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Posted (edited)

Recycling.png.3181c07b50d43987ea3298430d3749ac.png Eco-Friendly Powerset Recycling Recycling.png.3181c07b50d43987ea3298430d3749ac.png


So! one of the biggest issues with creating new powersets is the difficulty faced introducing new assets to the game, which is why many of the newer powersets are created from existing assets that are already used in other powersets (Such as Savage Assault, Ninja Training and Radiation Melee). In order to produce new powersets, it seems most likely that they would be created from what we have already, which is why we've seen many more Manipulation and Assault sets than any others (since they are mostly formed from existing powers).


So with that in mind, I was pondering what other powersets could be engineered from the assets already available, effectively 'recycling' them into new forms. I had a couple of crude ideas that I've listed below, they are in no way a working product, more a proof of concept that could hopefully inspire a new arsenal of powersets that could be introduced in one way or the other. The aim of the game is to use as much existing material as I could, so they would seem plausible to implement at the least, and entirely possible at the most.

Earth Blast (Now in Game!)

You are able to upheave and project stone to powerful effect! Earth Blast focuses on a mixture of smashing and fire damage, and many attacks have a chance to stun your foes.


EarthAssault StoneSpears.png - Stone Spears: Taken directly from Earth Assault. This power fits nicely for a simple single-target damage attack


image.png.89d623b6a1f1325a6840b2566e86771f.png - Lava Blast: A power belonging to the Minions of Igneous, hurling lava that deals high fire DoT


TalonsOfVengeance ShardsOfStone.png - Shards of Stone: A power belonging to the Talons of Vengeance Prophetess/Sibyl/Oracle of Earth, firing rocky shards in a cone.


image.png.3a24375e977381502183cb7e2c5e67a4.png- Basalt Bomb: Another power belonging to the Minions of Igneous, hurling a ball of magma that explodes and deals high fire DoT.


EarthAssault HurlBoulder.png Hurl Boulder: Taken from Earth Assault/Stone Melee. A good short range/high damage attack that was a nice fit.


TalonsOfVengeance Upthrust.png - Upthrust: A power belonging to the Talons of Vengeance Prophetess/Sibyl/Oracle of Earth. delivering smashing damage in an AoE, with a lethal DoT effect and chance to knockdown.


image.png.65ab3483cc66047d4956dad342c86ef1.png- Ryolite: Another Minions of Igneous power, holds a foe and deals moderate fire DoT


EarthAssault Fissure.png Fissure: Another Earth Assault power. Fissure acts a nice ability later in the set with close range and high damage.


image.png.f5df78cd7a15ecaca8f34d72c9e20a49.png- Meteor: Another unique Talons of Vengeance power. We remove the special NPC mechanics, and focus on the superior smashing damage, moderate fire DoT, and a chance to stun or knockback.

Earth Manipulation (Now in Game!)

You can manipulate the earth to contain and control your enemies, while bringing rocks crashing down upon them.


EarthGrasp StonePrison.png - Stone Prison: Taken from Earth Control. This power suits just fine for the single target immobilize as you may expect.


StoneMelee StoneFist.png - Stone Fist: Taken from Stone Melee. This works as the first melee attack available.


EarthGrasp Fossilize.png - Fossilize: Again taken from Earth Control. Just like many manipulation sets, the inclusion of a single target hold also seemed fitting.


StoneMelee BuildUp.png - Build Up: A standard Build Up power as expected.


StoneMelee Tremor.png - Tremor: Taken from Stone Melee. This power works as a nice AoE melee attack as seen in other Manipulation sets.


EarthAssault MudPots.png - Mud Bath: A modified version of Mud Pots. This power also grants endurance recovery and health regeneration to the player.


StoneMelee Fault.png - Fault: Taken from Stone Melee. This power works as a nice control power that has no damage.


TalonsOfVengeance AshFall.png - Ash Fall: Another power belonging to the Talons of Vengeance Prophetess/Sibyl/Oracle of Earth, functioning much like Snow Storm


StoneMelee SeismicSmash.png - Seismic Smash: Taken from Stone Melee. This power works perfectly as a high damage melee attack with mez capability.

Throwing Blades

You are trained with deadly throwing blades, armed with an assortment of martial weaponry to attack your foes from afar.

MartialAssault ShurikenThrow.png - Shuriken Throw: Taken from Martial Assault. This fits well for the low damage/quick recharge attack.


image.png.9b306dfad50aafd44bd787bad4202c4a.png- Throwing Dagger: An NPC power used by a multitude of enemies, ideal for a moderate damage ranged attack.


image.png.a82354089840819b77beaf824a921f39.png- Trick Shot: Taken directly from Martial Assault. this ability works well as a nice AoE ability.


image.png.1475cbec8aef60cfc44525e47d52e03a.png - Shrapnel Shuriken:  A renamed version of Weapon Mastery's Exploding Shuriken. This works as a basic AoE power.


FireBlast Aim.png - Aim: Your basic blast set 'Aim' power.


image.png.9309933fd8d92d2bd679b3b87ee25fbd.png- Masterful Throw: Also taken from Martial Assault. This works perfectly as a snipe ability.


MartialAssault SpinningKick.png - Fan of Blades: NPCs like Chance McKnight have a similar ability called 'Shurikens', which is a cone version of the standard Shuriken power. Though I would perhaps give it the Eviscerate/Ripper animation.


MartialAssault ExplosiveShuriken.png - Explosive Shuriken: Taken from Martial Assault. this power works well as a low-range/high-damage attack


MartialManipulation DragonsTail.png - Blade Storm: The T9 for this set would likely be a mix of projectiles thrown in all directions, likely using the same animation as Typhoon's Edge.


Other sets in this thread:


Recycling.png.3181c07b50d43987ea3298430d3749ac.png Primaries Recycling.png.3181c07b50d43987ea3298430d3749ac.png

(Blast, Control, Melee, Henchmen)



Street Warfare

Arcane Blast

Spirit Animals

Arsenal Blast

Artillery Blast

Pain Blast

Force Blast

Power Weapon


Marksman Rifle

Thorn Blast

Dual SMGs

Laser Blast

Plasma Blast

Particle Blast

Heavy Weapons

Toxin Blast

Light Blast

Void Blast

Ray Guns
Marksman Pistol

Frigid Blast

Kinetic Blast

Molten Blast

Bio Blast

Temporal Blast

Nature Blast

Illusory Blast

Spirit Blast


Gravity Blast

Hellfire Blast

Dark Matter Blast (By Jiro Ito)

Super Strength Blast (By PoptartsNinja)

Blaster Pistol (By PoptartsNinja)

Thrown Weapons (By megaericzero)

Vermin Blast (By biostem)

Staff Blast (By Jiro Ito)

Submachinegun (By Megawatt)

Sniper Rifle  (By Megawatt)

Big Guns (By LightMaster)

Potion Blast (by Biostem)




Insect Control

Radiation Control

Munitions Control (Now in Game!)

Utility Grenades

Music Control (Now in game!)

Pain Control

Toxin Control

Water Control

Void Control

Bio Control

Energy Control

Spirit Control

Kinetic Control

Arrow Control

Hellfire Control

Sonic Control

Time Control (By GenesisMan)

Force Control (By ninja surprise)

Whip Control (By TemporalVileTerror)

Tech Control (By AgentForest)

Field Control (By PoptartsNinja)



Hellfire Melee

Light Melee

Void Melee

Toxin Melee

Sonic Melee

Molten Melee

Hydro Melee

Temporal Melee

Combat Blade

Illusory Melee

Wind Melee

Device Melee

Envenomed Blades

Polearm Combat

Improvised Weapons

Gravity Melee

Spirit Melee

Mental Melee

Bio Weapons (By Dinictus)

Titan's Might  (By @Ghost)

Spear Melee (by LightMaster)

Explosive Melee (by LightMaster)

Void Blade Melee (by biostem)








Arcanist (By Naraka)

Reptilians (By Thrythlind)

Carnival (By ironjoe)

Slime Monsters (By Player2)

Sea Monsters (by megaericzero)

Shadows (by LightMaster)


Epic Primary:

Wolfspider Commander (by Megawatt)


Recycling.png.3181c07b50d43987ea3298430d3749ac.png Secondaries Recycling.png.3181c07b50d43987ea3298430d3749ac.png

(Manipulation, Assault, Armor, Support)



Kinetic Manipulation

Hellfire Manipulation

Tactical Rifle

Savage Combat

Weapon Combat

Pain Manipulation

Illusion Manipulation

Force Manipulation

Street Combat

Gravity Manipulation

Toxin Manipulation

Storm Manipulation

Water Manipulation

Light Manipulation

Void Manipulation

Bio Manipulation

Blade Combat

Spirit Manipulation

Symphony Manipulation

Staff Manipulation (By Spaghetti Betty)

Strength Manipulation (By Normal Thomas)

Force Manipulation (By Sylapsis)

Dark Matter Manipulation (By Jiro Ito)

Muscle Manipulation (By PoptartsNinja)

Blade Dancing (By PoptartsNinja)

Blade Manipulation (By megaericzero)

Feral Combat (by BrandX)



Street Assault

Kinetic Assault

Rifle Assault (Now in Game!)

Hellfire Assault

Pain Assault

Force Assault

Power Assault

Sonic Assault (Now in Game!)

Toxin Assault

Light Assault

Void Assault

Archery Assault

Frigid Assault

Molten Assault

Bio Assault

Temporal Assault

Sidearm Assault

Illusory Assault

Spirit Assault

Storm Assault

Device Assault

Gravity Assault

Water Assault (By oedipus_tex)

Pistol Assault (By Player2)

Weapon Assault (By Night)

Physical Assault (By PoptartsNinja)

Swashbuckling Assault (By PoptartsNinja)

Assault Arrow (By PoptartsNinja)

Claw Strike (By PoptartsNinja)

Whip Assault (By MagicalAct)

Gun Kata (By megaericzero)

Strength Assault (By Player2)

Beam Assault (By Night)



Primal Armor

Sonic Aura

Tactical Gear

Force Armor

Nature Armor

Gravity Aura

Light Aura

Void Aura

Weapon Defense

Toxin Armor

Psionic Aura

Hydro Armor

Illusory Armor

Storm Aura

Kinetic Armor

Spirit Armor

Hellfire Aura

Temporal Armor (By BrandX)

Tactical Armor (By ironjoe)

Psychic Armor (By BrandX)

Ninjitsu (Tanker/Brute) (By megaericzero)



Earth Affinity


Light Affinity

Void Emission


Gravity Affinity

Illusion Projection

Energy Affinity

Arsenal Support

Spirit Affinity

Hellfire Affinity

Symphonic Resonance

Fire Support (By AgentForest)

Wild Inspiration (By AgentForest)

Advanced Tactics (By AerialAssault)

Pistol Support (By Major_Decoy)

Beam Support (By Biostem)

Mystic Arts (By Jiro Ito)



Recycling.png.3181c07b50d43987ea3298430d3749ac.png Ancillaries Recycling.png.3181c07b50d43987ea3298430d3749ac.png



Munitions Mastery (Mastermind)

Mental Mastery

Shield Mastery

Trick Mastery

Earthen Mastery

Radiation Mastery

Netherworld Mastery

Weapon Mastery

Archery Mastery (Mastermind) (By GalaxyBrain)

Tactical Mastery (By @T3h Ish)

Forge Mastery (By @T3h Ish)

Physics Mastery  (by megaericzero)



Stone Mastery (Dominator)

Martial Mastery

Rifle Mastery

Atom Mastery

Shadow Mastery

Electric Mastery

Ninja Tool Mastery

Weapon Mastery

Weather Mastery (By Jiro Ito)

Archery Mastery (By GalaxyBrain)

Toxic Mastery (Controller) (By Player2)

Physics Mastery  (by megaericzero)



Frost Mastery

Combat Mastery

Assault Mastery

Geo Mastery

Nuclear Mastery

Ninja Tool Mastery

Weapon Mastery

Toxic Mastery (Defender) (By Player2)

Forge Mastery (By @T3h Ish)

Physics Mastery  (by megaericzero)

Light Mastery (By Lightmaster)



Frigid Mastery

Will Mastery

Gun Mastery

Rock Mastery

Atomic Mastery

Surge Mastery

Weapon Mastery (Revamp)

Weather Mastery (By Jiro Ito)

Archery Mastery (By GalaxyBrain)

Future Mastery (By Replacement)

Toxic Mastery (By Player2)

Mental Mastery (By Player2)

Machinegun Mastery (By Chance Jackson)

Wilderness Mastery (By vonBoomslang)

Physics Mastery  (by megaericzero)



Will Mastery

Firearms Mastery

Atomic Mastery

Shade Mastery

Surge Mastery

Ninja Tool Mastery

Weapon Mastery

Weather Mastery (By Jiro Ito)

Archery Mastery (By GalaxyBrain)

Time Mastery (By Replacement)

Toxic Mastery (By Player2)

Mental Mastery (By Player2)

Machinegun Mastery (By Chance Jackson)

Wilderness Mastery (By vonBoomslang)

Physics Mastery  (by megaericzero)



Munitions Mastery (Sentinel)

Stony Mastery

Radioactive Mastery

Weapon Mastery

Weather Mastery (By Jiro Ito)

Archery Mastery (By GalaxyBrain)

Nature Mastery (By LightMaster)

Light Mastery (By LightMaster)

Storm Mastery (By LightMaster)

Physics Mastery (By Lightmaster)

Strength Mastery (By Lightmaster)

Poisonous Mastery (By Lightmaster)



Praetorian Patrons Pt 1 (By OmnibusOhmn)
Praetorian Patrons Pt 2 (By OmnibusOhmn)
Kheldian Masteries (By megaericzero)



Sidearm (By Thrythlind)



If you want to submit your own idea for a powerset here, then the thread is open to you!


Just remember that the goal of this discussion is to bring forward new ideas by reusing the old. We're not strictly looking at numbers here, it's all about how you can construct new powersets by using what's already provided in game, which falls into three categories;


  1. Using existing powers. This is the most preferable way of designing powersets here in the thread. If you can use existing player powers in your suggestion, then that's perfect! If you'd also like to re-use 'new' powers suggested in this thread, those are fine too.
  2. Modifying NPC powers. While not as easy to work with as player powers, taking NPC powers not yet accessible to the players is another great way of building a new powerset. Try not to change too much, though!
  3. Reusing in-game assets. The most difficult thing when creating new powers isn't the numbers, it's the FX and animations. If you can find suitable FX or animations to help create 'new' powers, then that's just about all you need.


With that in mind, try to consider the following too;


  • If you can find suitable power icons, use them! The best way to help visualise the function of your powerset is to illustrate it with power icons. If you're reusing old powers, these should be readily available, but for anything else a 'best fit' is just as good.
  • Try to get your powerset to follow the design of others. While not all powersets are identical, most of them have a vague structure about them that helps serve as a guide to what they should look like.
  • Consider what your powerset brings to the table. While we're not delving into the complexities of numbers and balance, it's always good to consider the mechanics of your powers, including new things like combo systems and building charges.
  • Weapons and pets are hard, but not impossible! If you want to submit a powerset that uses weapons or pets, try to think of what in-game models exist to support it. For Masterminds, consider what the basic and upgraded henchmen may look like.
  • Ancillaries are welcome too. I recently opened up this thread to the creation of ancillary powers, so if you have ideas for those, feel free to post them! Reusing existing powers is preferable for all powersets, but doubly so for ancillaries.
  • Try to keep the concept flexible. Powersets should be open to all kinds of character themes, so try to avoid making it too niche. There's a few exceptions like Demon Summoning and Beam Rifle that are arguably focused on one origin or another, but that's where I would draw the line.
  • Don't feel somebody else beat you to it! If you have an idea for a powerset, but somebody else has created something similar, you are still welcome to submit your own version of it.


Edited by Alchemystic
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Posted (edited)

I have some ideas about an Assault and Manipulation set based off Street Justice, as well as some vague concepts for a possible Radiation and Ninjitsu themed Control sets too. I may post them soon once I have them properly figured out.

Edited by Tyrannical
  • Like 3

I'd like the thrown weapon set to be like the claws of blast sets. Have an endurance discount but possibly no traditional damage boost.


As for earth blast/manipulation, what would be its secondary effect?

  • Like 3

With a name like "Lahar", I'd expect the power effects to be similar to Energy Blast's 'Energy Torrent' -- a high-speed torrent of water and pyroclastic material sweeping people off their feet.

  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, srmalloy said:

With a name like "Lahar", I'd expect the power effects to be similar to Energy Blast's 'Energy Torrent' -- a high-speed torrent of water and pyroclastic material sweeping people off their feet.

At the very least good S/L/F damage and pulsing chance for KD, but wouldn't be the first power to sound/look like it should be more powerful than it actually is.

14 hours ago, Galaxy Brain said:

I'd like the thrown weapon set to be like the claws of blast sets. Have an endurance discount but possibly no traditional damage boost.


As for earth blast/manipulation, what would be its secondary effect?

I wasn't really thinking into that so much, but considering most new powersets do seem to have a secondary effect I think the following might work;

Earth Blast - A sort of 'splash damage' AoE effect as stones shatter with greater force.

Earth Manipulation - Perhaps a burst of Fire DoT on certain effects.

Throwing Blades - Some sort of increasing lethal DoT as a sort of 'bleed' effect on foes.

13 hours ago, srmalloy said:

With a name like "Lahar", I'd expect the power effects to be similar to Energy Blast's 'Energy Torrent' -- a high-speed torrent of water and pyroclastic material sweeping people off their feet.

I was honestly just struggling to find a suitable alternative name for 'Mud Pots' :P

  • Like 1

I had a similar idea for a "throwing weapons" set, only my thought (which granted, would be slightly less viable) would be to move up the Martial Assault version of Exploding Shuriken and have a more "proper" nuke that would be something like a rain-of-shuriken power.  Using the animation for Bullet Rain from Dual Pistols (only without weapons in hand) could probably pull off the idea of throwing a bunch of stuff into the air, but there would, admittedly, still need to be some sort of visual for them landing/raining.


That said, while I'd like a nuke of some sort, I'd take what I can get for a set that lets me play a "natural" Blaster/Sentinel without the redraw limitations on animations.

  • Like 2
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1 hour ago, Lazarillo said:

I had a similar idea for a "throwing weapons" set, only my thought (which granted, would be slightly less viable) would be to move up the Martial Assault version of Exploding Shuriken and have a more "proper" nuke that would be something like a rain-of-shuriken power.  Using the animation for Bullet Rain from Dual Pistols (only without weapons in hand) could probably pull off the idea of throwing a bunch of stuff into the air, but there would, admittedly, still need to be some sort of visual for them landing/raining.


That said, while I'd like a nuke of some sort, I'd take what I can get for a set that lets me play a "natural" Blaster/Sentinel without the redraw limitations on animations.

If Explosive Shuriken can be modified so its damage output is equal to that of other nukes, it should be fine.


However, if that doesn't fit, I would suggest making it the T8 power, and having a T9 power that perhaps uses the Dual Blades 'Typhoon's Edge' animation to spin around flinging out blades in all directions.

  • Like 5
2 hours ago, Tyrannical said:

If Explosive Shuriken can be modified so its damage output is equal to that of other nukes, it should be fine.


However, if that doesn't fit, I would suggest making it the T8 power, and having a T9 power that perhaps uses the Dual Blades 'Typhoon's Edge' animation to spin around flinging out blades in all directions.

Martial Assault's Explosive Shuriken a Single Target attack with a bit of splash damage (like Electric's Thunderstrike).  So it wouldn't work as a nuke.  At least personally, too, I'd hate to see the gimmick dropped, so yeah, my take on it would just be to have it be a t8.  An unarmed Typhoon's Edge could work okay as a nuke animation, though, too.  I'd take either, at this point!

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Street Assault

You are experienced in urban warfare, using your street fighting prowess mixed with improvised weaponry.


FireBlast Flare.png - Throw Rock: A simple attack used by many low level NPCs, it fits nicely as a low damage/fast recharge ranged attack.


Brawling HeavyBlow.png - Heavy Blow: Taken from Street Justice, this power is ideal for the first melee attack in the set.


FireBlast ArcOfFire.png - Spit Fire: A power used by Thugs' Arsonist, and an ideal cone attack for this set.


SuperStrength Hurl.png - Hurl: Taken from Super Strength, and a good fit for a heavy ranged attack that acts much like Earth Assault's version of this power.


FireBlast Aim.png - Aim: The usual 'Aim' power as expected


Brawling SpinningStrike.png - Spinning Strike: Taken from Street Justice, this power works as a nice AoE melee power.


FireBlast RainOfFire.png - Molotov Cocktail: Taken once again from Thugs' Arsonist, this power acts much like Caltrops or Thorntrops, but as a Fire DoT.


Brawling LowKick.png - Shin Breaker: Taken from Street Justice again, this serves as the heavy melee attack iconic to most Assault Sets,


FireBlast FireBall.png - Fire Bomb: And another Thugs' Arsonist power, it serves as a similar power to Explosive Shuriken and Fissure, a high damage/low range AoE attack.



You are capable of employing tricks and traps in order to control your foes, subduing and misdirecting them with ease.


NinjaTools Immob.png - Immobilizing Dart: Taken from Ninja Training, this power works nicely as the immobilize power.


NinjaTools Hold.png - Choking Powder: Taken from Ninja Training, this power works nicely as the hold power.


Ninjitsu Caltrops.png - Poison Caltrops: A modified version of Caltrops, this power has a chance to immobilize any enemy entering its patch.


NinjaTools BlindingPowder.png - Blinding Powder: Taken from Ninja Training, this power is a nice combination of debuff and confuse.


NinjaTools Placate.png - Smoke Flash: Taken from Ninja Training, however this ability grants stealth afterwards that lasts until your first hostile action just like 'Placate'.


FireTrap Flashfire.png - Pyrotechnics: A modified version of the 'Firebomb' ability above, which instead deals low damage and stuns enemies, with an added FX similar to the 'Fireworks' aura.


WeaponMastery ExplodingShuriken.png - Blast Shuriken: A modified version of Exploding Shuriken, which deals low smashing damage, but has a high chance to knockback and lower defense.


Poison Poison Trap.png - Choking Trap: A modified version of Poison Trap, which instead only has a chance to hold. The animation is the 'choke' hold instead of the 'vomit' hold.


FireTrap FireImps.pngEnenra: Pets are hard, but I think if there is a chance of creating a similar entity to 'Haunts' or 'Unseelies', though instead using the Toxic Vapor and Smoke auras as its main body. It would have access to the 'Char', 'Smoke' and 'Cinders' powers from Fire Control, as well as the Demonling/Hellfire Gargoyle version of 'Corruption'.


Edited by Tyrannical
  • Like 13

Urban Assault might be my favorite


Combined with Darkness Control Dominator would make a great Skulls themes character.


Or Fire Control / Hellions an even better fit with the fire attacks  


Though if there were a Tech/Devices Based Control set .. maybe ...

  • Like 3
Posted (edited)
On 12/21/2019 at 9:27 PM, Haijinx said:

Urban Assault might be my favorite


Combined with Darkness Control Dominator would make a great Skulls themes character.


Or Fire Control / Hellions an even better fit with the fire attacks  


Though if there were a Tech/Devices Based Control set .. maybe ...


It wouldn't be too hard to make a Tech based control set using in-game assets, the problem is there arent many player-specific powers that could be used that aren't already part of Devices/Traps


A quick writeup from what I have off the top of my head;

- 'Snare' for an immobilise power, and 'Tripwire' for a Cone target version.

- 'Electrified Net' as a hold power, and 'Mass' version for AoE.

- 'Magnet Trap' (like a trip mine, but detonates into the 'Static Field' FX') works as an area slow/end drain power.

- 'Smoke Grenade' as an AoE blind power

- 'Stun Grenade' as a AoE stun power

- 'Hologram' as a taunting pet, immune to damage, and deals that special illusion damage.

- 'Shock Drones' (same appearance as incarnate drones) as two pets that uses 'Taser Dart' and 'Electrified Net' as attacks.

Edited by Tyrannical
  • Like 2
26 minutes ago, Haijinx said:

If there was a tech based control set, I'd finally roll a controller 


Tech Control/Traps 


So far we have Traps, Devices and (possibly/eventually) Gadgetry. So all the good names for it are taken! maybe Contraptions? or Munitions? Sabotage maybe?



26 minutes ago, Tyrannical said:


So far we have Traps, Devices and (possibly/eventually) Gadgetry. So all the good names for it are taken! maybe Contraptions? or Munitions? Sabotage maybe?



Munitions is a blaster epic?


Sabotage is a good name.


If only because a 


Mad Science 

Sabotage/Traps Controller


Sounds badass.  





54 minutes ago, BrandX said:

Temporal Armor.  Can use lots of animations from Time Manipulation and even SR for some armor toggles.

Scorpion shield, Energy Aura also


@TyrannicalThese sorts of recycled sets are something we talk about all the time, but it's great seeing it actually laid out.  This is really good work.


For a techy Control set: You could also use some arachnos soldier powers (pretty sure there's an aoe version of the web grenade, for example).


For name, I kind of like Contraptions or Mad Science.  Former is better with more gadgets; latter is better with more chemicals.

  • Like 1
3 hours ago, Haijinx said:

Scorpion shield, Energy Aura also

Those could work too 🙂


I feel it could be a good armor set, just turning a lot of Time Manipulation into an Armor set.  Regen/Heal/Defense set (maybe a psi resist).  Time's Juncture is a good offensive/defense toggle for a melee (-tohit/-rch/slow).

It's right there.  I keep hoping we'll see such a set.

  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

Kinetic Manipulation


GravityControl Lift.png - Momentum Shift: a copy of 'Ki Push', using the same animation/FX as 'quick strike'


KineticAttack BodyBlow.png - Body Blow: taken from Kinetic Melee, this is the first melee attack power.


KineticAttack PowerSiphon.png - Power Siphon: again from Kinetic Melee, this power works as an interesting 'build up' variant.


KineticAttack Burst.png - Burst: another from Kinetic Melee, a much needed AoE attack.


EnergyAura Overload.png - Kinetic Absorption: a new power that grants absorption depending on how many foes are near while reducing their damage.


KineticAttack RepulsingTorrent.png - Repulsing Torrent: taken from Kinetic Melee, a nice cone attack with high knockback to mix in a little crowd control.


KineticBoost Transferance.png - Transference: taken from Kinetics, this works well as a suitable debuff power


KineticBoost Repel.png - Repel: Same power from Kinetics, provides a nice area control power.


KineticAttack TotalFocus.png - Concentrated Strike: and once again a Kinetic Melee power, fitting nicely as the capstone melee attack.

Edited by Tyrannical
  • Like 11

Well, gosh. If you were to combine a bunch of the different powers (repel, hurricane, lift, etc.) that have knockup, you could have a pretty good all-knockup mez set.


I propose to call it Gravidity Control.

  • Like 1
  • Haha 1

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