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A thank you spotlight - Philotic Knight


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Thank you Philotic Knight. You have helped a lot of folks over the years and impacted many players game experience. I have your site bookmarked.


Philotic Knight

Just a Bubbler

Husband, Father, Problem Solver, Creator, Builder, Dreamer of Dreams, Full of Hope For the Future

Joined Homecoming April 24, 2019
2,527 posts


Credits might include:

  • COH Modder  (21 pages Link)
  • http://www.cityofplayers.com/
  • The Force Fielder's Bible  (Link)
  • An Open Letter To The Homecoming Team
  • CoH: Homecoming BBCoder
  • PK's Tools, PK's Dev Tracker, etc.
  • Jerk Hackers (Dupin Rares) (HC club with 55 members)
  • Paragonunleashed.com
  • and on & on (lots on their own dime)



My City of Heroes Story (by Philotic Knight April 2019, linked below)


I won’t go through my whole history, but I’ll sum up. I was a Navy brat that never had a real home, who was raised as a latchkey kid. My parents weren’t a father and mother (one I never knew, and the other was largely absent), but rather Mr. Rogers and Lady Aberlin. I learned what was right and wrong from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Sailor Moon, the Toxic Crusaders, and many, many others. From those “weird” shows, I learned that this “weird” kid wasn’t so weird, and indeed, could become something extraordinary. The amazing powers were cool, but the things that stuck with me (even though these weren’t traditional “superheroes”) were the concepts of compassion, justice, bushido, honor. I learned that the strong should care for the weak, that those with power to do good, MUST. I learned from my media morality messengers that people can still do great things in the world, even when they are “weird” or unacceptable to the masses. I learned that I was not alone.


Now, with that out of the way, how does this relate to City of Heroes? Well, through some miracle of life, I managed to get through college and graduated with a degree.


In Computer Information Systems.


Immediately after Y2K, when thousands of developers were laid off since their work was no longer necessary.


In a tri-college town where dozens of students were graduating each year with degrees in my same field.


I had also screwed myself by not specializing, instead taking a little bit of networking, a little bit of programming, a little bit of electronic engineering. I had made myself a “jack of all trades, master of none”, and had screwed myself to every job because there was always someone else that was more of an expert in that area than I was. So, I delivered pizzas and worked in the Geek Squad in a Best Buy (with a BACHELOR’S in CIS). It went this way for over a year with no hope in sight of jumping into the tech career that I wanted. A life with no meaning. I got depressed. I got bored and lonely, as I was no longer surrounded by fellow students that were forced to interact with me. I got dark and considered ending my failure of a life.


Then, like a ray of sunshine into the darkness, came City of Heroes. It was an escape. It was a purpose. It gave me the chance to be a HERO! To emulate (at least virtually), all those weirdo fictional heroes that I had looked up to when I was a kid. I took me away from my depressing life and gave me hope of better things to come. But it wasn’t just the game. This world was filled with an entire COMMUNITY of people who, just like me, were inspired by many of the same media stories that I was. They, too, learned the same lessons of right and wrong, justice and compassion, that I had learned from books, movies, and TV shows. And they weren’t afraid to live out those fantasies, those morality plays, in a digital world where they could be the heroes that they always wanted to be. I had found, not just an escape from the drudgery of a depressing life, but a HOME. A place where I could be myself and be the best me that I could be. The me that I couldn’t be in the real world.


The City of Heroes community, and especially forum, helped me navigate a rough real-life road. When I got prematurely married, divorced, moved away from everyone and everything that I knew, and started a new life hundreds of miles away from it all. When I got to my new physical home and discovered that I didn’t KNOW how to relate to people outside of preconceived roles and forced situations, the City of Heroes community was there for me, offering comfort and support. When I went to counseling to try to determine the cause of my “issues”, and was diagnosed with high functioning autism, the City of Heroes community was still there for me, showing me that what matters isn’t who you ARE, but who you choose to BE.


I’ve spent the better part of the last decade working through my issues, learning how to pass for “normal” amongst neurotypicals, but I always relied on the City of Heroes community as my crutch, my way to get through the rough times. Their support helped me to finally get my first job in the tech industry a decade after my graduation, find the love of my life who accepts me for who I am, and start my own family. And then, after all the community had given me, it then disappeared, evaporated into the wind. The community was taken from me, from us, unceremoniously. Thankfully, at the time, I had largely moved on into the “real world”, but a part of me always yearned for a return back to a world of heroes and villains, where I had a chance to be something greater than I am, and where there were old names and “faces” that I knew as friends. I got by my loss a bit with a small subset of the greater CoH Community, the Paragon Unleashed forums that I had started years ago, but it was a pale echo of the previous, vibrant, community. Good people there, by the way.


And then… this happened. Leandro’s “secret server” got revealed. But that was just the spark that re-ignited the fire. With his generous and brave release of the source code, the community seemingly came back from the dead, and with full force. I had my digital home back again. And, more importantly, I now have another chance to give back to the community, to the people, that had already given me so much.


So, here I am, force fields in one hand and lightning in the other, ready to step up and provide whatever I can, so that the other “weird” kids like I used to be, have a chance to find their own purpose, their own meaning, and their own home. It was taken from us once before. Never again. And that’s why whenever I see either a new, or old face, appear on these forums, my answer will always be the same: “Welcome Home”.


So, thank you. Thank you to the amazing and fantastic community of heroes that helped me through my young adult life and saved me time and time again from both myself and the harsh, cruel world. Thank you to the dozens of volunteers, the coders and GMs, community reps and good old regular forum posters that fill this reinvigorated community with a sense of life, a sense of hope, and a sense of purpose. To everyone here, I say thank you all. And, once again…


Welcome Home.


Their Story


An Open Letter To The Homecoming Team





Edited by Troo
I like to edit, edit
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"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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12 minutes ago, Troo said:

With his generous and brave release of the source code


That wouldn't have ever happened unless his hand was forced so it was neither generous or brave.


I go way back with PK. He's a damn fine frood and I can like him fine without agreeing with his perception of things.


I'll miss him as I miss Castle and Arcanaville and CuppaJo. As I'll miss CoH as I missed it for 6+ gorram farkin years.


Won't change my opinion of others.

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It's interesting to see his story regardless of any edits he'd make since that early 2019 post.

"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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Wait, did I miss something, has he passed away?

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Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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On 10/11/2022 at 1:23 AM, Clave Dark 5 said:

Wait, did I miss something, has he passed away?


When I saw changes to Force Fields in beta, Philotic Knight was the name that popped in my head first, thinking "I hope PK is participating in this".


His feedback to Force Field changes was dismissed and hidden quite disrespectfully.

[edit]: (Mostly due to the fact that reasons just aren't given for hiding posts (which is understandable and also frustrating), regardless of the detail or effort.

After the fact, some posts have been restored though not theirs)

They deserved better than that and a thank you from many who have benefited from PK's efforts.

They are not likely coming back.


His website was a great resource now appears as shown below. (I had it bookmarked)



note: I don't think it was the changes as much as the treatment he and others received.



PK's site had nice stuff collected in one spot


Edited by Troo
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"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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45 minutes ago, LastHumanSoldier said:

This all seems all so dramatic.
Remember: It's *all* a game and everyone loses in the end.


Don't take it so seriously.



That's sort of in the same vein as invalidating people's efforts, passions and interests that is at the heart of this thread. 

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7 minutes ago, Sanguinesun said:

That's sort of in the same vein as invalidating people's efforts, passions and interests that is at the heart of this thread. 

Except it's not, and none of what you said was written by the poster you quoted.

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I’m a high school teacher of 25 years. I know nobody ever listens to me.

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I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.

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10 hours ago, Troo said:

His feedback to Force Field changes was dismissed and hidden quite disrespectfully.


They are not likely coming back.

It's almost like some of us have been pointing this out for awhile, but since we're not part of the club, we're labeled conspiracy nutjobs and pushed aside.


At this point, I only log in when I feel like messing around in a world I used to spend most of my day in back in college when I wasn't working on art projects. It still holds some nostalgia and I like seeing my concepts in action. Designing characters is still fun. I'm forced to ignore the development process though, otherwise I just start hating it around here. Behind the curtain, it's no longer the game I remember, but at least the part of the game I'm allowed to participate in, that is, my character stage, remains my own. For now.

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exChampion and exInfinity player (Champion primarily).


Current resident of the Everlasting shard.

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9 hours ago, Troo said:

His feedback to Force Field changes was dismissed and hidden quite disrespectfully.


You omitted a critical detail, that the feedback thread was inundated by people saying "Y U NO MAKE FF MY WAY DEVS?!?!?!", which was the reason the thread was reined in, and PK's posts were purged because they were part of that derailment.  It had nothing to do with him, personally, he wasn't targeted, and it wasn't disrespectful, it was enforcement of the rules.  Rules apply to everyone, big name or first-time poster.  No favoritism or bias, not even for those of us who have been around "forever".

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Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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1 hour ago, ForeverLaxx said:

It's almost like some of us have been pointing this out for awhile, but since we're not part of the club, we're labeled conspiracy nutjobs and pushed aside.

Hyperbole much? Or exaggeration just to make your point? Why not use examples of this if you're confident it is occurring? Perhaps a direct quote from a thread where this has happened would make your point more succinctly. Better yet, share this behavior that you've found with a moderator who can then take appropriate action instead of slipping it in to a off hand remark.


You and I, and everyone else on the forums know that if there was naming calling like that it would be summarily removed and the purveyor of said content either warned or given a temporary ban.

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5 hours ago, Luminara said:


You omitted a critical detail, that the feedback thread was inundated by people saying "Y U NO MAKE FF MY WAY DEVS?!?!?!", which was the reason the thread was reined in, and PK's posts were purged because they were part of that derailment.  It had nothing to do with him, personally, he wasn't targeted, and it wasn't disrespectful, it was enforcement of the rules.  Rules apply to everyone, big name or first-time poster.  No favoritism or bias, not even for those of us who have been around "forever".


Yeah, I disagree with your assessment. (edit: I went back to check and we were barely the first page of comments so I'm not sure where you're getting 'inundated')

Regardless, thanks for stopping by to thank a fellow contributor..


Edited by Troo
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"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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PK, I might not know exactly what made you feel like you had to quit, but I'm sorry about whatever happened, and sorry to see you go. Your DeTexturizer program has been invaluable to me, and your contributions to the community were appreciated. You'll be missed.

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1 hour ago, Vanden said:

PK, I might not know exactly what made you feel like you had to quit, but I'm sorry about whatever happened, and sorry to see you go. Your DeTexturizer program has been invaluable to me, and your contributions to the community were appreciated. You'll be missed.

Indeed, I hope there is a path back from this, but if not, he will be missed.

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" When it's too tough for everyone else,

it's just right for me..."

( Unless it's Raining, or Cold, or Really Dirty

or there are Sappers, Man I hate those Guys...)

                                                      Marine X

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2 hours ago, America's Angel said:

He's not quit. He still logs into the forums every day:



Oh.  Well in that case, everything's fine!

Those of you who continue to profess a belief in the Users will receive the standard, substandard training which will result in your eventual elimination.
That will be all.

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6 hours ago, America's Angel said:

He's not quit. He still logs into the forums every day:



Mostly because people have been pinging me, and since I'm not a COMPLETE curmudgeon, I feel the need to read and respond. That will die down pretty quickly, I'm sure.


I just got this working today:



So, if I ever need a hit of that sweet CoH juice, I've got it now:



I **WILL** miss the community though. Thanks everyone.

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I'm out.
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23 minutes ago, _NOPE_ said:

Mostly because people have been pinging me, and since I'm not a COMPLETE curmudgeon, I feel the need to read and respond. That will die down pretty quickly, I'm sure.


I just got this working today:



So, if I ever need a hit of that sweet CoH juice, I've got it now:



I **WILL** miss the community though. Thanks everyone.


Field of Dreams...

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14 hours ago, Luminara said:

Rules apply to everyone, big name or first-time poster.  No favoritism or bias, not even for those of us who have been around "forever".


This isn't even close to being true.  I've been in heated debates where I admittedly got carried away and was put on time out, rightfully so.  Others who were posted things much worse were allowed to go right on posting.  They just so happened to be among the usual cheerleading squad, so no, rules aren't applied evenly or fairly all the time.  They should be, but they aren't.  These are their forums so of course they can do whatever they want, but claiming everyone is treated the same isn't true.

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1 hour ago, _NOPE_ said:

I just got this working today:



So, if I ever need a hit of that sweet CoH juice, I've got it now:


Thanks, PK, for all your work on our behalf.

I hope the reason for your retirement involves your real-life superheroing taking your attention!


That said, I hate to be that guy, but your link above doesn't work for me. (Win 10, tried with Firefox and Brave.)

Looks like a lot of redirection involved, could that be tripping me up?

If it's because I've intentionally disabled Edge, then never mind, that's on me!


(It's my practice to always disable every OS's default browser, because they usually -- with the best intentions -- give them powers beyond what a Web browser should have. Looking at you, too, Safari and Chrome!)



Edited by DoctorDitko
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Disclaimer: Not a medical doctor. Do not take medical advice from Doctor Ditko.

Also, not a physicist. Do not take advice on consensus reality from Doctor Ditko.

But games? He used to pay his bills with games. (He's recovering well, thanks for asking!)

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7 minutes ago, DoctorDitko said:


Thanks, PK, for all your work on our behalf.

I hope the reason for your retirement involves your real-life superheroing taking your attention!


That said, I hate to be that guy, but your link above doesn't work for me. (Win 10, tried with Firefox and Brave.)

Looks like a lot of redirection involved, could that be tripping me up?

If it's because I've intentionally disabled Edge, then never mind, that's on me!


(It's my practice to always disable every OS's default browser, because they usually -- with the best intentions -- give them powers beyond what a Web browser should have. Looking at you, too, Safari and Chrome!)





The link is just to the wiki for downloading an iteration of City of Heroes Issue 26 to play on your own. 

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Yes, and the wiki link doesn't download anything.

For paranoid ol' firewalling me.


But I can usually work around links not working by allowing scripts, disabling Ublock Origin, or trying a different browser.

No luck this time.

Edited by DoctorDitko
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Disclaimer: Not a medical doctor. Do not take medical advice from Doctor Ditko.

Also, not a physicist. Do not take advice on consensus reality from Doctor Ditko.

But games? He used to pay his bills with games. (He's recovering well, thanks for asking!)

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