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Powersets and/or Archetypes not in the game?


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What power sets, or even archetypes, are not in the game, for whatever reasons, but are represented by at least 2 different comic book characters? (not necessarily just Marvel and DC)


I can think of two, so far:


1.) chain fighting - Ghost Rider, Spawn (maybe others. Lobo, perhaps?)

2.) water melee, for lack of a better term - water empowering physical strength- Aquaman, Namor


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Chains (I think) should be just one alternate weapon look for a Whips set.  <Obligatory 'Whips and Chains'  joke goes here>

I'd like a variety of such looks, to allow for an Indiana Jones bullwhip, or the Desdemona fire-whip, to something like Spawn whipping a length of chain around a foe.


I wouldn't mind a Hawkman Ball-and-Chain....


.... but perhaps that should be under War Mace.


I have no idea how much resources and time that would take to produce. I suspect it's not trivial just to decide what types of attacks would make for a balanced set comparable to other melee sets, and then produce the animations. I suspect we're talking a serious time investment.


There is a fair bit of demand though, evidenced by the Petless-Demon-Summoners.

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11 minutes ago, MTeague said:

Spawn whipping a length of chain around a foe.

... and that, as I recall, is why we don't have whips. Or grappling type powers. The game doesn't understand how (or have the ability to) do that sort of thing. Same with "stretching."


As far as other things missing... hmm. Anything using a javelin/spear, both in melee and in *throwing* it.


And with Hawkman mentioned... the old Avilian (sp) AT. Which was supposed to be how we got wings. But I'm looking more at "integrating flight into what they do." Flying/wing attacks, that sort of thing.

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Kheldian backstory guide 2.0 is out.

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Stretching powers, like those of Mr. Fantastic and Plastic Man, are not present in CoX.  Likely due to some major animation issues the powers would cause, and how would you classify it? Melee or range?


General shapeshifting (Beast Boy, the Wonder Twins) is also absent.  While you could argue Kheldians and could set it up yourself with rapid costume changes, the spirit of shapeshifting isn't present.  We're talking things like transforming into animals or objects to fit the current needs of the fight.

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Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.

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  • 2 months later
On 9/29/2020 at 11:33 PM, Greycat said:

As far as other things missing... hmm. Anything using a javelin/spear, both in melee and in *throwing* it.

Curious, as we have both staff fighting and NPC in Cimerora that throw spears.

On 9/30/2020 at 3:42 AM, ZorkNemesis said:

Stretching powers, like those of Mr. Fantastic and Plastic Man, are not present in CoX.  Likely due to some major animation issues the powers would cause, and how would you classify it? Melee or range?

I'm guessing it would fall under ranged in the same way that the Energy/Energy set is considered range, even though the secondary is energy melee.   I've long thought the idea of an elastic ranged punch would be animatable, but I'm not sure something like an elasticized wrapping effect to essentially hold or immobilize an opponent would be doable, and for the same reason that Greycat says wrapping whips and grappling hooks wouldn't work.

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I wouldn't mind a knife-thrower. We already have the Natural Origin starting power, the enevenomed daggers, 4 Shuriken throwing powers from Martial Assault (Doms) as well as a small cone of knives from Snakes. So, the animation is there, just a matter of putting them all together to form a power set. Alternatively, I have a concept or two for axe or tomahawk throwers, but the animation for that is different.

Hell chains would be cool as... well... hell. They can add Nature Affinity's Entangling Aura of leaves and change the animation to burning chains.

A one-handed fire arm (either pistol or Ass Rifle) that you can pair with shield defence or a sword/axe/mace power in the other arm for that Old Guard, Deathstroke, Deadpool action.

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2 hours ago, Player2 said:

Air Control (sorta).

From what I understand, wasn't there a Wind Control in the game's files at shutdown?  I seem to recall Wind and Water Control being powersets that were in development at shutdown for future release.

Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.

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Superspeed assault.
Sure, you can throw on a travel power and take street fighting and call it a day, but there are a lot of nifty tricks a speedster could do that aren't represented at all.
Burst of Speed is probably the best we've got. But beyond combat TPs, you could have an AE that spawns phantom versions of yourself that punch everyone at once, or a extreme-damage ST that makes a half dozen clones all zip-kick into a single target at once.
There's a lot of fun to be had.

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6 hours ago, Runewritten said:

 you could have an AE that spawns phantom versions of yourself that punch everyone at once,

Isn't that vorpal judgement that does this, sort of?


Honestly, I'd think a lot of things that *could* be done would be done better in a single player game - like giving a speedster time to "get up to speed" and perhaps increase damage (or add an AOE after X distance) which teams don't .. tend to bother giving time to do. 🙂

Kheldian backstory guide 2.0 is out.

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Gravity Control and Electricity Control can pass for a Magnetic Control in their own ways but it would be interesting to make it its own set regardless.


A T-1000 kind of armor and melee set. Liquid Metal Melee and Liquid Metal Armor. Might run into the same problems as a whip set or mr fantastic strechy set would though.

Global Handle: @Future Force Warrior

Level 50s: Operative Grantz (Pure Bane/Mace Mastery), Dr. Eisenfield (Gravity/Time/Mu), Air Liquide (Ice/Kin/Soul), Vantablack Stare (Illusion/Traps/Ice), Medic 2004 (Empathy/Energy/Soul)

All on Everlasting

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On 12/8/2020 at 5:57 PM, Greycat said:

Isn't that vorpal judgement that does this, sort of?


Honestly, I'd think a lot of things that *could* be done would be done better in a single player game - like giving a speedster time to "get up to speed" and perhaps increase damage (or add an AOE after X distance) which teams don't .. tend to bother giving time to do. 🙂

Unfortunately yes. As cool as "Speedster" is.... to do it right, you should be lightning-fast even compared to everyone else... even your non-speedster teammates.


Which either requires slowing everyone else down (never gonna happen), or making yourself so fast you can barely control your own character (what's the point?) or just.... not really feeling speedy. Having some animations like the Diablo 3 "Seven Sided Strike" is just a glorified PBAE attack. They'd never give a speedster set extreme recharge without making the attacks relatively weak.  I really do think a lot of people would be disappointed with what a "dedicated" speedster set would actually play like, once it were balanced against everything else.  But, perhaps I'm just "cup is half-empty" today.

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13 minutes ago, MTeague said:

Unfortunately yes. As cool as "Speedster" is.... to do it right, you should be lightning-fast even compared to everyone else... even your non-speedster teammates.

Kind of like how with super strength you should be stronger than everyone else, but you have to use perma-rage to really balance out with other sets.

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IMO the most obvious class of powers missing from the game are what I'd classify as "Celestial" powers. You see this sort of power a lot in Fantasy MMOs used by Clerics/Paladin/Priest type characters.


I have a whiteboard in my house where I write down game ideas, and Celestial Control has been written there for a while.

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Dual Knives, a mix of ranged and melee powers, with the difference from Dual Blades being that you can throw a knife.  Maybe add in a envenomed knife or a series of knife throws comparable to 1k cuts.


I suggested a Pro Wrasslin' powerset awhile back in Suggestions.  Maybe someone smarter than me could come up with something better.

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2 hours ago, oedipus_tex said:

IMO the most obvious class of powers missing from the game are what I'd classify as "Celestial" powers. You see this sort of power a lot in Fantasy MMOs used by Clerics/Paladin/Priest type characters.


I have a whiteboard in my house where I write down game ideas, and Celestial Control has been written there for a while.

Thuderspy has this already as a defender only secondary called celestial light. Basically energy attacks that heal the player. I'd definitely build my first defender if this was ported over to HC.

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Nothing will ever be ported from Thunderspy to Homecoming, due to compatibility/stability issues, and the fact that the various servers aren't necessarily friendly towards one another.  That's been covered in multiple threads.  They might glean a few ideas to make their own versions, though, who knows?

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Let's see.


Damage sets:

Wind Blast (ranged damage set using wind powers)

Stretching (melee with one or two 'ranged' powers)

Earth Blast (ranged set using earth powers -- a few already exist in game, like Hurl, but it'd be nice to have a full set)

Force Blast (offensive force fields -- would make the perfect thematic combo with /FF for a corruptor/defender)

Cybernetic Assault (kind of like a blaster/dominator secondary, with a combo of ranged/melee attacks)

Light/Laser Blast (similar to energy, but without the knockback)


And obviously there are a ton of possibilities for mastermind primaries. But those are likely far harder to implement.


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CQC: Short blade and pistol in the same set. Secondary for blasters. It could also be a Pool power (epic or otherwise). Flashbangs, a quick slash that's DoT lethal, a pistol whip with a stun chance attached, etc.

I've wanted Pistols for scrappers as a backup for a while (think Captain America being StJ/Shield with CQC as his epic pool).


Heavy Artillery epic for brutes/tanks: Think shoulder launchers from mechs and bots MMs. Missile swarms, tear gas, etc.


Katana/sword Epic for controllers.  Your inner Tsoo demands it.


*More variety in epic pools - i'm game for 6 or 7 choices opposed to 5. You're still  limited to the total number you can take. Having each set with it's own version of Inherent def or a toggle def or resist armor and being limited to only one choice of any of them (example - you can't have the inherent and both toggles. Just one of them total).


Example - Electrical Mastery would have Grounded (inherent), Charged Armor (toggle-resist) and Charged Shield (toggle-def) as defense choices. You can only pick one and the other 2 gray out.


EDIT: I guess I'll ask everyone here - would having both an inherent and toggle armor on be overpowered for non-melee ATs?



Edited by Rejolt

Thanks for D-Sync Enhancements! Just wish things like Resist/End, Heal/End and Damage/Mez had a third stat that made them more viable. Suggestions - add Recharge to Ribosomes, Range to Golgis, and Slows to Peroxisomes. These changes would allow for an endurance cost/range, recharge/endurance, and slow/mez or slow/damage enhancements.

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Psionic Mastery for Controllers has a click mez resist and an armor. I'd imagine you could balance an auto armor and toggle armor.


I've been thinking about a Sonic Mastery for Controllers. You'd get Scream, Howl, a toggle armor, a click absorb armor and I can't really think of a fifth power. Maybe a PBAoE. Would be cool though.

Global Handle: @Future Force Warrior

Level 50s: Operative Grantz (Pure Bane/Mace Mastery), Dr. Eisenfield (Gravity/Time/Mu), Air Liquide (Ice/Kin/Soul), Vantablack Stare (Illusion/Traps/Ice), Medic 2004 (Empathy/Energy/Soul)

All on Everlasting

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I know I'm going beyond the scope of the OP, but can I propose a new AT with a primary and secondary powerset?


Road Warrior:  Uses existing vehicles as costume/skin.  Customizable effects for powers are different weapon mounts on the cars body.  Use existing two-tone coloring options for vehicle.


Primary powerset:  Vehicular weaponry (guns, rockets, flamethrowers, etc).


Secondary powerset: Defensive driving (drop oil slicks, caltrops, mines.  Get defense bonuses for maneuverability.  Temporary speed boosts to escape (nitrus, turbocharge, or whatever).


I'm sure one could think of lots of vehicle-related powersets (e.g. Offensive driving: Rams, blades that pop out of the wheels, etc.  Look at various car-combat games for ideas) and the models could leverage existing assets (the color-tintable cars and trucks, etc.)


I think it would be a lot of fun.  No idea how hard it would be to implement, of course.

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2 hours ago, Normal Thomas said:

Psionic Mastery for Controllers has a click mez resist and an armor. I'd imagine you could balance an auto armor and toggle armor.


I've been thinking about a Sonic Mastery for Controllers. You'd get Scream, Howl, a toggle armor, a click absorb armor and I can't really think of a fifth power. Maybe a PBAoE. Would be cool though.

The click has a looooong recharge time vs an inherent.. well... always being on. That is a good example of two defensive powers though. You could add Link Minds to that too.


Thanks for D-Sync Enhancements! Just wish things like Resist/End, Heal/End and Damage/Mez had a third stat that made them more viable. Suggestions - add Recharge to Ribosomes, Range to Golgis, and Slows to Peroxisomes. These changes would allow for an endurance cost/range, recharge/endurance, and slow/mez or slow/damage enhancements.

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