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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. Hmm. I view this as functionally equivalent reward-wise as giving a completion bonus of 10mm inf. Do we need more rewards? I don’t, but I can’t speak for the community.
  2. A few observations: At some point last spring/summer, someone apparently put in a cap at 5,000 inf for commons overnight. I bought thousands there, maybe ten thousands, trying to lift the cap, and assumed that the devs had lowered the seeding level from 10k to 5k. They assure me the cap was not changed, so I now assume that those offers are still out there around that level. Buying out the surplus cap, assuming it's 500,000 units, no new units come in, it takes 5 minutes to process the purchase of 1,000 units, switch characters, vendor 1,000 units, switch back, etc. means that it would take close to 2 days of real time to process.
  3. I still do this occasionally -- it's a great way to raise a few mm in funds pretty quickly. I wrote a guide that had my strategy on trading common salvage that had me buying at 155 and selling at 255. Nowadays, I'd put in a lower bid and just vendor it. Lest anyone bemoan the loss of a few thousand common salvage as inflationary pressure, let me tell you about an experiment I did earlier this morning. I put in a bid for 1,000 inanimate carbon rods (In Rod We Trust!) at 1,000 inf and timed how long it took to fill. 5:06. I then vendored them at 250 and by the time I was finished (1-2 minutes?) it was trading well under 250 again. But I thought, hmm, some of that time may have been waiting for supply to come into the market as opposed to just lifting outstanding bids at or under 1,000. So I put in a bid for 1,000 inanimate carbon rods at 10,000 and timed it. Since 10k is the seeded cap according to the devs, it was guaranteed that there was supply in the system and that any time it took would be chalked up purely to processing time. 4:36. It took over 4 1/2 minutes for the AH simply to match up buyers and sellers in the system. I then vendored them at 250 and by the time I was finished it was, again, trading under 250. I just checked a few minutes ago and they were trading at 5 inf. I'm not sure how many new pieces of common salvage come into the system at any price each day. I'd guess over 10k and under 1mm, and if you put a band-aid arrow to my head I'd say low to mid 6 figures.
  4. When I have the ability to team, I often run mission content at my level range for xp and advertise for all comers. Don’t care if they are unslotted or lvl 5 or rikti monkeys — that content, for the most part is trivial and I want the companionship for a little more Xp and to help people level and maybe some funny conversation. however, I see truth in @fitzsimmonspoint. If you are running a M of TF, it’s a lot harder to carry dead weight, and you shouldn’t have to. Mind you, I’m only thinking of the 1% of the most difficult content. I also agree that an imperfect short cut to identify unslotted characters is to look at their set bonuses. Sure they could be on SOs or common IOs, but I’d guess 99% of the time they are just unslotted. i don’t think it’s too much to ask that if someone wants to join a Master TF, that they should be slotted. I’d probably generalize that to any level 50 content. After all, that’s presumably why you PLed to 50 in the first place? my two inf
  5. Not an expert on tanks, so I'll run through my thought process just on Scrappers v. Brutes. For ATOs, I'm looking mainly defensively. Scrappers can split superior Scrapper's Strike for 5% melee defense/10% s&l. Brutes can split superior Brute's Fury for 5% melee defense/10% s&l and 5-slot superior Unrelenting Fury for an additional 5% melee defense/2.5% s&l. I don't find 10% v. 5% melee defense (12.5% s&l v. 10% s&l less so) near useless at all. Brutes also get the 6% resist numbers from 6-slotting SUF. For epic pools, in my play brutes seem to be best served by choosing Targeted AoEs for more damage to take down packs more quickly. Scrappers mostly get single target, crowd control, and a few oh shit defense powers like Hibernate and Shadow Meld, but no real defensive or AoE targeted help. I'm gonna give advantage to brutes again, except here it's offensively where their advantage was defensive with ATOs. Again, just my thought process. I have found it a lot easier to get consistent results from my Staff/Bio brute and my Bio/Staff tanker than my Staff/Bio scrapper. Just my 2 inf.
  6. So, almost 15 years ago, I went on a Match date with someone who was 8 years my younger, and went to the same college I did. We met for coffee at a crowded Starbucks and got a table. Since the main thing I knew about her was our mutual school, I asked her when the last time she was on campus. She goes on this big tirade about how all these spoiled kids have cell phones, and *I* didn't have a cell phone, and blah blah blah. I can appreciate a good rant, so I nodded and said, "If you think that was bad, we didn't have email when I was there." By some strange coincidence, every conversation in the place had gone quiet just at the moment I said that, so my statement went out alone into the silence. *record scratch* She leans across the table slowly and whispers incredulously, "How old ARE you?!?"
  7. Yeah, I don't have a problem with that given the ease of powerlevelling/dual boxing currently available. I doubt I would use it myself, though. I like the idea of it unlocking, like at level 50. I like the idea of it being on a lockout timer (maybe once every three days, kind of like the mission skipper except account wide). And I LOVE the idea of big honking inf sinks.
  8. We've got a big boy floofer who appears to be some variety of Scandinavian Forest Cat. It's a very similar breed.
  9. Ha! I did this the other day and was cursing every minute of it. I had levelled to 28 and wanted the safeguard for 25-30 and I've learned from experience that at 28 you're too high to get the bank mission in Talos (even though I think you can still run radio missions). Fortunately, I use both Mission Teleporter and Team Teleport, but yeah, having missions in the same zone over 2 miles apart is kind of a drag.
  10. For Patron, I'd go with Scirocco (sorry about the formatting, this was cut and pasted from the wiki): Imad Malak was not always an evil man. Evil came to him from without. He was traveling in the deep desert near the Baka Valley deep in the Middle East. There he discovered an ancient tomb and stumbled inside. The tomb was that of a long-dead desert hero, and contained several objects of power including the bottle of the djinn Serafina. Also within was the hero's scimitar that granted the wielder incredible powers. Malak took the sword and donned the mantle of Scirocco. Unfortunately, he fell under a curse and was driven to commit acts of great evil. He sold the other objects off to the highest bidder, the bottle ending up with the Circle of Thorns. Once a hero of the people, he is now a dark stain on their proud heritage. Imad wishes nothing more than to find some way to rid himself of the curse and find redemption.
  11. 20mm*(50-age) for the youngest player. I'm hoping that 8 y/o shows up! @DoctorDitkois responsible for "verifying" the winners in whatever time frame and manner he or she sees fit, then I'll send the check.
  12. I’m not sure I’d be able to give up Guarded Spin. The problem I have with my scrapper v. Brute or tanker is that I find the Scrapper ATOs and epic pools to be inferior for both defense and offense, so it’s more difficult to hit certain benchmarks.
  13. OF COURSE you get 20mm, no, 1mm for every year of your age, from me! I won't win this, since I'm not as old as Ditko, the old git. EDIT: I changed my mind. You get 20mm for every year of your age. No ties; there can be only one! RE-EDIT: Adding a prize for the youngest player as well! 20mm*(50-age) for the youngest player.
  14. Awesome, thank you! As to your first point, I'm certainly not going to optimize my character based on the potential procs my teammates might have -- this game is easy enough without that min maxing! And the second, I've thought about that. If I'm running an AoE-heavy build, I'll definitely put more than one Annihilation -res (for example) in my attack chain. Let's say I have three identical procs in an attack chain that each have a 50% chance to trigger on a given mob (optimistic). My second worst case scenario is that all three (or 2 of three) trigger on each mob and it just gets reset. My worst case scenario is that all three fail to trigger which will happen 1 out of 8 times. As long as my damage on each attack is at or above ED levels, my accuracy is enough to hit 95%, and my endurance cost is reasonable, I'd take 87.5% chance for a trigger in a cycle over a 50% chance for a trigger plus another chance for a damage proc. Also, if triggered, -res helps everyone else on my team.
  15. I thought about it being a dick move, but common salvage comes into the system almost faster than the AH can process it. I feel pretty confident that even if people bought every single common salvage on the AH, the equilibrium price would still be in the 5-500 level (assuming that the bidders stopped after 10.5mm). And if the bidding didn't stop, AErs would/should quickly realize that at 8 tickets to 10k inf, common salvage would be generated like mad. People who normally vendor or delete commons would dump them into the market. And in the worst case scenario, the devs would just put another 10mm into the seed pile. Nah, it's just a pipe dream.
  16. Hmm, I had thought that -res didn't stack from the same source (meaning that you can't get multiple annihilation -res) but that it did stack from different sources (annihilation -res, achilles heel -res) but I admit I've never actually tested it. Paging @Bopper, @SirMyshkin! @Bopper @Sir Myshkin
  17. @PainX, thanks for posting this. I've gotten a lot better at builds since I last looked at this, but you definitely made me reconsider a few things.
  18. I was thinking of vendoring. And yeah, that's still a lot of clicks...
  19. The creepy thing is that even though my only internet interaction with that company was that picture, I am now getting targeted ads on my computer for it. Either someone is scanning pictures for targeted advertising OR coincidence. But coincidence is SO disappointing!
  20. Not to pooh-pooh, but it happens a fair amount. Maybe every week or every other? Supply of common is far greater than demand. You can see that there is still a half million listed for sale over and above the 10mm that were seeded. What I'd love to see (and I'm not willing to do all the clicks) is someone lifting all 10.5mm in the market at 10k (the seeded price). Who's in?
  21. Well, you are both assuming that your net usage is neutral. Fact is, some people generate hundreds if not thousands of common (or uncommon, or rare) salvage more than they use per day. They will be better off with higher prices and lower supply. Some people use hundreds if not thousands of common (or uncommon, or rare) salvage more than they generate per day. They will be worse off with higher prices and lower supply. The job of the devs and the free market is to make sure that those people meet up, have a coffee, work stuff out.
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