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Everything posted by SlimPickens

  1. not gonna lie, I have a build where I used 2 slots Celerity on 3 different sprint powers to get stacked 2.25% s/l resist bonuses so I could cap it because I had extra slots in the build and couldnt figure a better way to spend them.
  2. I just use the system for petty spite when people dont pick my costume in CCs. 1* for everyone judging. And i 5* my homies so they got clout on my screen when we team up. Occasionally Ill write a little note when someones a complete bellend.
  3. You do you, but it sounds like tedium so if it isnt fun, then nah dont spend your time on something thats not enjoyable. Theres enough unenjoyable stuff going on already.
  4. wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww and/or 12313131313122343141414
  5. This. Ill take 4 good players playing whatever they want over an ideal AT makeup with 3 people that dont understand game mechanics.
  6. Sleep is for the tired.
  7. I got the little leprechaun and I didnt know he flies. I flew and next thing i know I got him following me through the air with his little pot o gold. What a legend.
  8. Not voting because none of the choices are realistic, but the answer is no. Theres plenty of ways for players to make the game artificially harder if they choose. The fact that a well built character can become truly super doesnt mean the system itself is in need of nerfing or tweaking, it means you can choose to go all the way to 11, or dial it back to 1 and run unslotted using brawl from lvl 1-50 if you so choose to walk the hard road. You are the one who controls how hard the game is by the choices you make when building your character. Nothing about the way the numbers crunch needs be changed, its already in your power to dumb yourself down as far as you feel makes it more exiting for you to play.
  9. I just turn off screen shake in my control settings... otherwise that pandragon fight can make you get motion sickness lol
  10. Ive noticed this behavior with rad toggles lately as well. I think the enervating field and radiation infection toggles are causing a fear panic effect in mobs for some reason. Its very noticeable on AV fights like Director 11 on Tin Mage TF when running with a rad whos got the toggles.
  11. man, id just like a suppress FX/redraw option available for all powersets. That alone would be a vast improvement.
  12. Heres the rules I use: Is it purple= +5 (except proc) is it PvP= +5 (except proc) is it a proc = attuned or no mod at all Do you exemp alot= attune set Basic IO like rech/end red = +5 always and save a slot (2 lvl 50+5 will get you to 95%+) In general those guidelines will work for you. If a power is an early pick I generally dont bother to attune if I am never worried about being 5 lvls under the power and losing its bonuses. If a power is picked in the 20-50 lvl range and has a normal IO set (not purple or pvp) I generally attune so I can freely exemp and not lose those bonuses. I tend to buy all my procs attuned but if they arent providing set bonuses with other pieces of a set it really doesnt matter.
  13. lmao I didnt ever realize thats just the rest animation... guess that goes to show how long its been since ive used rest...
  14. I still cant figure out what the kneeling with one fist on the ground pose is called. Cant seem to find any emotes on the drop down that do the pose:
  15. I PL all my characters to 50, and this trick still works after being lvled to 50 but not training yet so you still show lvl 1, the amps still cost 1k each hour. So after getting leveled to 50 I stop at the PTW vendor and buy 8 hours of each amp plus all my travel and QoL powers like team TP, Mission TP, assemble team etc.
  16. im more annoyed that I cant get emotes to fire off because the shield apparently animates as an emote than the fact that my mez protection is click based. Cant a shield bro get his dance on during cutscenes????
  17. I have to agree. Pay the IO tax to be super powered, or just play it out as an occasional mushroom power up. Every build in the game is vastly improved with proper IOs, a basic dominator without perma is no weaker than a basic blaster without capped def or any AT that relies on SO effectiveness. You can pay the IO/build tax to be meta level, or you can choose not to, it doesnt make the AT unplayable not to have the over 9000 power level.
  18. Having to pay the slot cost tax to use KB-KD procs in all the AoEs for energy blast is very unfortunate, so I sure see the value in being able to toggle it off if desired. It makes energy blast a very poor set when you have to use a slot to stop an annoying secondary effect rather than producing more damage with a real proc. The min/max in me dies a little death picking a set I know is mediocre at best because it requires babysitting.
  19. I have noticed rad and other debuff toggles often make them run. I see it in other TFs too- Director 11, Romulus, occasionally Viridian - all prone to running if debuffed.
  20. I like to 1* and leave a note for people running costume contests where they have bad taste or rigged results. Im petty like that, but I dont ignore anyone, unless they are a true bell end.
  21. Yes, they do. Ive long noted that Panacea procced for more or less depending on what AT I have it slotted in. Blaster tier was 65, doms and trollers were 79, and defender was 90, and my spider only ticks for 54.
  22. Because those other ways are marketeering, which is much less fun than farming. I play the game to actually push buttons and burn mobs, not click a million converters and bid creep the market for hours a day... but my way of playing has just been made 50% less profitable, whereas standing around with the AH screen open all day is still the best way of making influence available, and always has been. Being ebil and flipping/converting/reselling has always been the best way to make fake money, but I prefer to push buttons to do it. I just dont appreciate having to push twice as many buttons over twice as much time to do it now.
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