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Complete Do Over


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Have you ever ran a character up to 50 found it does not meet you expectations i me it was doing ok and you just thought well it will get there when i hit 50. well it didn't now you are frustrated and put him on the shelf and either start all over with a new character or take a break from playing all together. this is were a complete do over could save your frustration at least some of it.


i would like to see a complete do over option this can be a 1 time thing account wide that every one gets or it can be tied to a chain of missions that when completed you get i like the 1 time account wide that way it is a very cautious thing to use but if it was tied to mission ark i guess you would  get a lot of people doing that ark. ok now what the complete do over is just a super respec it would get you the ability in your arch type to choose what primary and secondary pool you get all over so if you was a willpower/staff tanker at level 50 you would have to still be a tanker but you could now be a shield/electric at level 50 i would also make the requirement that lvl 50 is needed to use this (this way you at least gave it a try to get the character up in levels and enjoy it. 

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If you open the floodgate to this, restricting it to a "one time thing" wouldn't be enough - people would want more of them.  Reaching 50 is pretty trivial nowadays, and you can get a pretty good feeling about how a character will perform in their teens or 20s.  You get unlimited name changes, so you can even take that pre-existing character, change their name, then have the new one you create take their place...

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This is going to sound snarky, so apologies for that. We have a do over option. It is called rolling up a new character. Just e-mail your inf' to yourself, and anything else you want to keep if you lack a self-SG base to use for it, and make the character you want.

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I like your idea for doing a mission arc to unlock the one time character do over. My caveat is that the arc is 10,000 missions long and you only get the do over after finishing the final mission.


Realistically as others have said it's really trivial to level up a new character. You can make yourself a farmer on a separate account and be able to get a character from 1-50 in several hours these days.

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19 minutes ago, Rudra said:

This is going to sound snarky, so apologies for that. We have a do over option. It is called rolling up a new character. Just e-mail your inf' to yourself, and anything else you want to keep if you lack a self-SG base to use for it, and make the character you want.

influence is not the issue i have it coming out my ears and yes i have a sg base and all the storage is full of enhancements three of those are just purple sets


13 minutes ago, SeraphimKensai said:

Realistically as others have said it's really trivial to level up a new character. You can make yourself a farmer on a separate account and be able to get a character from 1-50 in several hours these days.

i do have a farmer and yes i can have a toon to 50 in about 3 hours i have 16 level 50's on my account and 10 of them i have ran 1 to 50 just on missions some of them ya i should have started over after lvl 25 but i was hoping they would improve and get more enjoyable after i hit 50 


i was thinking it would add some nice thing that people could keep in there back pockets for that 1 chance to not have to reroll the character and as far as people wanting more they all ready do want more of everything this would just be a bone. 


i love this game played live from day 1 till it shut down nothing is going to discourage me from playing but it would be a nice little thing to do at least once. 

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3 minutes ago, hakurr said:

i love this game played live from day 1 till it shut down nothing is going to discourage me from playing but it would be a nice little thing to do at least once. 

Nothing is stopping you from roleplaying it with a new character.  Heck, you could create an AE arc about it if you wanted.

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If it were possible to entire respec a character (it might not be possible) I would not be entirely opposed to being able to reset that character to level 1, allowing a person to change power sets, but keep all the badges and souvenirs and progress with contacts.


It would allow you to roleplay "Oh, well, I was Super Strength/Invulnerability until I got to Croatoa and I got a Magical Iron Sword, so I started training with that" without having all the contacts you'd already worked with on that character forget you've done those missions.


I think it'd be a more satisfying way to go through all the content in the game than level-locking. You could go from 1-20 four times to hit all the Praetoria content, come over blue side, hit 50, go redside, run through the content and just keep switching sides and resetting as necessary.

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You can already do that, sans filler missions, with Ouroboros. You can also do that by turning off xp and hitting up all the contacts on one side, then talking to Null, and hitting up all the contacts on the other side. Null doesn't care what level you are to change alignment. Adding in Praetoria into that mix requires doing its content as flashbacks, or doing the pre-level 20 red and blue arcs through Ouroboros, but it is still already doable. The only thing I really see the OP doing is giving a player the ability to make an easy to level character, get to 50, and then respec into something else entirely. Especially since the author has already admittd that (s)he can get a brand new character to 50 in only a few hours and has more than ample inf' and IO sets already on hand for that new character.

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1 minute ago, Rudra said:

You can already do that, sans filler missions, with Ouroboros.

You can hit all the missions, yes, but you can't change power sets. It's like you neglected to read part of my post. If my character decides to grab a new weapon or some new armour, all of the contacts forget who I am. It's a tiny thing that I've worked around on different characters, but I could see the value of ability to "learn new powers from the ground up." It has viability to improve the story of a character. If it wasn't too much effort to do, it would mean having to do less "I am choosing to ignore this part of the game to have what my character is doing make more sense"

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No, I didn't neglect it. I addressed it in that post. Though apparently not adequately enough. My take is that if you get a character to level 50, and you don't like the character and want it to be something else, just make that something else. Players are commenting regularly here in the forums about how quickly they can crank out a level 50 character from scratch. If the idea is that you have a super strong invulnerable character that picked up a magic sword from somewhere and decided to start training with it? Then you still have a super strong invulnerable character. That character just also happens to have a magic sword to use now too. My answer to that would be to ask for a new ancillary power pool that uses swords instead. Because the super strong invulnerable character doesn't forget (s)he is super strong just because (s)he is now using a sword as well or forget how to throw a super strong punch. And if the super strong invulnerable character undergoes some sort of change that makes him/her forget that (s)he is super strong and how to throw a punch, odds are that character is also going to forget the people (s)he already helped. Though they may not forget him/her, but given how the character is interacting with them as a new person they met, would likely just shrug it off and treat the character as someone new that just happens to look like someone they previously worked with.

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1 hour ago, Rudra said:

My answer to that would be to ask for a new ancillary power pool that uses swords instead. Because the super strong invulnerable character doesn't forget (s)he is super strong just because (s)he is now using a sword as well or forget how to throw a super strong punch.

That's fair. A power pool would make more sense. (though a Battle Axe character who lost her axe would have a reason to no longer use an axe)


Yeah, more power pools offer more story opportunities than a fresh start.

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Unless we've heard differently recently, it's not possible to do.


Archetype, Origin, Primary and Secondary are baked in at character creation. (I've generally suspected this being in part to how the game originally was, where we had vastly different "origins" and they had a direct effect on what you could do, how many powers you could take, etc. - the design that was dropped... oh, pre-beta, i believe. But that's a guess on my part.)


Plus, of course, with 1000 slots - versus the 8, then 12 (if you bought both COH and COV,) then later 36, you had to pay for live one way or another - rerolling is easy, which makes arguing for breaking into whatever the lock is for those to do a "total respec" a harder sell.


I'm not *sure* how viable a ... let's call it "reputation transfer" would be, or if it's even technically possible. Transferring history as far as contacts and "completed" arcs, exploration, etc. over - especially given that some give accolades or other benefits. Obviously this wouldn't be IOs (different powers, possibly a different AT,) and likely not INF (easy enough to transfer on your own) transferring over. I know it's something I wouldn't have minded when new sets came out (or were proliferated) that fit a character better, especially when getting to 50 was much harder. If it *is* possible, it'd probably be the most accessible way for this type of "reroll" - you're still rerolling your character and using another slot, but (say) if it's your main badger, you're not starting over or having to decide between a character you're not as fond of any more but who has 1000 badges and the new one you love that just has 12.


(It'd also probably be something you'd have to ask a GM to do, versus a slash command, arc or contact.)

Done with the Kheld "community" here. Since they obviously don't care about anything lore wise and crap on people who do.  Kheld backstory guide might be uploaded in a non-Homecoming location when I finish the revision. No, it may not be put on the HC wiki, and what was there of my first one has been removed. Please do not reupload. I'm not giving the people here the benefit of the work just to be crapped on and told "lol, lore for a lore based AT, doesn't matter, f you."


(Note, this refers to the playerbase, not the devs.)

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34 minutes ago, Major_Decoy said:

That's fair. A power pool would make more sense. (though a Battle Axe character who lost her axe would have a reason to no longer use an axe)


Yeah, more power pools offer more story opportunities than a fresh start.

One thing I had thought of asking for that would fit your example of a super strong invulnerable character taking up and using the sword just would not be possible with the game engine. I had wanted to ask for the ability to basically make 2 characters, each of which would still need to be leveled up on their own, but would share a character name and could be swapped between mid-game as if changing a build. I have a MM character that also has a Brute build, and being able to swap between them, turning off any appropriate powers and unsummoning any pets as needed, would be ideal for that character. It would also work very well for your given example. However, I'm pretty sure that falls somewhere between absolutely impossible and stop taking whatever drugs you are on levels of difficulty given how the game works.

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7 minutes ago, Ghost said:

How does someone play a toon all the way to 50 before deciding they don’t like it?


Usually I know by the time I’ve completed my first Posi TF - so around lvl18


Well, with full builds, sometimes you'll notice something that you hadn't noticed with leveling builds. I had a Time/ Beam Rifle defender. Fun to play, but I got to level 50 and full incarnate unlocks before I decided I hated the way I was constantly drawing and putting away my beam rifle. Mechanically it didn't make a difference, but aesthetically I did not care for it. I re-rolled as Time/Ice.

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14 hours ago, hakurr said:

i would like to see a complete do over option


what is this "complete do over"?

How is this different than making a new character?

If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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6 minutes ago, UltraAlt said:

what is this "complete do over"?

How is this different than making a new character?

And how is this not "I want to be able to level a character with powersets that make it easy for me to get them to 50, then 'super respec' into powersets that don't develop until late in the game, so I don't have to play through the hard part of leveling them"?

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20 hours ago, Ghost said:

How does someone play a toon all the way to 50 before deciding they don’t like it?




On 3/17/2023 at 8:43 PM, hakurr said:

i do have a farmer and yes i can have a toon to 50 in about 3 hours


Lots can happen in three hours.

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Who run Bartertown?


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Not if you take your new character and door sit while your farmer power levels you to 50. Then you'll have no idea if you like the character until after you get to 50. That's what I hold as the main consideration. If you play the character and you slog and you slog and you slog, you're probably not going to like the character even if you get all the way to 50. So delete it and start a new one. If you PL to 50, and then find you don't like the character, it didn't take you much time to get there, just delete it and make a new one.

Edited by Rudra
Edited for spelling and clarity.
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23 hours ago, srmalloy said:

And how is this not "I want to be able to level a character with powersets that make it easy for me to get them to 50, then 'super respec' into powersets that don't develop until late in the game, so I don't have to play through the hard part of leveling them"?


Well, I was trying to get a reply from the OP @hakurr, but maybe you are them on a different account.


But I see where you are going, so thumbs down on that.

If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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This is why I follow this procedure:

  • Build in Mids
  • Create test character on Brainstorm
  • Auto level and finish the build there
  • Go to DA Moth Cemetery and beat up the big Banished Pantheon bosses. 
  • Tweak build as needed.
  • Add accolades
  • Test more
  • Add incarnates

By then I know if I'm going to enjoy the final build. If I need to, I'll also run ouro missions to try out the teens, 20s, 30s etc. 


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