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Another DFB nerf?


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Three people in a DFB last night were saying the same. I didn't notice (I also was not using 2xp).

"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

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2 minutes ago, GM Korvin said:

I imagine they're referring to the changes back last year in May, found here. To my knowledge, the trial has not been modified further.

That's what I thought, but I didn't want to tell them otherwise without knowing for sure. I'll be sure to pass this info along in game to prevent silly rumors. Thanks for the reply.

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8 hours ago, THEDarkTyger said:

Perceptional bias and the power of suggestion. Many people assume something or other is going to be "stealth nerfed" every patch and will convince themselves their favorite thing got nerfed even if the numbers don't parse out to support the perception.

The "secret persecution" fallacy is a weird attribute of the age.


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Huh. Y'know, I did some DFBs the other day and it did seem like the XP wasn't as extravagant as it usually was.


Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if the patch caused XP boosters and the in-built DFB bonus XP effect to conflict again. That was a problem back when they were sorting things out with DFB originally.

Edited by SarahTheM1
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1 hour ago, SarahTheM1 said:

Huh. Y'know, I did some DFBs the other day and it did seem like the XP wasn't as extravagant as it usually was.


Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if the patch caused XP boosters and the in-built DFB bonus XP effect to conflict again. That was a problem back when they were sorting things out with DFB originally.

I did one the other day and it seemed as if i didn't level as much as i normally do.  But i shook it off and kept playing

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Before the patch, double xp on a dfb run would net you level eight. Now it barely achieves level seven. A full four runs would manage I believe level 16 to 18 (can't remember for certain). Four runs now only get level 14, I think. If there WAS a stealth nerf, all they've done is made players need one more dfb run to qualify for a dib or blockbuster event. Not the result I'd imagine anyone would want.

Edited by HelBlaiz
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There's not been any intentional change to DFB, however...

3 hours ago, SarahTheM1 said:

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if the patch caused XP boosters and the in-built DFB bonus XP effect to conflict again. That was a problem back when they were sorting things out with DFB originally.

This is certainly possible as the patch touched every single power in the game. If someone puts up a bug report thread we'll look into it at some point

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I ran a quick dfb last night and came out lower level than I am used to.  I had to afk for a couple minutes so I was a couple mobs  behind during the vahz phase.  Is it possible to be out of range for xp?   


I never run with a booster.  Normally I go in at lvl 1 and come out at lvl 6.  A second run gets me to lvl 8.  Last night I went in at lvl 2.5 and came out at lvl 5.  


I’ll run some more tonight without going afk just to make sure.  But that’s what I saw last night.  I normally run 2 dfbs to get to lvl 8 then start a positron tf.   That’s pretty much my toon progression for all new alts so I’m fairly familiar with how much xp I normally net.  

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19 hours ago, THEDarkTyger said:

Perceptional bias and the power of suggestion. Many people assume something or other is going to be "stealth nerfed" every patch and will convince themselves their favorite thing got nerfed even if the numbers don't parse out to support the perception.

I remember the meme from the old live days of "accuracy has been nerfed" because someone would claim that after every single patch. 😄

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On 1/30/2020 at 7:02 AM, Clave Dark 5 said:

The "secret persecution" fallacy is a weird attribute of the age.

What's that supposed to mean?

Is that directed at me?


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Well there is one way to test this, having run DFB often enough I know that a single DFB with the double XP boost active could take you from 1-8. I'll make a new character and see if I can get a DFB run and report back on the findings.


Edit: Ok just ran a DFB on a fresh throwaway level 1 and the result is...


...Level 7


Something is DEFINITELY going wonky with the DFB Trial, as mentioned it always use to get you from 1-8 so you're actually losing a level compared to previous.

Edited by DR_Mechano
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Is it possible something inadvertently fixed that which was previously broken?

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"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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8 minutes ago, Troo said:

Is it possible something inadvertently fixed that which was previously broken?

I'll take "things that are highly unlikely" for 400, Alex.

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2 minutes ago, macskull said:

I'll take "things that are highly unlikely" for 400, Alex.

that's not very sure..


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"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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