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Issue 27: Second Chances, Page 1 - Out Now!


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On 11/25/2020 at 4:04 AM, Piecemeal said:


Actually I thought I'd fixed this. I will be looking into this. I don't remember manually massaging the spawn defs into maximum payout for everyone.

Thanks, I had the same experience as the poster you quoted.  Solo on a Bots/Time MM, and the spawns were just brutal.  On a full team it would probably be pretty fun, and that's fine, but it didn't seem to scale down to normal solo levels.


Also the map is huge, I basically tried to "stealth" it at the end.  (Where "stealth" means runs past them real fast and let the bots soak the damage.) But unless you have two maps available I don't think that's feasible to fix.  Well actually thinking about it right now, it could be fixed by just not spawning enemies at all locations.  If solo or if two players, maybe only spawn about half the normal spawn points on a large map like that.  It might make big maps like this less tedious when someone is just soloing for the story.


Now if the map is supposed to have lots of enemies on it, that's fine.  But maybe that should be only for team sizes of 5 and up.  At smaller team sizes and especially solo, I think the map is too big and the spawn sizes are too large.  Please tone it down a bit.


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55 minutes ago, Troo said:

TP Foe could formally be used on an ally's target. Since TP Foe has been removed this function is lost.

Good catch, @Troo.


Up to now, in City of Heroes, to target an ally's target with a power that normally only targets the enemy, you target the ally and get the target-of-my-target's effect.  Can't do that with a power that can target both allies and enemies.  An unforeseen consequence of the change.


I think to give the target-of-my-target function in a more general sense would require deeper changes to the UI.  Which should be passed as a suggestion to the dev team, say to @Piecemeal or @Number Six or @Jimmy, to get it into the hands of those who can do something about it.  There are different ways of doing this, as in games like SWTOR.  But that needs to be coded into City properly, so it's going to take time to do it right.


For now, I like that the new Teleport Target in one power gives the function of both the old Recall Friend and Teleport Foe.


42 minutes ago, Troo said:



Nope  [can't always just buy the PvP Zone temp powers] .

34 minutes ago, Troo said:

@America's Angel and this is a flaw in the short sighted plans that were pushed to production.

You can hang onto your opinion that it is working. Fact remains, it is not working equal to how it worked previously. The new changes punish some players but not all equally.


@Troo, you can curse the darkness.  Or you can find a way to light a candle.


These plans were hashed out over 6 months and more, so they were hardly short-sighted (as much as some, like I, disagree with some parts).  But devs are human too and I don't think there's ever been a significant update that hasn't had some sort of unintended issues that got past all the testing and into release.  Point them out in post release feedback and I'm sure they'll get fixed as soon as possible.


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On 11/24/2020 at 10:37 PM, Arkterusss said:

I’m not really understanding the design goals with Touch of Fear.  As I understand it, it’s supposed to be some sort of “leveling power” that helps characters level, which is then to be respecc’d out of at end game because it’s sort of weak or outlives it’s usefulness.


Which is all well and good, but then it seems like anyone who already has an endgame Dark Melee character just got a straight up nerf with the Shadowmaul target reduction with no payoff or compensation.  Kind of confusing.

I disagree that it is "all well and good" myself actually.  Planned obsolescence is not a great design philosophy imho.   

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11 minutes ago, Apparition said:

Go win control of Siren's Call from the silly Heroes, and prevent them from buying temporary powers.  Problem solved. :classic_tongue:

Or prior to a fix, embrace your Villainous nature in a flexible way and find a work-around.  Go Vigilante and sneak in from the other side. 🙂

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30 minutes ago, Apparition said:

Go win control of Siren's Call from the silly Heroes, and prevent them from buying temporary powers.  Problem solved. :classic_tongue:

That's just a silly response. And it turns out..

23 minutes ago, Jimmy said:

Also we're looking at options regarding jetpacks in PvP zones. As usual, this is not a guarantee that something will happen 🙂



1 hour ago, Jacke said:

These plans were hashed out over 6 months and more, so they were hardly short-sighted (as much as some, like I, disagree with some parts)

Many of the changes were fleshed out and others are working great. I don't think all the changes were 6 months and more in the works.

Edited by Troo
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"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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Every time I enter the game, my refresh rate is set back to 60Hz, from 144Hz.  

I discovered this because I noticed some weird stuttering at times when I would travel through a zone.  

Started looking over the settings and noticed it set at 60Hz.  Setting to 144Hz fixes the issue. 

I thought maybe it was just a case of the specific setting not being carried over when importing from Tequila to the new launcher, as I've had it set to 144Hz in Tequila since Homecoming started. 

But it turns out I have to set it every time I start the game. 

I glanced into gfx.json, but I dont see a property that appears to correspond to that setting.  

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If an enemy goes down in the same time slot you used Transfusion (Kinetics healing) on him, the animation of Transfusion will still play on that enemy but there's no healing.

Note (for players, devs know this): Transfusion occurs after attacks in a time slot.

Edited by Flitze
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15 hours ago, Riverdusk said:

I disagree that it is "all well and good" myself actually.  Planned obsolescence is not a great design philosophy imho.   

I can't find the original quote.


I have pretty massive recharge, and I use ToF and SM on my very incarnated tank with ageless and agility for +rech, + hasten, + slotting for global recharge.


I don't have any problems with ToF the way I have it slotted. Slotting for it changed over the levels from noob to incarnate, so not sure if that impacts you or why you guys feel this is planned obsolescence. 

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Apologies if this goes in another thread, although it isn't a bug, as such. Friend and I both feel like the game looks different now- feels like the colors and textures pop a little more than they used to. He swears he's seeing motion blur at longer ranges than he used to. I'm not complaining, I think it all looks better actually, but I'm confused because we both scoured the patch notes and didn't see any intended largescale graphical changes going down. Was anything altered on the back end that could have caused this?

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8 minutes ago, Doctor Megalomaniac said:

Apologies if this goes in another thread, although it isn't a bug, as such. Friend and I both feel like the game looks different now- feels like the colors and textures pop a little more than they used to. He swears he's seeing motion blur at longer ranges than he used to. I'm not complaining, I think it all looks better actually, but I'm confused because we both scoured the patch notes and didn't see any intended largescale graphical changes going down. Was anything altered on the back end that could have caused this?

When you say “used to” do you mean since last week or since the old days? There are a variety of graphics improvements that have been made over the years.

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3 minutes ago, Wavicle said:

When you say “used to” do you mean since last week or since the old days? There are a variety of graphics improvements that have been made over the years.

I mean last week. I've been playing the game regularly for most of this year, didn't really get around to it for the last week or two, then logged in yesterday and immediately noticed the graphics felt crisper than they had been previously. One of my characters has a mostly dark red color scheme, and just looking at him in the character select screen he seemed noticeably more vibrant then before. Not necessarily a different shade, he just felt like he popped more, if that makes any sense. I ran a mission with Family mobs that I have definitely done before, and for the first time I noticed that the brick-sized enemies had suits with pinstripes. Up until now I'd always thought they were just wearing white. I thought that I was just noticing things that I hadn't seen before until my roommate logged in and he says the graphics definitely feel different to him too. Like I said, absolutely not complaining, just wondering what about this update would have triggered the change.

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1 minute ago, Doctor Megalomaniac said:

I mean last week. I've been playing the game regularly for most of this year, didn't really get around to it for the last week or two, then logged in yesterday and immediately noticed the graphics felt crisper than they had been previously. One of my characters has a mostly dark red color scheme, and just looking at him in the character select screen he seemed noticeably more vibrant then before. Not necessarily a different shade, he just felt like he popped more, if that makes any sense. I ran a mission with Family mobs that I have definitely done before, and for the first time I noticed that the brick-sized enemies had suits with pinstripes. Up until now I'd always thought they were just wearing white. I thought that I was just noticing things that I hadn't seen before until my roommate logged in and he says the graphics definitely feel different to him too. Like I said, absolutely not complaining, just wondering what about this update would have triggered the change.

I guess it’s possible that your graphics settings got changed by something? I don’t know. I haven’t noticed a difference of that kind.

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4 hours ago, Doctor Megalomaniac said:

I mean last week. I've been playing the game regularly for most of this year, didn't really get around to it for the last week or two, then logged in yesterday and immediately noticed the graphics felt crisper than they had been previously. One of my characters has a mostly dark red color scheme, and just looking at him in the character select screen he seemed noticeably more vibrant then before. Not necessarily a different shade, he just felt like he popped more, if that makes any sense. I ran a mission with Family mobs that I have definitely done before, and for the first time I noticed that the brick-sized enemies had suits with pinstripes. Up until now I'd always thought they were just wearing white. I thought that I was just noticing things that I hadn't seen before until my roommate logged in and he says the graphics definitely feel different to him too. Like I said, absolutely not complaining, just wondering what about this update would have triggered the change.


OK I wasn't gonna say anything cuz I thought I was just imagining things, but now that you mention it I have to agree.  And I already had all my settings at max before the last patch.  At first I thought it was just that all the base portals had been replaced with new, crisper objects, but then I noticed similar other small details.  Hard pressed to say exactly what is different though.


Maybe we just got cloned like Paul Rudd and everything seems fresh to our new eyes?

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I'm just posting a screenie.  Because, you know, when your dedicated Redside 4EVAH villain, who's an ex-Skull, and his bunch of Thugs decide to help out Doc Buzzsaw, well, ya gotta. Wendigo Montoya and the boys are here to kick you in the face!





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AE SFMA Arcs: The Meteors (Arc id 42079) Dark Deeds in Galaxy City: Part One. (Arc id 26756) X | Dark Deeds in Galaxy City: Part Two. (Arc id 26952) | Dark Deeds in Galaxy City: Part Three. (Arc id 27233) Darker Deeds: Part One (Arc id 28374) | Darker Deeds: Part Two. (Arc id 28536) | Darker Deeds: Part Three. (Arc id 29252) | Darkest Before Dawn: Part One (Arc id 29891) |

Darkest Before Dawn: Part Two (Arc id 30210) | Darkest Before Dawn: Part Three (Arc id 30560) |

 Bridge of Forever ( Arc id 36642) | The Cassini Division (Arc id 37104) X | The House of Gaunt Saints (Arc id 37489) X | The Spark of the Blind (Arc id 40403) | Damnatio Memoriae (Arc id 41140) X  The Eve of War (Arc id 41583) | Spirals: Part One. (Arc id 55109) |  Spirals: Part Two. (Arc id 55358) |  Spirals: Part Three. (Arc id 57197)

I Sing of Arms and the Man (Arc id 42617) | Three Sisters (Arc id 43013)

(Pre War Praetorian Loyalist.  Pre War Praetorian Resistance.  Pre ITF Cimerora.  Post ITF Cimerora. X = Dev Choice/Hall of Fame )

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Hiya, Admins:

I've been trying to follow the whole thread to address my question specifically, but I guess I should just start a question of my own and ask right out:
Has Martial Artist "Eagle's Claw" been restored to a single-target Melee attack?

It say it has when I look at it in my main's "Manage" window, and I sure hope that's true, because it was dismal as a cone attack.

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7 minutes ago, DarionLeonidas said:

Hiya, Admins:

I've been trying to follow the whole thread to address my question specifically, but I guess I should just start a question of my own and ask right out:
Has Martial Artist "Eagle's Claw" been restored to a single-target Melee attack?

It say it has when I look at it in my main's "Manage" window, and I sure hope that's true, because it was dismal as a cone attack.

The cone change for EC was reverted in beta, yes.

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On 12/1/2020 at 3:15 PM, Doctor Megalomaniac said:

Apologies if this goes in another thread, although it isn't a bug, as such. Friend and I both feel like the game looks different now- feels like the colors and textures pop a little more than they used to. He swears he's seeing motion blur at longer ranges than he used to. I'm not complaining, I think it all looks better actually, but I'm confused because we both scoured the patch notes and didn't see any intended largescale graphical changes going down. Was anything altered on the back end that could have caused this?


"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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  • Retired Game Master

Things like the Physx engine being reworked to use idle processor instead of GPU and other glitch mending amounts to subtle tweaks over time.  Nothing overt since Paragon Studios did Ultra Mode.

If anything the proliferation of 1440+ monitors, higher FPS avg. improvements in hardware over time, and broader OpenGL compatibility isn't hurting things either.

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3 minutes ago, Tater Todd said:

Bear with me I'm new to blueside stuff but...how does one get a hold of lvl 5 Yin enhancements?  Don't you have to be lvl 15 to even talk to Penelope? 

A couple will drop in the Tutorials, but also one can get them by being on a team that does the final mission of the arc I think. IIRC the badge goes to everyone on the team.

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