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You know you've spent too long...


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Many have spent too long messing with mids or in the base editor or in the forums or doing something related to..


Just curious.

"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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Look at the clock 1:30am need to get off city of heroes to go to sleep for work.

Before I go to sleep let me check the forums 

2:00am ok time to go to sleep

Not tired.....

" ok ill jump on pines/mids "

Look up 4:30 am




" Long night at the club?"


"Something like that."

Edited by Ironscarlet
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You know you've spent too long in the forums..


When you see this:



but you read..


and think "Yes!"

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"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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The REAL killer?  The one that can leave me wincing in pain as I debate whether I should try to get in a catnap before work or just suck it up and finish the all-nighter?

Civilization 4 Beyond the Sword.  So many years later, that "Just....one....more....turn!" is as strong as ever.


City of Heroes doesn't do it to me nearly to that degree. 

Although, I type this now at 2:22 AM my time when I shoulda been in bed 3 hours ago sooooooo yea.

But hey, tomorrow is Presidents Day, so it's a no-work-day for me.  🙂


I do find though, there is a massive disconnect between what the average person thinks of as "spending a lot of time on a game", and what a long-term gamer thinks of it.

I mean, I remember people at work being astounded/horrified reading a news article that said some gamers can spend 10 hours a week in a game. 

I just thought to myself, "you are not ready for this knowledge" and said nothing. 😀

Edited by MTeague
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Sometimes I go to bed after base building and dream of ways to build it better.  Last week I was making my third batch of characters and found myself planning out their paths (so-and-so will street sweep, whos-it will Hollows, that one will KR) while I was supposed to be drifting off to sleep.


Its an addiction, man, and I need my hit!

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You know you've spent too long... creating ALTs when you roll a new character, spend too long dialing in a costume, enter the game, get your trays/screen/macros setup, run a quick arc and then 3 DFBs, a DiB, maybe a Positron only to realize.. shoot


I already have one of these at level 35.


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"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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You know you're gonna spend too long in a forum post...


When the only response left to you is: "Get down off the cross, take the wood, build a bridge and get over it."


(My typical response to people still mewling about ED.)


Edited by Oubliette_Red
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Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx?

Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread.  Got a punny character? You should share it.

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On 2/17/2020 at 2:28 AM, MTeague said:

I do find though, there is a massive disconnect between what the average person thinks of as "spending a lot of time on a game", and what a long-term gamer thinks of it.

I mean, I remember people at work being astounded/horrified reading a news article that said some gamers can spend 10 hours a week in a game. 

I just thought to myself, "you are not ready for this knowledge" and said nothing. 😀


6 hours per week.png

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Originally on Infinity.  I have Ironblade on every shard.  -  My only AE arc:  The Origin of Mark IV  (ID 48002)

Link to the story of Toggle Man, since I keep having to track down my original post.

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I installed civil v, played it for 16 hours straight and never played it again.   I can't have that sort of time suck in my life.


With coh the time waste that I hate is standing with my recipes checking the ah to see if I have purchased all of the salvage yet.  I am sure just another minute and I'll have bought all 87 salvage 

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I spend more time playing games than some people do working two jobs...I know, because I used to to the working.

I made it my goal to be able to afford my hobbies.

One of those involves lots of time.

Goal reached.


I also like to respond with, "How many hours a week do you spend on Sports?" following my "Why would I care about watching other people playing a game, when I could be playing one?"


What I have to spend too long doing is convincing other people that gaming is a way of life, not just a hobby. 🙂 


The bills get paid, the wife gets the time she wants...the rest is Game On!

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Base building? That is what my Devoted Servant Smith is for and why he is my right hand man in the club. Too long playing the game? Well only because flesh is weak and my old eyes dont endure the screen time as much these days. Forum time? Pff have to do something during my insomniac hours when the game pop is so quiet that its just mainly a solo game.


I totally concur about civ 4, back in the day when Id play it Id have days Id be like Ill do an hour then get on with my day, next thing I know its bloody midnight.

Edited by Bentley Berkeley
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One Saturday morning back when I was single, I woke up early had some time before stores opened to run some errands.  I started a game of Master of Orion on the max sized map and hardest difficulty just for something to do.  I ended up playing all the way through to final victory.  Upon finishing, it was just about time for the stores to open ...except it was now Sunday instead of Saturday.


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Active on Excelsior:

Prismatic Monkey - Seismic / Martial Blaster, Shadow Dragon Monkey - Staff / Dark Brute, Murder Robot Monkey - Arachnos Night Widow


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17 hours ago, jubakumbi said:

I spend more time playing games than some people do working two jobs...I know, because I used to to the working.

I made it my goal to be able to afford my hobbies.

One of those involves lots of time.

Goal reached.

I hear you.


Back when the game was live, I had a job that was 8AM to 4PM never needing overtime.  I had a short commute, so was typically home by 4:15.  I track my gaming time and found I sometimes spent more time in a week playing CoH than I did at work (40 hours).  Of course, back then, this was the only game I played.  I was in several high-profile SG's, ran a coalition of SG's of my own and ran task forces and trials on Saturdays with open sign-up on the forums.


Now, I'm retired and my girlfriend is typically at the office until 7PM.  I have a lot of free time.  I haven't jumped back into CoH too much since I'm waiting to see if the game either gets shut down or becomes legit.


 17 hours ago, jubakumbi said:

I also like to respond with, "How many hours a week do you spend on Sports?" following my "Why would I care about watching other people playing a game, when I could be playing one?"

I tend to get asked, "How come you hardly watch tv or movies any more?"

"Um, because I find it very passive and boring compared to gaming."

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Originally on Infinity.  I have Ironblade on every shard.  -  My only AE arc:  The Origin of Mark IV  (ID 48002)

Link to the story of Toggle Man, since I keep having to track down my original post.

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18 hours ago, DougGraves said:

I installed civil v, played it for 16 hours straight and never played it again.   I can't have that sort of time suck in my life.

I've played Civ IV, V and VI but really never played them solo very much.  I usually play on the weekends with my brother and his family.

Originally on Infinity.  I have Ironblade on every shard.  -  My only AE arc:  The Origin of Mark IV  (ID 48002)

Link to the story of Toggle Man, since I keep having to track down my original post.

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Yeah, playing games is like a 2nd job for me too.  When CoH was Live, my typical gaming schedule was 4-5 hours on weekday evenings & on 10-12+ hours on Saturdays & Sundays - so 40-50 hours a week.  Playing a few dozen characters, 10 of them 50s (4 of those completely incarnated) took some time.  During the Snap, other games filled that gap, when my job allowed it, but if never felt as fulifilling.  Now I play a bit less, but playing games (particularly CoH) keeps me sane.  Well, saner anyway. 😉

Keep Redside - & Goldside - Alive!

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1 minute ago, Mister Mass said:

Now I play a bit less, but playing games (particularly CoH) keeps me sane.  Well, saner anyway. 😉

"I play game for your protection"...I have actually used this one to answer "why do you waste so much time playing games?"

Some of them don't realize that without games, I would start playing with them and I know they don't want that...

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The worst I had was a hardcore near sleepless binge over several days many many years ago. I was leveling a fire/storm corrupter the normal way. I couldn't go anywhere with groups of people without my mind thinking 'where is the best place to put rain of fire?' or 'what angle should I use my cones from?' and visualizes it in my head almost instinctively. 

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45 minutes ago, ltzerge said:

The worst I had was a hardcore near sleepless binge over several days many many years ago. I was leveling a fire/storm corrupter the normal way. I couldn't go anywhere with groups of people without my mind thinking 'where is the best place to put rain of fire?' or 'what angle should I use my cones from?' and visualizes it in my head almost instinctively. 

I do this if I play Mario Kart then drive anywhere..I think red turtle, blue turtle, outta mah way!  Also if I play need for speed or watch any F&F movies I find myself peddle to the metal lol

Edited by EmmySky
Ack..it got me...autocorrect...I'm dying........
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4 minutes ago, EmmySky said:

I do this if I play Mario Kart then drive anywhere..I think red turtle, blue turtle, outta mah way!  Also if I play need for speed or watch any F&F movies I find myself peddle to the metal lol

I used to go pick my wife up from work in the afternoons.

We would go a block or so and she would say something like "You've been playing racing games today huh?"

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people say they are an altoholic... I spend more time THINKING of the alts I could make with mids then inevitably go play my fully IO'd controller cause I spent my playing time on mids instead of actually playing . Only get a little bit of time to play and I always waste it lol

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On 2/17/2020 at 2:16 AM, Dreamboat said:

The allure of the ding is too strong. Was almost late for work this morning because I left an alt at level 29 last night and thought to myself when I got up, "I can get that level before work no problem".

Words I live by every morning.😀

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