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Everything posted by biostem

  1. Great to hear! Thanks. Forgot to mention, skip the toggle stun, it's not very good. Oh, ok. Thanks again.
  2. So in my efforts to try out many of the powersets that came out after I stopped playing CoX during its original run, I would like to give Street Justice a go. I want to pair it with something interesting and different, so I'm leaning toward energy aura. In looking at the list of powers that each AT gets, I noticed that stalkers only lose the 2 auto/passive powers, and gain hide + a toggle stun instead. Can anybody give me some insight into this combo? Thanks!
  3. Well, I get what you're saying, but at the same time, a MM is more than just their secondary, while teamed. Not only are your pets completely expendable, but they're another source of damage and can even permit you to tank damage while in bodyguard mode. If you're worried about being useless on a team, then perhaps look into kinetics or dark, then. Even radiation has a lot more tools to bring to bear...
  4. Honestly, if you're going with ninjas, I'd suggest taking a secondary that can provide other benefits besides just heals. Thermal, for instance, offers some shields and buffs. Dark has a heal, plenty of enemy debuffs, and some soft/hard control abilities. As for taking the MM attacks - I'm guilty of doing this sometimes, too, so don't sweat it. :-) Note: Yes, I am aware that empathy does do more than *just* heal, but you don't get fortitude until later, and recovery buffs won't really do much for your pets...
  5. I can't seem to input any key-related commands from within the enhancement management window, if that's what you mean...
  6. What do you mean by a "~30% non attack bug" - do you mean about 30% of the time the beasts don't attack, or do you mean they seem to stand there and do nothing for about 30% of the time? I have a baby beast MM, and the wolves and lioness seem to attack at about the expected rate...
  7. You shouldn't be taking any single power and looking at it outside of the context of the entire power set, though; Some sets excel *because* of their T9s, others because of some other power(s) or combination of powers, while still others have some other built in mechanism/gimmick. Sure, some of the powers could stand a bit of tweaking, but I don't think looking at them in isolation is a good way to go about it...
  8. So I rolled a staff/radiation scrapper last night, and boy is he fun! I was debating street justice, (and I'll probably still roll on of those), but for now this is my "flavor of the minute". Just a few questions: So I took the staff mastery power, and it seems that body is extra damage, mind is extra recharge, and spirit/soul is end discount. They also cause a slightly different effect when you use one of the finishers. It seems that it may be worth it to just keep the buff on yourself, though. I took the 'gamma boost' passive from rad armor. So the tooltip says it gives both an end recovery and regen boost, but the end part is better if your health is high, and the regen part is better when your health is low. My character is only about level 14 atm, so I just put 2 slots in it, (so 3 total), and was just going to eventually put 3 end mod enh's in that and 3 in stamina. Is it worth it to also slot 3 health enh's? I really like the 'guarded spin' power in staff - it seems to grant about 11% def to melee & lethal - should I slot it to grant even more defense? I left CoX shortly after they added the invention enh's, so my traditional SO slotting for attacks was 2 acc, 3 dmg, and either a rech, end, or so on - would something like 2 acc, 3 def, and 1 dmg or rech be a good choice for this power? Lastly, in reading over some of the newer power sets, I see that some, (like RA), had "+absorb" - does that just take a flat amount off of any incoming damage? Thanks again for all your help!
  9. I would suggest willpower - Wolvie definitely has a stubborn, unstoppable personality...
  10. Thanks for the input! I've watched some vids of both STJ and SF on youtube, and while staff does indeed look quite fluid, I think it's too flashy/break-dancey for what I'm going for. I think I'll roll a STJ/RA when I have time. Still, so many choices!!!
  11. LOL! So noted. Any thoughts on either regarding their in-game performance or gimmicks, though?
  12. Hey gang! So I've been really enjoying my return to CoX after so many years, and while I've been playing several other ATs, I'm thinking of returning to the 2nd AT I ever played - namely Scrappers. I'm very much liking the look of radiation armor, but I'm torn between street justice or staff fighting for my primary set. Any insight or opinions? Thanks!
  13. I don't know if fire attacks would be the best fit. Maybe bring in some attacks from broadsword or savage melee would be a better fit, (only typed fire/toxic).
  14. Really, just a simple "stay put" command/stance would do it. It seems odd that there's a "goto" command, but not a "stop in your tracks and don't move" one. Another option would be to allow us to selectively enable to disable pet attacks/powers...
  15. I'll try the /quit command, as that's the only one I found that matches what I'm after, but it also says ESC should do this as well, (which it does not, and I've tried on multiple machines with different characters). So the /quit command isn't it; it just brings up the logout menu, and even then, it doesn't work from within the enhancement management screen. Any other thoughts?
  16. Heh, was thinking it was more thematic for Doms TBH :p This would probably be the best route to take. Maybe interplay the whip attacks with savage melee. and/or some of the beast mastery MM powers - like you do a generic whip gesture and a lion pounces the target for a quick attack, (then it runs off).
  17. I'll try the /quit command, as that's the only one I found that matches what I'm after, but it also says ESC should do this as well, (which it does not, and I've tried on multiple machines with different characters).
  18. My suggestion is basically this: I have not found any way, via key press, to exit out of any of the menus you can bring up, such as the enhancement management screen. I know it doesn't take long to just mouse over and click exit, but I still think it'd be great if we could simply click escape to get out of such a menu, or otherwise bind some key to perform that command. Thanks for reading!
  19. I, too, am very much in love with masterminds. I only played CoX until around the time the game went F2P. I have a good amount of experience with mercenaries, and a tiny bit less with ninja. I couldn't get into undead, and though bots are fun, it just seemed that every other MM I ran across was playing them too. I'm currently leveling up a demon/dark and a beast/thermal. Dark is very good, but having to worry that your heal, fear, or other control powers may miss is quite annoying. You can mitigate a lot of that with good acc enh's and tactics, but it still feel a little iffy in tense situations. A lot of the powers seem to have longish recharges, too. My beast/therm is still very young, but I like the reliability of the heals, and the shields appear to apply to everyone in a radius, which ia great QoL improvement. While I see your point regarding def vs DR, I still feel that the always-effective DR is a nice "security blanket". Either way, stick to what you find fun!
  20. If I requested a color image, would you be willing to also send a scan of the image in B&W, before you colored it? Great work!
  21. +1 I'm dating myself a bit here, but I always thought it'd be nice to have an option to put little status effect icons over the various PC and NPC avatars, instead of the actual power auras/effects...
  22. So I used the /manage command in a keybind to quickly and easily get to my enhancement management screen, but I'm finding I have to still click on 'Exit' to get out of the screen. Is there another key or other command I can make use of to get out of that screen just as quickly? Thanks!
  23. biostem


    So I've been toying around with various builds and powersets, and was just looking for some feedback from the more experienced Dominator players out there. I messed around with doms to a very limited degree while CoX was still live, but while going over the sets available, dark/earth seemed like an interesting combination to me. That being said, I have some experience with darkness control, but was looking for input on earth assault and/or the combination of dark/earth. Thank you all in advance for any insight you can provide. The biggest downfalls I can see with earth assault is that it mainly does lethal damage, which can be highly resisted, and all the knocks, (up, down, back), may be annoying to teammates. Thanks again!
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