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most important issue to you  

102 members have voted

  1. 1. most important issue to you

    • AR - beanbag becomes aim
    • FIGHTING - tough/weave without kick/punch
    • COLD DOM - power boost not work with cold shields, but do with FF shields
    • STORM BLAST - too slow, needs buffs
    • ARCHERY -ST awful, lethal, eww. needs buffs.
    • other! - vote here for what i think means super strength, but wielding a motorcycle?
    • WIND CONTROL - up and down drafts
    • WHIPS - yes, even if all the abilities use variants of 2 animations!
    • STORY MISSIONS - like the one where you let a guy die in a burning building on purpose
    • PVP - good for you, good for me
    • PRISMS! - they dont drop enough
    • DEMONS, WITH HORNS -> that can wear sunglasses

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3 hours ago, megaericzero said:


There was that time Captain America did a front-flip off his motorcycle in ... Age of Ultron I think? Tossed the thing at some guys.

I want to say one of the Decepticons in the first Bay film grabbed a passing motorcycle by the handlebars and whacked an Autobot with it. They're already giant robots of course, though.

And Dante has a motorcycle that splits into dual-wielding chainsaws or something in DMC5. 😜 (Dunno, never played - just saw it in the commercials.)

Jet Li used a motorcycle to kill someone in The One, and Milla Jovovich killed a zombie with one in Resident Evil: Apocalypse.

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57 minutes ago, SeraphimKensai said:

Jet Li used a motorcycle to kill someone in The One



Motorcycle dual wield!



With the delayed firing on https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Munitions_Mastery#LRM_Rocket , maybe we could get this motorcycle animation.







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If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

1 minute ago, BurtHutt said:

Implement my AE idea! 😄 


What AE Idea is that?!

If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

38 minutes ago, UltraAlt said:


What AE Idea is that?!

Well, it's something I've been pitching for well over 2 years. No dice...so far. I've never put together the full, detailed version of what I'd like to see as the Devs don't seem interested at this time. So, allow me to go with a brief outline here...


The idea is for players to make AE missions that get added to the game. Not the current AE version but a separate AE that is overseen by Devs. The idea is to create a lot of content without taxing Dev resources.  This new content would be part of the regular game and canon. These contacts would not be in the AE.


For example: let's say we put a contact in an area that has a need for content and something new. Tons of options here but I'd suggest Kalisti Wharf. Co-op and a place that doesn't have much going on. So, you place a contact here and have it connected to a separate AE system. Then Devs announce players can make AE content as long as it adheres to strict guidelines and rules. You could open up a forum slot and say this month the first five AE arcs posted will be reviewed and added as long as they pass Dev review. For those that  pass, drag and drop them into the new content. Hopefully this results in minimal work for coders and those Devs and they can focus on their regular material they're planning to add.


Any player created submission must also have a proper write up, HC wiki entries for original characters/mission and so on. The idea is to make as little work for the programmers, coders etc. 


The missions, of course, will be similar to radio/paper/tip missions but those are very popular amongst the players.  If this pilot project proves to be a hit then you can add more contacts for other ranges and themes. For example: big global threats could have a contact in the RWZ....and so on.


Anyway, I'm not going to flesh this out in extreme detail. Devs have told me it's a lot of front end work to make this alternate version of the AE where you drag and drop into it but I think it'd be worth it. Thanks for reading! 🙂 

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15 minutes ago, BurtHutt said:

This new content would be part of the regular game and canon.

Nothing the HC devs add will ever, technically, be part of the game's canon.  For all intents and purposes, every storyline or addition the HC team creates is fanfiction.  Don't get me wrong, I very much enjoy and appreciate what they've done, but until such time as there's an official transfer of ownership of the CoH IP, canon ended when the live servers went offline.


That being said, I see no reason why they couldn't add certain choice AE missions or arcs as full-fledged content that would be available outside of AE...

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2 minutes ago, biostem said:

Nothing the HC devs add will ever, technically, be part of the game's canon.  For all intents and purposes, every storyline or addition the HC team creates is fanfiction.  Don't get me wrong, I very much enjoy and appreciate what they've done, but until such time as there's an official transfer of ownership of the CoH IP, canon ended when the live servers went offline.


That being said, I see no reason why they couldn't add certain choice AE missions or arcs as full-fledged content that would be available outside of AE...


I think it is painfully obvious that it won't be part of the original game - especially since that game is gone....done...shittered.  The regular game is HC...for me, anyway. Again, seemed obvious to me.


Anyway, I feel this AE idea would be impactful. It'd pull out a lot of creators and the such to get their missions into game. It would be something new and original for the players. It would be less work for the Devs. CoX seems to be losing players and what not and I get it. Not a ton of new stuff and the new stuff added is not a lot - a lot of it is good stuff, don't get me wrong. I like it but players will lose interest when new stuff doesn't get added. When was the last update? 8+ months ago? (maybe I'm wrong?).


I don't lay any blame on the Devs. I really appreciate them. They put out some quality work. A lot of it is on par with the Live game (if not better). Having the players do some work isn't the worst idea. Like I said before: help us help you!



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1 hour ago, BurtHutt said:

The idea is for players to make AE missions that get added to the game.


1 hour ago, BurtHutt said:

This new content would be part of the regular game and canon. These contacts would not be in the AE.


Yeah. I have been suggesting that for a while as well.

I'm assuming they may consider them to be already added because they are in the AE.


I think "street" contacts for good, non-farm missions could help expand content in the game (versus end-game) to increase the leveling paths.

Of course, if they were added directly into the game as "street" content they would have to be cannon appropriate missions.

Several people have pointed out that they don't enjoy going through leveling in the game any more because they have already run all the content.


1 hour ago, BurtHutt said:

or example: let's say we put a contact in an area that has a need for content and something new.


There are plenty of zones missing contacts (Creys Folly, Terra Volta, etc.) or could use more that fit the flavor of the zone (Croatoa (more mystic stuff!), Striga (I just love to punch 5th Column and Council), The Hollows (https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Minions_of_Igneous), etc).


1 hour ago, BurtHutt said:

You could open up a forum slot and say this month the first five AE arcs posted will be reviewed and added as long as they pass Dev review.


I wouldn't even limit it like that.

If the DEVs are willing to review for inclusion into the non-AE part of the game, I think canon only submissions with detailed info (Basic story breakdown, enemy groups involved, level ranges [very important that these fit game perimeters for current story arcs] etc.)

DEVs could then review missions based on the detailed info and decide based on that which they would like to look at and evaluate.


First Five seems based on who posts first. Personally, I feel that posting first (through 5) doesn't make those arcs any better than the others that people would post for review. They simply posted quickly.

If the DEVs don't like the idea of the mission enough from the info write-up then they shouldn't be force to play/evaluate it simply because it was one of the first 5 posted.


I would actually think it would work better if the DEVs called for arcs to be written for certain zones with certain enemy groups and level ranges possibly even providing some basic cannon information to be included in or be a basis for the arcs.


1 hour ago, BurtHutt said:

HC wiki entries for original characters/mission


Are AE mission writers actually doing this?


1 hour ago, BurtHutt said:

The missions, of course, will be similar to radio/paper/tip missions



Why can't they be full arcs?



If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

Posted (edited)

DEMONS, WITH HORNS -> that can wear sunglasses


I was like, oh this is all going to be power measuring and... WAIT JUST A @#$@ing SECOND?! They actually got my problem?


In 2012 era terms, CoH's polygon budget was conservative in order to deal with an engine that was not as optimized as it could be and MMO shenanigans, like 50 people crowded into one area for a giant monster/raid/etc... event.


In 2023 era terms, CoH's polygon budget is ridiculous compared to what even very, very potato computers can do now-- with a few big exceptions.


We *need* the ability to overlap more costume parts. This NEEDED to happen in 2012. Some of this, I'd like to see come in the form of new costume tech, like asymmetrical tops and applying textures to patterns and vice-versa.


And I DO INDEED have a demon girl who cannot wear her horns and glasses at the same time because they're both stuck in Detail 1. Break horns out. Break glasses out. Break a few things out that were limited for reasons that don't really exist any more, let alone matter.


Now, the huge exception... We've got some stuff that's CPU-bound that SHOULD be GPU bound, but that was created before GPUs were really capable of doing things. Capes are the number one example, but there are a few others. These, frankly, need to be reworked to allow GPU utilization. That's a huge ask for an entirely volunteer dev staff. At the very least, players need to be limited to 1, maybe 2 cape systems.


That said, I'm perfectly willing to completely sacrifice capes and cape systems if it means my characters can have extra details.



Edna Mode:



"Enabling this costume feature requires disabling Cape Systems for your character, making some costume parts unavailable, including Trenchcoats. This requirement is in place to reduce network lag and graphical slowdown for all players."




Make this happen!



-- Edit --


Re-reading this this morning, I realize that it can possibly be taken as 'I want to take away others' ability to use capes'. That's not what I intended at all. My goal for this would be to limit my own polygon budget and CPU utilization in exchange for extra details on my character. I'm restricting how others see me, and not the other way around. Others could make the choice for their own characters, but wouldn't be limited or affected in any way by others' choice.


Two cape systems per character is probably reasonable and not terribly taxing on most computers. It would allow for things like wearing the Sybils' /Sister Solaris'  flowing gowns. It wouldn't allow for things like Mirror Spirits multiple cape systems to make up her robe and hair ornaments. I can certainly see the argument for allowing unlimited cape systems, but I don't think it's worth it.

Edited by mechahamham
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I voted other, I have 2 though.

1. I want an Auction House rep to stand in my base, I know this has already been said can't be done but I can still want it.

2. Custom options for my many MM pets.


That's all, such little things to make me happy:)

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Posted (edited)

Is this how I am supposed to find out +4 bosses can be teleported?


EDIT: or that Threat and Fear now have PVP or Purple Enhancement sets?

Edited by tidge
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Posted (edited)
50 minutes ago, Scarlet Shocker said:

How can any of this be anyone else's most pressing issue when the OP defined the parameters? Makes no sense to me.


ummm... the f? 






what is your most pressing issue?


options are some of the most recently debated thread topics here, and some adds that people posted as other.


you just wanna complain that poll doesnt have more specificity in other? or you disapprove of wielding motorcyles as improvised weaponry?

Edited by honoroit
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Fold Space... Ive learned to freaking HATE that power. People on teams just use it aimlessly.. dont tell other people they are using it... 


Here I go running in with my PbAoE or Targeted Ground AoE attack and some Jabroni teleports the WHOLE group away.. thanks for wasting my nuke....

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16 minutes ago, Heatstroke said:

Fold Space... Ive learned to freaking HATE that power. People on teams just use it aimlessly.. dont tell other people they are using it... 


Here I go running in with my PbAoE or Targeted Ground AoE attack and some Jabroni teleports the WHOLE group away.. thanks for wasting my nuke....


tanker prerogative imo.


in fairness, unless its macrod in its unwieldy to party announce on each cast, and the player might be pointed at for spamming, or not having message suppress for miscast / double press on the power.


hasslesome, but the benefits for hearding are real.


but ya, it can cause you to not have an aoe land... but typically who you hit is snapshot at the time of cast execution, meaning this only really affects stuff like meteor.

25 minutes ago, honoroit said:


tanker prerogative imo.


in fairness, unless its macrod in its unwieldy to party announce on each cast, and the player might be pointed at for spamming, or not having message suppress for miscast / double press on the power.


hasslesome, but the benefits for hearding are real.


but ya, it can cause you to not have an aoe land... but typically who you hit is snapshot at the time of cast execution, meaning this only really affects stuff like meteor.


 trust me..  Ive seen herding of entire maps back in the day into a dumpster... 


and its NOT just tankers doing it... 


just say something... announce your doing it..  and you dont have to do it every mob... just let people know you have the ability.. so they dont waste their attacks.. 


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My main concern? Forum PVP.

My main concern in-game? Unbalanced ATs/Powersets, and I am not referring only to DPS. Some of them are so far behind that they were left back on live. At least some are seeing updates though which is nice.

55 minutes ago, honoroit said:

tanker prerogative imo.

Yeah, not without an announcement before you start: "hey all, I have Fold Space and like to use it, OK?"  That's not asking too much.  😃


Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
1 hour ago, Heatstroke said:

Fold Space... Ive learned to freaking HATE that power. People on teams just use it aimlessly.. dont tell other people they are using it... 


Here I go running in with my PbAoE or Targeted Ground AoE attack and some Jabroni teleports the WHOLE group away.. thanks for wasting my nuke....

Was on a TF recently with a Elec/Elec Brute.


Countless times I would use Lighting Rod only for them to disappear due to Fold Space.

Became kinda funny

 Forums  - a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.

"it will be a forum for consumers to exchange their views on medical research"

Spam Response- Spam, in the context of cybersecurity, refers to any unsolicited and often irrelevant or inappropriate messages sent over the internet. 

1 hour ago, Clave Dark 5 said:

Yeah, not without an announcement before you start: "hey all, I have Fold Space and like to use it, OK?"  That's not asking too much.  😃

Usually I know after the first mob that someone loves gold space - after that, I simply wait for them to utilize it.

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Posted (edited)
12 minutes ago, Apogee said:

Nerf regen.


Seriously, I would love to see a fix/buff for regen.  Add some +absorb, regen debuff resistance, etc.



is it as terrible on all AT as legend has it?


ive never made a regen, because its always been looked at as really bad on HC.


like spirit tree in 🪴 plant? or 'triangle (triage) beacon'?


(150% regen when it would need to be 800 to be a static placable worth a tuppeny damn)

Edited by honoroit

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