of it (and even the belt clipping kinda works to establish that things didn't fit quite right...)

This is what I was getting at, except not *quite* as cobbled-together looking. Mismatched parts, but more of an effort to make them all look like they go. An amateur’s honest attempt at a cool design.

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12 hours ago, Generator said:

kind of need to push this suit in two different directions.  First, I need a "Mk 1" version of the suit.  The kind of version that really, really doesn't look like it's up to code.  Guy walks into the Galaxy City tutorial wearing a suit like that, even the Shivans start eyeing the exits, and Back Alley Brawler is thinking to himself, "Man, if Ray ever wore a suit that shoddy, Steel Canyon could lose power and you'd still have enough light to read by!"  Then in the other direction, show me what you've got for a good, finished product, high-tech looking suit.


Here are my attempts, going slightly different from Cutter's:


Generator.jpg Generator2.jpg




Generator3.jpg Generator4.jpg




I've never posted costume files before, so I hope this is how you do it:




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On 12/16/2021 at 8:18 AM, Generator said:

The only parameter to keep in mind is keep it tech, and keep the red as the primary color.


Thought I would give it a go.


For Mark I the Malaise pattern (red with not quite green yellow) with actual green along the shoulder pads and face visor along with the chest monitor system were chosen to focus on a lack of public safety and construction from material long past its prime from Terra Volta.



Mark I.costume



Mark X presented the problem of there being no upper bound to comic book tech--you could have a normal appearance and appeal to nanites. Reminded myself the charge was to portray a worn suit. I pulled the greenish hues (one wonders how was Batman in the 60s television show allowed to drive around Gotham City with a nuclear reactor driven car spewing atomic flame out its rear) and seriously considered using the Ascension chest detail but the perception of public safety won out in the end along with a focus on a feel of new materials.



Mark X.costume



Edited by Erratic1
Forgot to include Mark X costume file
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6 hours ago, Erratic1 said:


Thought I would give it a go.


For Mark I the Malaise pattern (red with not quite green yellow) with actual green along the shoulder pads and face visor along with the chest monitor system were chosen to focus on a lack of public safety and construction from material long past its prime from Terra Volta.



Mark I.costume 6.77 kB · 0 downloads



Mark X presented the problem of there being no upper bound to comic book tech--you could have a normal appearance and appeal to nanites. Reminded myself the charge was to portray a worn suit. I pulled the greenish hues (one wonders how was Batman in the 60s television show allowed to drive around Gotham City with a nuclear reactor driven car spewing atomic flame out its rear) and seriously considered using the Ascension chest detail but the perception of public safety won out in the end along with a focus on a feel of new materials.



Mark X.costume 6.79 kB · 0 downloads




loooove the mark 1 design.

great work.

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I'm looking for some help or suggestions for my latest character - "Shattering Silk".  She's a seismic blast/ninja training blaster.  The concept is basically a ninja with earth-blast powers, but I don't want a typical or generic ninja look.  I would like to keep the general color scheme, but am open to almost any other ideas you folks can come up with.  Thanks!



shattering silk2.jpg

shattering silk6.costume

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21 hours ago, biostem said:

I'm looking for some help or suggestions for my latest character - "Shattering Silk".  She's a seismic blast/ninja training blaster.  The concept is basically a ninja with earth-blast powers, but I don't want a typical or generic ninja look.  I would like to keep the general color scheme, but am open to almost any other ideas you folks can come up with.  Thanks!

Any more detail about the character (personality, backstory, even playstyle) would be useful.  Otherwise, I'm not really sure where you want to go with this.

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Want more from Praetoria? Check out my level 40+ Praetoria missions in AE! I've got 3 complete arcs so far.
Praetorians can get to AE in Pocket D by going through Studio 55.


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19 minutes ago, Shocktacular said:

Any more detail about the character (personality, backstory, even playstyle) would be useful.  Otherwise, I'm not really sure where you want to go with this.

Well, I was inspired to create her after watching a bunch of the character intros and banter for MK11.  Besides that, I haven't really fleshed out her backstory or personality yet.  Thanks!

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Sticking pretty close to what you did and taking some inspiration from Erratic's take, here's my version.  I really wish there was a two-color version of the Imperial Dynasty top under "Tops with Skin" where you could choose the second color, but I think it turned out pretty nicely.


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Want more from Praetoria? Check out my level 40+ Praetoria missions in AE! I've got 3 complete arcs so far.
Praetorians can get to AE in Pocket D by going through Studio 55.


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Got Metroid: Dread for Xmas! Figured I'd celebrate with an attempt at Varia Suit Samus.


No helmet, because all my attempts to recreate the helmet Sammy's got have been met with very awkward results mostly in part to all the options to simulate helmets tend to mold to the general shape of the head, making helmets that have wide dome-like shapes (Juggeraunt, Hulkbuster, Samus) difficult.


The first image uses Vanguard chest, while this uses Clockwork. While the slimmer waist works, the way that Clockwork takes color isnt as complimentary as id like. In both cases I used Enforcer on the right arm to simulate her blaster.


But you could also use the big tech gauntlet, though I really dont like this look as it's very bulbus, which works on a lot of designs, just not this one.


As an experiment, I also tried cosmic corsair's hook hand nub. It got a giggle out of me.


Honestly, theres a LOT of options I didnt use that could totally work as well. Especially if you're like me and you're a total simp for GLOWY BITS

Resident certified baby

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On 12/20/2021 at 6:51 PM, biostem said:

I'm looking for some help or suggestions for my latest character - "Shattering Silk".  She's a seismic blast/ninja training blaster.  The concept is basically a ninja with earth-blast powers, but I don't want a typical or generic ninja look.  I would like to keep the general color scheme, but am open to almost any other ideas you folks can come up with.  Thanks!



shattering silk2.jpg

shattering silk6.costume 7.13 kB · 3 downloads


So, one of the things im noticing is youre using the ABSOLUTE BLACK in the color palletes. My problem with that is that shade of black in particular tends to eliminate any texture the article of clothing has. Bumping it up just one or two shades, or going on down to darker blues and purples also tends to help. Just doing that does a LOT to make an outfit pop.


Likewise, it may be worthwhile to seperate her color pallete in your mind based on what the material is supposed to be. Like, the talon gauntlets have a metal vambrace and what seems to be leather gloves. So, then maybe her top shouldnt be the cloth based cybertech. Matching colors by material tends to help me out a lot.

On 12/21/2021 at 4:52 PM, biostem said:

Well, I was inspired to create her after watching a bunch of the character intros and banter for MK11.  Besides that, I haven't really fleshed out her backstory or personality yet.  Thanks!


Oh! Well then, I think you DEFINITELY need to take a closer look at the character designs for Mortal Kombat in general. MK thrives on metal, leather, cloth, bone, and for the ladies, skin.




It's days like this where I wish the Witch set let me color the lace and the metal seperately. I took the idea of "ninja with rock powers" and took to the Outworld tendencies for brass and monster bits. Like, a gorgon who's a ninja? I was tempted to go the route of say, Kitana, which would have been FAR closer to your original design, but this kinda just went off the rails and ultimately i decided the mortal combat aesthetic was more important to hold to.


If this isnt your thing, I'd recomend definitely finding a primary color for her that stands out MOST. The ninjas of MK, unilaterally, seperate themselves visually by color and the girls with ninja-esque designs ESPECIALLY love color. Take a dip into the robes/sleeveless robes category! There's a TON of good looking tops there that pair well with armor, if thats what your trying to pair (cloth+armor bits)


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