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Everything posted by Laucianna

  1. Weighing in on this a bit late but I wonder if there could possible be two phases to the closed beta testing? The more natural one that the devs like to see where the testers explore what was changed/added, then after a set time they can post what their goals are with the additions to help clear up any confusion and allow more though testing in that exact area. If we take the wet debuff for instance, could have a week of more natural testing as the devs desired for players to try and figure out what it does, what it interacts with, and what applies it. Then after say 2 weeks they can come out saying what wet does, what it currently interacts with, what applies it, and even the intention behind it (Such as a coming powerset having a lot of interactions with it) ❤️ I do think the current Labyrinth has been a shining example of this with the initial more mystery section where people explored it naturally and giving feedback, then after a while Cobalt started to explain the intent and after seeing how people interacted with it naturally adapted the content to better suit that. People scouting for fogs was the fastest way compared to the intended kill method, which left the XP side lacking and not much to do after Mino was down which was shown through natural testing, then cobalt explained the intent of the zone and you have things like the Font room added to allow that XP to shine through whilst embracing how people naturally interacted with the Minotaur section. TLDR: Both natural testing and knowledgeable testing are useful and it would be good to get a mix of both for things added to the game 🙂
  2. Updated - 22/09/2024 - Updated the tactic for fighting the Avatar of Achlys
  3. Personally I am a little confused 😄 The incentive already exists in the fact I can run whatever I want to as a leader, whether that be a Trial, TF, Missions, RP hang out sessions in Pocket D etc. It's not a burden I am forced with and need to be compensated for with temporary powers or extra rewards and I feel if that is the incentive to run a team you will get some people who don't want to lead doing it for the better rewards and Snarky will have a lot more Pug stories to tell about leaders 😄
  4. I am all for being able to name my little friends ❤️ even if they made the vanity pets untouchable (Like phase shift) so only things like Hamidon himself could kill it that would work for 95% of the game 😄
  5. I'm not an empathy main by any means (Did used to play one) so I am not that experienced but aside from the very humble comments 😄 I do think this sounds like a great buff to an underperforming set whilst still maintaining the ultimate healing vibe, the only thing I am not sure on is the proc on healing hands as that is damage but having it add extra effects to the other powers whilst increasing the healing is a great idea! It also gives Empathy players that recharge goal to achieve perma healing godhood which is always a great milestone to get on a character ❤️
  6. I did not know this 😄 Gods that is a life send!
  7. 100% alongside having it for the Peacebringers Combat Flight (Hover)
  8. I always love that there is that option to do it the more intended route that you all do ❤️ It adds variety into the game despite it being the same boss which is never a bad thing! I know if it wasn't so late for me I would attend more of yours but sadly being in England has it's downsides 😄
  9. That is fair tbh, however AA was at damage cap for most of it too, which is higher then Ratch was through his run so that point isn't very valid, as scrappers have a higher damage cap so if they were both at damage cap for their AT's AA might get another second, Ratch would get more then a few seconds. Just wondering are you going to be responding to the facts shown and this was just a quick comment or was this all you were going to comment on it? (This isn't an attack just want to know)
  10. As the saying goes, fool me once shame on me, fool me twice shame on you so I will play the fool and believe that you will happily amend the fact an infinity changeling isn't 150% as powerful as a scrapper. Here are two videos of a Scrapper player and a Kheldian player, both top of their game using builds that are not fit for general use, both not using temps, both using judgement in their attack. Scrapper: 28 seconds, 19 attacks in total, 0.679 attacks per second, 78.807 DPS per attack Peacebringer: 35 seconds, 81 attacks in total (Not including the Inner Light half way), 2.314 attacks per second, 15.10 DPS per attack. So if we are judging it by how you are judging it a Peacebringer does 81.707% the DPS of a Scrapper whilst performing at 340.796% of the speed. So there is the proof, from two videos posted on your Pylon build testing using the same style of build, limitations, and test 🙂 I do hope you stick to your word now as my worry is for Kheldians to get a big ol nerf bat by the devs removing Changeling before buffing them, something this post looks to be trying to do by claiming it does more damage then a scrapper. Also for the record I DO want Changeling to be removed but NOT BEFORE Kheldians get the serious buff they desperately need to play without it.
  11. I would like that very much please ❤️ Due to the other points I made I don't want my name associated with this and I don't think either of us will budge on this
  12. I can't say for certain but I think the "Elitism" comments mainly come from the simple fact of Advanced mode being the only content you really need set things for, the "hardest" raid in the game (Hamidon) doesn't require people to bring finished builds or x amount of blasters, hell if it was an entire league of level 45 sentinels I would still give it a shot 😄 So when people are used to 98% of the game being "Bring whatever" to suddenly being told "We need you to bring X or have X" they will see it as Elitist as Advanced mode is as close as the game is going to have to an Elitist mode (Outside of PvP which most people tend to ignore)
  13. Just seeing this post now and thought I should give my personal opinion as someone who only has 1 toon that is not meta 😄 You may not like this but there is 100% a stigma about meta when it comes to Hard Mode communities, it's not a needed meta as you pointed out, but the people who run this tend to either require you to be on a meta toon (No matter the persons actually skill (I have heard stories of meta toons incanning into the green on LGTF)) Or you are a personality and close friends with the person running it. I am thankful to be the later as otherwise I wouldn't be wanted on any 4 star runs. This isn't to say there is some magical solution to fix this, as it is hard content and leaders do not want it to take too long so will fill with meta players or their friends they know are okay at the game, and that is 100% up to them how they want to fill their teams and time but it does lead to an environment where you bring meta or be mates with the leader of the team ❤️
  14. Updated - 18/09/2024 - Updated the Labyrinth section with the Orange Secret!
  15. Badass as hell! 😄 Well done hun!!!! ❤️
  16. I do think without any of us actually being there and seeing what was said it is hard to judge, as someone mentioned in this loooooong post of comments that if the team lead got annoyed half way and started being rude in their request to turn it off "Who the f*ck has that waste of space power Group Fly? Turn it off or I will smite you from the heavens above!" then they are the jerk 100%, but if they were polite with their request "Hey, some people aren't able to use their powers and forgot to turn off group fly at Null, are you able to just turn it off when in missions for us please?" then it's up to you as a player what option you take, do you: 1 - Turn off Group Fly for the rest of the TF when in missions, losing out on some DPS/Survivability for the sake of others, making the time you have already invested not wasted. 2 - Refuse on principle that they could of turned it off before, leading to you being kicked and your time wasted. We can not control how other people are going to act or plan according to how we play, all we can do is chose how we are going to react to the situation when it arises ❤️
  17. Have I mentioned how much of a god send you are for information! 💛 Once it goes live I will update the guide with a lot of this! Also totally using that name for him now 😄 "Uncle Touchy"!
  18. Well done to the winners of the "Moon" Friday Fashion Contest with a prize pool of over 600 Million Influence! Make sure to come see us on FRIDAY at 19:00 EDT at Homecoming - Excelsior for a chance to win! This Fridays Fashion Contest theme will be "Music"! It will be in Echo Plaza on Homecoming - Excelsior Join our Discord to suggest a theme for next week and vote on which suggested theme is picked! https://discord.gg/zsXQUzy698 1st: Moon Gardener 2nd: Moontouched Owlbeast 3rd: LUNAR Honorarys: Phase de la Lune Man in da Moon Aiera Moonwater Blanker That's No Moon Neil Farmstrong Apollo Juan
  19. This isn't in the game yet is it? Or have I been a silly goose and missed the patch 😄 Also you are a god send in finding all these secret locations!
  20. Not at the moment, if you have anyway you want it viewed that you know of let me know and I can try to export it like that for you! 😄
  21. The binds are in the guide under the "Changeling/Shifter" section ❤️ You don't need teleport to use them
  22. Updated - 11/09/2024 - Updated the changeling binds to mention about changing keys to what is comfortable for you! - Lauci x
  23. Well done to the winners of the "Prehistoric" Friday Fashion Contest with a prize pool of over 1 Billion Influence! Make sure to come see us on FRIDAY at 19:00 EDT at Homecoming - Excelsior for a chance to win! This Fridays Fashion Contest theme will be "Moon"! It will be in Echo Plaza on Homecoming - Excelsior Join our Discord to suggest a theme for next week and vote on which suggested theme is picked! https://discord.gg/zsXQUzy698 1st: Pterodactylus 2nd: Ms.Ing Link 3rd: Homoglacies Aforenci Honorarys: Extinct Fossil Fuel Clan Huntress Tar Beast
  24. Thank you so much for hosting this week!!!! Was great fun to come along and test my new Psi max build out 😄
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