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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. Power descriptions for the holds: Your audience falls into deep despair, incapacitating them. Hymn of Dissonance causes pain on its listener, the pain can be disruptive enough to hold them in place. Stronger foes might persist, but will still attack at a reduced speed. I don't think either would cause a reaction of "woo, party on, dance the night away..."
  2. 100% "Whatever looks interesting." I know I could min/max. I don't because it's boring to me. (And yet some characters still get to the point of "can stand in the middle of a mob napping and be safe." If they get there 'naturally' it's fine.) Reasons I'll make a character: 1. Character concept. I want to be this person, or this person would fit a story in my head. What AT/sets fit best? (Backstory first) 2. "Ooh, I want to try that powerset." 3. "Oooh, I don't think I've tried that combo." Sometimes a "for the lulz" reason, like stone/MA flipping around while attacking sounds funny. 4. A name comes to mind, is available, I like what ideas come with it. (For instance, Rock Yew is still waiting for sentinels to get stone armor. Til then, earth/TA.) 5. SG reasons, which is kinda-sorta 1 but externally prompted. 6. Mix of the above. The times I've made a character to deal with something specific in game... are rare (introduction of the purple triangles, IIRC, prompted me to make a rad/rad, and that felt forced. Got her to 50, she was (and is) a fun character, but ... eh.) I'm pretty much 100% either "What sounds fun today?" or being a smarta** in naming (*Rez dispenser waves from the RWZ.*)
  3. Mm. The recharge time wouldn't hurt, certainly. And yeah, I'm iffy about the damage. Primarily because (a) you're setting up containment on a group, now, and (b) Dominators don't really need it. (And I'm a little "eh" about ice and elec getting gimmicky.) Not saying it's bad or broken, just that I'm "eh" about it. Gut feel.
  4. Here? Most people don't PVP. It's pretty easy to avoid the three people who do. >.> (Just teasing, PVPers. :) )
  5. (No, that's not a typo.) Blueside, when you earn a respec, you're still told to go see Jack Wolfe to use it. Which, of course, you don't need to do now. Having this text removed and replaced with just "type /respec" would cause a bit less confusion, given I still see people looking for Wolfe in Help. Of course, that's not quite as fun. Maybe a hint of "Type /respec, or do it the old fashioned way" and leaving it at that might lead to something... Say, a badge if you visit Wolfe and do the legacy cape and aura missions? (you know, I'm not even 100% sure they're still available. Pretty sure, but....) Do all three for the badge. "Old timer" or "Stuck in the past" or something. Oh, sure, and do the same with redside, I suppose. >.> :)
  6. Incredibly minor, but longstanding. Every once in a while I'll go ahead and check NPCs to see what they have for time and number of times on patrol. The "M" NPCs supposedly give (basically) total time played. Except that time gets "stuck" one way or another on occasion. For instance, back on live I had a character in a foursome of shield users. We only ran together. Their 1-50 time was in the 80-ish hour range. Me, with the same logins, other than perhaps an occasional auction house check.. 300+. Currently, I was checking on a level 38 sentinel. NPC reports 14 times on patrol. The "M" NPC reports 306 hours - which means I'd have to be playing an average of 21.8 hours *each time* I logged that character on. Which ... no. Again, incredibly minor, but it's there.
  7. Ahh. That I know is a .. bug? ... with several Shadow Shard maps. Annoying as hell.
  8. I'd take it just for the always slow snipe. Hell, I'd convert the other pieces to always slow snipe.
  9. ... About the only time I see things not render is in the middle of MSRs. I don't think I've ever had that happen in a mission in HC.
  10. Well, the concept's part one of others not wanting to be around, part "sandpaper" thanks to the acid - haven't run as bio, but dark/SS fit quite well when that got released to tanks on live.
  11. I mentioned this back on live... probably from a naming question thread. The "root" of my first main/forum namesake/etc (Memphis Bill) was back in Marvel's New Universe days - Dennis Cuzinski, part of D.P.7, aka "Scuzz." Some friends of mine were starting - not Champions, but Tristat Silver Age Sentinels. I wanted to make something more interesting than just the "tough guy," and my mind went to that character. So, I had a pretty decent tank - without the original's attitude - whose skin just constantly oozed acid. Played hell with the clothing budget, but had some interesting side effects (copying the "spitball," basically... but when I used it in a sort of entrance exam IC, I needed two handfulls of dice to deal with the various effects - yay tristat - and managed to make a bunker into rubble. Also had an AoE effect he discovered where he just described himself as "smelling real bad" - but the acid could disperse into the air around him and knock out most minions and such.) Tried to remake him in Freedom Force, but ... never really got too far into that game. Then COH came out, I figured my first runthrough should be with something resiliant. I thought of that character, and the closest thing I could get to it was a fire/ss tanker at the time. So I rilled with it.
  12. Mmnh. I don't know about setting a floor - that sounds more like it'd just be shooting yourself in the foot (and not being able to heal it because it puts you under that limit.) Audio or visual cues... I suppose depending on how their implemented. I mean, we already have a low health cue consisting being on the floor, but that might be a little low. :) But some sort of indicator - sure. (And yes, I know, we have indicator bars - I know mine are tucked in the corner typically.) I'm not sure about being "character model centric," necessarily - I think that'd have to be clarified a bit - but optional indicators wouldn't hurt, for the people who want them.
  13. JUUUUUUST as a nitpick... no, the team wouldn't have billing information even if they had character information. We have Homecoming (and the other servers) because the *game* servers were backed up. Billing would have been handled somewhere completely different inside of NC and would and could not have been part of the server code, even if someone had wanted to back it up.
  14. Public space is ... public. Anyone saying otherwise needs to be hit upside the head with a dictionary. I mean, sure, if a group is doing something, they shouldn't be barged in on or whatever, but "claiming" a spot is "theirs" ... no. Now, yeah, I don't think you're talking about "Our group meets up at this spot every Wednesday" or "we're hanging out in public right now." That's fine - just like you can go out with friends IRL and terrorize a table at the Olive Garden or whatever, people shouldn't barge into that. But you can't demand the waitress move other customers out of a specific table because it's "yours" when you do it.
  15. I have a pile of characters, not a "main" so much. And while there'll sometimes be something I enjoy mechanically, generally what keeps me going with them would be whatever stories are going on with them in RP.
  16. I wouldn't mind, but I'd really want the editor fixed first.
  17. Fair. (FWIW, I *hate* fast snipe and wish we had a way to turn it off. We've got an "always fast snipe" IO, I want a "never fast snipe" one.) <-- still uses standard snipes regularly and *hates* fast snipes and having to wait for them to get out of "fast" mode. I picked a snipe for *range* and *damage.* If I want something I can use during combat, I've got at *least* the rest of an entire powerset for that.
  18. *Points to Hero Corpse arc in AE* >.>
  19. Why do I see this opening up leaders abusing players for not paying them...
  20. This, I think, would be one of the few times I'd be up for "Yeah, straight replacement might be a good idea," especially if you're trying to "tankermind" a bit and get a specific enemy (or eliminate that one quickly, or before the minions go haring off after a runner.) The extra range would be useful.
  21. Have to say I don't particularly care for this. Right now, you can get "infiltration" by taking mask presence on the three VEATs it's thematic for (since Crabs don't tend to be stealthy) and Athletic Run - so no need for a pool pick. I can run Mask Presence without affecting my movement. Plus, frankly, there's nothing about Widows, Forts, Crabs or Banes that indicates "Inherent travel power." If one of the options were Mu? There'd be an argument for an inherent flight there. But for the others? Nope. You're an Epic. the ATs are designed to be you, a common redslider schlub working for Arachnos, to decide you want to force your way onto the "Destined Ones" list. That's the basis to work with.
  22. Yeah. This has been a longstanding request/gripe. It got worse during invasions when they cut down the despawn time of defeated mobs to cut down the "clutter."
  23. Well, no. Blue *and* red can go into Praetoria, after all, so numbers wouldn't necessarily be too bad. If they get into the WTF migration, people would jump in for an hour or two. It'd be more finding one to *start* the TF, unless it considers what your starting alignment was (looking for some Praetoria-specific badge, perhaps - I'm not sure how it handles the forced red/blue on leaving praetoria and if the game remembers what you were previously.)
  24. Yeah. Main issue there is screwing up the story progression. If you don't care about that? *shrug* I don't know that there's story enough left in Praetoria, but sure.
  25. Note, I wasn't actually asking. But have heard that asked more often than not.
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