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Ever Made the same build twice... and not realize it?


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Today in Extreme Altitis, I just spend a long time going through all my chracters to pool money together and....


I noticed I had a Leve 50, Level 32, and Level 17 Fire/Pain Corruptors

A Level 42, level 21, and level 8 Water/Martial Combat Blasters

And kept looking and realized I had many more of the exact same powersets at different levels

I have Five different Fire/Kin Controllers and didn't notice it.


Anybody else experience this? Its surreal when you notice it. 


Oh and all this... and I never took any character to incarnates.  😛

Edited by Gentoo
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A while ago I made a Fire/Fire dominator because I had a weird pizza dream where I imagined a very saucy character Roasting everyone with snappy quips, and made Roasted Cheese. 

But a few days after waking up I realized it wasn't as funny as imagined and left him behind.

Then the other day I was loafing around the character creator and made another one.

I have a couple more dupes of Axe Scrappers, and some others too.

I've started using the character chooser "Search by powerset" thing to look for previously forgotten characters.

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Haha, no. I find myself wanting to, sometimes, but at the moment I'm still in the process of learning different ATs and power sets. Maybe when I'm done with most of what I want to try, I might make a (and I use the word loosely) duplicate. If you have trouble keeping track of your alts' ATs and power sets, I found that listing them helps keep things orderly in my head. Have a look at what I've done here: 

It started out as a friendly request to post toons' costumes and back stories, but I've since used it as an inventory to keep track of all my toons' progress. I urge you to do the same, it's cathartic. Then send us a link so we can view your alts. 😃

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I have a Grav/Emp Controller named Sonnet.

I then forgot about them (at ~29), and then decided I wanted to make a Grav Controller, decided to go with Emp as the secondary, and Pink Sonata was born. I only realized when she was ~30, and decided I liked the second incarnation more. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I have intentionally done the same build multiple times, and the same powerset combo but on a different AT (e.g. Scrapper and Stalker), but I think that was the only time I've remade the exact character, including much of the concept, months apart.

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I PLed, IOed out and incarnated a fire/fire blaster last month. Once I got to about T3 everything, I noticed I had PLed, IOed out and incarnated a fire/fire blaster one year ago, and stopped roughly at the same point.

To add insult to injury, the build I made last year seems to outperform the build I made last month. Curse you, past me!

Edited by nihilii
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I made spreadsheets to avoid this. I only have two (out of 94) characters with the same powerset pairing, but they started out different - one was a blaster and the other was a corruptor with a different secondary. The corruptor just wasn't working, so I rerolled her as a blaster, but alas, the only powersets that matched her concept were the same as I already had on another character.

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Nope, not and not realized I'd done so.  Haven't done it yet on HC, too many new things to try.  Did it a number of times on live, but it was always deliberate and on different servers. Usually the builds differed slightly especially with epic/patron powers selection.  In particular I had 2 Emp/Sonics.  One was on Freedom in Green Machine the other on Pinnacle.  The one on Pinnacle was almost always on their 2nd build, usually solo, slowly working towards soloing a +4 mob of Rikti in the RWZ 'scrapper challenge' style.  That 2nd build shared pretty much nothing in common except some set and power names with the GM build on Freedom.

Edited by Doomguide2005
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Yes, but with so many character slots I usually do it to save a name.

Thanks for D-Sync Enhancements! Just wish things like Resist/End, Heal/End and Damage/Mez had a third stat that made them more viable. Suggestions - add Recharge to Ribosomes, Range to Golgis, and Slows to Peroxisomes. These changes would allow for an endurance cost/range, recharge/endurance, and slow/mez or slow/damage enhancements.

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  • 1 month later

Happy to see I'm not the only dumdum who has done this 🙂 I have done it many times and I laugh each time I realize I did it again. Its funny having not played a character for over a year and totally forgotten about them, since some other times I come up with a great idea for a new power combination and then realize I've already got one at level 40. Good times. Good times.

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If I pick the same powerset on more than one character, it is always by design--because it fits the character concept I have.


Power color customization expands that even further, because it allows you to redefine the power (by imagination) to whatever you want it to be.


With the powerset proliferation on HC, reusing exact matches is less common for me now, even if there is a particular power type (e.g., Energy) I want to reuse. Between ranged, melee, and armor, there are enough variations within a given theme to allow for different combos.

Edited by nightroarer
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I've done it intentionally...


There are two identically-built/equipped/Incarnated versions of my main, for instance. The original red-side Rogue, Kaikara, and a blue-side Hero version called White Thorn. And I've had different characters on separate servers that had the same "back end" design (Aegis of Serenity here on Homecoming and Ferryman on closed beta are both Illusion/Time Controllers with very similar builds. Palrah back in the Live days and Khata here are both WP/DB Tanks with basically the same build, too.) but a completely unrelated look and backstory. But... so far, at least... it's never happened accidentally.


Then again, I'm a relative light-weight in the world of Altitis. I only have 56 characters here, which is a small crew compared to some of you guys.  

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Taker of screenshots. Player of creepy Oranbegans and Rularuu bird-things.

Kai's Diary: The Scrapbook of a Sorcerer's Apprentice

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I've made the same build a couple of times, but never without realizing it, and each time was to get the build on a different server: either pre-Homecoming before transfer tokens, pre-Homecoming when I didn't want to pay/wait for a server transfer token after they were added, or builds I recreated from pre-shutdown on Homecoming.


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i rehash all my stuff again and again.  that is why i love CoX.  i have seen artists that paint a hundred oli paintings of bottles.  i'm like, i tried it once.  hated it.  to them each painting is a progression and expression


for me each new dark/dark brute, ss/invul brute, ss/will brute, energy/grav dom energy/energy blaster is a chance to work on a concept, a costume, a story.  and i love it each time.


other games do not give me the customization options that allow me to work deep into my vision.  i play an orc in their vision.


my current character just made a huge breakthrough in blending three different concepts better than i have ever done before.  huzzah.

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