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Is there a Point to SuperGroups now?


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For me, bases are for storing tons of stuff and an easy way to travel quickly from place to place. It can be small and utilitarian or massive and mind-blowingly amazing, thanks to all the additions and base love. This is awesome for people who love it and spend hours creating them.


Same for me.


The two things that kind of drove a stake into the heart of the traditional Super Group for me were:  A)  Global Channels, and B)  The way the game encouraged Altitis.


The first one meant that a good channel could perform many of the functions of a SG in terms of allowing friends to be in communication with each other on a nightly basis and to work together or form teams with each other.  It's not as intimate as "we're all in the same SG and we can meet in our base and interact with each other" but if you're not into roleplay, a channel handles everything else.


The second one was a bigger problem for SGs I think, because I can only be in a SG if I have a limited number of characters.  The more alts I have, the harder it is to be part of a SG even if they have networked SGs in coalition.


Add to this the fact that I market and usually have a ton of cash, and I want to store IOs for my alts, and most SGs either don't believe in storing lots of IOs, or they gate them for the senior members, or if they don't then you have newer members walking off with anything they can sell... it just make a lot more sense to me ages ago to run my own private SG and be part of a global channel (or five, or ten) for the purposes of teaming with friends.  And all of that's just become easier here on Homecoming.


What I find interesting here on Homecoming is that, in some cases, even the global channels are no longer all that useful for teaming.  I'm a member of MG's Taskforces, a channel for Multiple Girl II and friends, but the vast majority of the time people are talking on Discord and completely ignoring the global channel.  They can form a team and run multiple TFs without ever saying a thing in the channel that is theoretically there to help them do those things.  I imagine ours isn't the only group that works like this, so... far from there being no point to a traditional SG, sometimes there's no point to a traditional global channel either.  ::)



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... am I the only one who remembers SGs from before there were Bases and Prestige ...?  Back when they were purely social things, or for organizing TFs, Hamidon Raids, and similar?  :)


One SG I was in "Young Paragons" (all characters had to be teenagers), had weekly "let's all just get together, form a couple teams, and go smash badguys" lite-RP group.  For the longest time, the meetings were typically by the University in Steel Canyon ... because, again, before bases.  (And also: Paragon City has an astonishing lack of schools for grades K-12 ... like, seriously, there isn't a single one, anywhere ...!)

Global Handle: @PaxArcana ... Home servers on Live: Freedom Virtue ... Home Server on HC: Torchbearer

Archetype: Casual Gamer ... Powersets:  Forum Melee / Neckbeard ... Kryptonite:  Altoholism

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... am I the only one who remembers SGs from before there were Bases and Prestige ...?  Back when they were purely social things, or for organizing TFs, Hamidon Raids, and similar?  :)


One SG I was in "Young Paragons" (all characters had to be teenagers), had weekly "let's all just get together, form a couple teams, and go smash badguys" lite-RP group.  For the longest time, the meetings were typically by the University in Steel Canyon ... because, again, before bases.  (And also: Paragon City has an astonishing lack of schools for grades K-12 ... like, seriously, there isn't a single one, anywhere ...!)


If you were a parent concerned about your child’s education would you let your kids go to school in Paragon City?


“How was school today dear?”


“It was OK.  Mrs. K said Johnny in my class is a little hellion”


“Well, some kids are a little squirrelly. Why I remember when I was a kid...”


“I think she reallly meant it dad.  He got the hiccups after lunch and burned down the classroom.”


*picks up phone to call realtor*

"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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Roleplaying SGs have been as strong if not stronger than ever.

"Titan/Bio scrappers are the stealthiest toons in the game."


"How's that possible? They don't have any inherent stealth and you'd never take concealment pool powers on them!"


"You see; they're perfect at stealth because nobody will notice if there's nobody to notice."

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... am I the only one who remembers SGs from before there were Bases and Prestige ...?  Back when they were purely social things, or for organizing TFs, Hamidon Raids, and similar?  :)


One SG I was in "Young Paragons" (all characters had to be teenagers), had weekly "let's all just get together, form a couple teams, and go smash badguys" lite-RP group.  For the longest time, the meetings were typically by the University in Steel Canyon ... because, again, before bases.  (And also: Paragon City has an astonishing lack of schools for grades K-12 ... like, seriously, there isn't a single one, anywhere ...!)


If you were a parent concerned about your child’s education would you let your kids go to school in Paragon City?


“How was school today dear?”


“It was OK.  Mrs. K said Johnny in my class is a little hellion”


“Well, some kids are a little squirrelly. Why I remember when I was a kid...”


“I think she reallly meant it dad.  He got the hiccups after lunch and burned down the classroom.”


*picks up phone to call realtor*


.... that's actually a bit of wealth privilege peeking out from behind you, there.  :)


How about the kids of people working in Super Gyro stores?  Or the kids of the janitorial staff of any of the many high-rise office buildings in Paragon?


Not every family could afford to pick up stakes and move like that.  Nor to send their kids to a private school somewhere else. :)

Global Handle: @PaxArcana ... Home servers on Live: Freedom Virtue ... Home Server on HC: Torchbearer

Archetype: Casual Gamer ... Powersets:  Forum Melee / Neckbeard ... Kryptonite:  Altoholism

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If you were a parent concerned about your child’s education would you let your kids go to school in Paragon City?


“How was school today dear?”


“It was OK.  Mrs. K said Johnny in my class is a little hellion”


“Well, some kids are a little squirrelly. Why I remember when I was a kid...”


“I think she reallly meant it dad.  He got the hiccups after lunch and burned down the classroom.”


*picks up phone to call realtor*


.... that's actually a bit of wealth privilege peeking out from behind you, there.  :)


How about the kids of people working in Super Gyro stores?  Or the kids of the janitorial staff of any of the many high-rise office buildings in Paragon?


Not every family could afford to pick up stakes and move like that.  Nor to send their kids to a private school somewhere else. :)


I don't think those janitors are very underprivileged in Paragon :)


I saw this recent job posting

Janitorial Position for High Rise Office Building in Steel Canyon

Full Time/Evening Hours


Salary: $150,000 + Combat Pay

Benefits Include:

*Generous Medical Plan - full coverage for accidental exposure to radiation emissions, noxious gases, otherworldly energies, extreme heat/cold, spores, and more

*Mental Health Benefits - Employee Assistance Plan, Hostage Counseling, and Treatment for exposure to Psionic energy

Full Dental and Vision

*Very competitive Life Insurance, Accidental Death and Dismemberment covers Super Hero attacks that accidentally strike you (includes Katana/Sword Strikes, Arrows, Pistols, Assault Weapons, Titan Weapons, and Battle Axe)



  • 4 years Combat Experience
  • Experience detecting and evading unwanted intrudes
  • Super Powers a plus
  • Actual Cleaning Skills optional
  • Must not be a Nemesis plot


Paragon City Required Disclaimer

*This job has many hazard conditions that include but not limited to:  Alien Invasion, Plant/Rock/Crystal Attacks, Undead rising, Fascist Uprisings, Corporate Espionage, Other Dimensional Energies and Beings, Demonic Forces, Gang Wars, and sometimes wet or slippery surfaces

"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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.... that's actually a bit of wealth privilege peeking out from behind you, there.  :)


How about the kids of people working in Super Gyro stores?  Or the kids of the janitorial staff of any of the many high-rise office buildings in Paragon?


Not every family could afford to pick up stakes and move like that.  Nor to send their kids to a private school somewhere else. :)


I don't think those janitors are very underprivileged in Paragon :)


I saw this recent job posting



Yes, i imagine that the insurance rates alone would make the cost of living in Paragon City quite high, with pay scales increased to match.  Anyone with a half-decent job in Paragon would likely be able to easily afford moving to any number of lower-cost locales. 


Of course, this doesn't apply to the unemployed, but given the cost of living (and other hazards) one has to wonder what would keep the unemployed in such an expensive market?

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Super groups are the most straightforward way for your high level characters to share salvage, enhancements, and inspirations with lower level characters.


Except you can just email things to yourself.


He didn't say to your OWN lower level characters.

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Super groups are the most straightforward way for your high level characters to share salvage, enhancements, and inspirations with lower level characters.


Except you can just email things to yourself.


But you can only send things one at a time with email.  You can manage salvage, inspys, and enhancements much easier with tables and racks

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"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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Huh, ok then. I guess I will drop my SG and look into base building. I've definitely felt the pressure to sell a lot of my recipes and what not that Im not using because of no space.


Thanks everyone for all the responses.

You can always keep just a few alts in your personal SG and some scattered in others for more social activities.  When you have gear you want to give to your lower alts, just send a global email to yourself with the attachment, and log a personal SG alt later to put it into your personal SG.  :D

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... am I the only one who remembers SGs from before there were Bases and Prestige ...?  Back when they were purely social things, or for organizing TFs, Hamidon Raids, and similar?  :)


One SG I was in "Young Paragons" (all characters had to be teenagers), had weekly "let's all just get together, form a couple teams, and go smash badguys" lite-RP group.  For the longest time, the meetings were typically by the University in Steel Canyon ... because, again, before bases.  (And also: Paragon City has an astonishing lack of schools for grades K-12 ... like, seriously, there isn't a single one, anywhere ...!)


I do remember those days.  I also recall the SG color schemes that made us all look like a part of the same organization.  I always thought that was cool.  I do recall one SG I was in briefly that had an official uniform.  The sent out the costume pieces and you used one of your slots to build it.  It was kind of cool to see eight team members with different powers all looking exactly alike running missions.

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... am I the only one who remembers SGs from before there were Bases and Prestige ...?  Back when they were purely social things, or for organizing TFs, Hamidon Raids, and similar?  :)


One SG I was in "Young Paragons" (all characters had to be teenagers), had weekly "let's all just get together, form a couple teams, and go smash badguys" lite-RP group.  For the longest time, the meetings were typically by the University in Steel Canyon ... because, again, before bases.  (And also: Paragon City has an astonishing lack of schools for grades K-12 ... like, seriously, there isn't a single one, anywhere ...!)


I do remember those days.  I also recall the SG color schemes that made us all look like a part of the same organization.  I always thought that was cool.  I do recall one SG I was in briefly that had an official uniform.  The sent out the costume pieces and you used one of your slots to build it.  It was kind of cool to see eight team members with different powers all looking exactly alike running missions.


It was.  Wish I could find a SG that does this.

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You can still set SG colors in the settings. 

The trick is getting your friends/members to remember to play in SG mode while you're grouping.

Nice thing is, you don't have to sacrifice inf for prestige in SG mode anymore.


BUT... just remember to toggle out of SG mode when you are playing at the tailor.

Nothing more frustrating than going to the tailor, and not having your costume change when you think it should. 


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For me, belonging to a SG is one of the social aspects of the game that I think adds to it's charm, and appeal.  It also allows us to create SG bases, thus putting all manner of handy items in it (like hazard zone teleporters, and crafting tables), so one can go to one place to do many things.  So, there is a functional aspect as well.

What was no more, is REBORN!

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  • 10 months later

I think having a active SG is essentisal to fully enjoying the game and those folks who have private SG's are just people to prefer solo activity and there is nothing wrong with that but for those folks who are unhappy with how many SG's are run should make a SG of their own and work on inviting members to it, I suggest it because it is another level of the game, there is so much to do in the game than just missions and TF's and trials, I run my own and it is fairly active but we are new and young so there are some problems to be ironed out but that is what makes it fun, teaching and training folks to do things how you like them done, bvut you also have to make it fun for them and give them a reason to be there, I love running SG's and my SG on live did very well for itself, it ran for close to 5 years and had 3 leaders in the course of it's life, point being is that having a SG and a active one adds a whole new level to the game and if you are willing to do more than just missions and TF's and Trials I say you have a chance to ecperience so much more fun and if you are one of those who are getting bored with the same thing all the time try running a SG

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The reason I never really understood SuperGroups in CoH.


  1. I love the idea of THEMED SuperGroups, and doing things together whilst wearing the SuperGroup uniform. That kind of stuff always looks cool, it's like when you see 2 people doing the same dance moves - it validates the thing they're doing exponentially, regardless of how ridiculous. I can't overstate that I'm an ENORMOUS fan of this stuff, so please absorb what comes next with that in mind.
  2. The shared resource and friendship of a SuperGroup are a great idea and supported by in-game resources (bases).
  3. The SuperGroups are CHARACTER, not ACCOUNT based. This makes the above contradict one another. How much can I play my 1970s Cop character before I get bored and switch to my Arachnos Spider - and suddenly I'm talking to a completely different set of people - it's weird.


I think Guild Wars 2 has handled Guilds better (it's more modern, so it should), where guilds are ACCOUNT based but you can be in FIVE (and you can communicate with ALL the guilds at the same time with /g1 /g2 etc.


Edited by Herotu
Reason for edit

..It only takes one Beanbag fan saying that they JRANGER it for the devs to revert it.

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2 hours ago, Herotu said:
  1. I love the idea of THEMED SuperGroups, and doing things together whilst wearing the SuperGroup uniform. That kind of stuff always looks cool, it's like when you see 2 people doing the same dance moves - it validates the thing they're doing exponentially, regardless of how ridiculous. I can't overstate that I'm an ENORMOUS fan of this stuff, so please absorb what comes next with that in mind.
  2. The shared resource and friendship of a SuperGroup are a great idea and supported by in-game resources (bases).
  3. The SuperGroups are CHARACTER, not ACCOUNT based. This makes the above contradict one another. How much can I play my 1970s Cop character before I get bored and switch to my Arachnos Spider - and suddenly I'm talking to a completely different set of people - it's weird.

I mostly agree on all of these points.


One of my friends told me that her best memory from CoH was when she was on a Synapse TF.  They were in the mission right before Babbage shows up and she sent me a tell asking if I could come help with Babbage.  I gathered the people in the SG and, when the team exited the mission, there were seven of us from the SG, in uniform, waiting outside the door.  I don't think it's a big deal if the SG is THEMED.  Some are and work well, some are not also work well.


I agree the SG's being character based is an issue (and always has been).  Back when the game was live, my SG was big enough that I had to limit how many characters people could have in the main SG.  We had two coalition SG's that I ran for additional characters.



Overall, I think there is definitely a point to SG's.  Originally, there were THREE reasons (in my opinion) that they were useful:

1. As a social organization.

2. As a transport hub.

3. As a storage location.

Item 2 no longer matters with the base passcode function but the other two reasons are as valid as ever.

Originally on Infinity.  I have Ironblade on every shard.  -  My only AE arc:  The Origin of Mark IV  (ID 48002)

Link to the story of Toggle Man, since I keep having to track down my original post.

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Some thread necromancy for sure.  But hey, why not.  The topic can still be of interest, and the older posts no less valid. 


I will probably never join a "real" SG. 

I made my own SG just so my characters would be joined as "already belonging to a SG" so I could stop getting invites and needing to decline them.


It's just.... after 4 years of being in a EverQuest guild... and then 8 years of being in a WoW guild.... no, I'm sorry. I'm done with guilds. 

  • I have zero interest in any kind of "Guild Activites" or "Guild Events". 
  • I feel no great desire to have lots of "guild chat" going on.  
  • I do not want to powerlevel my characters, and I have no interest in helping PL anyone else's.  I wish them well, just don't look at me as a resource to that end.
  • I do not "raid" anymore.  iTrials hold very little interest for me.  I'll do some here or there, but story arcs and alting are what drives me.  
  • I am allergic to anything even close to a whiff of a regularly scheduled group.  I'll team when the mood strikes me, and generally I always enjoy it.  But EQ and WoW both ended up becoming full time jobs, and I found them becoming a recurring obligation that was beginning to control my life.  Never again.  Never.
  • I'm content to operate on a PUG basis, night-by-night, if I choose to log on that evening.
Edited by MTeague
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9 hours ago, Helium 3 said:

I think having a active SG is essentisal to fully enjoying the game and those folks who have private SG's are just people to prefer solo activity and there is nothing wrong with that but for those folks who are unhappy with how many SG's are run should make a SG of their own and work on inviting members to it,

I've done this. I doubt I'll do it again. It can turn into another job all together.


If I ever did start a public SG, it'd probably be fairly... unled, just kind of having a theme and a social area, but don't depend on me to pick (or make) content. It can be a really thankless job.

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Holy necro thread Batman.

Dazl - Excelsior Grav/Kinetic Controller (SG - Cosmic Council) | Dazl - Everlasting & Torchbearer Grav/Energy Dominator

Shadowspawn - Excelsior Dark/Dark Stalker | Pyro Kinetic -Everlasting Fire/Kinetic Corrupter | Nova Pyre - Everlasting Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster (OMG)

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