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Everything posted by Bionic_Flea

  1. I wish that /search would do a complete search. Many moons ago it used to and you could see 300+ characters. At some point they changed it so that you can only see 50. And while we are at it, I would like to add villain and Praetorian zones to the count even if you are a hero, with options to limit.
  2. Give you up: Never. Let you down: Never. Run away and desert you: Never. You've been Rikti rolled!
  3. Yeah, I'd like to see a source for the 700+ DPS. None of Ston's test runs got anywhere close to that. Closest I can find is Clam Leader with 632 DPS on a general build. Ratch got more but with an unsustainable burst build.
  4. I like the Vixen/Armor option. If you go nova, you start flying, get the Nova stats, and you have a ghost image of the Nova either above or surrounding your costume and the same as always Nova powers. And same for Dwarf, your footsteps become louder, you get Dwarf stats, and you have a ghost image of a Dwarf with the same as always Dwarf powers. It's the same as it is now, except instead of a full transformation, you get the ghost image instead. That's just cosmetic, not any kind of power creep. It doesn't fix Kheldians or remove changeling playing. I think I might like Nova as hovering and Dwarf as surrounding, but that's just a personal preference detail. Standard code rant: I have no idea how hard that would be to code, if if it's even possible.
  5. While on test server, I made Arse/Traps, Arse/TA, Arse/Dark, and an Arsex2 Dom. When it went live I tried Arse/Cold. Of all those I preferred them in this order: Dark, TA, Cold, Traps, Dominator. Arse really shines when you can stack similar effects and TA and Dark both do that very well.
  6. MARTY would like a word with you . . . https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/MARTy
  7. My bad. You targeted the pylon and clicked VA. I was looking at the bar and when I looked up you had the Pylon targeted. But on closer look you put it on a spiderling just before re-targeting the Pylon.
  8. Nice! Two questions: 1) What's the "VA" macro do? 2) Is Enflame being properly accounted for? You start Enflame at 21 seconds, before attacking at about 37 seconds, and the video ends at 1:07.
  9. Caltrops is also a Proc Monster! I think that might be the one power that can take the most procs. Along the lines of what Roleki is saying, I like slotting the purple KD proc as that keeps them flopping inside the caltrops taking more damage. When I take it, I usually give it 4-6 procs.
  10. Image doesn't show for me. But if you are already doing a video of taking down a pylon, why not include the TF contact at the beginning?
  11. Everyone knows that Regen is the Empathy of armor sets!
  12. You forgot to hide the tester powers. 🤡
  13. Oh! and I found my Mids Build. It's on an older version of Mids, so the link and chunk may not work, but I also posted the text breakdown here:
  14. Well . . . yeah. No one is going to accuse you of cheating if you get a C-. When you get A++ without showing your work, people get suspicious. I am satisfied that AA's time is legit, but I can certainly understand the doubt on just a screenshot.
  15. You get a tiny dollhouse tea cup with your name on it, but you can't see the letters.
  16. Are you coming on to me? 😄
  17. I suppose it's true that she could have started with a tester power. But look at the times in chat and timers on the power trays. Forty or Forty five seconds on hasten, which matches clicking that first and then taking 23 or 47 seconds to kill. On her 47 seconds on Flea Cup is close to Luacianna's 50 seconds. Laucianna just runs her regular build, which doesn't have enflame or unrelenting and does slot for survival and sustain.
  18. Look at some of the builds with the fastest times killing pylons. They are built solely for that purpose all based on +damage, procs, -res, and recharge. Zero defense and resistance. So don't worry about it. Your +4/*8 character is surviving AND killing.
  19. LOL at Flurry and Brawl. Nice one, AA.
  20. Looks good, EXCEPT, you choose no inspirations but forgot no temps on both runs. It didn't seem like you used any, except its hard to tell with changeling and you have one grey icon on your power bar that I'm not sure what it is.
  21. Boo!
  22. I challenge any and all not just to run a no temps, no inspiration pylon, but to either add to the bounty or set your own bounty with your rules! I especially challenge: @ScarySai @Shin Magmus @Americas Angel @Laucianna @AmrasNotHere @Beldath @Linea @Videra @Frosticus @Glacier Peak @arcane @Ratch_ @Ston TAKE MY MONEY!
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