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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. Still a chance with the Ironheart TV series!
  2. Hover above the mobs, they pack in nice and then target the center enemy. Cones are wonderful for Hover Melee fights!
  3. There is so much CG that I was honestly unable to get in to the movie. I don't think there was a physical set in the entire thing and the camera work did not make up for that in my opinion. Other than that distraction, I thought it was a sub standard Marvel flick, I'd rate somewhere between Ironman 3 and Dark whatever Thor movie.
  4. Afk farming is the easiest method with the least risk, but it's not the most lucrative. Active farming is more lucrative, but has more risk and time investment compared to afk farming. Running incarnate and higher 'star' content, if available, is somewhere in the middle for its potential rewards and risk. Marketeering is the least risky, provides the highest potential payouts, but takes a good bit of time and learning the market for what to convert before its reliable.
  5. I've never been able to make the larger mohawk work - like since Issue 1! That color is perfect though, I think I can make the Freakshow-inspired costume I wanted now!!
  6. Who's gonna be the all star and port all of the Homecoming generated patch notes to this new section 🤔
  7. Before you go down that road, I will add that there is often time in the rotation for ST attacks to fill with Boggle. Telekinetic Blow, Assassin's Psi Blade, Greater Psi Blade are the primary ST hitters to rotate with. Fill in holes with Placate, Concentration, and Boggle as needed. To me, Boggle is an opener - cast it on the Pylon prior to engaging (it doesn't notify mob), have that added Insight chance in the pocket and then carry out the normal attack rotation. A great breakdown of Scrapper Boggle Insight chances from @Replacement below (and link to thread):
  8. Man that Stalker Psi Melee Pylon time has me scratching my head. GPB drops a truckload of damage, procs well and often, and comes back quick in the rotation. My anecdotal experience makes me feel like the data you provided may not show off it's potential entirely. Was Boggle used to increase the chance of Insight?
  9. Well balanced, visually appealing - Fire Melee is in such a great spot! How much of this work will survive the coming apocryphal Aprocalypse?
  10. Easily Bitter Freeze Ray. This is me every time I cast it.
  11. Something something trans-dimensional beings, moves faster than the speed of light, able to swap between forms without dropping toggles now.... but seriously, I've not seen one in any of the gold content I've run.
  12. Indomitable has been running weekly theme teams on Saturday for the past three years. We used to also do Sunday, but there has been burnout.
  13. Yeah, they did the same with CoV as Greycat mentioned. The game itself just took longer back then, so thinking about it in modern Homecoming perspective is tough. Debt was accumulated to the point that characters couldn't level up anymore. Moving from one location, like a mission door, to another actually took considerable time when there were no instant TP to type powers, Level 14 for much slower versions of modern travel powers, no supergroup bases, the trams were separated - the list goes on. There were more filler type content too before the level cap was raised. Street sweeping was normal.
  14. Do the weekly if interested in larger reward merit payouts.
  15. @Diantane's greatest hits right here!
  16. Here ya go! Edit: Grab this tip mission: https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Mission:Tip_-_Cloud_of_Odorous_Smoke Ensure you are a Vigilante before grabbing the tip mission or else it's going to just show Council.
  17. You really need to try Indomitable, @Snarky - I've been on there for four years now and there's hardly anyone left to team with, so you'll never have to worry about crappy teams! 😆
  18. Kheldians getting any more love story wise? Last few pages were good, cleaned up a lot of ambiguity from legacy arcs/content.
  19. Sweet, this is my setup a year ago. I've since added a third monitor and upgraded to an Xbox Series X. Doors make great desk tops.
  20. There's no mention of a gaming chair in the original post, which leads me to believe you truly don't want to be the most l33t gamer! 😎
  21. Welcome to the community! Lots has changed since the game sunset, but the Homecoming team has kept the light on their server and I'm happy with it.
  22. It rained in the WWD SSA. Seems possible to me.
  23. Falling through the Eden trial tunnels or the Dark Astoria intro arc...
  24. Both are met in the arc Caretaker is referring to.
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