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Everything posted by Mopery
Um you do realize that Mass Confusion does not turn them into a pet eh? Just like regular Confuse, Mass Confusion does not turn them into literal "pets", which is what I was suggesting so...
As it is literally "Mind Control", I've always thought that the t9 should allow the user to turn any mob(up to boss level) into their pet until either its defeat, release, or until used again on another mob(at which point the previously controlled pet would become an enemy once again). I know, I know, this would require a ton of coding and whatnot, but I can dream...
Some people think cucumbers taste better pickled.
My AR/MM hoverblaster is lots of fun to play, and was relatively cheap to build(4 Thunderstrike sets and 4 Artillery sets don't cost very much and help to soft-cap ranged damage). Sure lethal is resisted, but for cones/taoe you'll also do fire, psi, and smashing damage, so it's not all lethal. Drain Psyche isn't very useful as you want to stay away from close range, but very few mobs actually fly up to you so it's pretty durable. The hardest part about using cones is the AI and tab-targeting. It seems like the devs worked very hard to be sure that whatever you tab-target will be in the worst possible place for cone attacks, and the mobs seem to have a danger sense when you're about to press a cone attack and they suddenly run to a position where the least number of targets will be hit. Other than that if you can target the group's center then you'll lay waste to them.
Everybody knows that wearing masks is just a Nemesis plot, that hospital teleporter technology kills puppies, and that Magic is totes not real, yo.
As humans our memories tend to be faulty, we often misremember things and simply the act of remembering can alter our memories. This is the reason why the so-called "Mandela Effect" is so ridiculous. Have you ever played Lord of the Rings Online? In both pve and pvmp many teams used markers like you're describing to designate tank, healer, etc. My tribe leader in LOTRO pvmp liked using it to target enemy healers rather than players in our group. I've played CoH since launch and don't have any memory of this in the game, but as my opening statement says, I could be misremembering or could simply have forgotten about "that one time"...
Like talking to a river in Egypt...
Titan Weapons called to say you just never had big enough damage for her, but don't feel bad or self-conscious, not all Powersets are created equal. Damage size matters...
I got hurt by *this enemy* so please nerf *this enemy* because I hates it, thanks.
Let's be honest, there must be ONE BEST mathematically
Mopery replied to Mary Jane Blaze's topic in Brute
I clear Fire Farm maps at +4x8 in 30 seconds flat with my AR/Sonic Defender. The key(methematically) is to 6-slot Brawl. -
A true speedster needs racing stripes. It's a scientific fact that racing stripes make everything go faster, ZOOM!
How could I have forgotten? Discombobulated I have a character on Everlasting named "Discombobulator", after all.
Dark Armor/Electric Melee. If it can't kill my tank in 8 seconds, then Dark Regen refills my health bar. That's with 58+% melee Defense, and 90% resist to all but Energy and Toxic(which usually hit 70%+ with the ATO resist proc). Best part is Lightning Rod for the BOOM!
Onomatopoeia Flabberghast Mondegreen Euphemism Eponymous My favorite though is my global: Mopery
So, who here watches the MCU?
Mopery replied to CursedSorcerer's topic in Comic, Hero & Villain Culture
Note that there are two movies in the Least Favorite category, the first one directed by Ang Lee, followed by the Ed Norton one. I get that you want to keep it on topic in just the MCU, but I was responding to this: If my joke didn't fly, oh well, some people think cucumbers taste better pickled. -
What enemies do you find most difficult/what kills you the most?
Mopery replied to Peacemoon's topic in General Discussion
Fire Armor might be the best for a melee character in Apex, if they read their skills and prepare a little before the sewer/Hydra part. My Rad/Fire Brute puts Healing Flames on Auto at the beginning of the mission, doesn't take it off until we reach the KR Police Station. Every use gives +15% Toxic Resist, and it's easily stackable to 90% or so if used a lot before entering the sewers. Rad Armor probably does pretty well against toxic damage, also. -
LOL, so many people who've never actually played a well built lvl 50 Thugs/Kin MM.
Seriously: Alt-itis, What To Do? A Discussion on Self-Control
Mopery replied to tripthicket's topic in General Discussion
CoH is the game that introduced me to altitis, and it's chronic. On Excelsior alone I have over 115 characters, about half are lower than lvl 20, dozen or so 50's(most IO'd), couple of "themed" character types with 6-20+ similar characters. I have a 50 sitting on every other server along with a couple dozen or more other alts for that server, too. It's not enough. I will think of another name or look or powerset combo and off I'll go at the character creator. New alts are the biggest part of the game to me. Some will go on to know true power, others will dwell on the shelf forever. It's the nature of the beast... hmm, nature? Beast? Well I'm off to make a new Beast/Nature MM. Laters. -
Is it something to do with eigenvalues?!
Zapkitty Shockslicer, Amprage Abatoir, Cuisinart Capacitor, Voltshock Shredface, Sir Cutbreaker, Shortfuse Riptalon, Ohm Eyegod...
I read the wiki and I don't think they have it right. I could swear the story of the Gazebo was printed in an issue of Dragon Magazine. Our old DM showed it to our party because it reminded him of something once of our less bright traveling companions might have said. If I remember right the encounter went something like this: DM: In the middle of the courtyard is a large gazebo. Player: I cast magic missile! DM: You can magic missile at what? Player: At the gazebo, of course! DM: ...
So, who here watches the MCU?
Mopery replied to CursedSorcerer's topic in Comic, Hero & Villain Culture
Yeah I agree at least with the first one, it was just gawdawful. I'm ambivilent towards the second. "Don't make me Ang Lee, you won't like me when I'm Ang Lee." - Good Friend commenting on the movie -
So, who here watches the MCU?
Mopery replied to CursedSorcerer's topic in Comic, Hero & Villain Culture
I love the MCU. I don't think most people truly appreciate just how good they have it these days as far as movies go. I grew up in the late 1970's, and read comic books throughout the 1980's into the 1990's. This was a time when comic books were read for their stories and discussed with friends. Comics were not just bought, backed, and bagged as a potential future income source. I actually read hundreds of issues of Fantastic Four, The Avengers(East and West Coast), Uncanny X-Men, Excalibur, Spiderman, Thor, Iron Man, Captain America, and many, many more. I used to read every monthly column that Stan Lee would write, and I don't give a damn what some "woke" millenials think about him and his friendship with Jack Kirby or whoever else they want to feign indignity in the name of. There were some great stories in those old comic books, and I loved the good ones. Like Emperor Doom, the Infinity Saga, Secret Wars, Annihilus and the Negative Zone, the Evolutionary War... there's still so much untapped potential beyond those few. Maybe it's because I've been a nerd for my entire life, but I can't help but shed a few tears while watching these films. Mostly it's the music which stirs old emotions of nostalgia, remembering that I never thought I'd get a chance to see this stuff done up right in a movie. I felt the same way about Lord of the Rings 20 years ago. I knew they didn't get the story verbatim, things were changed and some characters were left out or ommited entirely, but what they got right was better than I could have imagined! Things in the MCU are not exactly the same as the comics, nor should they be. It's a different format, it's a different time, and I'd rather go into a movie not knowing exactly how things are going to turn out than have a damned checklist making marks in the right or wrong column throughout the show. I loved all of the Netflix Marvel shows, and the Runaways, and Cloak and Dagger, and I even liked the Inhumans(for what it was)! I am by no means young, but I'm not elderly either. I saw the original Star Wars in the theaters the summer before my 4th birthday, and it blew my little mind. The music, the spectacle, the action and adventure, that movie was a paradigm shift in entertainment. However, this is only said to give you some perspective as to where I'm coming from and just how many movies I've watched throughout my life. I've watched "the greats", Kurosawa, Hitchcock, Scorcese, Kubrick, etc. Keep in mind that music, movies, books... ranking and rating these things is entirely subjective. My favorite hero is whoever happens to be on-screen at the moment, I don't have a least favorite. Same thing for favorite villain, and actor/actress. My favorite movie is the only movie of its kind. Nothing like it has ever existed in cinematic history, with 22 tie-in movies leading up to it, and it's doubtful that there will ever be another movie like it. In my opinion, Averngers: Endgame is The Greatest Movie of All Time. -
City of Heroes Things you find annoying
Mopery replied to hyacathinose's topic in General Discussion
1. Players who don't play the exact same way I do. 2. Players who don't build the exact same way I would. 3. Players who don't know the game as well as I do. 4. Players who play powersets/ATs which I would never ever play. Come on people! Conformity is King! Join the majority and stop acting like you can just do whatever you want in this game. I mean, it's a game, it's not like it's meant to be fun or something! P.S. 5. Players who don't understand and appreciate sarcasm. -
Just got my first tank on HC to lvl 50 and IO'd her, a Dark/Electric on Excelsior named Monster Magnet, and it's the most fun I've ever had on a tank. The synergy between Dark Armor and Electric Melee revolves around keeping most of the group perma-stunned, and then perma-flopped(through multiple aoe KDs). It also helps that BU + Lightning Rod hits like a Mack truck as often as it's up(Gaussian Proc in BU). With 90% resists to all but Energy and Toxic(both 60%+) and near Incarnate soft-cap Melee Defense(58.5ish%) plus near perma-Hasten(perma when FF proc in Lightning Clap goes off a couple times) if they can't kill me in 10 seconds, I don't die.