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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. I'm with you. I never use Mid's until either I've hit 50 or it's otherwise virtually unplayable. When I do "optimize", it's usually for a marginal improvement in defense or recharge speed and invariably is not nearly as fun as the random ass powers I usually pick up on the way.
  2. Breakfast, second breakfast, elevenses, luncheon, afternoon tea, dinner, supper.
  3. Gex X may have no pull in today's economic or political arenas, but we rule the school when it comes to nostalgia.
  4. More options! But a true min fx option for every armor, please!
  5. Don't ruin this for me. I still think Luck of the Gamblers are blackberries.
  6. Der, General Discussion! Now I need a concept...
  7. I don't expect to get much support for my pie-in-the-sky radical overhaul. I love this game, but my aesthetic objection is that there are simply too many overpowered heroes. I'm a sucker for a good progression story. Peter Parker goes from wrestling in a home-made costume to punching out Galactus (that part may not be true) as he progressed. I love the idea of 8 scrappy neophyte heroes teaming up to take down a Skull AV -- it's like Mystery Men! I hate the idea of six teams of the Avengers (the good ones, not Hawkeye!) forming a league to punch out the giant Jello(tm) mold that is Hamidon, twice nightly. Incarnate powers from the Well make you a god. Well there's more gods around than you can shake a stick at. And you know what they say: I would change the team progression so that you only could have 8 members under a certain level. By the time you hit 50, no more than 4 on a team. I would also restrict the number of incarnates per account to a small number, like two. If you wanted to promote someone, you would have to demote someone else. I only mention this idea because I know it will never happen.
  8. At some point I'll probably look into it again, but I really don't have a lot of PvP interest in this game. I'm not worried about the specific knowledge you have to amass, or the specialized builds. It's not rocket science. But two personal reasons I'm not particularly motivated to participate: 1. I don't really have the structural skills for it. I'm not particularly fast-twitch, although I'm not terrible. And my computing set-up is not particularly set up for low latency. So I don't see the need to start out at any particular point of disadvantage. 2. I don't really enjoy THAT type of competition. I'd much rather outsmart a faceless system than beat a specific named opponent. I'm extremely competitive, but the competition I excel at is not personal. I've played around with various forms of PvP over the years in games, and I far prefer a turn-based system like Hearthstone (for example) over a cut-throat lol pvp system like Eve. My experience in this game with PvP has mainly been disappointment with gankers in PvP zones. I don't see anything competitive or entertaining about that. To the OP's question, I would probably participate if it were a system like Atari's Combat, where all parties have identical abilities, or if it were a more strategic system like a game of chess.
  9. I generally level up my characters organically, so build them as I go without using Mid's or showing too much concern about making a wrong turn. If I do discover I've made a wrong turn, I'll use a respec which may be time consuming but I find satisfying. Then at 50 I'll respec again using Mids to try to make a more optimal build, at which point I'll consider my exemplaring options which generally consists of choosing what powers when and whether to use an attuned set or a boosted set. In practice, I don't sweat my build for exemplaring. Unless I'm running TFs solo, I'll always be on a team, and I don't think that anyone needs "optimal" builds on any sub-50 content for team play.
  10. I only have one rule: Everyone fights; nobody quits. Ok, I guess that's two rules.
  11. Thanks to everyone, this is a real eye-opener for me. It's not my cup of tea, but now I have a context as to how easy and fast it is to level an alt to 50. More information!
  12. For a lot of suggested buffs, I like to ask myself, has there been a structural macro shift in the mechanics of the game that have recently adversely affected this power? If so, then let's look at it. If not, I like to ask myself, has this always been a problem since the set was created and are we just coming around to it now after a decade and change? I view this as a power creep issue, personally. I understand that @Solarverseis looking for some sort of trade-off so that he/she/huge doesn't have to click the summon button so often in exchange for a weakening of the power, but it still is a power creep issue. I think the power is great as is, but I'm trying to think out the ramifications of, say, increasing the duration of the power to 120 seconds and increasing the recharge to 480, which should still keep perma-builds perma. In that case, you lose the ability to place your immortal tanks exactly where you want them as quickly at the cost of not having to summon them as often. I'd prefer the current layout over that. I wanted to quote this because @Hardshipnailed it, in my opinion. So to OP's original two questions: No and does not apply respectively.
  13. To be clear, those times I quoted were the time it took to process 100 blocks of ten. A single block of ten usually takes at most a few seconds. If that block of ten is one order, it processes much more quickly than if it were ten orders at ten different prices with ten different counterparties.
  14. Get @Lunchmoney some of that Benjamin Button sauce, stat! @Lunchmoney
  15. This secondary set for defenders works "best" when you use it in part for endurance drain. I don't have the numbers in front of me, but it has below average damage in exchange for above average non-damage effects in the form of end drain. Mind you, damage is just fine for just about any purposes, it's just not as high as, say, fire blast. 1. Honestly, I've never noticed the endurance *gain*, but that's probably observation bias. I've never run an end heavy build with electrical. Something like a Sonic/Elec defender might really benefit. 2. Sure, just like the damage from any set gets better! Right now my favorite defender is TA/elec. 3. The jury seems to to be out on this. If I am building an endurance drain build (and they are fun and effective if you know what you are doing), I'll slot the pet for end drain. The damage from Voltaic Sentinel isn't going to be soloing bosses while you are not looking, but I've found that the endurance drain is useful. That said, free damage is free damage. But it's skippable.
  16. I’m mixed. If I don’t have a res damage power otherwise, I’ll usually take kick and tough for the res damage uniques. Sometimes I’ll take tough anyway. I take weave if the lotg -recharge will move me closer to perma hasten, or if a few points of defense will soft cap me. My defenders always take Leadership first though.
  17. Nope. I don't want anyone to know that I'm actually a Golden Retriever in real life.
  18. I'm selling the information to Crey Industries and Mane Corp. for 100mm inf a pop. Shhhhhh!
  19. I woke up this morning, had a big cup of coffee and some left over shark tiger steak for breakfast. It's a little gamy. This giveaway will continue indefinitely.
  20. A team of level 15s running Posi 1 would each have 9 powers with a total of 23 slots avAilable if I’ve done the math right which I may not have. A team exemplaring would each have access to powers up to level 20, so 12 powers and up to 6 slots per power. It’s night and day. personally, I think exemplaring content makes it WAY too easy with the +5 level power rule.
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