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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. Yeah, I don't recall having seen any of that. I don't edit them too often but I did edit one just yesterday and it all seemed to go just fine.
  2. OK, I'll bite, how does it not work? My answer for the posted question: most of mine have one, even if it's a half-assed joke (which I have gotten "good job!"s on anyway). I generally have to have some sort of idea for the character anyway before I make them, I just do not hop on and think I need a Time/DP defender, hit the random button and go.
  3. I always felt the opposite, blue side felt too impossibly perfect, like... like it was some generic CGI. Different strokes! Maybe you just don't like it, OP, that's all. No shame to that.
  4. Thanks for that, but I was asking how often such abuse really happens or "creates a problem." A game as complex is going to have outliers on both extremes: Burn with procs, and I dunno, say Mastermind Mercenaries. If the game can tolerate seriously under performance in one area, giving with the other hand some over performance is also tolerable. And I still don't know how often this is happening anyway, and therefore somehow breaking the game.
  5. I'm late to this thread and have only skimmed it, but... how big a problem is "players abusing procs" anyway? I mean, it's not like every build is sick with them like they are purples and AT IOs (you know, if you're worrying about players getting OPed).
  6. Use the prestige slide momentum thingy, which you can recolor, and then the flying disk (which sadly you can't, no). I did this for my current tank and the white (or other color) of the slide power pretty much hides all the of the disk.
  7. I was kind of thinking about that too, fun though those videos are. I second the suggestion of sitting them down and getting them started in the game. I got into it when a roommate was playing and I kept looking over his shoulder, "this looks kinda fun, actually..." And I don't even like video games.
  8. Now I just want to see Eochai in Pocket D for real. I mean, the ceiling's high enough for him and everything!
  9. Donald Duck never had a problem with it, why should she?
  10. Not just bawdy double entendres, I'm fine with those, despite what others posting here might have you think of me. These were particularly tasteless names that reek of 4chan's /pol/ board. If those sorts of people are moving in, I'll be moving out. Really should have listened to the little voice in the back of my head that said I shouldn't have posted about this, because it would be misrepresented by some. From now on, this is going to be between me and the mods, thanks.
  11. There's a reason I've never looked into the 4chan server: because I know the sort of chatter a 4chan server would have. We don't need that here.
  12. Did one of the other servers, such as, say, the one associated with 4chan, shut down recently or something? I've been away a few days and when I was playing tonight over the course of about 3 I saw a handful of tasteless names that I'm not going to bother repeating (and no, I'm no prude). Seem to recall I've seen one or two recently in the last week or so as well, so this would also be a really good time to ask how do I drop a dime for the mods to take a look.
  13. Lazy person that I am, I swipe most of my builds from these forums, and I'm finding a noticeable percentage crutch themselves along that way, which sort of annoys me as I don't Doorsit For Levels nor use XP boosts. And once I get to 50, the Incarnate system usually convinces me to start new toons anyway once I've opened up all the slots and maybe built them to +2 or +3. Seriously, it's just needlessly complex and poorly implemented. Plus by then I probably have a new shiny anyway. But - point being it's a crutch for poor build design. Now if I could only do something about this whole "lazy person" thing...
  14. I was able to run Optimistic89 thru Whispered Rumors (twice!), but there's still another one right? The mansion with the Frankenstein monster at the end or something? Dunno if he needs that one too.
  15. OK, this is definitely one instance where PUGs can hurt, I have seen a lot of apparently illiterate or inconsiderate people do that sort of thing.
  16. I'm both annoyed and enjoy TFs where the leader and maybe one other teammate race ahead with stealth after not announcing a speed run when they recruited: I mean, annoying because I often end up sacrificing myself once or twice at first, but then enjoy because I can just sit back and dance to the boombox while they complete the missions for me.
  17. "I have never seen reality's frame rate drop so quickly..."
  18. I've done some crazy nonsleep stuff myself, but that just sounds like hell. Then again, even when I was 20 I couldn't pull all-nighters like that, I'm just useless for anything. Friend or no, I'd have told them "not now." A true friend would have understood ha ha!
  19. I've only seen that on one MSR run and that was awhile back. Obviously I need to track down better MSR leaders!
  20. I only drink one drink at a time, and tonight I sat down with a lovely GnT and decided to play my so-far-only tank, a TW/Elec. I had an absolute blast keeping some really tough AVs taunted on me while I , burning up nearly a full tray of Insps, while teammates around me went through hell trying to get some damage in. And I didn't drop once. So there may be something to your theory there! And I may need to make another tank once this one gets stale in the post-50 game (he's already 47 so this is coming soon).
  21. One of my toons has one of them, which I only recently discovered and was glad because I rarely got to run any of them the past couple of years (everyone likes ToTing, fewer want to take time away from constant monster-smashing), But right now my life's kind of busy, I'm not sure when we might meet up in the next few days. BUT I put myself out here in case you don't get any more bites. My global is "Poltergeist Prince" UPDATE: I have two 50th level toons with the "Whispered Rumors" tip. If you need, we can try and arrange something for the next few days.
  22. I really think it's just the hard mobs themselves, which yeah would be even worse en mass, such as a team would generate.
  23. You'd be surprised how often that's the correct answer.
  24. That first kill in the first video you link is the best view I've ever seen of the how the ship breaks up upon defeat. I've often helped take down drop ships on MSRs, but never thought to fly up for a good overview like that; generally I'm just trailing along behind it after clicking F to follow it.
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