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More powers with 'Pull' mechanic

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So recently 'Singularity' received an update with some groundbreaking new functionality; the ability to slowly draw enemies in to a fixed point. This is something that could potentially be explored in other powersets too, as there are a great many powers that could utilize this new mechanic.


Here's a short list of powers that I think should receive the new 'Pull' mechanic;


image.png.b02e62e3b3218359956f6197dddd434c.png - Water Blast - Whirlpool

image.png.2ea36e4e493f99577131245710637fdd.png - Mind Control - Telekinesis

image.png.e610c9125d7891daf22dea4b7e204b93.png - Dark Blast - Dark Pit

image.png.6bf2e69e53fadb0b2154b4636cf1226e.png - Bio Armor - Parasitic Aura

image.png.a972ebcdcb6b9069c21dc009fcada142.png - Electric Armor - Lightning Field

image.png.67b269cbbf4e20b65c5034e6fbdba5e5.png - Electric Melee - Chain Induction 

image.png.feeb33ff337bb96c9625977b2f9085d7.png - Umbral Aura - Black Dwarf

image.png.d29493ca49c53c2bebf84ae8672dd859.png - Luminous Aura- White Dwarf


There may be more, but these ones seem like good fits both mechanically and thematically.



Edited by Tyrannical
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Id be happy to see more powers have pull.  Also if more enemies had it.  Fighting family with a group of 8 against 2-3 singularity was more fun then my tank had in awhile.  One of my favorite enemies now.



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I cannot imagine melee set auras ever being granted pull, it would make those that got it outperform the others to a huge degree. Whirlpool does make thematic sense but it is a rain power and as such has avoid baked in. Adding pull would work against this and again make whirlpool outperform other rains massively. Dark pit I could get alongside simply because it's such a poor power currently. Telekinesis is a power that really deserves to be reworked into something else entirely and making it pull to a targetted enemy would be as good as anything. Not sure I can see why chain induction should be on the list mechanically or thematically?

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Sing also has a repel effect to balance it out, it's a control effect.  Powers like Black Hole make more sense, fixes the useless powers with intangible effects.

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Just gonna boop this in here, 'cause @HelBlaiz wanted some of that Pull mechanic love for Telekinesis too:



But, yeah.  I am looking forward to seeing there Pull, Drag, and Knocktoward effects getting put in to more Powers.  I know that it's not going to happen, but I still think it would be great to drop "Telekinesis" and "Levitate" from Mind Control, and use them along with 7 other new Control Powers in a Telekinetic Control Set where every Power utilizes these new and wonderful game mechanics.  (Then give Mind Control a Single Target and AoE Stun Powers to fill the two gaps, to remain entirely Telepathic.)

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3 minutes ago, TemporalVileTerror said:

Just gonna boop this in here, 'cause @HelBlaiz wanted some of that Pull mechanic love for Telekinesis too:



But, yeah.  I am looking forward to seeing there Pull, Drag, and Knocktoward effects getting put in to more Powers.  I know that it's not going to happen, but I still think it would be great to drop "Telekinesis" and "Levitate" from Mind Control, and use them along with 7 other new Control Powers in a Telekinetic Control Set where every Power utilizes these new and wonderful game mechanics.  (Then give Mind Control a Single Target and AoE Stun Powers to fill the two gaps, to remain entirely Telepathic.)


I would not drop Telekinesis and Levitate from Mind Control. Leave Mind control as is, for those who like it as is (there are many) and just create a brand new telekinetic control set.

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22 minutes ago, TemporalVileTerror said:

Precisely why I know it will never happen.
I just always felt that Levitate and Telekinesis were WAY out of place thematically for the Set.


Hmmm, I always thought that anything that involves moving others or objects around with your mind is very thematically in place with a set called Mind Control based on various anime, comics, movies, etc. Some media separate Telepathy from Telekinesis. (aka Jean Gray not getting much Telekinesis until she got the Phoenix force), but many more don't take the path that X-Men/Marvel took.

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I could get on board with Dwarf forms (not a lot of incentive to these powers when you have perma Light Form / Eclipse) and Dark Pit (because it’s so lame otherwise).


Otherwise, I’m worried about overpoweredness (melee powers + Whirlpool) and the rule which shall not be named (Telekinesis).

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34 minutes ago, arcane said:

I could get on board with Dwarf forms (not a lot of incentive to these powers when you have perma Light Form / Eclipse) and Dark Pit (because it’s so lame otherwise).


Otherwise, I’m worried about overpoweredness (melee powers + Whirlpool) and the rule which shall not be named (Telekinesis).

To be fair, Whirlpool is probably less overpowered having it than Singularity, which can draw mobs in and keep them from acting through KD, plus it is nearly a perfect fit thematically - both with slowed mobs trying to get out of it and it drawing them back in. 


I don't really see it for armor sets (including Khelds, but I agree that the dwarf forms need something more than taunt) and definitely don't see it for Chain Induction. 


I think that changing the repel in TK to "draw to target" is... reasonably, if not completely, in line with how the power works both thematically and mechanically, so any unnamed rules would remain inviolate. I also agree with the tangent that TK and Levitate don't really have anything to do with a theme of controlling people's minds, but that ship sailed before I ever started playing.


Some powers I was surprised to not see are:

earthgrasp_quicksand.png Earth Control: Quicksand

darkmiasma_blackhole.png Dark Miasma/Darkness Affinity: Black Hole

stormsummoning_tornado.png Storm Summoning: Tornado


Each of those would thematically fit, with some being far more more annoying than others.

Edited by siolfir
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I'll be on the more "open" side of the fence to these ideas. I am sort of against the melee pull-in's, imo that's an "all or nothing" where all defensive auras should have that pull in, or none at all do. I must say I'm on the side that I don't feel like I'd want it, because I like the way aggro currently works... now that aside: 


Whirlpool being granted a "pull" mechanic I can actually (unlike other posters) be open to. Water Blast to me is a higher-tier blast set, but it is not seen as "the de facto" that Fire Blast is in terms of power scale. I think that it would be a really unique mechanic to the set and makes a lot of sense thematically (arguably more so than even Singularity having it). Further, while this set is good, I do not believe it is leagues ahead of its peers, so I think it being granted this would be a small-moderate buff. 


Telekinesis I'm not sure about, I've heard all sorts of ideas about this power, and there are a lot of people who want the entire power gutted and replaced with something else entirely different from what it is now. I don't take the power in most of my builds, and the times I've tried this power I was disappointed, so I'm going to refrain from making judgement on this idea.


Dark Pit makes sense and could actually use this kind of a buff. No disagreements here.


This is a major side note, but if we ever got "wind control" I would really love to have a vortex pull-in type of power like seen by Venti in Genshin where he creates a spinning vortex and pulls enemies into that vortex and they spin around that small area. Ex:

Venti elemental burst doing physical damage? - Genshin Impact - Official  Community

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6 hours ago, TheZag said:

Id be happy to see more powers have pull.


what do you mean by "pull"?


Are you talking about "taunt" or "agro"?


Maybe I'm getting tired, but I don't think that there are any powers that pull enemies toward you in a way that knockback powers knock enemies away from you or repel powers pushes them away from you.

If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

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Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

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Disclaimer: Not a medical doctor. Do not take medical advice from Doctor Ditko.

Also, not a physicist. Do not take advice on consensus reality from Doctor Ditko.

But games? He used to pay his bills with games. (He's recovering well, thanks for asking!)

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8 hours ago, Tyrannical said:

image.png.b02e62e3b3218359956f6197dddd434c.png - Water Blast - Whirlpool


image.png.feeb33ff337bb96c9625977b2f9085d7.png - Umbral Aura - Black Dwarf

image.png.d29493ca49c53c2bebf84ae8672dd859.png - Luminous Aura- White Dwarf


There may be more, but these ones seem like good fits both mechanically and thematically.



As a at-the-moment PB main and a water blast user, +1 inf from me.
Would also think it'd work on some Kin Melee powers to give the set something else unique.

8 hours ago, TheZag said:

Id be happy to see more powers have pull.  Also if more enemies had it.  Fighting family with a group of 8 against 2-3 singularity was more fun then my tank had in awhile.  One of my favorite enemies now.


Cannot agree more, @TheZag, love em. Was doing a redside arc in a full team on +2/3 and it was so - I guess - 'refreshing' for us all to all stop and think about how to do it without losing someone at every mob? Proper teamwork. Watching, in my big-bummed Dwarf form, as the MM's pets get drawn in like cars at a crusher.

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@Xiddo on Excel. Alts: Agent Betel - V_archetypeicon_dominator.png.5633ed21aff3ea441cdd024895843d4a.png  Athosin - Archetypeicon_peacebringer.png.9e329a8a509066a020fd4635ccbb4385.png  Nisotha - image.png.c44c4b37be8839626cedeee9a8966397.png  Anapos - V_archetypeicon_corruptor.png.f105930c83b316a39d147c7de8c7e017.png  Atomic Chilli - V_archetypeicon_brute.png.b1e0b25149b74ff24ce1fd3603064e6e.png  Bainbridge - image.png.fc49fb2cec0488ed5cd6d82f5ea9260a.png

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3 hours ago, Greycat said:

Definitely wouldn't want this in Telekenesis. Doesn't really make sense for either Electric power mentioned to me, either.


To me it would help the sets perform since they're not the most optimal picks right now, and it would be a play on the theme of electromagnetism.

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I could see Whirlpool having it... But I'd be firmly against adding it to the melee armors.


Personally, I know I'd hate it on my own characters. I'd hate it even more on other people's characters I was teaming with. (My stalkers, for instance, would absolutely NOT appreciate the group's other melee types dragging things away and out of range of my Assassin's Strike.)

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On 5/25/2021 at 9:11 PM, Tyrannical said:


To me it would help the sets perform since they're not the most optimal picks right now, and it would be a play on the theme of electromagnetism.


It wouldn't in the least to me. My electric characters are not electromagnets. They are, for whatever reason, pumping out electricity during attacks, around them, or whatever. Electric field is doing enough "pulling" toward my character by doing damage and getting their attention. And chain induction... it's not pulling anywhere, it's jumping from place to place, so having that somehow pull towards a character would just be weird.

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4 minutes ago, Tyrannical said:

@Greycat chain induction wouldn't pull the mob to you, it'd pull mobs together.


besides, in physics, induction refers to both electricity and magnetism.


Said definition is, frankly, 100% irrelevant to the discussion. Yes, it's all combined in "electromagnetism." That and $5 will get you some, but not all, meals at Mcdonalds.


Also, given it's chaining (and I highly doubt it's anywhere near strong enough to have any sort of pulling effect,) it would pull mobs one way in one jump, then the other with the next... meaning they'd pretty much end up where they are. Given that jumping is also under no form of control by the player, meaning I couldn't direct mobs a certain direction or along a certain path (as I can with, oh, Telekenesis,) I'd want it even *less.*


Edit: Plus, of course, why would it *matter* in the least if it were magnetic on ... what, 90% of the enemies in the game? Are you saying we're pulling the iron in their blood *so hard* we can physically move them... but that doesn't tend to kill them? They're being dragged by their belt buckles? What about ghosts?

Edited by Greycat

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