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Gaming drunk


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6 hours ago, Spaghetti Betty said:

 I do all of my best tanking when I'm completely plastered.

I only drink one drink at a time, and tonight I sat down with a lovely GnT and decided to play my so-far-only tank, a TW/Elec.  I had an absolute blast keeping some really tough AVs taunted on me while I , burning up nearly a full tray of Insps, while teammates around me went through hell trying to get some damage in.  And I didn't drop once.


So there may be something to your theory there!  And I may need to make another tank once this one gets stale in the post-50 game (he's already 47 so this is coming soon).


Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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I'll have a rum or two while playing on a Friday or Sat night. Especially on an SG team (where they're used to me). 


Hell half the combat parser was written one bank holiday weekend evening, after quite a lot of rum (which possibly explains a lot). 


Edit : Also this 


Edited by Carnifax
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15 hours ago, Player2 said:

Do any of ya'all drink while gaming?



I am referring to adult drinking, not any old consumption of liquids.  #drunk

Of course, it's an extra handicap to make the game more interesting. I've even had hosted +4 TF's where were on Discord and drinking for every player death, named boss death, and zone transition from city zone to new city zone.


Beer, scotch, and whiskey, well sometimes bourbon as well.

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Just now, bodenee said:

uhm... I was on Pinnacle... wasn't it a prerequisite?





I hardly drink anymore.  Used to drink regularly in the evenings after work while playing mmo's.  A few beers or a cocktail or three.  Too expensive anymore - other things I would rather spend my money on.  Plus as I get older it's just not much of a fair trade - messes with everything from sleep to digestion.  Even back then though I tried not to get hammered (was on-call most of the time).


Also, I can think of a few times when gaming drunk caused issues with raids or groups.  People get stupid and obnoxious thinking they are being funny.  With Teamspeak / Ventrilo it was sometimes a bit entertaining, but then often devolved into a mess of one type or another.  NOTE:  I'm talking about folks being actually DRUNK, not just feeling good.


POSTING drunk - now that's a topic!  I know a couple folks who used to post stuff drunk and then panic the next day trying to do "damage control", lol.

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5 minutes ago, Player2 said:

Being drunk affects people differently.


I am aware of that.  I was simply reflecting on my actual experiences, not making a blanket statement about drunken behavior.  👍

Want to see my current list of characters?  Want to know more about me than you ever wanted to know?

Wish Granted!   Check out the 'About Me' in my profile:   KauaiJim - Homecoming (homecomingservers.com)


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The closest I've ever come to playing CoH while drunk was back in 2007. And that wasn't due to drinking, but lack of sleep. At the time I worked part time at Burger King Wednesday through Saturday on the close/closing shift. For those not aware, the difference between the two is that if you work till Close, you clock out when the store closes for the night. If you're working closing however, you don't get to clock out until the store has closed for the night and the kitchen is shut down and cleaned. Which means that depending on who's working that night, it could be anywhere between midnight and 5am before you get to clock out. That last one only happened a few times while I was working there. My usual habit was to head home from work, sign into City of Heroes (and the forum, I played while posting on the forum), and play until about 7 or 8 in the morning. At which point I'd head to bed after setting my alarm to wake me up at 4pm. That way I'd have time to grab a bite to eat before heading to work. On Fridays I'd do a load or two of laundry as well while playing CoH, since I only had 2 uniforms.


This worked out fine, usually. But one week a friend of mine from Australia that I hadn't spoken to in years signed into MSN Messanger just as I was about to shut down and go to bed. So we started chatting, which lasted until noon. At which point I didn't have time to go to bed, I'd sleep too deeply and be late for work. This repeated every day for 4 days. By the time I finally went to bed, I'd been up 90+ hours.

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I've done some crazy nonsleep stuff myself, but that just sounds like hell.  Then again, even  when I was 20 I couldn't pull all-nighters like that, I'm just useless for anything.  Friend or no, I'd have told them "not now."  A true friend would have understood ha ha!


Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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We hadn't spoken in several years at that point due to our schedules being so different. That said, by Sunday when a manager who hated my guts for reasons I never understood called me up at 11:45 to 'remind' me I needed to be at work in fifteen minutes (I'd checked the schedule when I clocked out at 2am, and I was off until Wednesday) I was exhausted. Ever watch the original Night of the Living Dead? Remember how slowly the zombies shuffled about and how aware of their surroundings they are in that movie? That was more speed and alertness then I was able to muster. I'd used up all my remaining energy getting into the cleaner of my 2 dirty uniforms and biking to work. And I was still both the fastest and best dish washer the store had. Sure enough, when I checked after clocking in the schedule had been changed at 8am that morning, with the manager who hated me being the one that signed off on it.


Store owner came in around 1:30pm and saw me shambling about the kitchen. And since he knew I wasn't scheduled that day since he's the one that wrote up the schedule for the week, he was not amused. He clocked me out after changing it so I'd get paid time and a half for the work I'd done that day. He then drove me home and made sure I got into my apartment safely. I didn't even make it to my bed. I ended up passed out on the floor moments after I closed and locked the door.

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Of course.


I've managed to solo Archvillains while asleep (although more often I wind up at 0 HP, but shhhhh!).

I've passed out and woke up to find the game auto-logged me, and when I get back in, I find that I've levelled up . . . sometimes twice.

And worst of all!  I've passed out while roleplaying.  There is no forgiveness for that.  Especially when it was actually a really, really interesting roleplay, and I genuinely wanted to continue!


There just aren't enough hours in the day for City.


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Alcohol is just empty calories. I see nothing useful about it. It dehydrates me, makes my head hurt. And, too much, it kills you. I see no reason to consume it. In my youngers days, well...that was different. I simply didn't know any better. 

I know a number of people who do drink when they play, and I try my best to avoid them, as they'll usually do nothing but waste my time and annoy me, because they think some things are funny, and I just think they're stupid. (The things they think are funny, and them - because they are stupid. If you're gonna get your drunk on, go to a bar and do it properly, and wake up wondering where your cash went like I used to do) I should add - that not everyone who drinks turns into a jackass. But for the most part...they do. 


Nancy Reagan was on to something, Just say no. Do not game and drink. Heck, do not drink period. Waste of resources. 

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I don't drink any more, except on rare occasions (When my wife is away. I stopped drinking because she's a recovering alcoholic.) I can't recall if I ever played CoH drunk, but there were a few occasions when I played WoW completely hammered. Mostly back in the Wrath of the Lich King era, so 2008-2010 or so. I discovered that being drunk didn't seem to have much effect on my muscle memory, so I'd queue up for random dungeons on my fire mage - I was intimately familiar with the dungeons, having run each of them many times, so I knew what was happening (not to mention how minutely scripted they were) and barely had to think about what I was doing. Autopilot! So I'd jump in with a random group and just blast away, and I never got any complaints about my performance.


Nowadays, due to a combination of age and infrequency of drinking, I don't have nearly the alcohol tolerance I used to have, and I don't even attempt to game while drunk. I tried once or twice, and even just solo questing, I couldn't focus. So on those rare occasions I get to drink now, it's Netflix instead of games.

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I'd rather socialize while drinking, but I'm delighted to sip a scotch or three while goofing around in CoH.  You won't have to worry about encountering me drunk, because I solo for the most part, though I had no idea I was missing an opportunity to interact with people who thought Nancy Reagan was onto something,  My loss, I guess.

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Back on live, sure, but I was starting to cut down.

Now, if I drink enough to get myself drunk, I'll be paying for it way more than I think worth it.  Plus some of my meds are "don't drink" types.

So, I might have a shot of good whiskey, maybe every two weeks.

Eat some edibles more often, but more for the CBD than the THC.

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The "harm no other" bit is . . . tricky, to say the least.

Not to get things too mired in to "Real Talk" here, but alcohol consumption by other people -has- had a serious harmful impact in my life.  Two members of my family drank to the point of liver failure.  Other harmful actions have been taken while under the influence of alcohol as well, which I won't go in to the details of.

Of course, harm has been done with all manner of different substances, actions, and behaviours.  But putting things in to a perspective of "help versus harm," my perspective strongly skews toward harm when it comes to alcohol.


I'm not going to tell anyone not to imbibe alcohol, but I would at least like to encourage those folks who drink to the point of being drunk to consider alternative forms of personal pleasure.  Chocolate and ice cream do wonders for me, personally.  As well as some other activities which we're not supposed to talk about here.  Maybe there are some new forms of pleasure some of you may consider exploring.  You might find something to replace alcohol which is cheaper, safer, healthier, and/or even more pleasurable!

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