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What AT/powerset keeps you playing?


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Bio armor / Dark melee tank


Just over 3k hp in defensive adaptation.  I turn off most of my toggles so my friend isnt bored on her empathy characters.  She still says healing me is pointless with absorb pain refilling less than half of my hp.


I run a hami tank build and an AoE damage build as well.  Shadow maul with a tank is quite satisfying.


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1 hour ago, TheZag said:

Just over 3k hp in defensive adaptation.  I turn off most of my toggles so my friend isnt bored on her empathy characters.  She still says healing me is pointless with absorb pain refilling less than half of my hp.


I know those feels - it is pointless! I had a fully-kitted Emp/Archery Defender on Live, and yeah, it's boring playing with fully kitted groups/toons - nothing to do with the primary besides the occasional Fort, RA, or Clear Mind.  Much more fun trying to do things your team's probably not geared for.

(also, WOW is that a lot of HP - I think the best I ever got Absorb Pain to was about 1600 hp, enough to fully heal most squishies.  I'd be rather frustrated if I'd tried to heal you from critical and only got you to 2/3)

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Shield/Psi Tank (main, favourite AT, love TK powers)

Ice/Axe Tank (old main, nostalgia overload from this one)

Illusion/Storm Controller (super flashy and cool looking)

Storm/Ice Blaster (2nd favourite AT, synergises really well)

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My allegedly sub-optimal Martial Arts / Ninjutsu scrapper.  Tight rotation, animations that flow smoothly (usually), and a strong mix of reactive and proactive defenses.  Put that all together with the Cybertech Long jacket (or a trenchcoat, who am I to judge?), and you've got one deadly dancer.  That's my go-to when I want to play but I'm not sure what to play.  Hasn't let me down yet.

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On live I played pretty much nothing but controllers. Homecoming, defender is my most played AT. They're just so versatile, and the most varied in playstyles from power combo to power combo. I've made a couple of stand out toons though that were surprising in how fun they were.


Poison/Elec defender, before the elec buffs even this was my main, the sets performed surprisingly well together and even more so now after the elec buffs.

Ice/Martial Dom. I loved ice control on live, and now that it's been buffed, and domination affects arctic air it's even better. Martial arts is considered pretty middle of the road for assault sets but Dragon's Tail and Storm Kick given you even more mitigation while doing damage and my toon looked cool while doing it.

Sonic/Devices blaster, my most recent out of this list, and probably my most surprising. I've never been a big fan of toons that only do damage, so very few blasters interested me. However sonic/devices get a ton of tools and crowd control that most blasters don't come close to having while still doing blaster level damage. It's good for teams and awesome for soloing. One of the few toons I might fully incarnate out.



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Claws scrappers are my absolute favorite.  I have 1 of each at various level stages, and doubled up on some of my favorites. At 50 I have rad, willpower , elec, and energy armors with dark, stone, and SR not far behind.

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Mastermind is what sold me on the game originally, and its been my "true love" ever since. Being able to run so many pets at once and essentially get that "squad commander" feel is unlike anything I've found in another MMO, and there's just so much you can do with the different powersets

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I don't really have one powerset or AT that keeps me going. 

All my characters are concepts that I want to see play out.

Right now I've been working on a whole bunch of "misplaced D&D adventurer" characters. Some of them were easy (fighter, monk, rogue, etc), while others were more challenging to work out builds for (took me ages to figure out what defensive set to go for for a paladin, as they need to be tanky and be able to heal, and I won't use aid other because of the tricorder).

It's also been a bit more difficult because I don't want to reuse any powersets, even across ATs. 

When I'm "done" with them (I have about 3-4 more to go), I might go back to working on my "summoned elementals" character ideas.

Edited by WumpusRat
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  • 2 weeks later

Less an AT, but an entire powerset category: support.


Other powerset categories are quite same-y. If you've played one blast or armor set, you've played most of them. Oh, the animation times may differ, the power order may differ, sometimes you get to choose if you want build up or follow up, etc. Occasionally you get the one oddball, like Mind control not having a pet nor a 90s aoe mez, or TW with its very impactful (heh) momentum system that upends the concept of the attack chain which coh players have used to think about ST DPS for many years. But broadly speaking, most sets within their category are very homogenized and offer only 1-2 powers that may be considered truly different. Lame.


The support sets, on the other hand, each offer a radically different experience. An emp spot healing and precision-buffing critical teammates, with an intense focus on individual players' statuses, is a world away from an aggressive kin seeking out optimal targets for FS and transfuse and paying close attention to enemy movement and positioning. A tanky time plowing through the frontline with debuff auras and pbaoe buffs is very different from an offensive storm shredding everything with multiple lightning storms and tornadoes eating up resistance debuffed enemies. In coh the task of surviving enemy fire can be accomplished by such varied means as debuffs, by healing, by mitigation, by offense being the best defense, and by controls and mezzes and repels and blinds. Then to all this amazing diversity and variety, the four AT's with access to support sets each offer a different paradigm of how that support focus may be synergized with a different toolkit. Groundbreaking.


Support AT's and the decision to make support powers not only really powerful, but more impactful than personal buffs (as they rightly and always should be), is one of the few things Cryptic/Paragon got right about their combat system. This unique, defining characteristic of this game's combat continues to make it stand out from its trinity MMO competitors.


However if you ask me to pick just one AT I would have to say Masterminds. It's very rare to find an MMO with a good pet class, and MM's are one of the few things that still scratch the itch.

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"What AT/powerset keeps you playing?"


Did someone already say the-next-one? **@Mopery !!** /em fistwave

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"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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On 8/1/2023 at 1:26 PM, alphamax said:

Mentioned aspects of this in a different post... been with HC since 2021 and I'm running out of steam.

I have lots of maxed out characters, but really all I play are:

  • Damage: Fire/EM blaster - haven't found anything that outdamages/dps this blapper
  • Control: Grav/Psi dominator - haven't found anything that outcontrols him
  • Unkillable: Stone/Rad tanker - haven't found anything that outsurvives him


You should try a Fire/Fire Dominator - Flashfire instead of Wormhole for the stun, otherwise same amount of control and loads of damage.


Tank: Shield/Stone - survives everything, loads of smashy damage, and it's so much more nimble than a Stone Armor tank.


Try coming up with a concept build with a backstory and costume and battle cry for some mild RP fun. My guy Broken Fridge is an Ice/Cold Corrupter and is loads of fun, does tons of damage + foe debuffs + team buffs, and is always entertaining to team with.


What do you do with your three toons? Do you play Ouro arcs, read the stories, anything like that? If you don't enjoy actually playing the game, nothing will save it for you. It's super repetitive, with the same maps and spawns over and over again.

If you don't spice it up by getting into the stories or making up your own (character backstories, etc), trying out ATs/Combos & costumes for fun, what else is there to do?

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