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Account Wide Wallet For Influence, Salvage, Recipes and Vault Reserve Etc.

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Please can we do account wide in-game currency wallet for influence, salvage, recipes and vault reserve?


Its very time consuming to bounce between characters to collect all the accumulated reward merits, incarnate salvage and influence etc on a main toon.


Would it be more difficult to program than it sounds?



Lightning Drone

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17 minutes ago, The Mighty Paladin said:

The easiest way to do it I think, would be to kill two birds with one stone. Make a way to invite my alts to my own supergroup. then we can share stuff through the group base.

The command to invite your alts to your own SG is: /altinvite playername


Also, the ingame email system allows the storage of up to 100 emails, allowing for 200 billion influence to be accessible across all characters on an account. Or if desired, players can email attachments of salvage, inspirations, enhancements, and more. 


May not be exactly what the OP suggested, but it's there until a change like this occurs. 

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8 hours ago, The Mighty Paladin said:


this works great, and if you have a few alts, you can macro it to send invites out via one click sort of thing. some might think it's extra work, but eh, that's another use for the player text file is IMO lol

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Hi, am not sure what the reason is to have some stuff be alt locked or account wide tradeable but maybe gold farming would be a good guess.

Also whilst the idea of having all stuff available by using the SG base is appealing I have a bunch if alts as supergroup members that are from a number of different accounts.

That would mean having more SG members permissions or other systems to stop/block or allow cross account trading.

Seems to me to all involve a lot of game changing stuff decisions being made or a lot of new/amended coding to be done?

I seem to use email and SG storage to get most of my transferring stuff done atm. Takes longer but hey ho…….

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My opinion is that if you want something on a character you should get it on that character.  Everything else is just nepotism.


BUT:  how about making a mechanism so that we can *put* items on the Character Items menu (which are accessible by every character on the account) at a 10:1 tax.  You can put up 10 LotG procs, one gets posted for any of your characters to pull off.  You post 1000 merits and any one of your characters can pull off 100 merits.  I'd even consider this for incarnate stuff.

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2 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

My opinion is that if you want something on a character you should get it on that character.  Everything else is just nepotism.


BUT:  how about making a mechanism so that we can *put* items on the Character Items menu (which are accessible by every character on the account) at a 10:1 tax.  You can put up 10 LotG procs, one gets posted for any of your characters to pull off.  You post 1000 merits and any one of your characters can pull off 100 merits.  I'd even consider this for incarnate stuff.


Since HC is already about QoL, and there is nothing proposed by OP that is not already transferrable without a bit of mailing (ie, he's NOT proposing Badges, merits, etc.) the only barrier is "do we want this to take more time?"


I personally feel that's not nepotism, its just speeding up administratae.

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At the very least, I think Vault Reserve should be account wide. Then you can have stuff separate but have an easier time transferring stuff, without having to all be in a one man SG. At least personally, as it stands, I never use Vault Reserve. I'm sure there are those out there that do, but I'm guessing I'm in the majority. It would give it more of a reason to exist. 

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The e-Mail system works fine but it is a strange workaround for a simple problem.  The "all my characters are in my SG" however, though very functionnal, is not desired.  Sure, I love that ALL my alts are able to use my super cool base and all it`s QoL and storage.  But what if I wanted to be in a SG for what a SG is supposed to be: be with other people?




Therefore: I agree with the OP's suggestion.  Account wide shared wallet/assets = joy.

Edited by Aeroprism
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I think expanding email capabilities would be a good alternative - by allowing multiple attachments to one email.

Would be nice to allow stacks of merits to be attached as well, which would alleviate the need to have "Heroic" merits and the like.

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On 11/5/2021 at 5:28 PM, LightningDrone said:

Please can we do account wide in-game currency wallet for influence, salvage, recipes and vault reserve?


Its very time consuming to bounce between characters to collect all the accumulated reward merits, incarnate salvage and influence etc on a main toon.


Would it be more difficult to program than it sounds?



Lightning Drone

Been posting this for a long time.


On only 30 characters + I have tons of recipes, assorted salvage, tickets, brainstorm coins, Holiday salvage, ETC.. 


When I go to IO out another 50, I spend HOURS moving things around between characters. 

It would just be nice to know what is on everything honestly. Characters, reserve vault, Auction house.. 


In previous post people say sell this, don't save this.. Don't hoard this if you don't need it. 

But I cannot tell you how many times I look to buy some specific low level IO and they are gone or at some crazy price. When I bought them a while back for a few thousand. I am always thank goodness I bought and saved these IOs. 


I say make it some sort of sink and you buy this super computer that does it all. 

Or increase base storage. Not minimizing the cost of disk space, but in this day and age it probably the cheapest thing you can buy..  Back these storage was expensive.  

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Items in mail last how long ? I thought it used to be 30 days.. was that changed on homecoming ?


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11 hours ago, plainguy said:

But I cannot tell you how many times I look to buy some specific low level IO and they are gone or at some crazy price.


Just so we're clear: IOs onthe market do not exist at a levelled state. 


Here is a short explanation.


Fictionnal situation:

-There is currently no LOTG DEFENSE IO at the maket and no bids entered (Ludicrous, I know).

-I put my Level 32 LOTG DEFENSE IO up for sale for 2M.

-Someone else puts a level 43 LOTG DEFENSE IO up for sale for 3M.

-There are now two "level independant" LOTG DEFENSE IOs for sale. (You can buy one (or both) at any level you wish as long as it's within that IO's level range, or even attuned.)

-You decide that you want one Level 50 LOTG DEFENSE IO, you put your bid for 2.2M Inf, which is sufficient to buy at my price.

-You obtain one Level 50 LOTG DEFENSE IO.

-There is now one "level independant" LOTG DEFENSE IOs for sale.



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Rather not have joint inventories for this - a few of my characters are Solo / Self-found, and don't interact with the market/SG storage at all. It'd become quite the headache keeping track of gear for those challenges.


Besides that, they'd have to tweak the inf cap for this change, as 2B global inf seems painfully low, even with the market not as inflated as it was on Live.

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I don't mind having split influence/recipes/salvage on separate characters - however, I think Vault should be reworked to make it account wide. Anything that goes into the vault can be accessed by your other characters. That way, you sort of 'opt in' on what you wish to share. 


I feel it would keep everything nice and organized instead of me having to deal with the equipment and influence of everyone on my account. 

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