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Everything posted by Seigmoraig

  1. As long as the server population is below 1500 you are allowed to multibox 3 accounts at a time https://forums.homecomingservers.com/code-of-conduct/
  2. The forum account and the game account is not the same thing. You will need to create a game account to link to your new forum account https://forums.homecomingservers.com/gameaccount/
  3. Well there's your problem right there, why even bother putting something up for less that what it cost you to make it ? The way the AH works, you can just put up a bid on an item for a really low price and just leave the bid up indefinitely while you wait for somebody to put an item up at a loss. If you want to avoid losing money selling thing on the /ah, either you don't bother selling those items or you put them up for more than what it costs. I actually don't bother crafting anything that sells for less than 1million inf
  4. It's not worth it to buy purple enhancements with merits, it's actually not worth it to buy basically anything other than enhancement converters, boosters or other such consumables. If you buy these consumables and sell them on the /ah you will make a much larger return than simply buying the enhancement for 100 merits. I usually buy Boosters because they are less annoying to deal with than converters, they are worth pretty much the same amount of inf/merit except you buy boosters with larger chunks of merit points: 1 booster = 5 merits 3 converters = 1 merit So with converters you end up with hundreds of them in your inventory that you have to drop on the /ah 10x at a time
  5. As of now, I mostly use it in 3 situations 1) AE Farm, having the bot along with double inf nets more $$$ per run 2) soloing TFs, You get double (or triple depending if you dual or triple box) merits 3) Filling in TFs that I am running, sometimes in off hours it's too long to fill a group so I will bring in my bot to move things along. Since she is Sonic/ even though she is just on /follow she still kinda contributes (also double merits) Bot also has TP friend, mission TP and team mission TP for ease of access. Botting like this is also SO MUCH EASIER if you have a dual monitor set up, I wouldn't bother with it myself if I didn't have 2 monitors
  6. I do this is a Sonic/ Defender, the bot is just on /follow and gives me Disruption Field for the -30%res debuff and Leadership auras. Her 2 resist buffs helped me a lot to get my first 50 up to snuff but now that that character is at res cap it's less of an issue. Just get the Invisibility power from Concealment pool and have the bot afk /follow
  7. That computer should be more than powerful enough to run 3 instances of the game at once. Look for driver updates to fix the issues. Look for the latest Nvidia drivers for the video card https://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx Once that is done, most laptop manufacturers have some sort of auto update software for the rest of the components. Also, make sure he is running the 64 bit client. This should sort out whatever problems you are having.
  8. Lower the difficulty of the mission, remove Arch Villians and Elite Bosses when Solo and get Envenomed Daggers from the P2W vendor. If that fails you might have to group with someone, some content is more tailored to group play
  9. Right click on the power and select Info, then open the Detailed Information tab
  10. If you are having problems with End management, I would suggest looking into Miracle, Numina's, and Panacea from the Healing IO sets, each of those have a proc IO that you can slot into your Health auto power and they will fire off automatically all the time giving you a hp+end boost. Also look into Performance Shifter for another End proc that you can slot into your Stamina auto power. 3 of these 4 are very affordable, the only somewhat expensive one is Panacea. Once you have these into your Health and Stamina powers it should mitigate 90% of your endurance problems so you can focus your Energy Absorption power with +rech and +Def Also, yeah Stalkers are no where as durable as Tankers and many of the skill have been modified from their Tanker/Brute/Scrapper counterparts The optimal slotting for Health and Stamina are: 3 slots into Health (Miracle, Numina's and Panacea) Some powerset combinations will use 2 slots here because they will have one of these 3 slotted into another auto power from their main sets (Bio Armor and Willpower for example have a second "stamina" power in their sets) 2 slots into Stamina (Performance Shifter proc + Performance Shifter End Mod for the 2 piece bonus)
  11. It is something I do regularly on my TW/Bio Scrapper (I just like to farm a bit to fund my endless stream of new characters). I actually don't run FF, but Sonic because of the -30% res aura that sonic can give me. Here's how you do it: Recently they changed the way Invisibility from the Concealment pool works. Used to be that you could only affect yourself while under the effects of this power. It has been changed to reduce damage dealt by 50% while this power is on. This mean that Aura toggles and buffs work full force while under the effects of Invisibility. So your buff bot defender is sitting in invisibility, with hover/fly on above the mobs and it will still provide all the buffs it can. Keep in mind that most toggle powers have a relatively short range so you will need to keep moving the bot. Buff powers on the other hand don't have a max range so there is no problem there. Depending on what you are fighting you might be able to get away with sticking your bot on /follow and forget about it until the 5 minute buffs wear out so that you can always benefit from the FF bubble. A lot of enemies however do AoE damage and the bot will get hurt from collateral damage. If you run the outdoor space mission for fire farming you can easily have it hovering above the mobs, bringing the mobs in range of the bubble and toggles then just move it around when you change section in the map. Teaming is slightly better for influence (10-20% better about not sure on exact number) but I have not noticed (or looked) for a bonus to XP so I can't comment on that. If you are using the second brute purely as a passive /autocast burn bot you could most likely eventually get higher clear speeds but that would involve gearing up 2 characters the same so the actual inf sink that this would ultimately slow down your actual farming significantly since the bot brute would pull tons of aggro (because of max targets on Burn, aoe powers and taunt aura) and needs as many IOs and such to not instantly die at +8/x4. Also managing 2 characters even with a dual monitor set up is quite challenging, you'll see how micromanagement heavy it is once you try it. Secondly the DPS you would lose from your main character, by not pushing his buttons in a proper rotation makes it so that it's not worth it (for me at least) which is why I run a Sonic/ Defender since I can have the benefits from a buffbot that also gives me 30% damage increase. Sonic/ on a /Fire Brute is kinda lost though since you are naturally capped 90% in fire resist. This is also why I suggested a FF defender so you can benefit from the +Def. That being said, once you are done gearing up the Sonic/ Defender takes the lead IMO because that sweet, sweet -30% res aura is sweeeeeet
  12. Look at this page here for ways to build you character. Since this is most likely a farmer (don't see why else you would make a spines/fire Brute) the character will be funding himself so there is very little point in going budget. Get the best build right away and work on it gradually increasing the difficulty of the missions to accommodate your gear. Just because it is expensive doesn't mean everything in the build is out of reach, actually most of the build is fairly affordable with the majority of the cost coming from a few purple sets. Even then not ALL of the purple sets are super expensive, the purple sets that are Brute only are much cheaper because you can upgrade the orange Brute set to purple with Catalysts you will find all over the place once you get to level 50. Alternatively what you can do to accelerate your farming with low gear is to roll a second account and make a Force Field Defender to shore up your Def (Fire) until you get your proper gear. This is perfectly legal and allowed in the server ToS
  13. There are a bunch of set bonuses scattered around with +Acc that will give you the accuracy bonuses on all of your powers. If you account for a few of these you can more than make up for sets you find lacking in accuracy. Hecatomb for example has a 15% accuracy bonus as it's 4 piece bonus which single handily fixes any and all issues you might have with accuracy
  14. Bio is a late bloomer set. Once you get access to DNA Siphon it gets better but it really shines when you can just stay in Offensive Adaptation all the time with proper IOing
  15. I really don't see what the point is though. Why move to a server with such a low population ? Sure some of the changes can be fun to screw around with but you would need to be really starved for that content to even consider all the hassle that playing on a low population server like that. On HC at any given time I can find a group to do almost any given piece of content. I am very happy with the pace of new content rolling out on HC, it just shows that the devs are doing it correctly and properly testing before putting any changes out. I honestly don't see what the benefit would be to fracturing the population of people playing CoH is. This is what happens all the time with private servers. One of them becomes dominant and 99% of the population of people who are interested in playing a 15 year old game gravitate there. Sure the others with 50 max population have some nice ideas but if their ideas were that good and their server was that stable then they would have become the dominant server. Reality points out that most people just want to play CoH how it was when it closed down with a drip feed of new content that has been properly tested and vetted by the community
  16. Well sure I get that and it's very understandable. That being said if the actual server where you will be putting all that great help and insight to use is a ghost town I don't see how it's a viable alternative. Doing everything alone in an mmorpg is pretty lame. They can have all the QoL changes and new features but if nobody is there, I just don't see the point
  17. Not to sound disrespectful or anything, but there are 15 people online right now in Rebirth. There are 8 threads in the Builds forum. How is this even a remotely viable alternative to Homecoming ? Am I looking at the wrong place, because I'm not seeing how Rebirth has any relevance ( https://cityofheroesrebirth.com/ )
  18. Titan Weapon is where it's at. It is a super endurance heavy set that pairs really well Bio's top notch recovery tools. TW is the king of AoE, Titan Sweep, Arc of Destruction and Whirling Smash are the bread and butter. Also every power in this rotation has a Knockdown component for extra damage mitigation. TW also has a 3 power single target rotation for when you are fighting big baddies
  19. I see Omega Maneuver more as a "haaaalp" button for when I'm in trouble than as an actual dps power as it will taunt enemies off you so that you can pop your serum and a few inspirations
  20. So how do the melee attacks from the crab hold up ? I have yet to test them out, right now I am using a mostly ranged approach, Venom Grenade > Frag Grenade > Suppression with Longfang and Channelgun for single target
  21. My Eyes !!!
  22. This build is discussed extensively here (and in other threads in the brute subforum) You should find something to your liking if you dig a little !
  23. Agreed, this thread is a circle jerk marathon at this point haha. I just come and check to see that Cap'n posts for actual information
  24. Honestly if it's 5 secs off perma, I would leave it at that and go for Musculature For sure, I have it in an AoE power as well, thing is I run a Titan Weapon scrapper so pretty much all my powers are AoE 😛 I'm not really knowledgeable enough about Staff to tell you exactly which is the best power to put it into !
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