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Everything posted by twozerofoxtrot

  1. I have been seeing some really impressive damage output from EA/Fire scrappers here and there. I'd roll one myself, but for my passionate dislike of any powerset that takes away from me seeing my character. Also: FWOOSH FWOOSH FWOOSH But seriously: Build Up & Fiery Embrace into Total Focus > Energy Transfer > Bone Smasher > Energy Transfer (assuming a crit on TF for two charges) results in some big numbers.
  2. Yeah but you blew your chances when you came back at the devs the way you did. Time to chalk this one up as an "L." The title of this response could be "You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar" or alternatively, "You have no power here!"
  3. According to my character's slotting, it does take ToHit sets. 🙂 Just coming back around for posterity, in case future readers happen on this thread wondering the same.
  4. Nope, meant +ToHit sets. Just poor wording on my part.
  5. The way I read the suggestion was that it would still play to increased Mez Magnitude/Mez Protection, but not have an on/off cycle. So it would build as you do damage (as it already does), but would increase your mez magnitude and mez protection across a scale as you reached certain thresholds. While this leaves out the full End bar on Domination activation, it might be a fair trade if the scaling is favorable. Or just add scaling +end recovery to the effect as well. All of this fits neatly in line with the original flavor text for the power: I'm sorry but your response came across as needlessly sarcastic without trying to honestly weigh the merit of the suggestion.
  6. Did this too, really pleased with the result. Basically plays like a Blapper with an AoE hold and pets.
  7. Yes, along with accuracy* and universal travel sets.
  8. I feel like this must be adjustable. Or maybe must have at one point been adjustable. When you use Brawl with a weapon or shield, it will randomly execute the same animation as Kick from the fighting pool; the only difference being the animation time. (imo it look a lot nicer executing faster)
  9. Gotta find somewhere to slot those LotG procs! I say half joking-half serious. I have an Ill/Dark/Fire Controller I basically refuse to play because of how terrible it all looks together.
  10. Hi @Lockpick! There was a post with the rotation somewhere on the forums at one time, I'll come back and edit this if I find the link. But in lieu of that? If you check the LFG menu and sort through the tabs, the trials and task forces highlighted in Purple are the Weeklies for that week. Hope this helps!
  11. My thoughts, as someone who likes CoH but has only surface-level knowledge of comics and very little appreciation for most of the comic-related stuff on TV outside of the X-Men and Batman cartoons from the 90s: I had it on a second screen while playing CoH. When Ep. 4 came on, CoH became the "thing on the second screen."
  12. Generally I'd say superior ATOs are nice to have; like a 3rd option for a purple set (after Very Rares and Superior Winter sets). But certainly not a must-have, unless I'm playing a Scrapper or Stalker. Some builds get the ATOs chopped up just for their 2-slot bonuses. At the same time, with a large enough budget you can really smooth out leveling pains by 6-slotting the basic ATO sets into powers at early as... level 7? I mean, if you've got the disposable income, that's going to be like 1 DFB and you're dropping in ATOs. It's kinda like what I said about procs: I love them, but there's certainly a problem there with regards to just how drastically different the game feels when you're playing with those enhancements.
  13. I super regret even mentioning the whole "buffed tankers doesn't mean easier game for everyone" point now, because it's basically been like 5 pages of this. And that wasn't the point.
  14. I mean but we're getting lost in the woods with a discussion about which AT is better. When the point I was trying to make was that none of that actually equates to the game being easier overall. RE: Scrapper Saturdays.
  15. Despite loving them, I have to admit I agree with the general sentiment here. DP Sentinels sort of have a similar brokenness to them when paired with easily soft-capped sets for the same reason*. The extreme damage hold packed with 2 purple procs, 2 regular procs, and 2 53 Acc/Dam Hami-Os is just sort of absurd. *(cause you have more slots for procs)
  16. That sounds about as close to parity as you get in a game. Either way, if the scrapper is beating both, my original point stands. Tanker buffs didn't make the game any easier, it just adjusted the frequency of play between competing ATs.
  17. I certainly do disagree with that. I don't personally observe brute numbers eclipsing tanker numbers in groups (sadly statistics are skewed by farming brutes, though that may lend to my point as well). I understand that's not comprehensive, but it feeds into my perspective. There are valid positions (which I don't share) that tankers took a nerf in the changes due to the removal of Bruising and how that affects overall times on AV kills. There is also the good work done on making Proc Monster builds for tankers that bury Brute damage. But that isn't how most people are playing the AT: At max level, with a cookie cutter build, versus a pylon. For the record, my two "mains" are an Inv/SS Tanker and a SS/WP Brute. I solo a lot; it's probably 90% of my play. It's obvious to me, without even digging into the numbers, my Brute is still clearing +4/8s far and away faster than my tanker.
  18. Let's be clear, Tanker buffs didn't make the game easier, it just gave people a reason to player Tankers again. At best it put them on parity with Brutes. Let's not confuse fixing badly eclipsed AT designs with flattening the overall difficulty. People simply chose not to play tankers before, and tanker numbers are still relatively low. There's a reason why "Tanker Tuesday" remains a meme. If you had "Scrapper Saturday" people would wonder what the point is.
  19. So two things that someone eventually will bring up with regards to this suggestion: 1) There is some potential- on a sliding scale from "laughable" to "fire farm"- that this could be leveraged for easy cash rather than noble intention. 2) Speaking of noble intentions (and I may be biased, I am a roleplayer after all), isn't the point of heroics to do the thing that is right, regardless of personal benefits? I get that basically nobody is running around Atlas on their level 50 dropping tactical smart homing footstomps on Hellions, but unless you're in a rush for something... just do it. Or don't and be like Flambeaux. Lots of Flambeauxes out there.
  20. I literally could not have made any of my (handful of modest) bases without you. I always go back to your channel when I'm stumped on something. You're awesome!
  21. BLUF: An option to toggle on text bubble coloration for all chat channels, not just the currently selected one. I use key binds and macros to help facilitate rapid chat-channel or format switching when I RP. For example I have a bind that opens up a line for local chat, so I can quickly communicate outside of a team when RPing in a crowded area. I also have a few characters with canned one-liners or IC callouts for fast-moving content play. But one thing that is annoying (not a deal breaker) is that typically these "preformatted" chats don't keep the color of my text bubble; it just defaults to black & white. While I use the key binds across multiple characters, no two characters share the same text bubble coloration. It would be nice to just tick a box in the options menu that made it so no matter what my currently selected chat channel is, when a chat bubble appears it always does so with the proper colors on. 🤔 On second thought, it might also be nice to have this for emote bubbles as well.
  22. So much this. My badger is an Inv/SS tank won the honors just because she's my favorite character thematically. But certainly not mechanically. I'm happy she's all badged up now, but there were some serious self-hatred moments during the six month span it took to get to max. If I had to do it all over? I'd probably use a Rad/Rad defender.
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