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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. Waits for blame to be laid on the way other players use the market in game... TLDR: Gone to the Americans! 🤣
  2. Thanks folks. I'll be loading up on temps and Ultimate inspr to bring thru these as fast as I can.
  3. Those "many badges" you refer to in your post weren't the doing of the HC Team. That was during a time when making players grind content equaled more money for the developers. Whatsmore, HC has rolled back nearly every grindy badge that used to be ridiculous to snag on live. So I think it's disingenuous to apply that logic to the current badge meta. The focus that you suggested is how the HC Team tackles badge introductions. These prerequisites for badges to be awarded aren't pulled out of thin air or tied to any inclination for grinding for the sake of grinding. Also, just being nitpicky, but the 60 hours requirement you're referring to is not correct at all. You can get ALL SIX Mez badges in around 23 hours total.
  4. 18553 - Twisted Visage Fire Farm Description: Classic Asteroid map with clever objective placement. Upon entry, click the glowie to complete the mission- this then spawns the destructible objects (which are subsequently destroyed by enemies to spawn larger ambushes). The hostages in the center of the map draw aggro in to a centralized location ensuring maximum AoE carnage. If you enjoy laid back fire farms, this is an easy one to afk on. Recommend running at +4/8, AVs on, with +45% fire def and 90% fire resists (the Elite Bosses sometimes hit hard). Edit: Further context - I regularly clear the map in approximately 7 minutes and pull in approximately 8.5 million inf (plus recipe and salvage drops). That equates to around 75 million inf or so per hour (plus recipe and salvage drops). This would obviously drop if afk farming on the map, where it is usually cleared in 20-25 minutes for the same inf. Edit 2: Additional even more context - Solo runs - (+4/8, AVs on) Minions 8,544 xp 5,979 inf Lieuts 17,088 xp 20,504 inf Bosses 51,265 xp 64,081 inf Elite Boss 102,531 xp 128,164 inf Radiation Melee/Fire Armor Brute (Build 1, Fire Farm Focus) Radiation Melee/Fire Armor Brute (Build 2, Smashing/Lethal Farm Focus, i.e., Portal Corp missions)
  5. So I chose Mako, then proceeded to make it through his four story arcs. Now I need to use Ouro to knock out the other 12 story arcs from BS, Sico, and GW. Anyone have any advice or tips on making this easier?
  6. I'm imagining the travel time from the moon may induce some lag time 😁
  7. I must've stated this in another similar thread, but had two alt accounts and a buddy start it, then all quit out. Edit: Yep, another thread:
  8. Good question! Coordination is key during this event, colorblindness withstanding. I'd recommend asking for a set of /loc coordinates tied to a bind using /thumbtack x z y if attempting to coordinate.
  9. It would be beneficial to add in some -regen and -rech debuffs during the fight. Since the Monster's HP is so large, and since regeneration is tied to max HP, restricting or even flooring regeneration will help shorten the fight considerably. When I soloed this Monster on my Ice/Cold Corruptor, I used a lot of -regen, -res, and -rech. Even still, it took around 8 minutes to solo. If you still have trouble, best thing to do is just increase the size of the team to take down the Monster faster.
  10. Couldn't they swap after an alignment mission? From either Loyalist to Resistance or vice-versa?
  11. The in game holiday events are game wide - blue, red, and gold.
  12. Correct, it does not count towards the overall badge count. So there are 1550 badges counted in game currently, but there are 1552 total badges (Bug Hunter & Flames of Promethius) which can be acquired.... for those who are willing to switch sides and catch em all (More if you are on the beta shard...)
  13. Whoa yikes, those statistics may belong in the real world, but not in this video game. The holiday events in this game are a good time, in fact some of the best times I've ever enjoyed were during holiday events. I understand your point though - there are other servers out there to try during the times you're not excited about or you could run your own server as well. Just some ideas!
  14. The joke is expecting a reward for little to no effort. I'm satisfied with the level of difficulty compared to the reward. In fact, I chose to solo the monster to feel the full weight of my efforts rewarded against this enemy. I started the trial with a friend and two alt accounts then logged them out and buddy quit. The fact that you get exemplared made it all the more challenging since I didn't have access to my higher tier primary and secondary powers. It was one of the tougher monsters I've soloed, with the pets being resummoned frequently and the large health pool. But boy if I didn't enjoy that challenge! And I got a nifty badge for it. I can't see how there is anything to complain about. Especially considering the content was added with the best of intentions for the community and cost me absolutely nothing to consume. And just for context, yeah - it's a monster class enemy. Like monster mash, ya'know Halloween theme and all that? 👻🎃😱
  15. I went through all the different locations in this base and was amazed at how so much could be fit in to something so small. Clever, ingenious, amazing so much detail and smart use of base items - those were things I was saying out loud when I was going through. I don't want to spoil it for anyone, but YOU HAVE TO CHECK THIS BASE OUT!
  16. The fact is that suggestions work both ways - players can provide feedback on your suggestion, its a forum specifically designed for that purpose. I've seen posters give their input just as you've provided your own suggestion and responses to others input. I disagree with this opinion that because players disagree with an idea (whether it is valuable is entirely subjective) that they are trolling. Perhaps it is your first experience with using internet forums, or perhaps not, but this community is welcoming and helpful when given the chance. Good luck!
  17. Not what you've described, but anecdotally, sometimes my server order is wrong. The server I play on primarily is Indom, followed by Torch, and finally Excelsior. I've never played on Everlasting or Reunion. But both of those last two have inserted themselves as the top server in the order many times.
  18. Very well said. I appreciate your perspective @Ukase.
  19. I'm nitpicking here, but why would you need to respec out of Evasive Maneuvers if it became the tier 4 power in the Flight pool (which Afterburner used to occupy)? Were you using the flight pool powers without choosing Fly, so you didn't get the free power after the change? Edit: Oh and Tarnished Star link may help ya: Double edit: nvm! I see you posted in that thread already lol
  20. Great summation of Burn's nerf! Superb ending to your post, you could've even argued it was damage.... over... time 😆
  21. Badging itself is the reward. I'm serious. Players receive a badge for completing a specific requirement. The player receives the dopamine release and the in-game character attains a reward.
  22. Yes! That was a change made in either the last page or the previous before that. We went through and tested Stealth with every Costume temp to make sure.
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