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Hate to even bring this up...

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8 hours ago, TheOtherTed said:

maybe our generation should be renamed "the forgotten generation" or something.  All in lower-case, of course.


Absolutely.  Gen-X didn't even make @KauaiJim's table lol.

We made the Graph, true, but not the summation of generations above it. 


Too Boomer-y to the younger generations, too much still "slackers" in the minds of too many Boomers, no matter that lots of us have dinged 50 in real life. 

and MAN, not a single incarnate power did I get at age 50.  I feel so cheated and lied to. 😄


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16 hours ago, Luminara said:

Yes, it's hurting everyone who plays the game, directly, by placing the game at risk of further legal issues and potentially forcing the HC team to abandon the project entirely.  If this kind of behavior continues, it will, eventually, force a confrontation with a comic book publisher,

You're talking about newbies who've just watched their favourite influencer. It's extremely likely that they're oblivious to the problem.


They need to be made aware in a manner that isn't overly aggressive.


This issue can be seen from both sides. It's on the publisher to realise that these ARE homages to the characters of their IP. It's not as if some kid playing Homecoming is going to become incredibly wealthy by playing out their fantasies in some sticky corner of the internet. These are the target audience of the publisher and they risk alienating them if the publisher attacks Homecoming. That's lifetime of buying tasteless plastic dolls of <Insertname>man down the pan.


Not to mention that the quality of some of these rip-offs is sometimes really high. I've been quite impressed.

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..It only takes one Beanbag fan saying that they JRANGER it for the devs to revert it.

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2 hours ago, Luminara said:


This isn't mob justice, it's a neighborhood watch meeting.  The tenants in 4B have been testing their home-made flamethrower indoors again and we don't want the entire apartment complex to be burnt to the ground.  It would be mob justice if we dragged the tenants of 4B into the street and beat them to death, but we're not doing that, we're just telling them not to be self-centered, thoughtless, careless assholes.


I don't think the rules about this should be changed here and I've no issue following them.  Let me repeat that, I don't think the rules about this topic should be changed here and I've no issue following them.  with that out of the way, how may current for profit games where you can download skins of trademarked or copyrighted characters are being sued by Disney and Marvel that justifies this level of panic and hysteria?  I'm just curious is all.


I will repeat one more time, I don't think the rules here should be changed and I've no issue following them.



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1 hour ago, KauaiJim said:


Technically you are correct.  My point was that I am actually part of a smaller generation that gets called 'baby boomer' because they decided to extend that period for whatever reason.  My point also is I missed the boat on reaping many of the 'American dream' benefits on being in that generation and am simply labelled as part of it.  Completely petty and irrelevant distinction, I know, I just find it odd to be lumped in with a group of folk who lived a very different generation than I did and still be considered part of that group.  I have a feeling I'm not completely alone in my perspective.  As an example (or evidence) of what I was trying to convey why suddenly in 1965 (six months after I was born) is everyone Gen X?  Now that I look closer at the whole supposed 'generation' thing it's all kind of 'broadly' applied even though many folks on each end of these arbitrary time periods (withing each group) lived or experienced very different things..  lol   😉


Lost Gen = 17 years

Silent Gen = 17 years

Baby Boomers = 18 years

Millennials = 15 years

Gen Z = 16 years

Gen Alpha (wth kinda name is that? lol better than 'lost' I guess) = However flipping long they decide to make it 


Generation timeline.svg 


I was making a joke.


Those using the slang term don't care about any of that stuff.  If you bring it up, they just call you a Boomer again.

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2 minutes ago, ZacKing said:

panic and hysteria


We're only 4 pages in, and half of this has been random side discussions.  Go look at some of the longer threads, like when someone suggests nerfing Defense, or the removal of bonus inf* when XP was turned off if you want to see what panic and hysteria look like around here.  This?  This is a pleasant stroll through a park.

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Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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27 minutes ago, arcane said:

Millennial here. I hope people only use Boomer as an insult ironically. Because otherwise, that would make one pretty stupid tbh. 

The funny part to me is that every generation is like this.  


And it was the Boomers who had some of the most widespread use pop culture wise.


The classic "Don't trust anyone over 30"  and the Lyric, "Hope I die before I get old."

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Okay I know I said I was done with this thread - but in rereading some of it I guess I totally missed the part where we weren't just casually kidding around about baby boomers.  Good golly I have no 'hatred' toward anyone.  Tough crowd today.  I know most of you are being casual and lighthearted but it seems like every comment gets taken as 'hate'.  I feel sorry for comedians these days. 

Must be weird saying a comment meant to be humorous and having some folks come back with "You serious Clark?"...  😀


I forgot to include Gen X because I am an old and feeble Baby Boomer!  lol  😀


Okay - NOW I'm gonna try to leave this topic in peace instead of pieces, lol.  😀

(I've added some pictures of smiley faces - If those somehow mean rage and hatred please let this old dog know...  OR - I changed my mind - don't tell me that...



Edited by KauaiJim
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Want to see my current list of characters?  Want to know more about me than you ever wanted to know?

Wish Granted!   Check out the 'About Me' in my profile:   KauaiJim - Homecoming (homecomingservers.com)


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1 minute ago, Luminara said:

We're only 4 pages in, and half of this has been random side discussions.  Go look at some of the longer threads, like when someone suggests nerfing Defense, or the removal of bonus inf* when XP was turned off if you want to see what panic and hysteria look like around here.  This?  This is a pleasant stroll through a park.

Ok so your answer to my question is "none" then?

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51 minutes ago, kelika2 said:

The hate is moving onto how old someone is.

There is no hate yet.


Well I do hate Superman, and therefore hate those who play Superman in Cox 


But that's just a personal problem.

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19 minutes ago, ZacKing said:

Ok so your answer to my question is "none" then?


No Lumi was saying "nun", the ladies that dress like penguins and float instead of walk.  😁

Last joke before I walk off stage today...  Honest!  😋

Edited by KauaiJim

Want to see my current list of characters?  Want to know more about me than you ever wanted to know?

Wish Granted!   Check out the 'About Me' in my profile:   KauaiJim - Homecoming (homecomingservers.com)


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13 minutes ago, Haijinx said:

There is no hate yet.


Well I do hate Superman, and therefore hate those who play Superman in Cox 


But that's just a personal problem.


It's funny I used to just not give two licks about that always overly cheerful hopeful fellow.  I always found Batman and that universe more compelling and interesting, especially the Nolan movies.  But my word there's just an over saturation of that edgy batguy.  With all of the hating on Superman nowadays I've come to appreciate that cheerful fellow now.  I still hate all that "Martha" stuff though.  

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23 minutes ago, ZacKing said:

Ok so your answer to my question is "none" then?


I wasn't addressing your question.  I was addressing your assertion that this thread is a witch hunt.  If you want research data on the frequency of company action regarding copyright infringement, you can use www.google.com to find it.  Your question, your responsibility to do the leg work to answer it.

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Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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6 minutes ago, Luminara said:


I wasn't addressing your question.  I was addressing your assertion that this thread is a witch hunt.  If you want research data on the frequency of company action regarding copyright infringement, you can use www.google.com to find it.  Your question, your responsibility to do the leg work to answer it.


Back up ... I didn't say the thread was a witch hunt.  I wasn't the one suggesting this is something to panic over, you were.  I only asked where that level of panic and hysteria that the great big boogey man was going to shut the game down was coming from.

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1 hour ago, Mezmera said:


It's funny I used to just not give two licks about that always overly cheerful hopeful fellow.  I always found Batman and that universe more compelling and interesting, especially the Nolan movies.  But my word there's just an over saturation of that edgy batguy.  With all of the hating on Superman nowadays I've come to appreciate that cheerful fellow now.  I still hate all that "Martha" stuff though.  



I am sad that in Zack Snyder's Justice League, we didn't find out that Steppenwolf's mother's name was Martha as well, bringing an immediate end to hostilities.

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1 hour ago, Mezmera said:


It's funny I used to just not give two licks about that always overly cheerful hopeful fellow.  I always found Batman and that universe more compelling and interesting, especially the Nolan movies.  But my word there's just an over saturation of that edgy batguy.  With all of the hating on Superman nowadays I've come to appreciate that cheerful fellow now.  I still hate all that "Martha" stuff though.  


Batman is Hate adjacent.


Movies seem good, but some wear on me.   Same with the games.  Generally I like when he is pared down a bit. 


I do like the Gotham verse usually.  But Batman comics, I now hate. 

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1 hour ago, Tachstar said:


pic's of Boomers snipped.


Some definite changes from Oldschool Battlestar Galactica vs the reboot.  Maybe it's just because I was a kid for the old series and an adult for the reboot, but I was Completely Sold on the Reboot very early into the Pilot. 


Seeing the Twelve Colonies just oliberated.... seeing Baltar not as a cartoon-cutout-twirl-his-mustache-traitor but a running-scared dude who was just greedy and never had any idea it could all lead to that and got played as a sap.... seeing Adama do the "no, we have no reason to think Earth is real, but we're going to LIE to absolutely everybody because they can't handle the truth, and need SOMETHING to cling to....."   yea.  That was a good story.


Maybe got a little wierd in later seasons, but hey, most shows do. 

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