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I remember when...

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Share your favorite (and least favorite) memories of the way CoH used to be.


I remember when...


...everyone frantically tried to obtain as many Accolades as possible as early as possible, because if you exemplared below the level you got the Accolade you lost access to its power.


...people frantically buttonholed everyone they met trying to see if someone had one of those darned badge missions that they somehow missed out on at a lower level.


...it used to be possible to herd the half a map worth of Warwolves into a dumpster at one time.


...the Positron TF was this ungodly slog that nobody ever wanted to do, and Synapse wasn't much better. (Synapse still isn't that much better...)


What do you remember?

If you liked what I had to say, please check out my City of Heroes guides!

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Speaking of Perez, that was THE place to be for new people and pugs...it looked the way Atlas does now.


There was NO tram in the north of Steel. You had to run and dodge baddies (if you were below 14) to get to Icon for a costume change.

y0Y5yFQ.png Forever grateful to be back in my city!
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I remember when Temp Invul wasn’t a toggle, Rooted actually rooted you and sewer runs didn’t mean “LFT DFB!”.  Bonus points for the “turd man” look of Stone Armor.

Sky-Hawke: Rad/WP Brute

Alts galore. So...soooo many alts.

Originally Pinnacle Server, then Indomitable and now Excelsior

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You had to run and dodge baddies (if you were below 14) to get to Icon for a costume change.
King’s Row exit to IP, straight run to Icon and about half the distance. 

If you do not face plant at least once a day; Go reset your Notoriety.

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I remember Dark/Dark being horribly gimped with a truly terrible pet. Then it was improved every issue until it was nerfed drastically. I remember having three fluffies out before ED. I remember being rejected by team after team because I wasn't a healer. Then I joined Repeat Offenders and experienced the joy of an all kin team. And finding friends who thought having a fruit salad team of defenders was the best.


And now my defenders languish and I'm mostly playing Brutes. :D

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I remember Radiation Blasts -Def being very helpful for my Kinetics to connect.


I remember when they released capes as an option... that you had to earn.


I remember when the trams weren't united.  You had to go to a place with both Tram's access in order to go from one to the other.


I don't remember all the characters I never developed a strong backstory for.

Are you a Wolf, a Sheep, or a Hound?

They called me crazy? They called me insane? THEY CALLED ME LOONEY!! and boy, were they right.
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I remember when nobody had a handle on how to play Stalkers, so you ended up with people performing Assassin's Strikes, running away from the mob and waiting until they were re-hidden, then coming back and ASing again before repeating the process.  Either that or performing an AS as an alpha before the Brute took aggro or the Dominator laid down control.


Also, when the hold powers in Control sets had cooldowns short enough that you could easily use them on every mob.


...and when Dimension Shift was just a phase shift on a mob that put them in time out for a bit and confused the team because nobody could hit them.


...and travel powers at 14.

As a Scrapper main I eat a steady diet of crayons and glue to keep my wits sharp and my reflexes honed.

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I remember when people actually tried to justify that a "Heal Arrow" made sense and that Defenders needed it.


I remember when Paragon's spaghetti code resulted in crazy things like ragdoll physics turning into a carnival of horror, or drones exploding non-stop for half a minute, or Rikti bombs running away.

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I remember when people actually tried to justify that a "Heal Arrow" made sense and that Defenders needed it.


God help me I got into a few of those arguments. I think my favorite justification that was still ridiculous was using a shard of a CoT healing crystal as an arrowhead.


I remember being told as a D3 defender that the team needed a healer, and that Dark Miasma didn't count because the heal could miss. Also, making the mobs do less damage when they hit and hit less often, and take more damage, and reducing their regeneration rate was no good in comparison to healing.

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I remember my Bubbler being asked to heal....




To be fair, i still get this. I got it the other night on my Cold Domination defender.


"Hey, do you heal?"



*Everyone standing by the mission door gets a big yellow exclamation point above their head, turns your direction and makes that MGS alert sound effect*

Later on the Pure Emp whines that she's bored cuz no one is dying <.<




-Or further back, when I was playing a *Time Defender*


"You have a heal, but we need another Defender with more heals.. and less attacks.. Let me see who else I can invite"





Strangely enough both teams ended up pretty decent xD


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Toggles were by and large mutually exclusive, you had to chose what shield you were going to use based on the enemy and whether you were going to have mez protection on or a defense.


Unyielding was called Unyielding stance and rooted you to the ground and "teletanking" was considered an exploit.


Original "poo man" granite armour.


The Steel Canyon Street Sweeper /devices teams.


Some mobs lacking ranged attacks so you could just hover and caltrop them to death.


Large accuracy debuffs to stop people doing drive bys before travel suppression.


Radfenders wrecking hamis & mitos with 6 slotted centriol snipe which enabled them to lol outside hamis attack range.


Having to get off at every stop on the line and back on to get where you were going.


When mutiple stations in a zone was for separate lines.


Crossing Perez Park with Hover.

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City of Heroes and City of Villains sold and marketed as two separate games...


I brought my peacebringer along to the first crossover mission (Valentine's Day, maybe?) and transformed into my bright dwarf in the middle of combat. A few seconds later, I got a whisper from a villain saying "How did you do that?"

Doctor Fortune  Soulwright Mother Blight Brightwarden Storm Lantern King Solar Corona Borealis
Blood Fortunado Dark/Dark Corruptor Rad/Rad Brute Gravity/Time Controller Storm/Water Defender Peacebringer Dark/Dark Tanker
The Good Missions Guide: A Heroic Levelling Journey through Story Arcs Blueside Guide Easy IO Cheat Sheet 
The Mean Missions Guide: A Villainous Levelling Journey through Story Arcs Redside Guide Fortunatas are the Bestunatas
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I remember my Bubbler being asked to heal....



"You have a heal, but we need another Defender with more heals.. and less attacks.. Let me see who else I can invite"


This is priceless :-D


Oh. I also recall my dark armor scrapper's shields being mutually exclusive way back when near launch....??

@Force Redux on Everlasting

----- (read my guide) -----

Gather the Shadows: A Dark Miasma Primer for Masterminds

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I remember a team of RAD defenders, and controllers with my SG mates being a total wrecking machine, powering through everything we did.  Was it boring being so powerful?  No, not at all.  Because without any kind of Tank, or melee to take alpha strikes, or keep aggro if something went wrong, this team of squishies always ran the risk of team wipes if we didn't all follow the plan, and work together.  That was the fun of it.  Now, we are making plans to bring them back for another round, as soon as we can find some of our old friends, and get the band back together...so to speak.

What was no more, is REBORN!

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Someone mentioned this in another thread, but I'll repeat it here: Taxibots.


Also my first Position TF... Was a total disaster, deaths abounding, people lost... Huffing around at slow speed. And it was looooooong. But still fun. Kind of.


Also the moment I earned Hover in King's Row at level 6, and it seemed to take forever. But now I could search for clockwork easily on rooftops.... And the skies were mine!

@Force Redux on Everlasting

----- (read my guide) -----

Gather the Shadows: A Dark Miasma Primer for Masterminds

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I remember:

  • The magic of the Character Creator the first time I used it
  • Flying and Teleporting
  • Whole team lying on cave floor doing team chat after being crushed in a Hollows mission and learning how to work together (Who knew that just rushing in together wasn't a good strategy)
  • Scrappering an Elite Boss solo, and then an A/V solo
  • How to dodge CoT, Trolls, Igneous and giant crevices in the Hollows
  • Getting a Cape for the 1st Time
  • Old Positron TF taking 2 days to complete (OK everyone, I'll log back on tomorrow at 7 pm PST, and then you all log on afterwards and I'll reinvite you to the TF and we can spend another 4 hours to complete, because the first 6 wasn't enough (Who knew that just rushing in wasn't a good strategy?))
  • "Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls, on the Forums...."Tsoo Stink" from CuppaJo.

"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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Don't forget the bad things from back when too...


Teleporters of doom. Join what you think is a team running missions for the xp boost, only to end up getting teleported to the top of the tallest building in area. Okay, not the top but just off the top, so you could fall to your doom. Or into a mob in Perez Park...


Teleportation bungie jumping. Jump off the building and hope your teammate can port you back before you splat. (Not bad, fun!)


Ninja Invites! Always seemed to happen right as you jumped into a mob in PP. Just punched the first Skull and IT would appear... XX has invited you to a team. Click "NO" and hit the next Skull. XX has invited you to a team. Lather, rinse and repeat. Hopefully you survived...


Running the Badge Express in certain zones... Our SG would post porters at each of the badges and plaques. Then we'd invite a toon and port them to each one, trade them to a new team when they got to the end of each team line, and pick up the next new person. Sometimes the conversations they would see from our members would get priceless reactions.


The first time facing a Tsoo Ancestor Spirit. Thought we arrested it when it disappeared at half health. Were really surprised when it reappeared and wasted our Emp Defender.

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