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Everything posted by SeraphimKensai

  1. My FF toon uses dark blast. It's definitely not the most damaging, but with my power boosted bubbles and dark blasts, everyone on my team gets incarnate level defense and I floor a mobs chance to hit.
  2. That's why you go get Tequila in Mexico. If you can see over the bar, you're good to go.
  3. Yes but it's only a 5 second duration, do you have to essentially have it on auto and target your phantasm.
  4. Time, Rad, Kinetics, and Elec Affinity can all get recharge buffs from their own sets. Besides Hasten, and stacking recharge set bonuses, you can also use an Offensive Amplifier from the P2W vendor and also make a recharge base buff. Otherwise you can be effected by outside recharge buffs like SB and such too. In my experience the earliest I've had Perma PA that I can remember was for a Yin TF, but it's possible I may have been able to get it for Synapse TF as well, but I don't ever remember trying as when I run that it's usually early morning during it's WST period and I usually solo it with my three accounts.
  5. My dark/stone is 50, and I have 8 pts of KB prot slotted, and my character uses SJ, but I hardly notice getting bounced around. My build also has 45% melee defense in combat so that won't dodge a rocket that scores a natural 20 to knock my ass all over though, but I haven't seen it in play. Oppressive Gloom is your friend here, stun the hell out of anything that would knock you back and then kill it first. Maybe it's because I don't fight the council that often, only for TFs, as I typically don't do radios/newspapers unless I'm extremely bored. There's a lot more interesting and tougher NPC groups out there that occupy my time. Same thing with Fiery Aura, I don't have much issue with KB running that either.
  6. Honestly if they enhanced mez and damage it would go a long way to helping..the set bonuses on ascendancy are pretty good, but dominating grasp are kinda meh with the exception of the fiery orb proc. If I was given carte balance to change the dominating grasp set bonuses they would be: 2. + 1.8% Max Endurance (3.6% when superior) 3. 6.25% Recharge (10% when superior) 4. 7.5% Range (10% when superior) 5. 3% Recovery (4% when superior) 6. Energy/Neg Defense 3.75% / Ranged 1.875% (when superior 5% and 2.5%) Bonuses come from: 2, 3, 5: Scourging Blast 4: Blasters Wrath 6: Dominating Grasp All bonuses stayed at their respective levels when pulled from the corresponding ATO sets. This would help out dominators with: endurance/recovery issues as we know having all those attacks and no sustain power can be problematic helping to make perma Dom easier to attain which can free up some slotting choices in other powers. Helps them have an edge on ranged distance, which can increase the depth of some cone attacks. And helps building for ranged defense.
  7. For those of you that play the game, what kind of characters draw you in and connect with you? Any favorite ATs / Powersets?
  8. Maybe I need to be checked into an old folks home, but I've played since inception and have failed to realize dwarf form apparently didn't accept outside recharge buffs. I guess my own recharge buffs were sufficient enough that I never realized.
  9. I can't wait to get all of our dark/stones together again. In my free time I've been working on IOs, but been a bit distracted as I'm in the process of switching jobs, so I've been busy reassigning my projects to my colleagues and making introductions.
  10. Rikti teleport their dead back to their ships for processing into Soylent Gray. Pretty sure it's official cannon just because I said so. 😜
  11. You must have been a blaster hanging that far back. Hopefully a spawn didn't get you from behind.
  12. Tank: Hardshell Protective Coating Shrinkwrap Cellophane Smasher Blaster (I would go Rad/Martial instead of Energy Martial but that's just me. The Laser Lurker Peepshow Flashbang Freddy Wife's Death Stare Good names for a Canadian 6 Pack of Molson Glazed Timmy Hortons Not as good at Hockey as a Minnesotan The game engine allows 20 character names, all of these except the last one will fit, but as good as the last one is the game engine might make an exception.
  13. 8 points of KB protection is usually sufficient for most of the game.
  14. I haven't seen your build yet, but I'll try to remember to take a look at it tonight. I typically recommend at least 2 KB prot IOs for Dark Armor. The pairing seems pretty interesting in that you'll have a ton of mitigation due to your res, +padded defense (although that can be stripped, so depending on incarnate choices ageless radial might be a good choice), Oppressive Gloom, and Ice Patch, plus the slows from your attacks. Not to mention one of the best heals in the game. Call of the sandman was "fixed" from my understanding to only proc off the animation rather than all the affected mobs. That said you have dark regeneration, so you don't need the heal from that IO.
  15. Definitely want all the bio powers. As far as Axe goes, my experience with it is mostly prior to the revamp, but if I had to maybe pick one between beheaded/chop. Otherwise you given that you get swoop/cleave, I could probably ditch gash as well. I would take taunt, because you're a tank, and that -range debuff is fantastic. That should leave you with 6 powers remaining to choose. Hasten, Travel Power, Kick, Tough, Weave, Maneuvers. That doesn't leave room for any epic/patron powers. You could forgo a travel power and use a travel power from the P2W vendor, which then gives you a 1 choice dip into an epic. Maybe Gloom?
  16. Honestly @Snarky dark/dark controller might just be the best overall dark/dark toon you can make. Dark Affinity is really great and Dark Control is one of the best control sets.
  17. I have the stalker and it works extremely well. I use it for all Shield Defense ITFs, and it has a Roman costume and all.
  18. You can follow yourself and target through you, but you'll have to actually cast the power for it to work.
  19. The healing procs go in health and the endurance proc goes in stamina. I'd have to test it's effectiveness if slotted in lightning storm as I personally haven't tried that but if it works it could be useful. When I said Aegis I meant Ageless as in the destiny incarnate option. I must of been distracted as someone messaged me asking about good IOs for fire farming, which Aegis has a ton of fire defense in its bonuses.
  20. I will solo or run a full team like the rest, but I have no qualms about running small teams. I actually like getting small groups of support toons together 3-5 players and running +4 content set for 8 for the added challenge as support toons are a very strong force multipler by themselves.
  21. I don't actually have a build for it. More often than not I make my own builds in my head. That said if you wanna make an attempt at a build for it, I'm totally willing to give you feedback on it to help you hone it in.
  22. One of the plant controllers I play is plant storm, and yes it can work find while flying. As I said before you'll have to kiss the ground or shut fly off to use spirit tree, but otherwise no issues flying. I second @Death2Tyrants in that you'll need to build for end recovery. Plants/storm is really end hungry and you'll want to take the miracle, Numina, panacea, and performance shifter procs. As storm really benefits from high levels of recharge, I strongly recommend ageless on a plant/storm as it helps your recovery but also is a DPS increase helping you get out multiple lightning storms and tornadoes. Mine uses leviathan as I also have waterspout, and hibernate. It's a fun pairing hands down, and you can see my first post in this thread for a fun story about how it plays.
  23. No idea who that is, I guess could be a player but I didn't recognize the name. I tagged the ones I did recognize. It was my thought that Google's AI Bard is to blame for these results as well. That picture of the Council, looks like a random city council from Anywhere, USA.
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