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Officially Unofficial Weekly Discussion #31: Curses (a discussion of debuffs)

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Following last week's conversation on buffs, this week we look at debuffs.


Feel free to discuss, compare, and contrast any debuffs in the game. Do you have a preferred debuff centric set you enjoy? Is there one that you don't like? What do you find enjoyable about playing a debuffer? Is there anything that holds you back from playing as a debuff? Do you have any interesting thoughts for a new debuff based powerset? Do you find debuffs to be in a good place now or do they need tuning?


As always thanks for playing.

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I never play in debuff. But if others are into naked COH, well, I don't have to see them...


Buffs and debuffs are usually... almost overpowered in COH, given what they can do to a player or team. And we've known this since live. It's part of what makes teaming in it fun - to get that level, there's a degree of cooperation needed. (See... almost any old Repeat Offenders team. Green Machine turning Emp/* defenders into "Regen blasters," for instance.)


As far as sets... so many of the sets are "hybrid," not purely buff or debuff,  so it's a question of where they fall on that scale. Empathy's purely "buff," Pain dom's mostly-buff-some-debuff and so forth. I play several pain dom characters, for instance (Rez Dispenser waves hello from the War Zone) but I don't know that I'd call them "debuffers," even if they do use their debuffs. And that leads into what I enjoy (or not,) which I find *really* depends on what I'm pairing them with, if I'm teamed or not, what AT I'm on. Some really call for dual builds (solo/team,) some are fine as is however you're playing.


I think my main gripe is how long it takes to cast and animate some of the debuffs. Buffs tend to be fine, debuffs vary on if they take a bit or not. Kin is (properly) fast, either way - you're not waiting for Siphon Speed to finish a three second animation, it's *boom*done. Rad frequently seems to be "Ok, I'll debuff that one's oh wait they're dead" on anything short of EBs if you're teaming. Given Kinetics can seriously debuff an enemy's regen/end/recovery - *while buffing allies nearby* - I'm not sure Rad debuffs really need to stay *that* long. (And I still say Clarity comes too late to be really useful as is, no matter what it's on, but at least it doesn't need extra slots if you take it.) Otherwise... yeah, they're fun, and in a reasonable place, I think.

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I love, love, love the dark power set (dark miasma and affinity both, but I prefer miasma to affinity). -ToHit debuffs are certainly resisted by higher level mobs, more so by AVs. But with Dark Servant, the debuffs just pile up to ridiculous levels. Two sources of -regen, one of which is tied to the best rez in the game which also happens to stun and can be made into a ghetto proc bomb. The set also provides a source (2 really) of -damage and -resistance.


All together, there is so much layering going. Feels safe with -ToHit, soft control in fear and slow, and helpful to any team while debuffing. Dark Miasma almost feels like a control set.

While Affinity is also quite amazing, it leans more into buff side at the expense of some of those debuffs/controls. But Soul Absorption for Petrifying Gaze? Affinity wins there. PG only holds - one of the only powers in Miasma that merely does one thing. Both sets get Black Hole, the only good thing that can be said about this is the free power slot it provides since there’s almost never a reason to take it.

What I mostly enjoy is the feel of being in complete control of a situation. Other debuff sets are perfectly fine. But this is the one resonates most strongly with me. 

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The Splintered Soul Project: (Nyght****) 21 and counting (18 max). 


DSorrow: “Give a man a build export and you feed him for a day, teach him to build and he's fed for a lifetime.

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1 hour ago, SeraphimKensai said:

Do you have a preferred debuff centric set you enjoy?


No. I like alot of them.


1 hour ago, SeraphimKensai said:

Is there one that you don't like?


Not really.


1 hour ago, SeraphimKensai said:

What do you find enjoyable about playing a debuffer?


It makes defeating the enemy easier for the entire team.


1 hour ago, SeraphimKensai said:

Is there anything that holds you back from playing as a debuff?


playing a character that doesn't have a debuff, but if they don't have a debuff, they probably have some kind of mez.


1 hour ago, SeraphimKensai said:

Do you have any interesting thoughts for a new debuff based powerset?


Too tired to think of one now. Maybe edit later....


1 hour ago, SeraphimKensai said:

Do you find debuffs to be in a good place now or do they need tuning?


All good for me.



On another level with this, I often add debuff procs to AoE powers.

Annihilation - chance for -resist

Achilles' Heel - chance for -resist

Pacing of the Turtle - chance for recharge slow

Dark Watcher's Despair - chance for recharge slow  

If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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4 hours ago, SeraphimKensai said:

Do you have a preferred debuff centric set you enjoy?

Trick Arrow or Dark Miasma. They have a lot going on which means you can apply some type of very relevant debuff regardless of scenario. -ToHit in lowbie content is amazing, -regen and -RES are always stellar.



4 hours ago, SeraphimKensai said:

What do you find enjoyable about playing a debuffer?

I like debuffing because of how helpful it is. Same as buffs. I make the team win faster or lose slower. I never know what I'm going to get in a PUG so knowing I can make EB/AV/GMs a lot squishier (and cover up how squishy some of us may be) feels like a good "role" to play. 

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I play a controller a lot and some defenders.  I almost never pick a debuff set.  I pick dark for its control + debuff.  And I am happy that ice has debuff.  But I rarely use debuff as its effects are so much less of a protection than control and often take longer to apply.


So my favorite debuff set is sonic blast on a defender.

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I play a lot of debuffers. My favorites are Poison, Dark Miasma and Trick Arrow for pure debuff sets and Nature, Time and Kinetics for hybrid sets. For the most part debuff sets are in a good place, but a few powers could use a look. Black Hole needs to get the Dimension Shift treatment. Time Bomb needs to be completely reworked. 

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I have been enjoying To Hit Debuff far to much lately with the addition of the Storm Blast set.


My absolute favorite Debuff set has to be Trick Arrow:

Flash Arrow is an amazing To-Hit Debuff - your first shot every combat, especially before it begins because it does not notify the target

Acid Arrow (while being a great proc delivery device/make shift AoE attack) also lowers defense and resistance to debuffs

Disruption Arrow is great for -Res (the -Max Endurance really isn't that helpful, but that is true of all minus End except for the rare sapper builds)


That is just the highlights, Entangling Arrow also gives -Res, Ice Arrow (beyond being a decent hold with a good proc rate) -Damage, Poison Gas Arrow is a decent one slot wonder for -Damage.


Trick Arrow is one of the sets that it is very hard to skip a power.

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Recently made a poison defender to try out the set (and I had a name+concept in mind). It's pretty powerful with very strong debuffing potential, meh healing, and an amazing rez. I don't much, however, care for the tier 9 since it's pretty much asking to die. Sure on normal content, it works all well and good, but once you hit hard stuff, having to keep a defender in melee range without the ability to heal yourself like a kin is damned close to suicide. Given my druthers, I'd make it so the debuff could be anchored on a teammate like disruption field from sonic resonance. Sure this would further penalize the ability of a poison to solo, but given no self heal, I think they are already pretty limited, and this would greatly increase their survivability on teams doing challenging content. 


Also the fact that 2 powers are wasted (IMO) on holds on this set is not a great design. Sure, I imagine that synergizes well on a controller to lock things down (or even with ice blast), I prefer to keep to buffs and debuffs. I find a force multiplier is usually more valuable than a control. 


I doubt these will be popular suggestions. 


I've already commented on sonic in another thread, though it's a hybrid as one might say. I have yet to make a trick arrow, though I suppose I'll get to it. I've played dark plenty in the past and it is a solid set, though again, I could do without the hold. 

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22 hours ago, drbuzzard said:

I find a force multiplier is usually more valuable than a control. 

I love Defenders, but try a Controller. Containment is a considerable force multiplier (1.8x, IIRC).


(Edited to add: Pro tip, grab the Sorcery Pool. As a controller, you can sometimes get the benefit of Containment and Empowerment with Arcane Bolt. It's a joy to behold when it all lines up!)


(Insert Tony Shaloub: It's the simple things in life you treasure.)


Edited by DoctorDitko

Disclaimer: Not a medical doctor. Do not take medical advice from Doctor Ditko.

Also, not a physicist. Do not take advice on consensus reality from Doctor Ditko.

But games? He used to pay his bills with games. (He's recovering well, thanks for asking!)

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11 hours ago, drbuzzard said:

I don't much, however, care for the tier 9 since it's pretty much asking to die. Sure on normal content, it works all well and good, but once you hit hard stuff, having to keep a defender in melee range without the ability to heal yourself like a kin is damned close to suicide.

I've got a vet lvl 30 Poison/Sonic defender (and a vet lvl 74 Illusion/Poison controller). It solos quite well. You need to embrace playing in melee and make sure all your foes join you there. The -tohit in Venomous Gas stacked with that in Weaken and a defense armor make you virtually untouchable. Plus you're rocking huge amounts of -dmg and have Poison Trap. The risk to you is foes that stay at range outside of the debuff, particularly those that mezz.

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On 6/8/2023 at 9:54 AM, Greycat said:

I never play in debuff. But if others are into naked COH, well, I don't have to see them...


Buffs and debuffs are usually... almost overpowered in COH, given what they can do to a player or team. And we've known this since live. It's part of what makes teaming in it fun - to get that level, there's a degree of cooperation needed. (See... almost any old Repeat Offenders team. Green Machine turning Emp/* defenders into "Regen blasters," for instance.)


As far as sets... so many of the sets are "hybrid," not purely buff or debuff,  so it's a question of where they fall on that scale. Empathy's purely "buff," Pain dom's mostly-buff-some-debuff and so forth. I play several pain dom characters, for instance (Rez Dispenser waves hello from the War Zone) but I don't know that I'd call them "debuffers," even if they do use their debuffs. And that leads into what I enjoy (or not,) which I find *really* depends on what I'm pairing them with, if I'm teamed or not, what AT I'm on. Some really call for dual builds (solo/team,) some are fine as is however you're playing.


I think my main gripe is how long it takes to cast and animate some of the debuffs. Buffs tend to be fine, debuffs vary on if they take a bit or not. Kin is (properly) fast, either way - you're not waiting for Siphon Speed to finish a three second animation, it's *boom*done. Rad frequently seems to be "Ok, I'll debuff that one's oh wait they're dead" on anything short of EBs if you're teaming. Given Kinetics can seriously debuff an enemy's regen/end/recovery - *while buffing allies nearby* - I'm not sure Rad debuffs really need to stay *that* long. (And I still say Clarity comes too late to be really useful as is, no matter what it's on, but at least it doesn't need extra slots if you take it.) Otherwise... yeah, they're fun, and in a reasonable place, I think.


Playing in debuff is really the only way to survive the summer heat when your A/C goes out.


As for Buff/Debuffing, I thoroughly enjoy playing my Water Blast/Poison Corruptor. It's actually pulled aggro from Tanks, I call it my 'Debuffett'. I have to agree with the other poisoners that you really need to be in the think of it for Poison to shine.


My Kin/Arch is my greatest team multiplier, all those team buffs while simultaneously debuffing enemies? What's not to love? Repel is probably the only thing I've never taken out of the set. I'm sure there are others that can give perfectly good reasons on taking Repel, so I'll leave it up to them. :)


Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx?

Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread.  Got a punny character? You should share it.

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Debuffs were generally ignored by me, even on toons like a Dark Armor that used them


Over time I realized how effective they are.  Dark’s to hit debuffs are incredibly good. Game changing 


My latest obsession is an AR Dev Blaster.  The smoke grenades with the debuff to to hit and perception can change a hopeless situation to an easy one.  Caltrops debuff to movement helps keep everyone where they should be.  War is debuff hell

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1 hour ago, Snarky said:

Debuffs were generally ignored by me, even on toons like a Dark Armor that used them


Over time I realized how effective they are.  

I am in a similar boat. In debuff. I get de splinters in my arse, so I have to stop rowing and pick dem out - during which time I often get zapped by enemies. Splinter Control ftw.


What I wanted to say is that debuffs are great, but it's not always clear when they're happening, who they're happening to, what effects to look for or even whether I should be looking for effects, and especially whether my damage will synch with any of the active debuffs.

I mean, even now, when I know it's a thing, I don't know whether picking specific combinations of powersets might mean a (much) easier time in combat.

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..It only takes one Beanbag fan saying that they JRANGER it for the devs to revert it.

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7 hours ago, Oubliette_Red said:

It's actually pulled aggro from Tanks,

You, too? I thought it was my medication!

Certain debuffs on certain mobs just seem to piss them off to the nth degree!


(I'll try to document it, I just thought it was me.)

Disclaimer: Not a medical doctor. Do not take medical advice from Doctor Ditko.

Also, not a physicist. Do not take advice on consensus reality from Doctor Ditko.

But games? He used to pay his bills with games. (He's recovering well, thanks for asking!)

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The debuffs I like to inflict:


* -damage.  I *think* this is not resistible and does not get scaled down from level differences.

* -damage resistance.  Even when resisted, more bang for the buck than adding more damage.

* -to hit.  This gets pretty resisted, but I'm not going to say no to additional not-getting-hittedness.


The debuffs I protect myself from:


* -speed/recharge.  100% resistance is great, but I'm generally happy with 65%+.

* -to hit.  I will often pick up an epic pool power to prevent to hit debuffs.


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I covered a lot of these in the Buffs discussion, because a lot of the Debuff sets also include Buffs, and vice versa.  As such, I'll just stick with what I feel are the best Debuff sets...


Storm Summoning is a great set to use to just completely ransack the enemy.  It gets some flak from various players who think the game should only be played in terms of "DPS."  I am increasingly ignoring this mindset.  Sure, it can be neat to gather a group of enemies together and plant a Burn patch at their feet, then watch them roll over dea-er-defeated...  But it's not very dynamic.  After a while, it's not really fun.  I would much rather use Hurricane to shove a group of enemies into the corner and watch them struggle to get back on their feet as the angry cloud you summoned nails them with .50 caliber lightning bolts.  I like throwing a tornado into the midst of the enemy and watching them get tossed about; just when one of them is about to hit you, BAM! the tornado snakes around and throw him into the air.  Freezing Rain is a wonderful damage patch power that also slashes the enemies' defenses and keeps them off their feet, making them easy pickings.  Steamy Mist is a Defense and Resistance Buff that provides Stealth, but it also has a chance to confuse the enemy.


Poison is a terror for Arch Villains, Giant Monsters and Heroes.  It was such a terror that the Paragon developers had to nerf it.  Why?  Because the Healing Fluffy Romulus uses is supposed to be scary for the players, and Poison's Envenom negated it utterly.  When Romulus wasn't getting healed because Envenom had a 100% No Healing debuff, and the team that didn't know that hit him with absolutely everything they had, he went down FAST.  Sadly, I only got to see this a few times before the Paragon devs "adjusted" Poison to not be so dangerous.  Still, it's a very nasty effect.  I think it was converted to -50% Heal for the primary target, -25% Heal for the splashed targets.  Still enough to make Romulus feel it, even if his Healing Fluffy is pulling from a target rich environment, plus if you get it recharging quick enough, I think you can stack it...  Really, Poison revolves around Envenom.  Weaken helps, and it's a handy one-two punch against foes, but while it reduces the effectiveness of enemy attacks, enemies never really seem that bothered by ToHit debuffs unless they are REALLY stacked.  Neurotoxic Breath is a slow.  That's it.  For as slow as it recharges and as much endurance as it costs, I would have expected more effects.  Paralytic Poison and Poison Trap, however, are another one-two punch in the set that can't be ignored.  Paralytic is just a simple Hold, while the Trap has another Hold built into it.  Stacked together, the two really knock out targets of interest.  On top of that, the Trap is sapping their endurance and running a check to see if they get Held.  While it's not that big a deal for classic enemies, revamped ones like the Circle of Thorns or the Praetorians can find themselves suddenly without energy, even if they resisted the Hold.  Stacked Poison Traps REALLY mess up the enemy.  Venomous Gas...  Could do for a revamp.  I like its effect, but think about it...  You're a squishy.  Enemies tend to dislike when they're being hit by a Debuff, especially one that is debuffing their Defense, Resistance, Damage and ToHit, and look, the source is RIGHT THERE in throttling range!  I much prefer the Mastermind version of this (Noxious Gas), where you can slap it on one of your minions and THEY take the aggro for screwing with the enemies that get too close.


Trick Arrow takes a small while to really get good.  At first, you're hitting them with Entangling Arrow.  Immobilize, no hold, no damage; just knock the enemy out of the sky and keep them in one place where from where they can shoot at you.  Then there's Flash Arrow.  -ToHit.  I already mentioned how enemies seem to ignore this.  At least you can just keep popping an enemy mob over and over again with it until the team is ready to attack them, then they wonder where that Scrapper came from because it screws with their Perception, too.  Then you get Glue Arrow.  Now we're talking.  A slow patch.  Not a "one shot, oops, you missed half the group" slow, like Poison's Neurotoxic Breath.  No, in this one, if the enemies go through the patch, they're slowed.  No ToHit check about it.  Too bad the power recharges so damn slowly, too.  Ice Arrow's a Hold, and rather incongruent to the set.  Still, it inflicts -Damage, -Recharge, and -Speed, so even if you used it on a Boss and didn't stop them, they're still feeling effects.  Poison Gas Arrow is helpful, but it's putting enemies to sleep and causing them -Damage.  It's rather boring and isn't that effective.  Then you get Acid Arrow!  This thing has better splash effects than Poison's Envenom and Weaken.  I wish more splash attacks had this kind of radius.  Minor (REALLY minor) damage inflicted, but -Defense, -Resistance to Debuffs, and -Heal (not as great as Envenom, but it helps).  This winds up being the core of your Trick Arrow strategy because of how badly it messes enemies up.  Disruption Arrow works as a nice second to Acid Arrow.  It's a -Resistance patch, so essentially the sonic grenade the Longbow Nullifiers like shooting at us.  Mix it up with a burning Oil Slick, and...  Well...  Enemies can die faster to other powers, but it's not quite as entertaining.  So, yeah, Oil Slick Arrow...  Makes enemies slip and fall.  Hit the oil slick with something that sparks, like fire or electricity (or Mud Pots, oddly enough), and the whole thing lights up, torching the enemies that are still slipping and falling in it.  On top of that, it's ALSO reducing their Defense and Speed.  Finally, the EMP Arrow...  This used to suck.  It was a nonlethal Nuke, so the Cryptic devs got it into their heads that it needed to completely drain the PC's endurance when used AND make the PC unable to gain endurance for a while.  I'm sorry, but that is a stupid mechanic.  Worse, when the Blast Nukes had their endurance costs removed, EMP Arrow didn't get that benefit.  It was just a terrible Nuke that did no damage (except to robots, and then not much) and left the PC at the mercy of the enemy.  This is why Homecoming's New And Improved EMP Arrow is SO MUCH BETTER!  Now, you fire it into the ground, making it another patch, and it produces a dome of electricity that is boosting your allies and hitting the enemies with Holds (and robotic enemies take damage).  It doesn't sap your endurance; in fact it protects your endurance.  It is the Thunderdome, you and your enemies enter, and you will leave!


Traps is exactly what it says on the tin.  You place things on the battlefield that disrupt and disable the enemies.  Once again, we have an immobilize power in Web Grenade (this game has a weird love for these things)...  A single-target immobilize power.  I freaking hate these things.  I know people have tactics for them, but I have never added more than one slot to this power, and then only because I couldn't figure out where else to put it.  Once I could skip it on secondaries, I did.  Again, nothing against people who factor it into their tactics, I just can't stand it, especially when I can get the same effect and better from things like Wide Area Web Grenade.  Speaking of better, CALTROPS!  Now this power I freaking LOVE!  It takes set enhancements, so I'm looking forward to experimenting with it a bit, getting it to spike enemies caught in them with various PROCs (I just have so many characters, I can't focus my inf* funds on buying up some PROCs for my four Traps characters).  The Acid Mortar is like Trick Arrow's Acid Arrow, but it sits in place and keeps lobbing acid bombs at enemies.  It's -Defense and -Resistance, which is just great.  It's all it needs.  Poison Trap is amazing, too.  Okay, so, look at Poison's Poison Trap: Hold, Sleep, Endurance Drain.  Yay.  Now, look at Traps' Poison Trap: Hold, Slow, -Recharge and -Regen.  Tactically, with the way the game works, this is MUCH better!  On top of that, you can't get interrupted when planting it, making a great "F YOU!" to enemies that get too danged close.  Seeker Drones has the classic -ToHit (for what good that does; dang it, it seems the Mercs' Spec Ops Flash Bang is more effective!), but it has a chance to disorient enemies.  Then there's the classic trip mine (which plants and recharges slower than the Blaster version, and has an Interrupt to it, but hits no less powerfully) and the Time Bomb, which both do grievous damage to enemies and are a great asset for setting an ambush (or Fold Space...).  There's also the Self Destruct for Masterminds, where you sacrifice a minion to inflict the same damage as Time Bomb...  I've only got one character that's so callous about their minions (oddly enough a hero, but her minions are robots), and it's pretty effective, I'm not gonna deny.


Dark Miasma...  Tar Patch has everything you want in a debuff.  -Defense, -Resistance, SLOW, it's a patch, so the enemies don't get a chance to shrug it off.  I've seen groups of enemies get mowed down once hit with Tar Patch.  It seems to have a slow recharge, but really only because you're approaching the next mob before the patch has even faded.  Darkest Night is actually an effective -ToHit debuff.  At least, you can actually notice instinctively that there's been a change in the fight's dynamic (as opposed to the "Meh, kinda..." of the effectiveness of other -ToHit debuffs).  It might have something to do with how the -ToHit from other Dark Miasma powers stack with it, as Twilight Grasp and Fearsome Stare both have -ToHit effects, and the Dark Servant has similar powers, further adding to the stacks of -ToHit.  Fearsome Stare and Petrifying Gaze are great crowd control, Fear and Hold...  I can't speak to Black Hole, though.  I've seen it used, but it infuriates players, way more than knockback, to make it that enemies are impossible to hit.  Sure, the enemies can't hit you, but it would be nice if we could hit them in that time.  Now, I think players can hit them, but I've had mixed results.


Radiation Emission used to be the KING of Debuffs, though.  Radiation Infection and Ennervating Field, slap those two on an enemy and then just keep an eye on the team to make sure they stay alive.  Radiation Infection, -Defense and -ToHit, and like Dark Miasma's Darkest Night, it's a -ToHit that actually feels like it's having an effect.  Ennervatng Field is -Damage and -Resistance.  It's a one-two punch that just ruins most enemies.  I'm really loving how the body of an enemy remains an anchor for the debuffs, too, because they're so effective that your anchor is usually one of the first enemies to drop.  In the Paragon days, these would just shut down at that point, forcing players to target bosses in order to maximize the length of time they were debuffing the enemy spawn (which the Scrapper or Stalker would promptly ruin by simply executing the Boss).  Lingering Radiation could probably have stood to be another toggle, but it's fine as a targeted AOE.  It slows the enemy, and pretty effectively, too.  It also messes up their Regeneration.  Choking Cloud...  I like it, but it has the same problem as Venomous Gas, just without the extra debuffs.  It's just a radiating Hold, and it's pretty expensive on Endurance, too.  Fallout's weird.  You make a fallen ally EXPLODE!  And the results leave nearby enemies severely debilitated.  Thanks to the highly situational nature of this power, it's not as debilitating on the PC as other nuke powers...  But with how competent teams have been lately, good luck using this (it's not like you can stab your teammate for using a Restoration or Immortal Recovery because you refused to use Mutation on them until it was tactically feasible).  Then there's EM Pulse.  Remember my rant about the old EMP Arrow?  Yeah, slap that here, too, only now you can add to the problem that you're doing this at POINT BLANK RANGE!  So, you're doing no damage, you're pissing off your enemies, and now you're in STABBING RANGE.  You MIGHT Hold the enemies.  Might.  Miiiiiiiiiiight.  So, this power might be due for a revamp, too.  Hint-hint.


There are Debuffs in a lot of the other sets, too, but these are the sets that are most focused on debuffs as a major facet of their builds. 

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You can be a good man, the best man in the world...  But there will always be somebody who hates a good man.

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5 hours ago, rolandgrey said:

Then there's Flash Arrow.  -ToHit.  I already mentioned how enemies seem to ignore this. 

Half of Flash Arrow's -tohit is unresistable. 


5 hours ago, rolandgrey said:

At first, you're hitting them with Entangling Arrow.  Immobilize, no hold, no damage; just knock the enemy out of the sky and keep them in one place where from where they can shoot at you. 

Entangling Arrow has -resist.


5 hours ago, rolandgrey said:

Tar Patch has everything you want in a debuff.  -Defense, -Resistance, SLOW, it's a patch, so the enemies don't get a chance to shrug it off.

Tar Patch doesn't have -defense.

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Look, it was late, and I was using Unofficial Homecoming Wiki for quick notes rather than hop on my Trick Arrow Corrupter or my Dark/Dark Defender.


So, I missed that Entangling Arrow has a -Resistance.  It's still a single-target.  Might be helpful in an AV fight, but that's about it.  As far as Flash Arrow, though, the game's enemies have a tendency to ignore -ToHit debuffs unless they are heavily stacked.


My mistake on the Tar Patch, though.  I must have read something else and it just stayed with me while I was writing that up.

You can be a good man, the best man in the world...  But there will always be somebody who hates a good man.

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On 6/10/2023 at 10:13 AM, Oubliette_Red said:

It's actually pulled aggro from Tanks


it's easy to pull aggro from a lot of the tanks these days, they don't bother getting taunt.

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If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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53 minutes ago, UltraAlt said:


it's easy to pull aggro from a lot of the tanks these days, they don't bother getting taunt.


That may be true of PUG's but I play with the same folks that I played with on Legacy and they know better. :)


Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx?

Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread.  Got a punny character? You should share it.

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17 minutes ago, Oubliette_Red said:

That may be true of PUG's but I play with the same folks that I played with on Legacy and they know better. 🙂



There were plenty of tanks before the Sunset that didn't have taunt in the end-years of Freedom (F2P).


I play with people that I gamed with long before there was THE CITY, but I average PUG-ing far more time than I get to game with them.

PUG-ing isn't a bad thing.


I have no idea what server cluster Legacy may be on. It isn't here at Homecoming. The various servers clusters seem to have their own rules.


If a tank doesn't have enough taunt to hold the agro (especially, if they are working with the same team all the time) when they are the same level as their teammates.... then maybe they don't think they need enough taunt to keep the agro.


If you want to talk from a position of superiority, then that's on you.


I PUG-ed before the Sunset. 

I don't play the end-game.

I'm not here to be elite.

I started playing the week before Issue 2 released.

I've been PUG'ing with the community the whole time, and I'll be PUG'ing the last day that I adventure in THE CITY.

If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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On 6/11/2023 at 1:11 AM, rolandgrey said:

Steamy Mist is a Defense and Resistance Buff that provides Stealth, but it also has a chance to confuse the enemy.

Being picky, I know, but Steamy Mist doesn't Confuse the enemy. That's Arctic Air, from Ice.

Steamy Mist gives you resistance to and protection from Confuse.

Disclaimer: Not a medical doctor. Do not take medical advice from Doctor Ditko.

Also, not a physicist. Do not take advice on consensus reality from Doctor Ditko.

But games? He used to pay his bills with games. (He's recovering well, thanks for asking!)

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19 hours ago, DoctorDitko said:

Being picky, I know, but Steamy Mist doesn't Confuse the enemy. That's Arctic Air, from Ice.

Steamy Mist gives you resistance to and protection from Confuse.

Dang.  That's just a straight misread on my part.

You can be a good man, the best man in the world...  But there will always be somebody who hates a good man.

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