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If you could combine anything....


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What do you wish you could do or combine in City of Heroes that simply is not possible or yet possible? In regards to powers, epic powerpools, archtypes etc. For example: I know a few people would love a Titan Weapon / Something Stalker for instance. What would be your desired proliferation or power / archtype combination?


Personally, I'd love to try something like a Ninja / Illusion Mastermind with like the weapon master epic powerpool from the Sentinel Archtype.


What about you?



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20 minutes ago, Greycat said:

100% melee support. Punch an enemy to do damage. Turn around, punch an ally to heal them, kick an enemy that gets too close, slap an ally to break them out of a mez.



This sounds so much like Desert Ghost (Xian), leader of the X-men 2099:  left hand mutation harms or even kills, right hand mutation heals.  I'd probably classify him as a scrapper.


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A Ranged/Melee Tank with each Secondary being a choice.




Monolith Secondary


  • PowerPunch_Quick.png  Barrage
  • PowerBlast_PowerBlast.png  Power Blast
  • PowerPunch_BoneSmasher.png  Bone Smasher
  • PowerBlast_PowerBurst.png  Power Burst or PowerBlast_Aim.png  Aim
  • PowerPunch_Flurry.png  Whirling Hands (only one AoE can be chosen)
  • PowerBlast_Explosion.png  Explosive Blast (only one AoE can be chosen)
  • PowerPunch_Taunt.png  Taunt
  • PowerPunch_TotalFocus.png  Total Focus
  • PowerBlast_SniperBlast.png  Sniper Blast
  • PowerPunch_EnergyTransfer.png  Energy Transfer




Monolith Primary

  • Invulnerability_ResToPhysicalDmg.png  Resist Physical Damage

  • Invulnerability_TemporaryInvulnerabilty.  Temporary Invulnerability

  • Invulnerability_DullPain.png  Dull Pain

  • Invulnerability_ResToSpecialDmg.png  Resist Elements

  • Invulnerability_UnyeildlingStance.png  Unyielding

  • Invulnerability_ResToCosmicDmag.png  Resist Energies

  • Invulnerability_Invincibility.png  Invincibility

  • Invulnerability_ToughHide.png  Tough Hide

  • Invulnerability_Unstoppable.png  Unstoppable



Monolith Pool

  • PowerPunch_Flurry.png  Whirling Hands (only one unlocks depending on what you do not already have)
  • PowerBlast_Explosion.png  Explosive Blast (only one unlocks depending on what you do not already have)
  • BodyMastery_ConservePower.png  Conserve Power
  • Gadgets_TargetingDrone.png  Focused Accuracy or PowerPunch_BuildUp.png  Build Up
  • BodyMastery_PhysicalPerfection.png  Physical Perfection
  • BodyMastery_ConservePower.png  Superior Conditioning



Basically you would have each power under the Blaster Mains and the Scrapper Mains open to chose from. In each category if you pick one Ranged, your next one has to be Melee. After that your next one has to be Ranged. Taunt would be the only option to pick from in the tier 6 slot, so that is a given as well as the AoE's at tier 5. The tiers could be altered of course if tier 6 is too long to wait for Taunt, I leave that to the Devs. You can only have one AoE and to prevent this from being an issue, like Taunt they would be the only available choices for that tier.

Later, after level 35, you can unlock your next AoE that you were unable to get at tier 5 along with the other typical (minus melee or ranged powers) options you would see for Tanks as an Ancillary Pool Power. Since we are talking about making Melee Defenders and such, this is my contribution to that line of thinking.


Sorry @Greycat! If you can have your Melee Defender, then I can have my Blaster/Scrapper/Tank cross breed!  😈

Edited by Solarverse
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10 minutes ago, Greycat said:

I think they're thinking Mastermind primary, Illusion secondary - especially if taking Thugs.

Yeah, I was definitely not thinking that.  I was thinking a new Mastermind primary using illusion pets.

Edited by Player2
(Mastermind Phantom Army would not be invulnerable.)
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1) Super-speed allowing you to run up the side of vertical buildings.

2) Controller/Mastermind hybrid with control powersets primary, pet powersets secondary.

3) A new powerset similar to thermal (IE : Group heals and buffs) that buffs defense and not res. Cold would be ideal if it had an aoe heal.

4) Grappling Hook pool. Basically a targetted teleport but not instant, instead it 'pulls' you rapidly to the point you target and holds you there until you target a new spot. Customizable to look like a hook or webs or whatever. Powers would include movement hook, wrap (A hold), spinning strike (PBAoE of swinging it in a circle around you), and grab (Pulls an enemy to you).


Just a few from the top of my head.

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War mace stalker would be fun 🙂.  Assassins strike replace jawbreaker and placate replace whirling mace would the most likely changes.  Just as long as they keep clobber and crowd control. 

Energy aura and Regen on tankers. I really want both of those armor sets on tankers. 

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Sentinel + Mastermind, with less pets to make up for stronger attacks; option to either have the two tier-2s or the one tier-3.  I don't like most of the secondaries for MMs; too much controller-ish and I don't like that AT. Give me defenses, perhaps a minor heal,  so I can lead my controllable followers into the fray. 



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1 hour ago, Six Six said:

pistol and shield

pistol/single handed Ass Rifle and axe/blade/mace/sword
(same vein) single handed beam weapon + energy blade
katana + Martial assault (the one with the shurikens)

knife thrower or tomahawk instead of shurikens


Um, what you shooting out of that Ass Rifle, buddy?


Cleanup on aisle 4, cleanup on aisle 4.

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8 hours ago, Bill Z Bubba said:

assault/buff where some of the buffs promote melee-centric behavior ... with some level of mez protection, of course.


This, but not just "Martial Arts/Kinetics," as fun as that would be. I want an actual melee based force-multiplier.


Start with Scrapper AT powers against Corr econdary powers.  Primary = attack/debuff. Secondary = armor/buff.  Then combine them thematically, pulling from elsewhere as needed.


So mixing Fire Melee/Armor with Thermal; Dark with Dark, Radiation with Radiation, etc.  Keep mez defenses, combine shields with reduced strengths (less comprehensive protection in most cases), mix in things like Accel Metabolism and whatnot.... ..Darkest Night instead of one of the DA toggles .... etc, etc ...


There might be some duplication, Kin makes sense with SR, but also Kin melee, (duh) but also MA.  Maybe some sets don't get ported, like weapons - which is sort of limiting, but what would one match them with?


Edited by InvaderStych

You see a mousetrap? I see free cheese and a f$%^ing challenge.

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Melee / Support is a big one.


Mastermind Primary / Attacks. Battle with the Boys!  With a secondary full of attacks, could also replace the Mastermind attacks in the primary with some kind of leadership ala Arachnos Soldiers.


Pistol as a pool, for characters that carry a sidearm in addition to their other skills.  Similar to how we have fighting pool if I want some punches on the side.



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