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There has been some confusion in what are the impacts of the Page 2 Travel Power changes. There is a new travel power (Infiltration), there are numerous speedcap changes, and so on... it honestly is a lot to digest. I will take this space to try to detail these changes just to see what the numbers look like. I won't do all the travel powers in one go, but I will start with the most scrutinized (Flight), and will add in the others later.


For this analysis, I broke things up by In Combat and out of Combat, as well as various slotting options for the powers. For the enhancement slotting, it is assumed all powers have the same slotting; which is rediculous, as nobody is going to 3 slot swift, but hopefully it's enough of a comparison for you to pick and choose what slotting you want for each power and add up the total yourself. I will not include set bonuses in this analysis, that will have to be an extra credit assignment for individuals as I do not want to guesstimate how you build your character. Finally, I am only looking at Level 50 numbers. On Live, the speed numbers can scale with level, but in Page 2 all speed numbers are the same for any level. This alone is a buff for Page 2, but we will ignore that impact for this breakdown.


*Quick Note before getting started. If there are any mistakes that you notice, let me know and I'll update my numbers. I try to show the numbers individually unless I state there are things added together or if I total things with other powers, e.g. Base + Swift + Fly = Total*


Speed Cap Summary:


Before I breakdown the individual powers, here are the new speed caps for each pool power. I did not include Kheldians, but their caps mimic their counterparts.




FLIGHT POOL (Fly, Hover, and Evasive Maneuvers):


 An explanation of the Tables:


The slightly shaded blue column header is to show the power performance would be when using No Slotting (0% enhancement), 1 Single Origin Slotted (33.3% enhancement), 1 Level 50 Invention Origin Slotted (42.4% enhancement), 1 +5 Boosted IO Slotted (53% enhancement), 3 SOs Slotted (94.93% enhancement after ED), and 2 +5 Boosted IOs (95.9% enhancement).


Base is never enhanced, it simply is what your default movement is without buffs/debuffs. For Fly, this is 21.48 mph, for everything else it's 14.32 mph.


The Combat? column tells you if you are In Combat or Out of Combat, In Combat is defined as either you are attacking or you are being attacked (either of which could be the cause of travel suppression).


The Total row is the summation of the power(s) being analyzed added up with Base and any auto power that might be relevant. For example, the Fly analysis has its total added with Base and Swift from the same column (same slotting). The Total assumes Out of Combat numbers, if you want the total for In Combat, subtract the Out and add the In.


The Cap is showing what the absolute maximum speed you can achieve with that column's enhancement slotting. In the Fly + AB with 1 SO, Afterburner is enhanced and increases the Fly Speed Cap to 77.72 mph. It gets marked Red when that cap is hit, as evidenced in this example where Base + Swift + Fly with one SO is capable of going 81.43 mph. I Bold+Italicize whenever the possible speed is greater than the current speed cap.


HC Live:



Currently on Live, we have Hover and Fly made up of an assortment of Fly effects that are used to handle when you are in combat, out of combat, and mezzed. For this analysis, I will assume you're not mezzed and will only look at In/Out (which only Fly has deviations for). For Hover, we can see we will achieve between 24 and 37 mph with no speed fluctuations. Fly does nothing when in combat (a slight negation to your fly speed total), but out of combat you are always at the speed cap.


When Afterburner (AB) is turned on, you will be at the speed cap with merely 1 SO in Fly. However, the Speed Cap never quite reaches the true "maxmax" speed cap of 87.95 mph with this slotting, but you will be able to get there with set bonuses (set bonuses buffs Afterburner and Fly). Assuming you have some set bonuses in your build, you can reach the 87.95 mph cap with just 1 IO in Fly and some significant slotting investment in Afterburner (atleast two IOs plus set bonuses should do it).


Page 2: (updated for Build 4)



In Page 2, there have been some changes. Hover simplified its effects into a magnitude expression that mirrors closely to what it does on Live. Fly got a slight out-of-combat nerf to its Fly Speed, but this is most likely due to the fact at low levels you wanted to be able to hit your fly speed caps with just fly. This caused an overkill at level 50, still achieving well beyond the "maxmax" fly speed cap with some moderate enhancing. Still, with 3 SOs (or two IOs), you can hit the standard 87.95 mph speed cap with just Fly alone (this constitutes a buff as it used to take two powers to achieve what can now be done in one). Assuming you're enhanced enough to hit the standard 87.95 mph speed cap without the use of Afterburner, the use of Afterburner will likely ensure you to reach the new "maxmax" speed cap of 102.27 mph.


Evasive Maneuvers (EM) replaced the old Afterburner as the T5 power pick. It is truly a great power with its added speed (it adds base 11.73 mph to your fly speed, which doesn't suppress in combat and is not a part of the new collective stacking...in other words you are guaranteed that added speed stacks with your other fly speeds at all times). The power also provides additional movement control, Immobilization protection (10.38 mag) as well as Knockback resistance (which is incredibly underappreciated, but that's beyond the scope of this write-up). When EM is used with Fly, you will basically do ~50% more than Hover's speed when in combat (~49 mph vs. ~31 mph), and you will be on easy mode hitting the standard speed cap (87.95 mph with just one SO slotted).


When out of combat, EM will give you the same defense buff Afterburner provides on Live, however in combat this buff will suppress (AB keeps the defense buff, however you can only affect self when it is active). It's also worth noting EM is 0.26 end/sec while current AB is 0.65 end/sec. 



INFILTRATION (Concealment Pool):

Stealth and Invisibility were merged into one power (Stealth) and Infiltration was added as a travel power in Invisibility's place. This power at base is exactly the same movement performance as the run powers you can get from P2W (Ninja Run, Beast Run, Athletic Run), but what makes this power stand out is the fact that it can be enhanced (plus it provides out of combat defense and stealth capabilities).


Explanation of the Table:


For the table below, instead of using SOs, I show the numbers with HOs as they buff both Run Speed and Jump Speed (yes, I know it's expensive...you can pretend their SOs so long as you know it only buffs one attribute). For the IOs, I am assuming the use of Blessing of the Zephyr and Winter's Gift as they buff both Run and Jump Speed, which makes for efficient slotting. When the speed cap gets exceeded, the Totals will show as "red". Finally, there is no movement effect when in combat (just like all the other travel powers), so I chose not to show an In-Combat row as it is boring to look at 0's.




We can see that Ninja Run is easily capable of hitting the same standard jump speed cap that Super Leap has on Live (78.18 mph). With two +5 IOs in Infiltration, and one +5 IO in Hurdle, you will have a jump speed of:

14.318+27.274+38.414 = 80 mph (capped)


Reaching the run speed cap is not nearly as simple. For typical builds you might use two +5 IOs in Infiltration, one +5 IO in Swift, and one +5 IO in Sprint. This would get you to a run speed of:

14.318+39.269+7.667+18.113 = 79.367 mph.


That leaves you 13.13 mph short of the 92.5 mph standard run speed cap. You can make up this ground with set bonuses (92% run speed bonuses would get you there). That sounds like a lot, but you can eat into it pretty quickly. There is a 20% base empowerment buff (90 minute duration), there is Performance Shifter, Aegis, and Gaussian providing 7.5% buff as a 2-set bonus. There are the 7.5% Gift of the Ancient defense powers and 15% Synapse Shock (unique). It would be a huge tax to try to get to the cap with set bonuses, however.


Another option which might be popular is taking Musculature Radial as an alpha incarnate. The 33% buff added to Swift and Sprint, and the 22% ED-ignoring buff to Infiltration would get you to:

14.318+9.320+20.475+44.009 = 88.122


Now you're only 4.38 mph away from the cap, which only requires 31% movement speed buffs to reach (most builds will get this from standard slotting, but you have the base empowerment buff to fall back on if needed).



Super Leap and Mighty Leap are the exact same power, their only difference is in the form of their sub-powers (Double Jump and Takeoff). They both only provide their buffs when you don't attack, so I will exlude their in-combat numbers (all would be 0's). Just know, you will not be slowed down if you get hit, only if you try to hit someone else.


The table will only show Mighty Leap and Super Leap together, then I'll breakout Mighty Leap with Takeoff. On Live, hitting the speed cap requires no investment as the cap is so low, but to reach the cap on Live you will need some minor investment in slotting, but remember Base Empowerment is available for a 20% Jump strength buff to help improve your Hurdle and Leap powers.


HC Live:



Page 2:



Notice the strength buff from Takeoff was lowered significantly (+164.34% on Live versus +61.005% on Page 2), but it doesn't matter as it's enough to hit the enhanced speed cap with ease. Only 1 SO in Mighty Leap is required to hit the 110.393 mph mark. To hit the 101.802 mph enhanced speed cap you will need a little bit more than a single +5 boosted IO, but with set bonuses you'll have no problem getting to that number.


Extra Credit:

An important topic came up in regards to the benefits of Takeoff being so much better than Double Jump, afterall you can get a P2W Jump Pack for free. This is entirely true. However, I think it's worth remember that Takeoff is a 2.1s animation that roots you for the entire duration. The power also triggers its buff 0.733s into the animation of that attack, so you have about 1.5s of buff window you are not even using.


Let's break this down to the best possible scenario for Takeoff, where we will measure from when the power is initially cast and when the buff from the power wears off. This is a 30.733s window. If we ignore arcanatime and just focus on the cast time of the power we will have 2.1s of no movement followed by (30.733-2.1 = 28.633s of 110.393 mph movement). In comparison, Super Leap will have a full 30.733s of 101.802 mph movement. How does that compare?

(28.633 x 110.393) / (30.733 x 101.802) = 1.0103,  (+1.03% more distance covered).


A 1% increase in speed is not all that impressive, and in this case is not all that practical either. You give Super Leap a 2.1s head start and you don't overtake their travel distance until the end of the buff window. The exact time can be calculated with a simple line-slope formula. I will find the time at which Takeoff lets you move to when it overtakes Super Leap, then I will add back in the 2.1s root time:

B0 = 2.1 x 101.802 = 213.785, M0 = 101.802

B1 = 0, M1 = 110.393


B0 + M0 x Time = B1 + M1 x Time

Time = (B0 - B1) / (M1 - M0) = 213.785 / 8.591 = 24.885


Overtake time = 24.885 + 2.1 = 26.985s


This tells us Takeoff will finally catch up to Super Leap at approximately 27s after initially casting Takeoff, which gives you only a 4s window where you actually are out ahead of Super Leap before you go back down to equal speeds. So how far ahead do you actually get with Takeoff versus Super Speed after the buff is provided (some unit conversion will be included in the math)?

30.733 - 26.985 = 3.748s

8.591 mph x 3.748s x (1 hr / 3600s) x (5280 ft/1 mi) = 47.2 ft


So there you have it...the extra distance travelled that Takeoff will afford you is 47.2 ft over a 30.733s window. It's nothing amazing and fears of Mighty Leap being far superior than Super Leap because of Takeoff are unwarranted. Thanks to the max speed buff cap increase and the lowering of Takeoff's speed cap buff, they come out practically the same.



In Page 2, Super Speed gained a new mechanic called Momentum that will increase your Jump Height and Jump Speed as you're running on the ground. These Momentum stacks will increase every 0.5s and have a lifetime of 4s, so at max you should have 8 stacks (it might fluctuate between 8 and 9 stacks due to server ticks). Each Momentum stack adds 11.12 ft to your Jump Height and 2.6775 mph to your Jump Speed. However, there is a downside to Momentum as each stack will decrease your Movement Control/Friction by 10%. Have no fear with that lost control as the new Travel Buff Collective Stacking, you can use Combat Jumping or Ninja Run to erase that debuff entirely.


It's worth keeping in mind that although you can reach 8-9 stacks (for a jump height of 88.96-100.08 ft and a jump speed of 21.42-24.0975 mph), you will immediately start to lose stacks once you jump into the air. So you will never actually reach that max jump height, likely only reaching 68 ft (based on my testing). For that reason, I will show jump numbers below that uses 6 stacks as the average performance for max Momentum (meaning you reach the max, execute a full duration jump)


HC Live:



For HC Live, I included Combat Jumping as it is often paired with Super Speed for its added jump height and movement control while jumping. However, the chart is not a realistic representation to how you would slot these powers which I'll cover shortly. First, let's all notice that reaching the run speed cap (92.5 mph) is achieve with 1 SO in Super Speed and no slotting in Sprint (but must be turned on). To achieve the run speed cap without Sprint, you can do so with 1 IO in Swift and Super Speed. So in short, you can hit your capped numbers with minimal effort.


As for the jumping side of things, it's typical to slot Hurdle with a single +5 IO and not enhance Combat Jumping (1 slot LotG mule, typically). In this scenario, you would expect to hit 41.7 mph jump speed and 22.21 ft jump height (before set bonuses and other buffs).


Page 2:



In Page 2, there is no change to the run speed capability, only the speed cap is increased. This makes hitting the speed cap slightly more challenging as you will want to use Sprint to simplify the process. If you use a +5 IO in Swift, a +5 IO in Sprint, and a +5 IOs in Super Speed, you will hit 116.77 mph which is slightly under the cap. With 25% movement speed bonuses you'll get to the cap. If you don't want to use Sprint, you could use two +5 IOs in Super Speed, a regular IO in Swift, and you'll be at 119.63 mph which is a shade under the cap (2 slot performance shifter in stamina and you'll hit the cap).


As for jumping performance, I removed Combat Jumping as Momentum would surpass its contributions. Assuming an average performance of 6 Momentum Stacks, and slotting a +5 IO into Hurdle, the jump performance of Super Speed would reach 57.66 mph and 80.9 ft. That's not bad for using no jump powers. However, you will want to use CJ or a P2W Run power to negate SS Momentum's Movement Control/Friction debuff. If you can afford the endurance and don't need the defense, I would recommend the P2W Run power as it comes with a +19.61 mph jump speed buff, which close to what max stacks Momentum can offer, making your jump speed 61.2 mph and no loss of movement control.




Edited by Bopper
updated Flight for Build 3
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5 minutes ago, Vanden said:

I was promised illustrations, but all I got was a bunch of numbers and math. My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.

I am well known for my bait and switches. 

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9 minutes ago, Vanden said:

I was promised illustrations, but all I got was a bunch of numbers and math. My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.


I got you covered:



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Just added Infiltration. I will likely to Mighty Leap next as its Takeoff is somewhat similar to Afterburner, so some discussion on its temporary Speed Cap increase should be explained.

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That's great.


I was curious if the improvements to fly, ss, and sj are all relatively the same or if fly did catch up some.

"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

Just now, Troo said:

That's great.


I was curious if the improvements to fly, ss, and sj are all relatively the same or if fly did catch up some.

It's a mixed bag. Fly with afterburner on Live is nearly equivalent to Super Speed capped (although you are OAS) and much faster than Super Leap. But if you had Mystic Flight, you were still a slow poke at 58.63 mph cap. Now you should see some clarity that Run > Jump > Fly. There will be moments where that gets shuffled slightly (AB fly speed cap is temporarily better than Super Leap's speed cap...but just barely), but overall it should hold true.

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Makes sense.


For Kinetics on live, Hover + Afterburner = very nice. Now..


It's not swiss cheese but there are some holes in the plan that'll hopefully get patched up.

"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

3 minutes ago, Troo said:

Makes sense.


For Kinetics on live, Hover + Afterburner = very nice. Now..


It's not swiss cheese but there are some holes in the plan that'll hopefully get patched up.

I used to do the combo of Hover + AB + Jetpack. It would cap my Swift and Hover and get me flying about 65 mph (iirc)

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Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, Troo said:

Makes sense.


For Kinetics on live, Hover + Afterburner = very nice. Now..


It's not swiss cheese but there are some holes in the plan that'll hopefully get patched up.

It is worth noting that Hover and Fly do not stack Fly Speed Bonuses, in fact Hover does not provide any Flight Speed increase on it's own currently. It does, however, provide added maneuverability, that when used in conjunction with Fly, provides an identical maneuverability that Hover + Speed Boost provides on Live. (That is before taking in to consideration Evasive Maneuvers, which adds even more so).




I can't post a video of this, but Hover + Fly + Evasive Maneuvers gets you moving FASTER than Hover + Speed Boost on Live AND you can move around with even more maneuverability (AND... you can throw on Afterburner to blow past the cap even more so, while maintaining that same high level maneuverability!).


Edited by Glacier Peak
Extra word
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Posted (edited)
15 minutes ago, Glacier Peak said:

It is worth noting that Hover and Fly do not stack Fly Speed Bonuses, in fact Hover does not provide any Flight Speed increase on it's own currently. It does, however, provide added maneuverability, that when used in conjunction with Fly, provides an identical maneuverability that Hover + Speed Boost provides on Live. (That is before taking in to consideration Evasive Maneuvers, which adds even more so).

Sorry I may have mislead you. Not referring to Speed Boost.


Kins get Siphon Speed.

On live, Hover + Afterburner + Siphon Speed = no need for Fly and get cooler Hover pose.



So the question:

Live ( Hover + Afterburner + Siphon Speed ) > Beta ( Hover + Evasive Maneuvers + Siphon Speed )


I'm at work taking a break


Edited by Troo

"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

7 minutes ago, Troo said:

Sorry I may have mislead you. Not referring to Speed Boost.


Kins get Siphon Speed.

On live, Hover + Afterburner + Siphon Speed = no need for Fly and get cooler Hover pose.



So the question:

Live Hover + Afterburner + Siphon Speed > Beta Hover + Evasive Maneuvers + Siphon Speed



Haven't tested but Siphon Speed's base increase to Flight Speed (+116.025%) is considerably higher than Speed Boost (+68.25%), just without the slow resistance - so you would likely be looking at the capped speeds in both situations.

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1 minute ago, siolfir said:

Haven't tested but Siphon Speed's base increase to Flight Speed (+116.025%) is considerably higher than Speed Boost (+68.25%), just without the slow resistance - so you would likely be looking at the capped speeds in both situations.

yep, exactly.

I'm pretty sure Afterburner raised the cap. Evasive Maneuvers does not.

"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum


Since we were talking speed caps, I added a summary to the OP. Just a quick breakdown of each travel power's change to speed caps.

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Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, Troo said:

yep, exactly.

I'm pretty sure Afterburner raised the cap. Evasive Maneuvers does not.

That's where I thought you were going with it. Hover + Fly would take care of it, but then you have less defense; also Siphon Speed can't be maintained well while live Afterburner is up due to the Only Affect Self part of the power and you'd have to detoggle and retoggle it (after the cooldown) to refresh while Evasive Maneuvers will stay active the whole time and provide a constant bonus, so you might end up liking it better, even though the peak speed will be lower.

Edited by siolfir
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14 minutes ago, siolfir said:

That's where I thought you were going with it. Hover + Fly would take care of it, but then you have less defense; also Siphon Speed can't be maintained well while live Afterburner is up due to the Only Affect Self part of the power and you'd have to detoggle and retoggle it (after the cooldown) to refresh while Evasive Maneuvers will stay active the whole time and provide a constant bonus, so you might end up liking it better, even though the peak speed will be lower.


60 seconds of siphon speed glory got us where we needed to be.

Like a mini turbo charged personal force field.

"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

39 minutes ago, Troo said:


60 seconds of siphon speed glory got us where we needed to be.

Like a mini turbo charged personal force field.

Push the _NotAfterburner_ button for 30 seconds of the same, without use of any extraneous power.



Updated with Mighty Leap and Super Leap (combined entry)

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Updated with Super Speed. The run speed portion is boring, but hopefully the discussion on the new Super Speed Momentum mechanic will educate some on its functionality.

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So there are now three speed caps for fly? Hover, Fly, & Afterburner (which was kinda nerfed).

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10 minutes ago, Zepp said:

So there are now three speed caps for fly? Hover, Fly, & Afterburner (which was kinda nerfed).

Sort of, but rather than "Hover" it's "any flight power that isn't Fly or Mystic Flight." Temp raptor packs, P2W travel powers, etc, all have the original flight speed cap.

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Posted (edited)
16 minutes ago, macskull said:

Sort of, but rather than "Hover" it's "any flight power that isn't Fly or Mystic Flight." Temp raptor packs, P2W travel powers, etc, all have the original flight speed cap.

I understand for the temp powers, but it needs to be removed from hover.

Edited by Zepp

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31 minutes ago, Zepp said:

So there are now three speed caps for fly? Hover, Fly, & Afterburner (which was kinda nerfed).

Leaping also has 3 speed caps. Normal, Super/Might Leap, and Takeoff

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43 minutes ago, Zepp said:

I understand for the temp powers, but it needs to be removed from hover.

I think the distinction there is Hover isn't a "travel power."

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  • Jimmy pinned this topic

Is it me or does super jump feel like it was forgotten in this update?


Double Jump feels pointless when someone  can get a jump pack or steam jump with the same shared cool down.

This to me, becomes especially apparent when one could have mighty leap, takeoff, and a jump pack/steam jump active at the same time. 

I wonder if there is maybe something better that could be done.  Either using a different way  power all together or removing the time limit on double jump or something?


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