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Everything posted by Mopery

  1. Worst TF/SF/Trial in the game for me is the one where one or two players feel the need to RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! everything, when it wasn't originally advertised as a "Speed TF". Some of us enjoy a casual pace where we earn XP for our up and coming characters. I have nothing against "Speed TF's" if they were advertised as such, and I do understand why players want a speedy completion, I just don't like it when they think it has to be done every freaking time on every freaking TF. That said, I really enjoy every TF if the company is good. I enjoy playing my characters, especially if I get to play them towards completion of an objective, even if it takes hours. I'm an Altaholic and I've run every TF literally hundreds of times over the years on hundreds of different characters. I love this game. To an almost unhealthy degree, I love this game. I don't have to have the most Inf, most 50's, most badges, or whatever, I just really really really really really enjoy playing the game with others, as often as possible, especially on TF's 😄
  2. Just a few more... Jarhead(Assault Rifle/Martial Combat Blaster) Dread Gorgon(Earth/Poison Controller) Powerslave(Dark/Dark Defender) Ice Golem(Ice/Spines Tanker) Blind Monk(Staff/Willpower Scrapper) Voodoo Shaman(Necromancy/Radiation Mastermind) Electric Booger Lou(War Mace/Electric Armor Scrapper) Monster Magnet(Dark/Electric Tanker)
  3. These costumes I either get a good amount of likes from passerbys and/or I personally like the way they look: Rakshasa Archmage(Illusion/Dark Controller) PPD Psiborg(Mind/Electric Dominator) Queen of Uranus(Thermal/Dark Defender) Early Bird(Assault Rifle/Tactical Arrow Blaster)
  4. So to paraphrase, what's good for the goose is not good for the gander? What works for two of the powersets most in need of some balancing love is fine, but if it affects other sets there's something wrong with it. Perhaps those sets should be buffed rather than nerfing other sets? Most players won't complain if a powerset is buffed, but unholy Hell is usually unleashed upon those who call for nerfs. Just saying. 😄
  5. Would it involve all of that, though? Per my example, Build Up and Aim are external buffs which last short term even on toggle powers like damage auras. I'm not a programmer, but it seems there must already be a way to "track external buff durations on clicks".
  6. Could this be fixed if Power Boost's effect only lasted a certain amount of time on any boosted power? Say, 10-15 seconds, like Build Up or Aim do for a power's +to hit and damage?
  7. The thing about /Mace is I get the bonus cap to Energy defense in addition to S/L, Poison Ray for added -Res(plus Achille's Heel Proc) for hard targets, and the Tarantula is a fire and forget AoE monster(cd resets long before the 4 min timer is up). The build is pretty busy as is, firing off other powers, and against most foes my non-PA pets usually don't die. Yeah I always wondered if they would move Illusion to Dominators before the shutdown, it would certainly be interesting.
  8. Hold my beer... After maining an ill/rad way back during live, and recently testing builds on Beta to help me decide whether to IO my new ill/cold or ill/dark, I went with ill/dark. All of these combinations are powerhouses which can and will drop GMs and AVs(no doubt ill/traps could do it too), I just have to say there is a huge difference between these other builds and ill/dark. There are several reasons for this, the main being Fade. In my build Fade allows me to more than cap defenses against S/L/E, and with a small purple inspiration be capped vs all damage types(45%+). This allows me to survive the 2-3 seconds when, pre-incarnate, I don't quite have perma-PA. With Spiritual t3 and above I have perma-PA, but that's really just icing on the cake. With /dark I have one of the strongest aoe heals in the game, helping not only myself and my pets but my teammates also. Oh and did I mention that Fade grants a large defense buff to your pets and teammates, too? The build is very end heavy, but with Soul Absorption you'll never notice it, even if there's only one target to drain. This power also buffs your pets and teammates. But PA doesn't need buffs you say? Well, Phantasm, Fluffy, and your mini-Toxic Tarantula enjoy them! That Tarantula brings aoe damage with it too, one thing illusion is poorly lacking. Testing on the beta server, I went all out +4/x8 doing the Ouro missions to unlock your Alpha Incarnate slot(without any incarnate powers), and was nigh invulnerable to the Council, Rikti, and Crey I was fighting. I also cleared the entire spawn pretty quickly for a controller. This made my mind up. Ill/rad or ill/cold might be able to survive and bring down spawns like that from a distance, but I spent my entire time in their midst! I felt like a walking God(well, hovering), and then I realized I didn't even have a single Incarnate power yet! Not even perma-PA! ill/dark "'nuff said"
  9. I rate 5/5 Stars. A true tour de france!
  10. My main MM is Thugs/Kin on Excelsior named Godfather. He's a crime lord average ordinary businessman, a real good fella, nothing to see here... by the way he thinks it would be a real shame if something happened to your property, or your family. You understand. That's not a threat or nothing, what he just said is completely legal and on the up and up. He wants nothing from you. Nothing. *wink* You have an understanding with him though, I can tell... Seriously though, The Godfather has hired a loyal bunch of career criminals as his personal bodyguards and enforcers. These guys have spent most of their lives in and out of prison, lifting weights and learning dirty fighting moves, all the while working for his family and organization. They can spot someone's weaknesses at a glance. Plus they have no problem using the drugs he supplies them with: steroids, stimulants, pain killers, prototype Crey chemicals, you name it they'll try it. How do you think they move so fast(Speed boost aka- Crack)? Why do they seem like unstoppable killing machines(meth, PCP)? You hit them and shoot them with energy, bullets, swords, electricity, and they don't even seem to feel pain(morphine)? They also work really well together, almost as if they've been personally trained by him(Leadership, Supremacy, IO sets /procs). When the AI acts dumb and they run off by themselves and get killed, well that's an easy explanation also: victims of their vices, they lost their minds and did something stupid. Whatever, thugs in Paragon City and the Rogue Ises are a dime-a-dozen and he's got plenty to buy their loyalty with. Loyalty is SO important to him. Of course, it also helps that he's got an army of disposable young thugs eager to make a name for themselves at his beck and call(Gang War), more than you could possibly imagine(Burnout + Gang War again) and he gives them all the strength they'll ever need(Fulcrum Shift + SB + ID) to take on anyone in this world or from some other world, doesn't matter much to them. So any heroes out there thinking of bringing The Godfather to justice, well, you and what army? As you can see, his army is just itching for a fight...
  12. There are so many creative people who play this game, so many great character concepts, stories, costumes, and power choices. Spend your time working on your characters and playstyle, and let others do their own thing. You are not the best player ever, and I'm not either. That's not even a thing in this game, really, and this is a game. Have fun or log out. When a player asks for help, that's the time to give your opinion on how an AT/Powerset should play, or what powers you think are the best in whatever set they've chosen. Just because you can't figure out how to make a powerset or AT work for you doesn't mean someone else can't figure it out. Play your game, let others play theirs. This game isn't difficult enough to require such standards for 95%(or more) of the content. There really aren't many TF's/Trials in this game that require a well built team, where careful consideration is given to what exactly will be needed to complete the task at hand(Aggro management, buffs, debuffs, damage, etc). Single AT TF's and Trials happen all the time, they're fun and can be somewhat challenging depending on which TF/Trials you are doing and what AT. Regular missions don't require much thought at all for team composition, unless you're doing them at +4 and half the team or more is Sidekicked. There are proper ways of letting players know if you're picky about what kind of players you want on your team, what powersets you want or don't want on your team, and what objective you have for the team(speed, casual, badge attempts, etc.). There are also improper ways of going about it, like just saying "you're doing X TF lfm, pst" without mentioning your standards, and then kicking players who have powersets or ATs that you don't want on your team when you could have saved everyone time by mentioning it during recruitment. Case in point: a player was leading an ITF a few weeks back, and simply stated "ITF lfm, pst for invite". I sent a polite tell, got invited, and upon arrival in Cimerora was promptly kicked from the team with no explanation. I messaged the leader and asked why I was kicked. The response was "I don't like Storm". They had wasted my time and didn't even give me the opportunity to alt to another character, or explain that I had KB->KD procs slotted in all the "problematic" powers. I did what I always do in situations where another player is extremely rude to me and/or wastes my time: I added them to my Global Ignore list and One-Starred them with an explanation of what happened. I don't like One-Starring other players, and I don't like adding players to my Global Ignore list. This is a pretty good community overall, but when a player proves themself to be an immature jerk with a small mind and a poor understanding of the game I won't hesitate to remove them from my game world. I don't hate these players, hatred is too strong an emotion to waste on people I don't like.
  13. Okay so I found a workable fix for the problem I was having, I turned the option "Mouse Turn" up from 100% to 200% and now instead of 180 degrees I can rotate a full 360 degrees. Not as good as it used to be(it still stops moving at 180 degrees either left or right, no free spin), but better than it was.
  14. I'm running CoX through Tequila via PlayOnLinux using Wine 3.2-staging, on Linux Mint 18.2 OS. I have dinput and dotnet3.5 included and am running as Win XP. My system is old, bought in april 2007, dual core 2.3ghz with 3gb ram and 2gb vram on an Nvidia card. Everything still boots up, game seems to run fine, but my mouse controls are limited to 180 degrees, it seems. Say I'm on the ground, and I used to be able to turn by holding down the right mouse button and moving the mouse right, where before I had unlimited movement, now I can move a maximum of 90 degrees to the right or left of center. If, after that maximum movement, I re-click the button and move the mouse again, I can continue to move(with the same limitation of about 90 degrees max one way or the other). It does the same with the middle mouse button(scroller) when I want to view around my character. For me it's more QoL than anything, I can learn to move using the keyboard controls, but I miss being able to move via mouse and have no idea why it's behaving like it is now. Perhaps it's the dinput which I remember reading in the patch notes no longer works? I don't know. I'm just glad I can still play, although a little miffed about the movement changes. I hope this info helps to narrow down the problem so someone can fix it for those who can't even play now. Thanks for all the effort and time you all have put into renewing this game, you have no idea how much I have missed it over the years.
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