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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. I have been more successful in figuring out what I want to play first, then coming up with a good name/costume/backstory than starting with a concept and figuring out what best fits it in my mind. I so, however, take a lot of leeway in redefining in my head where certain powers come from. Doctor Pajama was one of my mains in Live. He invaded the waking mind with dreams. As an illusion/radiation controller, he had nothing to do with radiation but the weakening/debuffing was explained in my head by using the victims' fears against them. My teammates neither knew or cared about this!
  2. If you add damage at all you are also adding -res procs (Annihilation or Fury of the Gladiator) so it just vastly improves team damage. I don't think that the game needs more power creep damage.
  3. I'm just curious as to some of the things that you like about this game but that others seem to dislike. I say this as I'm going through some respecs, and I have to admit, I really enjoy the respec process. Yes, I get it that when you only want to swap one power or one or two slots then it feels like a lot of effort for little return. But mostly I respec when I'm making a major transition, and I actually like the process of cleaning up the disorganized mess that got me to 50. I get all my ducks in a row, I reorganize my icons, I find all these temp powers that I forgot about. I find it to be peaceful and cleansing. Like doing a deep spring cleaning without, you know, getting on your knees and scrubbing. Et tu?
  4. I somehow ended up with two PM/Ice (one I forgot about around lvl 20, the other took to 50 then stopped -- I didn't have a good theme or costume for him) and a PM/Energy around 20 as well. My play style went from psychic swords, psychic swords, psychic swords, to BAM all Mass Levitate all the time.
  5. Housekeeping update: I edited the original post to put in picks that the adoring public has made so far. If you weren't making an official pick, let me know and I will release the combo into the wild! The only spot I'm a little confused about was whether @Parabola was making WM/Energy an official pick or not. If not, then @TungstenShark gets it. If so, then Tungsten gets a fresh pick. To reiterate, what I end up with may not be one of the 12 I'm test driving. It's statistically unlikely. It may be, but more likely I will decide that one primary I like works better with a secondary I like better. And, it is possible that I end up going with a power set I'm not even test driving! To aid you in your decision making, let me tell you how I feel about the sets that didn't make the tournament cut. Primary: Battle Axe -- I do like this set a lot. However, War Mace does more with the funky stuff (things *other* than KD) and has better weapon skins. Electric Melee -- I'm ok with this set but it feels like the slowness of Rad Melee without the groundbreaking sauce that is Irradiated Ground. Fiery Melee -- I can't figure out how to make this work without taking the fire swords. I hate fire swords. Also, no interesting slotting options. Ice Melee -- I actually really like this set, and making it work without ice swords is easy and enjoyable. This is a possible contender. Katana -- Close enough to broadsword and I have so much recharge in my builds I might as well take the harder hitter. Also I like the one-handed animations better. Kinetic Melee -- I'll admit I've never taken one the distance, and it doesn't look good enough on paper for me to commit. Psionic Melee -- I can alter the elemental swords enough in the costume creator that they look ok to me. A sleeper set. The lvl 32 power is game changing and frankly not in mesh with the rest of the set, imo. Spines -- nerp. Too much working against it, both aesthetically and in practice. Titan Weapons -- At some point I'll give this a shot again, but it didn't make the initial cut. Secondary: Regeneration -- I'll be honest, I love regeneration. But in terms of my forever scrapper, it may be a little too seat of my pants, and other sets can do good jobs and bring some more variety to the table. Dark horse. Willpower -- Great set. Soooooo booooooooring. Dark horse.
  6. How about adding a tip jar to the /AH, so you can reward the person who went through the effort of posting the item you wanted to buy?
  7. And even if there is a 0.01% chance to Knockxxxx, you can slot a Force Feedback proc in there or any other and it can activate *whether or not* the knockxxxx is triggered. Same goes for other % chance to mez.
  8. Agree completely. Every now and again I throw something into Suggestions like: Can we have a challenge that is something between an EB and an AV?
  9. If only Flurry were a melee AoE attack instead of single target. Then if you slotted an Armageddon proc, you could take them out with your Flurry, with a singe on top.
  10. IOs are gonna change her life, but let's start elsewhere... You've got a secondary that is resistance based and with a heal and endurance tool that works on a click, so you are going to want as much recharge as you can get. On the other hand, you have a relatively slow and endurance heavy primary, so you need to make sure that you have enough endurance to run things at a faster pace. I'm assuming you are slotting with SOs at 23. I'm not going to tell you which powers to take or how many slots to give them. But I will suggest that you slot your attacks with accuracy, damage, endurance reduction, damage, recharge reduction, damage in that order. On SOs you can probably slot your resistance powers with an endurance reduction and one or two damage resistance SOs. Slot your heal and endurance tool with as much recharge as you can! Now, IO-wise (in order of effect and cost): You're going to get a lot of bang for the buck with Force Feedback chance for recharge proc. They are cheap (1-2mm) and will be well placed in any of your AoE powers with knockdown (Titan Sweep for now, Whirling Smash and Arc when you get them. If you two-slot your resistance armors with Unbreakable Guard (Resistance and Res/End) you get an endurance discount on everything you do. If you four-slot them (add the Res/Rech and the Res/End/Rech) you get melee defense that works well with the help you get from your Defensive Sweep attack. These are generally in the 3-5mm range each. Speaking of Defensive Sweep, eventually you can put a Luck of the Gambler +recharge in there that will give you a recharge bonus as well as enhance the defense of the power. Don't pay more than 5-6mm. Burn will be a game changer when you get it. Not really for the damage it causes, but it is an incredible vehicle for procs. You want to make sure you have accuracy, but after that I would add: knockdown in the form of Overwhelming Force proc (8-10mm) OR Avalanche proc (20mm+). These are pricy, but basically either one means that when you cast Burn everyone around you will fall down, meaning they cannot run and they cannot hurt you for a few seconds. Then add the Fury of the Gladiator proc (7-9mm) and it will reduce everyone's damage resistance for the next ten seconds. These aren't guaranteed of course, but each proc is going to have a 50-80% chance to proc on each foe that gets hit. As for the costs, you'll start earning inf before you know it, but also look at the giveaway in my signature. I'll give you (or anyone) 20mm inf for absolutely no good reason whatsoever to get you going. Good luck!
  11. I've already picked all the low fruit, in my opinion, but "Oh What a Beautiful Morning!" and "Kansas City" are still available as well.
  12. Anecdotally along these lines, I'm seeing increased demand in kind of basic, beginner-type IOs and decreased demand in high end level 50-type IOs. Which is a real shame. You people need to step up your high end purchases, what with instant PvP and Build 2+3 being around.
  13. Yomo Kimyata

    Why SR?

    Based on the ATOs alone, it is easiest to cap defenses (I'm looking at melee and/or S&L) on brutes, scrappers, and tanks in that order. And keep in mind defense is the same for all three of those ATs. Conversely, it is easiest to get a particular level of damage resistance on a tanker then a scrapper/brute. SR on a tanker gets you to max defenses, essentially, and then it is easier to build up resistance on a tank than the other ATs.
  14. I think the hate for Hemmerouge is almost exclusively due to the DoT aspect of it. It's actually a useful power, but I get that the time value of damage is real and we all want it now now now! You can get a feel for the total damage on scrappers since the crit damage is upfront. I don't think a buff is strictly necessary... But that said, I think an interesting buff to the power would be a -regen debuff that was in effect for as long as the DoT was ticking. Offsetting the healing your opponent is getting would be thematic and useful. Another interesting buff would be to open it up to more IO slotting choices. It's a good candidate for procs, but there aren't many interesting or useful procs for melee damage (other than damage procs). How about adding a very slight defense debuff and allowing an Achilles Heel in there? Just spitballing. This is the same conclusion I have come to as I'm approaching 50 with my first savage melee scrapper.
  15. Be careful! People will say we’re in love…
  16. I'm not disagreeing, but programming wise, it's easy to change #endurancecostforminionvalue# from 10 to 1. It's harder to change #invulnerabilitymode# unless there has always been #invulnerabilitymodeplayer# and #invulnerabilitymodecritter#. Dunno.
  17. Well harumph, pardon my coarse language, but that's a load of horse hockey! Stupid critters... My instinct tells me that they would have had to define and program "Only affects self" status differently from players and critters, which seems unlikely. But I'll experiment to see if I can break this somehow.
  18. I have only noticed this recently (because I frankly wasn't paying attention before). When you take down a Juggernaut to a certain level of health and they pop their PFF and they are Invulnerable and Unable to Affect Others, they are still able to Taunt you through that force field, thus keeping you from being able to single target attack anyone except for the Juggernaut, who is Invulnerable. At first I thought this was my error and that they had taunted me before they popped their bubble, but nerp. I've had a half-dozen examples in the last week of the Taunt being applied after PFF was up. I've never bothered to test to see if characters can do this (taunt through PFF) since I don't think I've ever gotten a taunt power on any AT that has Force Fields.
  19. No fears. Worst case scenario is that YomoCorp buys Crey and ships Julianne Thompson off to run the banana stand.
  20. Keep in mind a few things. On Live, they paygated a lot of things, because well that's one way to make money. Then it went black and SCORE was running it as a secret underground server for seven years. Those players and the people who were working on the code wanted something a lot more user friendly, and so instituted a lot of buffs that made the game significantly easier. They also unlocked a lot of the paygated material. Then there is a decade or so of power creep. For most content, a single person with a lot of knowledge on builds and a big budget can cakewalk through +4/x8 content. I've never tried to solo a Kahn TF personally, since the main AV in that one might take me hours to defeat solo. But anything that is not AV is pretty much trivial. It is nice to see the introduction of super high end difficulty content though. I don't think I could solo anything higher than 2 star, and probably even that is a pipe dream!
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