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Architect Entertainment

  • Characters at Level 50 can no longer earn experience towards the Veteran Level rewards (Veteran Badges, Incarnate Threads, and Empyrean Merits) from Architect Entertainment content; this does not apply to Incarnate Slot Experience which can still be earned in AE.
  • This change does not apply to Developer's Choice arcs, which have always gives full rewards and will continue to do so.
  • Fixed a bug with Experience Boosters granting too much experience in non-Dev Choice AE missions. 1.5XP was giving double XP and 2XP was giving triple XP. These have been corrected to the intended 1.5x and 2x, respectively.

Custom Enemy Changes

  • Power point values for all Custom Enemy powers have been normalized. Some powersets in the same category were set below standard point values and some were set above.
  • This means existing AE arcs may need adjusting if any custom enemies were using the bare-minimum power selection for max rewards with powersets that were above the standard values for that type.
  • Custom Enemy powers that require the target be grounded are no longer calculated as ranged attacks for point value purposes.
  • All Custom Enemy ranged attacks have a minimum range of 80ft.

Advanced Enemy Power Customization


  • You can now manually assign extra powers to Architect Custom Enemies by using a text editor program (like Notepad) to edit their .critter files found in the Custom_Critter folder where your Homecoming install is located. This allows them to have up to 25 powers from any available custom enemy powersets.
  • Be aware the AI is not any smarter for this, and it may completely ignore powers you give it depending on its attack chain. Expect to experiment some to get intended results.


  • Any custom enemies that are using advanced power customization will give no rewards. This restriction was required in order to prevent farms from being created using only enemies with broken attack chains.


  • Advanced power customization was added exclusively as a tool for writers/creators to give unique-functionality to enemies for the sole purpose of enriching their story arcs and missions.


Opening the critter file in a text editor should look something like this.


  • If successful, the game should immediately recognize the custom critter's powers upon loading them, keep in mind this will not update arcs that may have been using that enemy definition until you reload the arc in the editor.

Wow, that sure is a lot of pets! Hope he's not too difficult...


  • Note: When saving your custom critter after editing, or the mission that uses the critter, the list of additional powers will be collapsed to a single comma-separated line like this:
    • Power  Mission_Maker_Attacks.Earth_Control.Animate_Stone,  Mission_Maker_Attacks.Ice_Control.Jack_Frost,  Mission_Maker_Attacks.Fire_Control.Fire_Imps,  Mission_Maker_Attacks.Illusion_Control.Phantasm,  Mission_Maker_Attacks.Electric_Control.Gremlins,  Mission_Maker_Secondary.Plant_Control.Fly_Trap

New Custom Enemy Powersets Additions

  • Atomic Manipulation added.
  • Earth Manipulation added.
  • Martial Combat added.
  • Seismic Blast added.
  • Sonic Assault added.
  • Symphony Control added.
  • Archery now has access to Ranged Shot.
  • Assault Rifle now has access to Sniper Rifle.
  • Beam Rifle now has access to Penetrating Ray.
  • Dark Blast now has access to Moonbeam.
  • Electrical Blast now has access to Zapp.
  • Energy Blast now has access to Sniper Blast.
  • Archery now has access to Ranged Shot.
  • Fire Blast now has access to Blazing Bolt.
  • Psychic Blast now has access to Psionic Lance.
  • Fire Manipulation now has access to Cauterizing Aura, Consume, and Burn.

Mission Map Additions

  • These new mission map options can also currently be found under Unique > Newly Released Maps:
    • Unique > Circle of Thorns > Circle of Thorns - Flying Ziggurat
    • Unique > Outdoor Maps > Croatoa - Winter Forest & Cave
    • Unique > Warehouse > The Smelting Cauldron
    • Unique > Cargo Ship > Gold Bricker Portal Ship
    • Unique > Cap Au Diable > Dimensional Ripple - Cap Au Diable

Enemy Group Additions

5th Column:

  • Ewige Mitternacht Kommandant (Elite Boss, 35-54)


  • Arachnos Scientist (Boss, 1-54)
  • Aeon Scientist (Boss, 1-54)
  • Becky, the Tarantula Mistress (Boss, 35-54)
  • Becky, the Tarantula Battle-Mistress (Elite Boss, 35-54)

Cap Au Diable Demons:

  • Ripplesurge (Giant Monster, 35-54)


  • Crey Gamma Tank (Minion, 35-54)
  • Crey Protector (Lieutenant, 40-54)
  • Cryogenicist (Boss, 35-54)

Devouring Earth:

  • Giver of Life (Boss, 35-54)
  • Mother's Embrace (Boss, 35-54)
  • Foundation of Form (Boss, 35-54)
  • Mother's Lost Beauty (Boss, 35-54)
  • Scion of the All-Mother (Boss, 35-54)
  • Mouthpiece of the All-Mother (Elite Boss, 35-54)

Gold Brickers: (Level range extended up to 54)

  • Breaker (Minion, 35-54)
  • AU-Bricker (Minion, 35-54)
  • AU-Bomber (Lieutenant, 35-54)
  • AU-Rifter (Boss, 35-54)
  • Smelter (Boss, 35-54)
  • Golden Brickernaut (Elite Boss, 35-54)
  • Mr. Rodney (Elite Boss, 8-34)
  • Gold Brickster (Elite Boss, 35-54)
  • Fort Knoxxer (Elite Boss, 35-54)
  • The Burninator (Elite Boss, 35-54)
  • Cauldron Champion (Arch-Villain, 35-54)
  • Mr. Rodney AU-Rifter (Arch-Villain, 35-54)
  • Princess Zoe (Arch-Villain, 35-54)
  • Princess Zoe Smelter (Arch-Villain, 35-54)

Vanguard Shield:

  • Vanguard Claw Soldier (Minion, 35-54)
  • Vanguard Commander (Elite Boss, 35-54)
  • Apex (Hero, 35-54)
  • Borea (Hero, 35-54)
  • Levantera (Hero, 35-54)
  • Serpent Drummer (Hero 35-54)
  • Lady Grey (Hero 35-54)
  • Dark Watcher (Hero, 35-54)
  • Incandescent (Hero, 35-54)

Vanguard Sword:

  • Gaussian (Hero, 35-54)

Void Hunters: (1-54)

  • Void Seeker (Minion, 1-54)
  • Void Stalker (Lieutenant, 1-54)
  • Void Slayer (Boss, 1-54)
  • Void Harbinger (Elite Boss, 35-54)
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Posted (edited)


(See below)

Test it out for yourself on Brainstorm and see!

For Active farming use map #23785


For AFK farming use map #23786

For updated builds, see the mids files attached to this post.

(Sorry to the mods for cross-posting this message in the three relevant threads. I just wanted to mention fire farming is still 100% possible with this update before a bazillion people jump to the the wrong conclusion. If anything, fire farming has actually been buffed, because enemy patrols won't wander off anymore...:classic_ninja:)

page 4 active farmer.mxd page 4 afk farmer.mxd

Edited by America's Angel
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My Stuff:

fite.gif.ce19610126405e6ea9b52b4cfa50e02b.gif Fightclub PvP Discord (Melee PvP tournaments, builds, and beta testing)

Clipboard01.gif.9d6ba27a7be03b73a450be0965263fd2.gif Influence Farming Guide (General guide to farming, with maps and builds)


Slightly disappointed in the "custom = no XP" bit, but understandable.


Definitely need to play with this. It may make a few things more attainable...


(Also, any chance of getting the PB/WS "wisp" look - light form, for instance, PB side - as a contact choice?)


Why cut off veteran XP from farm maps? Obviously this doesn't matter for people who already have maxed out farmers, but this makes it more miserable for people without a fully maxed out farmer already to get theirs online, as dedicated farmer Brute builds have a tendency to struggle in non-farm content, due to how specialized they are. The intent for this change would be appreciated - if, say, this isn't meant to target Incarnates and only to keep people from getting the badges from farm maps, there's ways to mitigate the collateral damage, such as adding Incarnate rewards to AE tickets.

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"Characters at Level 50 can no longer earn experience towards the Veteran Level rewards (Veteran Badges, Incarnate Threads, and Empyrean Merits) from Architect Entertainment content; this does not apply to Incarnate Slot Experience which can still be earned in AE."


Can anyone tell me why? Was this an issue?

... move level 50s away from AE to other content...? *phasing out* Wwwhhh....?

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  image.png.04ed478057818a73ab719505f04b29ea.png                    image.png.42c80ce1c325baca8986b52f21ef6e81.png


Despite my personal bias as being an avid farmer and loving the ability to take advantage of veteran-level XP from farming -


I will say this is probably good for the long-term overall. However, if this is taking place at the same time as the NPC damage type changes, AE farming is not going to be the same for those who really want to min-max. 


I understand you -CAN- still farm, but it's a nerf to farming overall.


I don't see why this felt like a thing that code hours had to be spent on. We can already level to 50 in the AE, so, what's the reasoning in preventing players from continuing to grind levels after 50? Forcing people to leave the AE at 50 to grind max incarnates to go back to farming?


I speak as someone who neither farms nor PLs, or even uses the AE at all.

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1 minute ago, Sovera said:

I don't see why this felt like a thing that code hours had to be spent on. We can already level to 50 in the AE, so, what's the reasoning in preventing players from continuing to grind levels after 50? Forcing people to leave the AE at 50 to grind max incarnates to go back to farming?

It's a bit annoying because as usual, it feels intended to curb farmers, but does even more to reduce incentives to people who'd otherwise use AE in its "intended" fashion.

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8 minutes ago, Sovera said:

I don't see why this felt like a thing that code hours had to be spent on. We can already level to 50 in the AE, so, what's the reasoning in preventing players from continuing to grind levels after 50? Forcing people to leave the AE at 50 to grind max incarnates to go back to farming?


I speak as someone who neither farms nor PLs, or even uses the AE at all.

If I had to guess, to encourage diversity of content at max level.  So everyone isn't doing the same content over and over.  There will always be a "best content" for whatever your goal is.  But if one thing, AE farms, are the best at EVERYTHING then that's all people do and it kinda makes everything else redundant.  Makes the game world feel small

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1 hour ago, The Curator said:

Characters at Level 50 can no longer earn experience towards the Veteran Level rewards (Veteran Badges, Incarnate Threads, and Empyrean Merits) from Architect Entertainment content; this does not apply to Incarnate Slot Experience which can still be earned in AE


I'm worried about this. Right now, the way I approach alts is I get them 5-10 vet levels in AE (I do this solo with a second account) and run some Heather Townsend for Incarnate salvage. I can usually get most slots to tier 3 this way without losing my mind. Being able to advance through the Incarnate system solo is something I appreciate a *lot*. This change won't get me into group content, I'll just farm more Heather Townsend. Which honestly I am already so sick of. 😭


Please consider allowing vet exp in AE for vet levels 0-15 or something at the very least.

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@Lev N



Posted (edited)
48 minutes ago, Harakh said:

"Characters at Level 50 can no longer earn experience towards the Veteran Level rewards (Veteran Badges, Incarnate Threads, and Empyrean Merits) from Architect Entertainment content; this does not apply to Incarnate Slot Experience which can still be earned in AE."


Can anyone tell me why? Was this an issue?

... move level 50s away from AE to other content...? *phasing out* Wwwhhh....?


AE content as it was could effectively replace everything else in the game. Level 1 through 50? Fully Incarnate out your character? Grind for inf/IO drops/salvage to market? You could do it all in AE, never leaving from 1 to 50, getting more drops at faster rates than any other content in the game, on top of fully kitting out your character with end game stuff without ever actually playing the end game content.


Something had to give. Having to actually play the end game content to enhance end game powers - or anything other than AE, since everything else still gives vet XP - is a pretty tame compromise.

Edited by El D
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Global is @El D, Everlasting Player, Recovering Altaholic.

40 minutes ago, Lazarillo said:

It's a bit annoying because as usual, it feels intended to curb farmers, but does even more to reduce incentives to people who'd otherwise use AE in its "intended" fashion.

yeah, my feelings exactly! as someone who makes lil arcs in ae for rp stuff, having this in is just kinda... punishing? for a game with new content being so slow to add, discouraging people from using the source of infinite possible new content without boosting non-ae content or something feels... harsh

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But instead of using end game content to get end game powers, instead people will just... not. And they'll be harder to encourage to get -into- end game. Even now with the farms it can be a pain and a half to convince people who have never done iTrials to give them a shot because they feel like they can't contribute. Sometimes taking them into a farm to get them a few Empyrian Merits and showing them how to build an incarnate can push them to do more.


I'm just wondering who gaining levels in farms hurt? I mean I know some people get incredibly upset others enjoy the game differently than them, but why force a playstyle down someones throat?

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2 hours ago, The Curator said:

Any custom enemies that are using advanced power customization will give no rewards. This restriction was required in order to prevent farms from being created using only enemies with broken attack chains.

just noticed this, this sucks man, i was at first so excited to give my enemies all sorts of cool combos to make them tougher and more interesting! and now... well if i do that like... nobody gets any reward for them... so it's a lot of work for no reason to really do it unless the story demands it but then just write a story that doesn't so players are rewarded for playing it--- as much as they will be with no vet xp from it


are y'all really that afraid of farming?

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3 hours ago, America's Angel said:


(See below)

Test it out for yourself on Brainstorm and see!

For Active farming use map #23785


For AFK farming use map #23786

For updated builds, see the mids files attached to this post.

(Sorry to the mods for cross-posting this message in the three relevant threads. I just wanted to mention fire farming is still 100% possible with this update before a bazillion people jump to the the wrong conclusion. If anything, fire farming has actually been buffed, because enemy patrols won't wander off anymore...:classic_ninja:)

page 4 active farmer.mxd 5.58 kB · 1 download page 4 afk farmer.mxd 5.7 kB · 1 download

I appreciate you for the Fight Club Angel and like you but that doesn't change the fact of who's going to want to? yes, we CAN but with no vet levels you feel like you're stuck at 50. On top of that the changes to damage type and the no custom xp? So now we have to all fix our characters just to farm people who in turn get something and we don't? I met my GF through farming and built a community around it and now they tell me "We don't want you anymore" it's a spit in the face.  I get you want people to do Itrials so do I but how about incentives instead of nerfs?



2 hours ago, El D said:


AE content as it was could effectively replace everything else in the game. Level 1 through 50? Fully Incarnate out your character? Grind for inf/IO drops/salvage to market? You could do it all in AE, never leaving from 1 to 50, getting more drops at faster rates than any other content in the game, on top of fully kitting out your character with end game stuff without ever actually playing the end game content.


Something had to give. Having to actually play the end game content to enhance end game powers - or anything other than AE, since everything else still gives vet XP - is a pretty tame compromise.

or add a reason to do the other stuff? why does it always have to be nerfs here?


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Posted (edited)
52 minutes ago, SaintOfSalt said:


or add a reason to do the other stuff? why does it always have to be nerfs here?



The end game powers are the incentive (along with the badges and story content). AE was never meant to be, and should not be, a replacement for playing everything else in the rest of the game.


Even with this change it's still the best farming option in all of CoH, still the fastest way to get from 1 to 50, and still unlocks Incarnate slots. Requiring that players actually do end game content to earn end game rewards - or do literally anything else the game has to offer via earning vet levels - is as tame a nerf as could be given.

Edited by El D
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Global is @El D, Everlasting Player, Recovering Altaholic.


I am concerned for the power deferential disabling vet level xp gain in AE will cause between new and long term players. Anyone who is already established is largely unaffected by this change. Someone who is just starting out is going to, for example, have a lot harder time getting their fire farmer vet levels and incarnate abilities. 


If I could recommend a change to this while still keeping the spirit of the change, it would be to cap vet xp gain at  level 10 in AE content. This should be more than plenty boost to new players obtaining their first important incarnates. 90 Emperyean Merits and 480 Incarnate threads should be enough to bring each ability to t3 and still have plenty to earn from level 50 content, a good start/introduction. 

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<Witch> of Everlasting

<Mythical Creature> of Excelsior
Global Name: @Mythical Creature
"Monsters are real and they look like people." - Unknown

Posted (edited)

The AE should not be the end all be all source of all resources in the game. Prior to Page 4, it was.

Edited by Shadeknight
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alright buddy, it's time to shit yourself
casts earthquake, activates dispersion bubble

6 minutes ago, Shadeknight said:

Prior to Page 4, it was.

Only for farmers.

There's never been much real incentive to step into it for non-farm players.  This change will give it even less.

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Farmers and those along for the ride in some sense.

Personally, I'd rather see the AE used for actual missions and I wish more nuclear options had been chosen - but that is not a decision I get to make, thankfully.

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alright buddy, it's time to shit yourself
casts earthquake, activates dispersion bubble

14 minutes ago, Lazarillo said:

Only for farmers.

There's never been much real incentive to step into it for non-farm players.  This change will give it even less.


Between the AE changes, the new incarnate content, and the new rewards, the devs are making a concerted effort to get players into actual in-game endgame content.   If you want to see fresh new blood in this game, this is one good way to get it.

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 Everlasting's Actionette and Street Ninja

Also Wolfhound, Starwave, Blue Gale, Relativity Rabbit, and many more!

23 minutes ago, Lazarillo said:

Only for farmers.

There's never been much real incentive to step into it for non-farm players.  This change will give it even less.


Worth mentioning the Dev Choice arcs give full rewards

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Bring back Hazard Zones

Posted (edited)

I'll try and keep my ire simple. 


Let me play the way I want to play. Let me level the way I want to level. Removing it is NOT going to make me play more.. Its going to make me play far less. Im not 30ish anymore with lots of time on my hand.. im 50ish with a family and kids.. I like being able to login in. farm for a little bit.. get some levels and go to bed.. 

This seems like a "Blast from Statesman's Past" i'm going to make you play the game the way I THINK you should play the game.. and many of us remember how that went. 



Edited by Heatstroke
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43 minutes ago, Heatstroke said:

I'll my ire simple. 


Let me play the way I want to play. Let me level the way I want to level. Removing it is NOT going to make me play more.. Its going to make me play far less. Im not 30ish anymore with lots of time on my hand.. im 50ish with a family and kids.. I like being able to login in. farm for a little bit.. get some levels and go to bed.. 

This seems like a "Blast from Statesman's Past" i'm going to make you play the game the way I THINK you should play the game.. and many of us remember how that went. 



This dude has it.

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