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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. More needs to be said, hear hear! Awesome content finder @Shenanigunner
  2. Yes, yes to previous posters! Risk versus reward. Balance in all things.
  3. I downloaded a program on my Windows computer called ScreenToGif which is a very user friendly way to capture on screen content and turn it in to a .gif It even lets users delete extra frames of short clips, so that files can be compressed down to smaller sizes. So a 5 second clip might hit somewhere between 2MBs and 4MBs.
  4. I don't have any comment on the topic at hand, but great job keeping up with the thread @Monos King. Discussions like these tend to devolve in to two camps pointing fingers, so I am glad that at six pages in there hasn't been a thread lock!
  5. These are fair observations of an evolving game and community, especially since you say you've been attached to the game for so long back on legacy. Luckily, for everyone here on Homecoming, they can play how they want. Slower or faster, as you referenced. The Ouroboros still exists, Single Origin enhancements as well. In fact, there are dedicated groups that play under intentional constraints to enjoy the game the way they want. Other folks will play faster, perhaps seeking a specific niche of content or experience. Nobody is forced in to a play style and the negative/toxic side of MMO financial backends are absent here, meaning players aren't grinding for hours, months, years to collect things or enjoy content.
  6. So what it is looking like is that at Level 5 players with the Rescuer badge can purchase Talisman enhancements from Mr. Yin for 65% the price of a SO equivalent. That means upgrading will be cheaper in the long run. You are constrained to the four types of Talisman enhancements though. So no resist/defense/to-hit, etc..
  7. I could've swore that Talisman Enhancements can be boosted up like SOs now, I think that is in the patch notes some where...
  8. I'd be more inclined to have a go at TE only / natural non-powered character, something like a martial arts or street justice fighter. Does anyone know if Mr. Yin will sell his Talisman Enhancements to Level 1's with the Rescuer badge? Edit: Talisman Enhancements
  9. Ah interesting - I believe I was exemped down to level 24 for the 1st respec trial and I was facing level 30s. Not sure how it works for the around lvl 50 content.
  10. Did you try using the command [/setdifficultyteamsize x], with x representing the '9999' number? I was able to do this for the first respec trial on a solo run and holy yikes, I was working my butt off with the spawns. I had to use everything, pets, temps, nukes, the whole bag.
  11. Agreed! The way the series has progressed I see those as the only options left on the table.
  12. That area is now accessible on Homecoming by clicking any interior arena door. Previously it required teleporting under the map geometry in a zone with an arena and then /stuck underneath to enter.
  13. There's a MIB-esque entrance to a Council headquarters building in RWZ. Another fun little base in Boomtown where War Walkers & GM spawn. Outside Pocket D there are a number of cool little easter eggs. Here's a tour: You can get outside of most maps in this game with a little effort and a lot of patience. There's a pool with a Corlax fishing/eating a donut in Grandville as well.
  14. Awesome! And I love the presentation, I'm going to start using short clips too!
  15. Have two accounts. One farmer one healer. Jump in to separate ouro missions, one level 10 or below and one at level 50. Go to the NE section of Mercy Island where Legacy Chain spawn infinitely. Plop farmer down with AoE attack on auto in mob spawn. Plant healer nearby for heals on auto. Never need to reset, but cheesy xp.
  16. Oh man the side effects bit had me rolling 🤣
  17. Holy smokes! Lots of screenies, how do you get around the 4.88MB limit???
  18. Ah yes, I alluded to that in my original post, but I wasn't sure what exact farming method was the cause. Thanks!
  19. Ah interesting. I've only dabbled with Whirlwind during testing, it seemed rather high as I careened in to a group of enemies.
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