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P2W Vendor: Level 50 Ticket (Cost: 20 Million Influence)

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SuggestorK, my post was a no post and i tossed in some crazy high prices to illustrate that it shouldnt be something that players would buy daily or even weekly.  


Also head to the merit vendor of your choice,  click conversion and scroll down.  Any alignment can buy hero or villain merits for 50 reward merits each.  I was basically saying 'this costs 2500 merits' when i said 50 hero merits.  

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5 hours ago, Take One said:

What if the cost of a level 50 token is a level 50 character? You have to take your level 50 character and go to a special NPC, request a do-over and when you do, the token ends up in your email and you are instantly kicked off the game and the character is deleted. Your name is reserved for the usual 20-30 minutes. You'll lose your badges of course, that's the cost of starting over.

I certainly like this cost better than the extremely low 20 million I put before. A Full Reroll Retcon (Might need a better name) is likely better than buying a Level 50 ticket. Forces new and veteran players to have earned the prerequisite experience and not a more elitist approach and charge hundreds of millions of influence, which would not be accessible to most players. 


I have a level 50 Claws/Reflexes Scrapper that I'm not a fan of very much. If I could have the character rerolled into another secondary power set such as Willpower... that would suit me much better. 

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19 hours ago, LightningDrone said:

P2W Vendor: Level 50 Ticket (Cost: 20 Million Influence)


Go from level 1 to 50 rather instantly at the Pay To Win Vendor for 20 million influence.


Would it help substantially cut back on the number of new and veteran players begging for AFK door sitting spots on AE Farms?



Lightning Drone



It's a general thing to search the forums before you post about something, but I don't always do it.

I'm against this. 


I guess my view of this may evolve so I'll go with where I'm at now.


There are some people that like to farm and apparently like to have doorsitters. 

I say let the system stay the way that it is so that it doesn't ruin the way Farmers like to play the game.


I'm not a farmer. I don't "hate" farmers like I used to. 

Who really cares at this point?


But I think even in the farming experience there is probably SOME discussion about powers.


What you are essentially doing is making it free because ::




So why make Yomo foot the bill?

Make it free if something like this MUST happen.


I don't think it is necessary or any advantage to game play. In fact, I think it avoids that game entirely and puts the player directly into the end-game.

I don't play end-game. I don't think it is a good idea to put new players into a position where they feel like they have to level to 50 from the get go to enjoy the game, because they don't. Leveling to 50 actually bypasses the joy of leveling with a team.


I know that there are those that are jaded and don't want play the game and want to go directly to "win". At least, I'm assuming what "insta50" is to them.

And, yeah, I do think that's jaded.

Does it make you better than other players somehow because you bypassed playing the game?

The answer from me is obviously it does not.

You may just want to play the City of Heroes a different way.

Edited by UltraAlt

If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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7 hours ago, SuggestorK said:



Uhm u are the one Alignment that could earn Hero merits back on live , checked HCwiki now.. the entry is a bit unclear i will test it later on one of my Vigilante chars, removed the downvote for now.


That change must have happenend before i joined HC in November 2019 so i didnt saw anything about it in patch notes which i had read after joining. 🤨


Entering Fort Trident was another Part that only Hero's could do back on live so i nvr bothered trying it cause i only play Vigilantes/Rogues since it was introduced back on live.

Edit: just checked Vigilantes still cannot enter.


Hero Merits was earned by doing another Hero Morality mish when u was a Hero already back on live. Vigilantes/Rogues gain 40 Reward merits by doing the same (doing another Vigilante/Rogue Morality when they are Vigilante/Rogue already), thats my main income of Reward merits beside doing TF's/Trials.


Edit: checked in base yes conversion is available but Heroes earn 1 Hero per morality Mish, while Vigilante gain only 40 Reward Merits, conversion would cost 50 Merits, so its still not a valid currency cause some Alignments have to do more for it then others. (loss of 10 reward Merits per conversion compared to running it as Hero/Villain).


1. This is not "back on live." This is homecoming.


2. Fort Trident/The Crucible has nothing in it. There's really nothing special to it. There's no longer a vendor you turn hero/villain merits in to for things like recipes. That was removed. (Heck, Fort Trident was removed. Just had to go doublecheck my memory - took a level 50 hero, went to go into it, "you cannot enter.")


3. No, you do not get hero or villain merits for doing a morality mission any more. You get 40 merits, even for hero or villain.


If the HCWiki says this - which is a copy of PWiki, for updating - then someone hasn't updated the entry. I'll give you before and after shots of a hero running "One good spider," a Hero-alignment mission. You'll notice no hero merits awarded - just 40 regular reward merits, like any other alignment. This is *literally* as of a few minutes before posting this.





HVMerits before.png

HVMerits after.jpg

Edited by Greycat

Still not particularly fond of certain segments of this community.

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15 hours ago, Shadeknight said:



looks like a /jranger to me.


Explain yourself.


13 hours ago, LightningDrone said:

basically skipping the tutorial


The level 1-50 content IS THE GAME.

The content AFTER level 50 is the end-game. It is the stuff stuck onto the end of the game because you have completed playing THE GAME.


This isn't DCUO where you have to level to 30 (playing some great old school missions from the old days of comics) before you can get into the grinding end-game of new comics that get retconned every 15-days at this point.


In fact, a large amount of level 50 content is in the Ouroboros which levels you down so you can run the GAME content that was skipped over either by power-leveling past it or leveling past it by simply running parallel content.


The level 1-50 content IS NOT A TUTORIAL.


The game has tutorials and you already can bypass them.

The tutorials happen before you actually enter THE CITY.


13 hours ago, LightningDrone said:

More recently there was the option of skipping that mini tutorial.


It isn't a "mini" tutorial.

Those ARE the tutorials.


13 hours ago, LightningDrone said:

City of Heroes community has progressed to the point where there's many veteran players. Should veteran players have the option to skip levels 1-49? Or would that kill the entire graceful and progressive roleplaying experience for veterans? How would we measure who's a veteran player and who's not? 


I tell you what.

I have played this City of Heroes since Episode 1.

I don't think I might have one character with a veteran level .... might.

I don't have to have some flag on my character that says I'm a veteran player to be a veteran player.

I am a veteran player.

I know it.

I have played this City of Heroes since Episode 1.


Anyone can log on, get power-level in a farm and have a character that says it is a veteran in less than a day.

Are they L337 or a veteran? 

I think the answer is obvious.


AE babies.



They certainly aren't veteran characters.


And, yeah, a got a button pushed on this.

I admit it.


12 hours ago, Krimson said:

But all this is moot, and I really don't expect a Level 50 Token to be anything but topic for discussion. 


I'm guessing a new thread to discuss it every couple of months at this rate.


10 hours ago, krj12 said:

Considering how easy it is to get a character to 50, playing normally, I really don't see the need for this.


Next request will be a "give me all the incarnate tier 4 powers" for 20m influence.   🙂


Obviously, this.


19 hours ago, LightningDrone said:

Would it help substantially cut back on the number of new and veteran players begging for AFK door sitting spots on AE Farms?


I guess the ultimate answer is really - if this is what you want, then there are other City of Heroes servers that already offer this.

So, not to be rude, but just go play on another server if you don't like Homecoming.

You can also go to the beta server and level yourself up there to 50 and enhance your character for free.


And I apologize for being a bit miffed about this, but I actually like to have people to game with that don't think they are "too good" to play the actual game.

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If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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22 minutes ago, Greycat said:


1. This is not "back on live." This is homecoming.


2. Fort Trident/The Crucible has nothing in it. There's really nothing special to it. There's no longer a vendor you turn hero/villain merits in to for things like recipes. That was removed. (Heck, Fort Trident was removed. Just had to go doublecheck my memory - took a level 50 hero, went to go into it, "you cannot enter.")


3. No, you do not get hero or villain merits for doing a morality mission any more. You get 40 merits, even for hero or villain.


If the HCWiki says this - which is a copy of PWiki, for updating - then someone hasn't updated the entry. I'll give you before and after shots of a hero running "One good spider," a Hero-alignment mission. You'll notice no hero merits awarded - just 40 regular reward merits, like any other alignment. This is *literally* as of a few minutes before posting this.





HVMerits before.png

HVMerits after.jpg

1. It is, but still is a reference and still HC is based on live version which has undergone some changes.

2. Ok then its just half baked.. if they removed it why not remove the Marker in Atlas Zone too, its kinda misleading.

3. Thx for the Clarification, its just a missing updated info which in part 4 u said too.


4. Again thx for Clarification, its just sad that Info cannot be found in HC Wiki but of course its not your nor mine fault.


Think this is solved now.. now back to the original theme of the thread 🙂 .



Former Player on Server:

Protector, Guardian, Virtue, Liberty, Freedom, Union and Defiant (Hero Side) and part Time Infinity

Justice, Pinnacle, Victory (Villain Side)

Currently Reunion is the Main Server

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14 hours ago, arcane said:

In absence of a real way to do this, we would measure it with access to hundreds of millions of influence 😉


RMT is a thing, which Homecoming already has to deal with a fair bit. Paying real money to skip large portions of a game has become the norm in the microtransactions era, so a lot of players don't even see a problem with it, but we are not going to be adding anything that costs large amounts of influence that encourage people to head to the nearest RMT seller to acquire.

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1 hour ago, Greycat said:

(Heck, Fort Trident was removed. Just had to go doublecheck my memory - took a level 50 hero, went to go into it, "you cannot enter.")

When did that happen? I've definitely been there in i27 p2 before. 


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23 minutes ago, A Cat said:

When did that happen? I've definitely been there in i27 p2 before. 



Not sure. I just tried to get in with a hero, and got a "you cannot enter." Maybe a side effect of winter, then? *shrugs*

Still not particularly fond of certain segments of this community.

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lol always hilarious to see the same 4 or 5 people white knighting and gatekeeping these posts thinking they speak for everyone when they don't.


15 hours ago, LightningDrone said:

Alright..... I probably don't know the COH Homecoming economy very well in terms of pricing P2W items. Going from Lvl 1 to 50 is basically skipping the tutorial which many of us don't need. The real game starts at lvl 50. Back in the olden days all players were required to complete the mini tutorial that demonstrates basic movement controls etc before entering either Atlas Park or Galaxy City (Zone no longer exists). More recently there was the option of skipping that mini tutorial. City of Heroes community has progressed to the point where there's many veteran players. Should veteran players have the option to skip levels 1-49? Or would that kill the entire graceful and progressive roleplaying experience for veterans? How would we measure who's a veteran player and who's not? 


While I don't think there needs to be a P2W insta 50 token, I don't think it would cause the game to explode either.  One of the "OMG DOOOOM!" rants about this topic is always that people PL a 50 in AE and don't know how to play it.  That can happen sure, which is why in addition to a hefty price tag, an unlock could also require stuff like unlocking the TF commander and/or certain story arc badges in order for the token to be unlocked at the P2W vendor on that account for that specific AT.   Each AT has to be unlocked separately   So for instance you have to have a 50 blaster and achieve certain badges before the unlock for the blaster AT at the P2W vendor is available for a hefty sum of inf.  At least then you know that the player has played a character a bit before allowing them to unlock that insta 50 token.

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1 hour ago, Faultline said:


RMT is a thing, which Homecoming already has to deal with a fair bit. Paying real money to skip large portions of a game has become the norm in the microtransactions era, so a lot of players don't even see a problem with it, but we are not going to be adding anything that costs large amounts of influence that encourage people to head to the nearest RMT seller to acquire.

Then there are no remaining conditions under which this would be a good idea, so it’s settled 🙂

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16 minutes ago, ZacKing said:

lol always hilarious to see the same 4 or 5 people white knighting and gatekeeping these posts thinking they speak for everyone when they don't.

Can I pre-apologize for all future voicing of opinions so that we can stop revisiting this garbage point.


You’ve literally never expressed an opinion in an assertive and dogmatic manner, but some of us aren’t Jesus. My most sincere condolences.

Edited by arcane
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21 minutes ago, Greycat said:

Not sure. I just tried to get in with a hero, and got a "you cannot enter." Maybe a side effect of winter, then? *shrugs*


I just popped in to see what condition my Level 2 test hero was in. It's right where we left it.

UPDATED: v4.15 Technical Guide (post 27p7)... 154 pages of comprehensive and validated info on on the nuts and bolts!
ALSO:  GABS Bindfile  ·  WindowScaler  ·  Teleport Guide  ·  and City of Zeroes  all at  www.Shenanigunner.com

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Leveling is already so much faster than it was in live, say, by ten-fold, it's like having a90% free level to 50 ride already. Do we need that last ten percent skippable? My opinion is no, we don't. 


Also, the "poweleveling to 50" is enjoyable to some, and especially, for the teaming it produces. Some of my most enjoyable team experiences have been on somewhat casual "RP friendly PI Council Radios LF7M, any level welcome" groups, both on my top end level 50 characters and for my lower level characters as I level them up. Players get to chat, banter and so forth, even roleplay, while testing out their powers and abilities without there being huge pressure to perform at maximum. These are especially fun and satisfying for the higher level players to lead them and for the higher level players who join them for casual farming and to help out levelers. 


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8 minutes ago, arcane said:

Can I pre-apologize for all future voicing of opinions so that we can stop revisiting this garbage point.


You’ve literally never expressed an opinion in an assertive and dogmatic manner, but some of us aren’t Jesus. My most sincere condolences.


LMAO!  Never said you can't express your opinion or that you can't assert your view or that I'm Jesus.  far from it.  no idea where you're getting any of that from.  there's a few people here and they know who they are who like to think they speak for everybody.  they don't.  that's all I'm saying.  feel free to speak your mind.

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44 minutes ago, ZacKing said:

there's a few people here and they know who they are who like to think they speak for everybody.

And how exactly do you know what they're thinking? Oh, right. You're psychic and you can read people's minds.


Does that qualify as "white knighting" or "gatekeeping"? I ask because, since you're using those terms incorrectly, I figure that I should try to figure out what you mean by them.

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"It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire posts, the posts become warning points. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion."


Being constantly offended doesn't mean you're right, it means you're too narcissistic to tolerate opinions different than your own.

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I think if it were done, it should cost a transcendent merit (ie, 50 emp merits) from the same account.  It would show the account already knows how to get to 50, it's a real cost, and they lose out on the influence already of a power leveled char.


I don't think I would ever do it, but what's the difference between this and getting leveled in an AE farm while you surf the net?

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53 minutes ago, Andreah said:

Leveling is already so much faster than it was in live, say, by ten-fold, it's like having a90% free level to 50 ride already. Do we need that last ten percent skippable? My opinion is no, we don't. 


Also, the "poweleveling to 50" is enjoyable to some, and especially, for the teaming it produces. Some of my most enjoyable team experiences have been on somewhat casual "RP friendly PI Council Radios LF7M, any level welcome" groups, both on my top end level 50 characters and for my lower level characters as I level them up. Players get to chat, banter and so forth, even roleplay, while testing out their powers and abilities without there being huge pressure to perform at maximum. These are especially fun and satisfying for the higher level players to lead them and for the higher level players who join them for casual farming and to help out levelers. 


This is on point.  Plus, debt from dying was much worse than we have today.

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I went to Ouroboros all i got was this lousy secret!


COH bomp bomp: 



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1 hour ago, Shenanigunner said:


I just popped in to see what condition my Level 2 test hero was in. It's right where we left it.


Cranial flatulance on my part. Went from memory... to the wrong side of the pond, since there hasn't really been a reason to go in there for years :) 

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Still not particularly fond of certain segments of this community.

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48 minutes ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

And how exactly do you know what they're thinking? Oh, right. You're psychic and you can read people's minds.


Not psychic but I can read and have read more than enough posts on here over the years to see there's a few who like to think they speak for everyone when they don't.  Try reading sometime.  does wonders.


49 minutes ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

Does that qualify as "white knighting" or "gatekeeping"? I ask because, since you're using those terms incorrectly, I figure that I should try to figure out what you mean by them.


You miss the part where I said people can express their opinions?  I know what the words mean and how they're used today, thanks.

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